(2019版)新人教版高中英语必修第二册Unit 4 History and traditions Listening and Speaking课后一练 (含答案).doc

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1、第 1页(共 11页)Unit4 History and traditionsSection A Listening and Speaking一、用适当的介词或副词填空1.Its time for you to make changesyour life.2.They agreed not to referthat matter again.3.When his father gets old,he will takethefarm.4.He was absent from school,so he was leftin hisclass.5.Your personal feelings sh

2、ouldnt enterthis atall.二、单句语法填空1.The long speech really made the girl feel(puzzle).2.The bike(belong) to Mike was stolen lastnight.3.The woman rushed there in(defend) of her son.4.When he woke up,he found himself(surround) bysome children.5.There is a lot of(evident) showing that she isguilty.第 2页(共

3、 11页)6.It is a great(achieve) for such a youngplayer.7.What is the exact(locate) of the ship?8.The results of the survey made(fascinate)reading.三、阅读理解AMary Anning was an English fossil(化石) collector,dealerand paleontologist(古生物学家)Her fossilhunting helpedchange the way people thought about the world.

4、Mary was born into a poor family in England on May 21,1799.She lived in the seaside town of Lyme Regis,in Dorset.Thefamily had nine children.Only Mary and her brother Joseph grewup.Marys father took his children along the beach.They pickedup shells and stones to sell to visitors.Mary did not go tosc

5、hool much.Her family was toopoor.And schools did not teachchildren about fossils.Mary could read and write.She taughtherself.She learned about rocks and how bodies are made.In 1811 when Mary and Joseph were hunting fossils,Josephsaw a bone sticking out of the rock.Mary had a hammer to chipaway at th

6、e rock.Very carefully she uncovered it.She found thefirst complete fossil of the ichthyosaur(鱼龙)Since then, Mary became crazy about fossil hunting.She likedto hunt on the beach after a storm.The wind,rain and waves madethe rocks crumbleIt was easy to spot fossils.Most days Mary第 3页(共 11页)went fossil

7、 hunting with her dog,Tray.Rich friends helped Mary by selling fossils for her.Theysent her money.Scientists wrote letters and came to see her.Onegood friend was William Buckland , a professor at OxfordUniversity.Mary also opened a shop to sell fossils,stones andshells.She chatted with visitors.Mary

8、 Anning died in 1847.How evolution(进化) works wasexplained by Charles Darwin not long after Marys death.Herfossils had helped scientists understand how things began.1Why did Marys father take his children along the beach?ATo enjoy life.BTo make a living.CTo look for fossils.DTo teach them about fossi

9、ls.2What can we learn about Mary?AHer father was a paleontologist.BHer father educated her at home.CShe had nine brothers and sisters in all.DShe might be popular at that time.3 Who was the first one to catch sight of the rock containingthe first complete ichthyosaur fossil?ACharles Darwin.BMarys do

10、g.CJoseph.DMary.4What does the underlined word“crumble”in the fourthparagraph mean?第 4页(共 11页)ABreak.BShake.CFloat.DDive.BThe words “England” and “English” are perhaps the twomostmisusedwordsintheEnglishlanguage.TheBritishthemselves often say England and English when they really meanBritain and Brit

11、ish.Whats the difference , you may ask.To understand thequestion we have to know something about the history of thecountry and its people.We all know that Britain is an island country separated fromthe European continent by the English Channel.Actually therearetwo main islands.The larger one is call

12、ed Britain, or GreatBritain,and the smaller one is called Ireland,and these two,together with many small islands make up what is called theBritish Isles.The British Isles is a geographical term.It is not the nameof any country.At present it is made up of two countries,thelarger of which is the one w

13、e very often inaccurately callEngland.The full official name is the United Kingdom of GreatBritain and Northern Ireland,but people call it Britain orGreat Britain for that.It consists of England,Scotland,Walesand a small part of Irelandthe northeastern part.People still tend to call Britain England

14、not only becauseEngland is the largest in area and the most populous but mostly第 5页(共 11页)because England is the strongest and also the most influentialcountry in every respect before it absorbed the other threecountries(The whole of Ireland was part of the United Kingdomat one time)Call it national

15、 chauvinism (沙文主义) if youlike,but people in England call Britain England out of habitrather than conscious sense of superiority,though it annoysthe Welsh and especially the Scots who are proud of theirseparate national tradition.5The British Isles is made up of _Aone countryBtwo countriesCtwo and a

16、half countriesDthree countries6The full official name of Britain is _AGreat BritainBEnglandCUnited KingdomD theUnitedKingdomofGreatBritainand NorthernIreland7People call Britain England because of all of thefollowing EXCEPT _AEngland is the largest in area and has the largestpopulationBpeople in Eng

17、land do so out of habitCEngland is the nearest to the European continent第 6页(共 11页)DEngland is the strongest and also the most influentialin every respect8Whats the main idea of the passage?AThe formation of the UK.BThe chauvinism of the English.CThe location of the British Isles.DThe difference bet

18、ween “England”and “English” 四、阅读七选五Childrens Games in Ancient ChinaUnlike the current children,the children during ancienttimes didnt have smartphones,iPads or computers to entertainthemselves.1.Lets take a look.Kicking stone ballsDuring the Qing Dynasty,kicking a stone ball around wasa popular spor

19、t in the northern part of China,and it was oftenplayed in the winter to keep warm.Stones were carved into smallballs and kicked along with feet.Flying kitesKites have quite a long history.The earliest kites were madeof wood,instead of paper.Nowadays,the three most famous kitesare the Beijing kite,Ti

20、anjin kite and Weifang kite.2.Forexample,the swallowshaped kite is a wellknown Beijing style.Playing hideandseekHideandseek is a traditional game for children,populararound the nation.Even nowadays,many children like playing第 7页(共 11页)it.There are two ways to play.One way is covering a childs eyeswh

21、ile other kids run around to tease him.3.4The closest thing to watching a film or television forentertainment during ancient times was going to see a shadowplay.Folk artists manipulate puppets behind the screen ,narrating stories and accompanied by music.Setting off firecrackersFirecrackers have a h

22、istory of more than 2,000 years.Itis said that there was a beast namedNianin ancient China.5.After gunpowder was invented,it gradually replaced thebamboo joint cracker.Crackers are still set off during theSpring Festival to symbolize auspiciousness(吉祥)AWatching shadow playsBMaking a filmCEach of the

23、m has distinctive featuresDDifferent materials are used to make the kiteEAnd to scare off the beast,people burnt bamboo jointsto make them blastFMore commonly,participants hide and one child must tryto find themGInstead,they came up with interesting games to play intheir childhood第 8页(共 11页)一、用适当的介词

24、或副词填空1.to2.to3.over4.behind5.into二、单句语法填空1.puzzled2.belonging3.defence4.surrounded5.evidence6.achievement7.location8.fascinating三、阅读理解1.B细节理解题。根据第二段首句“Mary was born into a poorfamily in England on May 21,1799.”和第五、六句“Marys fathertook his children along the beach.They picked up shells andstones to se

25、ll to visitors.”可知,Mary 家境贫寒,父亲带着孩子们沿海滩捡贝壳和石头卖给游客,以维持生计。2.D推理判断题。根据第四段首句“Since then,Mary becamecrazy about fossil hunting.”和第五段前三句“Rich friendshelpedMarybysellingfossilsforher.Theysenthermoney.Scientists wrote letters and came to see her.”以及第五句“Mary also opened a shop to sell fossils,stones andshell

26、s.”等可知,自从发现了鱼龙化石,Mary 就迷上了化石,有钱的朋友帮她卖化石,科学家们写信并来看她,她还开了一家商店卖化石、石头和贝壳,因此推断那时候她很受欢迎。3.C细节理解题。根据第三段首句“In 1811 when Mary andJoseph were hunting fossils,Joseph saw a bone sticking out ofthe rock.”可知,Joseph 首先看到了鱼龙化石。4.A词义猜测题。 根据第四段第二、 三、 四句 “She liked to hunton the beach after a storm.The wind,rain and w

27、aves made the第 9页(共 11页)rocks crumble.It was easy to spot fossils.”可知,她喜欢在暴风雨后到海滩上搜寻化石,因为风、雨和海浪会使岩石崩裂,从而发现化石更容易。5.B细节理解题。根据第四段中的“At present it is made upof two countries,the larger of which is the one we very ofteninaccurately call England.”可知,不列颠群岛由两个国家组成。故选 B 项。6.D细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The full official n

28、ame isthe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,butpeople call it Britain or Great Britain for that.”可知,英国的正式全称是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。故选 D 项。7.C细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,人们仍然倾向于称英国为英格兰的原因里不包括英格兰是离欧洲大陆最近的。故选 C 项。8.D主旨大意题。根据第一段可知,England 和 English 可能是英语中最常被误用的两个词。英国人自己也经常说 England 和English,但他们真正指的是 Britai

29、n 和 British;再由第二段中的“To understand the question we have to know something aboutthe history of the country and its people.”可知,本文主要介绍了 England 和 English 的区别。故选 D 项。四、阅读七选五1G此处承上启下,前一句讲古代的孩子们没有智能手机、平板电脑或计算机来娱乐自己, 而下文介绍了古代的孩子们玩的一些游戏,所以此处应该是讲他们在孩童时期玩有趣的游戏,故选 G。2C此处起承上启下的作用。根据上文所讲,现在最有名的三种风筝是北京风筝、天津风筝和潍坊风筝,并结合下文讲的燕子形状第 10页(共 11页)的风筝是一种有名的北京风格的风筝可知,这三种风筝都各有特色,故选 C。3F根据上文中的“There are two ways to play.One wayis.tease him.”可知,此处应是玩捉迷藏的另外一种方式,故选F。4A此处是本段的小标题,根据本段的内容可知,本段是讲观看皮影戏,故选 A。5E空前一句讲的是中国古代有一只叫“年”的兽,结合下文内容可知,空处是讲人们如何驱赶这只兽,故选 E。第 11页(共 11页)


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