Unit 3 The Earth-Protect the Earth-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-牛津深圳版(配套课件编号:619e1).doc

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Unit 3 The Earth-Protect the Earth-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-牛津深圳版(配套课件编号:619e1).doc_第1页
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Unit 3 The Earth-Protect the Earth-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-牛津深圳版(配套课件编号:619e1).doc_第2页
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Unit 3 The Earth-Protect the Earth-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-牛津深圳版(配套课件编号:619e1).doc_第3页
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1、Unit3 Period6 教学设计教学设计课题课型Writing备课时间1 Period教材分析教学目标1. The students can use different expressions to protect the world.2. Their ability of speaking and writing as well as cooperating shouldbe trained.教学重点List the ways to protect the earth.教学难点Using the right tense and right forms of nouns.教学关键Using

2、 a report to help writing.教法与学法指导Self-study, Cooperation, Group work.教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配第一第一环节环节复习复习回顾回顾平移平移的基的基本性本性质,质,引入引入课题课题Step:Warming upHave a look at our poor earth.1.Watch a video andthink of our earth.1.Prepareavideo about theWarming of theEarth.1.Toarousetheir care aboutprotec

3、tingtheearth.5第二第二Step:Speaking2 Using the given2.Help them to2.To train their环节环节观察观察操操作、作、探索探索归纳归纳平移平移的作的作法法Talking about the problems ofour human being and completethe report.Step:Discussionabouttheways to protect the earth.(Group competition)Step:Writing.expressions todescribe the photos.AIn pai

4、rs, look atthe photos below anddiscuss theproblems withyour classmate.Whats the matterwith the Earth?Peoplecatch a lotfish everyday.In pairs, talk aboutwhat we can do toprotect the Earth.Think of the ways toprotect the earth: Wemust (give somepictures and phrasesabout the ways. )4.Write out theprobl

5、ems and theways to protect theearth.describe likethis: People_So there is _/So this_3.Choosingphotos for themto think ofways.We shouldWe must stopdoing.4.Provide achart for themto finish. Walkaround tocollect themistakes,ability toexpress as wellas improve theirspeaking ability.3.To get readyfor the

6、 writingand train theirability tocooperate.4.To train thestudentswriting ability.51010第三第三环节环节课堂课堂练习练习Step:Complete the chant.People_Thereare_People_This_Sowemuststop_andwemust_5第四第四环节环节课时课时小结小结SummarizeHow to organize the writing.Summarize thewriting:problemswaysList theproblems andways for them.Let them getfamiliar withthe writing.5第五第五环节环节课后课后作业作业In groups, with the help of theinformation on the screen and inthe textbook, make a poster onprotecting the Earth.课堂教学流程Watch a video Talk about the problems Discuss the ways Write a reportCheckthewriting.


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