Module 4 Fun time-Unit 8 Collecting things-ReadingUnusual collections -教案、教学设计-部级公开课-牛津深圳版(配套课件编号:a0b6e).doc

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Module 4 Fun time-Unit 8 Collecting things-ReadingUnusual collections -教案、教学设计-部级公开课-牛津深圳版(配套课件编号:a0b6e).doc_第1页
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Module 4 Fun time-Unit 8 Collecting things-ReadingUnusual collections -教案、教学设计-部级公开课-牛津深圳版(配套课件编号:a0b6e).doc_第2页
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Module 4 Fun time-Unit 8 Collecting things-ReadingUnusual collections -教案、教学设计-部级公开课-牛津深圳版(配套课件编号:a0b6e).doc_第3页
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1、1Teaching Plan of Unit 8 Reading Collecting thingsGrade:Grade SevenTeaching material:The topic of Unit 8 of Oxford English 7A is Collecting things. In the reading lesson, studentswill read a story about collections. Students are familiar with this kind of the topic and areinterested in it. The train

2、ing of reading strategies for this period are focused on understandingillustrations, scanning, skimming and predicting.The students:Most of the students are good at English. Their listening, speaking, reading and writingcapacity are comparatively better than the average level. Most of the students h

3、ave manydifferent hobbies and some of them are also good at dancing, playing the piano or playingother instruments. They are active in taking part in activities in class and getting involvedwith group work.Teaching methods:Task-based learning method, Studentscooperation approach and Communicative ap

4、proachTeaching Objectives:Knowledge objective:Learn about the following new words and expressionsNew wordsunusual ,model ,stamp ,doorbell ,front ,silver ,push ,soon ,grandson ,granddaughter, newspaper,inside, everywhere, follow,hardly,space, free, shouldUsefulexpressionsstart doing, goinside, follow

5、 someone into, living room,spend.doing somethingAbility objectives:1)To foster the students good habit of reading articles and improve their reading sub-skillsincluding scanning, skimming and predicting some meanings of words according to thecontexts.2)To learn to ask and answer about collections.Mo

6、ral objective:Students will enjoy fun time in life and be aware of keeping balance between his hobbies andstudies.Key points1)To learn about the new words and expressions2)To get the students to improve their reading skills and understand the whole story.Difficulties:21)To learn to ask and answer ab

7、out collections.Teaching procedure:StepsTeachers activityStudents activityDesigning purposeGreeting( 1min)The teacher introduces herown collection.Listen to the teachersintroduction about herown collection.Introduce a kind ofcollectiontothestudents.Lead-in(2mins)To get the students to talkabout thei

8、r own collections.Follow the exampleabove and talk aboutstudents owncollections.Toarousethestudentsinterest,and get ready toread the text.Pre-reading(4mins)Ask Ss to read the title andthe picture in the book andteach some new words andexpressions.Readthetitleandpicture in the bookand predict the mai

9、nidea of the passageand What things thegrandparentshavecollected.Learn some newwords andexpressions.Totrainthestudentsunderstandingillustrationsandalsolearnsomenewwordsandexpressionsincontexts.While-Reading(14m)(1) First-reading(2mins)To guide Ss to skim thepassage.Readthepassagequicklyandanswertheq

10、uestion:Whatunusualcollectionsare mentioned( 提及 )in the passage.To train thestudents ability ofskimming thearticle.(2)Second-reading(5mins)To guide Ss to do someexercises to get more detailinformation.1) whostartedcollectingdoorbells?2) Why does shecollectdoorbells?3) Wholikescollectingnewspaper?4)

11、What is Grandpas advice(建议) on collections?Read the passagecarefully and finishthe exercises.To train thestudents ability ofscanning for moredetail information.(3)Third-reading(7mins)1) She pushed it and soonGrandpa opened the door.(Lines3-4)What does “it” refer to(指的是)?A. the silver doorbellB. the

12、doorPredict the words initalicsrefertoaccordingtothecontexts.To train thestudents ability ofpredicting thewords meaningaccording to thecontexts.32) “They are ours,” saidGrandma. (Line 15)What does “ they” referto(指的是)?A. Sam and HelenB. Sam and HelensgrandparentsC. The toys3) There was hardly anyspa

13、ce for the children to sitdown.(Line15)Why?Post-reading(17mins):(1)Practice 1(7mins)The teacher read the text forthe whole class first, and thenorganize the students to readthe text in roles.Explainsomeusefulsentences in the text.Listen to the teachercarefully and read thetext in roles.Consolidate t

14、henew words andexpressions learnedjust now.(2)Practice 2(10mins)Ask Ss to talk about their“collections” with others inan auction fair.Ask and answer aboutcollections in pairs.Improve studentsability of talkingabout collectionsand also preparefor subsequentwriting task of thisunit.5.Summary andhomework(2min)Sum up.Give a writing assignment.Write a short passageabout students owncollections.The teacher provideshomework of twodifferent levels, one ishalf-controlled andeasier comparativelyand the other is openand more challengefor those students whodo well in English.Output.


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