Unit 8 Collecting things-My collection-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-牛津深圳版(编号:80316).zip

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Unit 8 Collecting thingsClass:_ Name: _ No. _ 课型: Reading & Writing 【学习内容学习内容】culture corner(P111), speak up(P108), writing(P109)【学习目标学习目标】 语言知识语言知识认读和理解单词 over 以及短语 work of art. 语言技能语言技能1. 通过调查问卷,进行采访,了解他人的收藏爱好。2. 学会通过介绍收藏的内容、开始时间、方式或原因、数量、最喜爱的收藏品以及收获等,具体描述自己的收藏爱好。 情感态度情感态度1. 礼貌地询问和表达喜好和观点。2. 了解明信片的文化内涵,并意识到健康的爱好会帮助自身拓宽视野,广交良友。 【学习过程学习过程】Step I Culture corner Read the passage about postcards on P111 and answer the questions. What can we learn from a postcard?_ What did some postcard collectors do in 2005?_ What did they create? _ Why do they send each other postcards?_ Do you want to join them? Why or why not?_Step II Speak up 1. 学习课文 P108 的 Speak up 的对话。2. 模仿对话,小组采访同学的收藏爱好。 NameWhat do you collect?When do you start?How do you get themWhy do you collect them?3. 仿照以下的例子,用英语汇报采访结果。 例:Huangli collects postcards. He started collecting them two years ago. His favourite postcard is from the UK. It has a picture of Big Ben on it. 你的汇报结果是:_Step III Writing1. Read the passage on P109 and answer the questions. What does Harry collect?_ When did he start?_ How many postcards does Harry have?_ Which one is his favourite? _ Where does Harry get postcards? _ What does Harry think of collecting postcards?_2. 自己动手,请完成下面的写作任务。不同的人有不同的收藏爱好,比如邮票、书籍、钢笔等。假如你喜欢收集不同的人有不同的收藏爱好,比如邮票、书籍、钢笔等。假如你喜欢收集地图地图,根据提示写一篇关于收集地图的文章。根据提示写一篇关于收集地图的文章。要求要求:60 词左右,开头已经给出,不计入总词数。词左右,开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 时间时间:从七岁开始收集地图从七岁开始收集地图; 数量数量:现在有现在有 100 多张多张; 途径途径:一些是朋友送的,一些是自己网上买的一些是朋友送的,一些是自己网上买的;收获收获:让生活有趣,了解不同国家。让生活有趣,了解不同国家。 写作步骤一:写作步骤一: 审题审题 本篇文章是一篇_文, 它以个人收藏为主线,写作内容包括收藏的_.描述现在的情况时,应该用_时态;描述过去的情况时,应该使用_时态。文章应该使用第_人称。 你可以用一个思维导图来简单描述文章结构吗?写作步骤二:写作步骤二: 词汇激活词汇激活1. 收集地图 _ 2. 对.感兴趣 _3 超过 _ 4. 了解 _写作步骤三:组词成句写作步骤三:组词成句1. 当我七八岁的时候,我对收集地图感兴趣。 _2. 我现在有 100 多张地图。 _3. 我可以从这些地图中了解不同的国家。 _写作步骤四:写作步骤四: 写作写作 10 分分 (内容(内容 4、准确、准确 4、流畅、流畅 2) People like to collect different things, such as stamps,books, pens and so on. _ My collection课堂反思课堂反思_What can we see on a postcard?What can we see on a postcard?stampname and address of the receivercontent of the postcardWhat can we learn from a postcard?What can we learn from a postcard?Why do people send postcards?Why do people send postcards?Culture corner PostcardsPostcards1. What can we learn from a postcard?2. What did some postcard collectors do in 2005?3. What did they create? 4. Why do they send each other postcards?5. Do you want to join them? Why or why not?Read and answer the questions.Speak upSpeak up1Interviews about collectionsInterviews about collectionsYou are going to interview three classmates about their collections. Follow the example. You: Hello, Harry. Do you collect anything ? Harry: Yes, I collect postcards. You: Thats interesting. When did you start collecting them?Harry: I started two years ago . You: Which is your favourite postcard? Harry: My favourite postcard is from the UK . It has a picture of Big Ben on it.You: I see. Thanks, Harry. Harry: Youre welcome. BrainstormingBrainstorming2Do you collect anything?Do you collect anything?What do you collect?What do you collect?Interview your classmates about their collections.SurveySurvey NameWhat do you collect?When do you start?How do you get themWhy do you collect them?Huangli collects postcards. He started collecting them two years ago. His favourite postcard is from the UK. It has a picture of Big Ben on it.Writing My collectionMy collectionRead and think about the questions. What does Harry collect? When did he start? How many postcards does Harry have? Which one is his favourite? Where does Harry get postcards? What does Harry think of collecting postcards?Writing不同的人有不同的收藏爱好,比如邮票、书籍、钢笔等。假如你喜欢收集地图,根据提示写一篇关于收集地图的文章。要求:60词左右 时间:从七岁开始收集地图; 数量:现在有100多张; 途径:一些是朋友送的,一些是自己网上买的;收获:让生活有趣,了解不同国家。 Writing词汇激活1. collect maps 2. be interested in 3. more than 4. learn about组词成句1. When I was seven years old, I was interested in collecting maps.2. I have more than 100 maps now.3. I can learn about different countries from these maps.评分标准 1. 内容(4分)包涵所有要点,并适当拓展 2. 准确(4分) 词汇、句型、语法等语言表达准确,卷面美观 3. 流畅 (2分) 上下文意思连贯,适当使用一些连词;分段 People like to collect different things, such as stamps,books, pens and so on. For me, I love collecting maps. When I was seven years old, I was interested in collecting maps. I like collecting maps because I want to travel around the world in my free time. I have more than 100 maps now. The maps are about different countries. I got some of them from friends around me. Sometimes I bought some of them from the Internet. It makes my life interesting and I can learn about different countries from these maps. Im so happy to collect maps. Show timeI collect coins. I started the collection three years ago.I have about 1,500 coins from all over the world. Ben gives me American ones and I get British ones from Sally. Six weeks ago, a girl from Canada gave me some coins from her country. I usually put the coins from each country together. Collecting coins is interesting.My Collection Homework 1. 修改自己的作文。2. 完成相应的练习题及Writing的 练习。1沪教版英语沪教版英语 My collection 教学设计教学设计教学教学内容内容七上 Unit8 Collecting things Culture corner & Writing: My collection课课 时时第 1 课时语言知识 认读和理解单词 over 以及短语 work of art. 1 描述爱好和收藏品的常用短语和句型。 2语言技能 通过调查问卷,进行采访,了解他人的收藏爱好。 通过阅读和练习,能够在口头和笔头上具体描述收藏爱好。教学教学目标目标情感态度 学生能够礼貌地询问和表达喜好和观点。 通过本课学习,学生能够了解明信片的文化内涵,且能意识到健康的爱好能帮助拓宽视野。教学教学重点重点了解阅读篇章的框架结构,并能进行仿写。教学教学难点难点学生在进行输出任务时使用语言的准确性和规范性。学情学情分析分析本次授课班级共有 49 人,学生的英语平均水平中等,学生之间差距比较大。由于学生的知识面不够广、基础不够扎实,学生的词汇储备量不够丰富,导致学生的总体写作能力较弱。2教学内教学内容分析容分析本节课的教学内容主要是围绕本单元的话题 My collection展开阅读和写作训练,让学生课前完成微课阅读理解,以及在课堂上阅读与话题相关的一些材料,积累相关的背景知识、词汇、框架结构等作为写作的铺垫,然后在阅读理解的基础上进行仿写,以达到以读促写的训练目的。教学教学媒体媒体教学平台、多媒体、PPT、视频、投影、思维导图、微课教学教学方法方法及及策略策略先学后教,以读促写。要求学生在课前完成微课练习,让学生提前感知话题、阅读并理解相关内容材料,对所要学习的内容进行铺垫,充分调动学生的元认知并引导学生对所要学习内容的话题进行思考以及设疑。在整堂课中,教师利用话题主线引导学生积极思考,在课堂中注重让学生以自主学习以及小组合作、思维导图等方式进行知识点的回顾和运用操练,发挥学生学习的主体作用,以达到比较良好的语言输出效果并巩固所学内容。同时,在教学过程中,本节课注重信息技术与教学的有机结合,使教学更有趣、更有效,充分发挥了信息技术能有效辅助教学的作用。Step I Lead in 1. Some highlights about the mini-lesson before class.2. Talk about collections to lead in the topic.Step II Reading comprehensionRead the passage about postcards and answer the questions. What can we learn from a postcard?3_ What did some postcard collectors do in 2005?_ What did they create? _ Why do they send each other postcards?_ Do you want to join them? Why or why not?_Step III Do a survey 1. 学习课文 P108 的 Speak up 的对话。2. 模仿对话,小组采访同学的收藏爱好。 NameWhat do you collect?When do you start?How do you get themWhy do you collect them?3. 仿照以下的例子,用英语汇报采访结果。 例:Huangli collects postcards. He started collecting them two years ago. His favourite postcard is from the UK. It has a picture of Big Ben on it. 你的汇报结果是: _4_Step Writing1. Read the passage on P109 and answer the questions. What does Harry collect?_ When did he start?_ How many postcards does Harry have?_ Which one is his favourite? _ Where does Harry get postcards? _ What does Harry think of collecting postcards?_2. 自己动手,请完成下面的写作任务。不同的人有不同的收藏爱好,比如邮票、书籍、钢笔等。假如你喜不同的人有不同的收藏爱好,比如邮票、书籍、钢笔等。假如你喜欢收集地图欢收集地图,根据提示写一篇关于收集地图的文章。根据提示写一篇关于收集地图的文章。要求要求:60 词左右,开头已经给出,不计入总词数。词左右,开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 时间时间:从七岁开始收集地图从七岁开始收集地图; 数量数量:现在有现在有 100 多张多张; 5途径途径:一些是朋友送的,一些是自己网上买的一些是朋友送的,一些是自己网上买的;收获收获:让生活有趣,了解不同国家。让生活有趣,了解不同国家。 写作步骤一:写作步骤一: 审题审题 本篇文章是一篇_文, 它以个人收藏为主线,写作内容包括收藏的_.描述现在的情况时,应该用_时态;描述过去的情况时,应该使用_时态。文章应该使用第_人称。 你可以用一个思维导图来简单描述文章结构吗?写作步骤二:写作步骤二: 词汇激活词汇激活1. 收集地图 _ 2. 对.感兴趣 _3 超过 _ 4. 了解 _写作步骤三:组词成句写作步骤三:组词成句1. 当我七八岁的时候,我对收集地图感兴趣。My collection6 _2. 我现在有 100 多张地图。 _3. 我可以从这些地图中了解不同的国家。 _写作步骤四:写作步骤四: 写作写作 10 分分 (内容(内容 4、准确、准确 4、流畅、流畅 2) People like to collect different things, such as stamps,books, pens and so on. _ Step Homework assignment1. Please polish your writing.2. Make a postcard about your collection.
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