Module 3 Travels-Unit 5 Visiting the Moon-The simple future tense (will) & The simple future tense (be going to)-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+素材)-部级公开课-牛津深圳版(编号:30909).zip

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学习目标:学习目标:1.一般将来时的概念。一般将来时的概念。(concept)2.一般将来时的构成。一般将来时的构成。(structure)4.会运用一般将来时谈论各种计划。会运用一般将来时谈论各种计划。3.与一般将来时连用的时间状语。与一般将来时连用的时间状语。(temporal adverbial)Did you watch the Micro-lesson about the simple future tense last night? Today, well try to get to know the usages and rules of the simple future tense.通过课前微课视频学习,回忆以下句子,然后总结一般将来时的用法通过课前微课视频学习,回忆以下句子,然后总结一般将来时的用法: :1. 1.TomorrowTomorrow I I_(be)(be) oneone ofof thethe firstfirst studentsstudents toto traveltravel intointo 2.I I _ (help)(help) mymy mothermother dodo thethe houseworkhousework thisthis weekend.weekend.3. 3.- _youryour parentsparents _(go)(go) toto ParisParis nextnext month?month? - Yes,Yes, theythey will./will./ No,No, theythey wonwont. t.4. 4. KateKate _(swim)(swim) tomorrowtomorrow afternoon.afternoon.5. 5. WhenWhen wewe arrive,arrive, I I _(walk)(walk) onon thethe Moon.Moon.6. 6. ThereThere _ (be)(be) moremore treestrees in in thethe future.future.1 1、Structure?Structure?(结构)(结构) 2 2、KeyKey words?words?(提示词(提示词)willwill bebewillwill bebeamam goinggoing toto walkwalkis is goinggoing toto swimswimgogowillwill willwill helphelp 一般将来时一般将来时 (the(the futurefuture tense)tense)1. 1. 一般将来时态表示一般将来时态表示将来某个时间将来某个时间要发生的动作要发生的动作或存在的状态或存在的状态, , 以及打算、计划或准备做某事。以及打算、计划或准备做某事。2. 2.结构:结构: willwill+ +动词原形动词原形 bebe goinggoing toto + +动词原形动词原形一般将来时 (The Simple Future Tense)常常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrowtomorrow (明天)(明天)thethe dayday afterafter tomorrowtomorrow (后天)(后天)nextnext weekweek, , month,month, yearyear(下周,月,年)(下周,月,年)thisthis afternoonafternoon / / eveningevening (今天下午、傍晚(今天下午、傍晚)in in thethe futurefuture (将来)(将来)in+in+时间段(时间段( in in threethree daysdays )(三天后)(三天后)soonsoon (很快)(很快)somedaysomeday (将来的某一天)(将来的某一天)She will go shopping tomorrow.WhatWhat willwill t thehe girlgirl dodo tomorrowtomorrow? ?tomorrow?tomorrow?the day after tomorrowWhat is the boy going to do the day after tomorrow?He is going to go fishing the day after tomorrow.WhatWhat willwill theythey dodo thisthis SundaySunday? ?They will climb the hills this Sunday.thisthis SundaySundayThey are going to dance next week.What are they going to do next week ?nextnext weekweekIt is going to rain in two days.What will the weather be like in two days ?in in twotwo daysdays主语主语+ + bebe goinggoing toto + + dodo这种结构常用来表达自己打这种结构常用来表达自己打算做某事、计划做某事或者有意做某事。注意:算做某事、计划做某事或者有意做某事。注意:bebe 动词要与主语的人称和数一致,如动词要与主语的人称和数一致,如:I I amam goinggoing toto dodo somesome readingreading tomorrow.tomorrow. HeHe is is goinggoing toto havehave a a pianopiano lessonlesson nextnext week.week. WeWe areare goinggoing toto havehave a a partyparty thisthis Friday.Friday. PairPair work:work: AskAsk andand answeranswerS1:WhatS1:What is is thethe boyboy goinggoing toto do?do?S2:S2: HeHe .And.And whatwhat areare theythey goinggoing toto do?do?S1:S1: TheyThey. .catchplantclimbopendiveeatflyfixS1:S1: WhatWhat is is DavidDavid goinggoing toto dodo? ?S2:S2: HeHes s goinggoing toto pickpick upup thethe rubbish.rubbish.S2:S2: Is Is KenKen goinggoing toto flyfly kites?kites?S2:S2: No,No, hehe isntisnt. .PractisePractise in in group:group: A A planplan forfor thisthis weekend.weekend.This weekend, I am going to go shopping with my family. What are you going to do this weekend?A:A: Hi,Hi, everyone!everyone! DoDo youyou havehave anyany plansplans forfor thethe weekend?weekend? I Im m goinggoing toto (与家人购物)(与家人购物)B:B: ThatThat soundssounds great!great! I Ill ll.What.What aboutabout you?you?C:C: I I amam goinggoing toto .Would.Would youyou likelike toto gogo withwith / / joinjoin me?me?D:D: It It is is greatgreat butbut I Im m busy.busy. I I must/havemust/have totoWinterWinter holidayholiday is is comingcoming. . WhatWhat areare youyou goinggoing toto do?do? DuringDuring thethe winterwinter holidays,holidays, I I amam goinggoing toto . Interview:Interview: move around and ask your best friend. (1.15-2.10)Report:Report:WinterWinter holidayholiday is is ing. MyMy bestbest friendfriend xxxx hashas a a planplan forfor HeHe / / SheShe. . ( ( 用用bebe goinggoing toto + +动词原形来表达动词原形来表达) ) 结束语:结束语:I I hopehope. .1. 1. WhereWhere areare youyou going?going?2. 2. WhoWho willwill youyou gogo with?with?3. 3. WhenWhen areare youyou goinggoing toto leaveleave?4. 4. HowHow areare youyou goinggoing toto getget there?there?5. 5. HowHow longlong willwill youyou staystay there?there?6. 6. WhatWhat areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo there?there? 7. 7. WhenWhen areare youyou goinggoing toto comecome back?back?1. 1. GoGo overover thethe tensestenses andand finishfinish thethe exercisesexercises onon thethe worksheet.worksheet.2. 2. WriteWrite a a shortshort passagepassage aboutabout youryour winterwinter holidayholiday (with(with thethe simplesimple futurefuture tense.)tense.)Homework:Homework:Summary:Summary:1. 1. WhatWhat havehave wewe learnedlearned duringduring thethe class?class?2. 2. HowHow toto summarizesummarize a a tense?tense?3. 3. “KeywordsKeywords helphelp” & & “PracticePractice makesmakes perfect.perfect.”Summary:Summary:一般将来时一般将来时 未来将要未来将要发生事,发生事, 记住要用将来时。记住要用将来时。 be going to加动原形加动原形, be 随主语随主语及时变,及时变, 单数单数is,复数复数are, am要跟在要跟在I后面后面. 还有一种表达法,还有一种表达法, will后要加动原形。后要加动原形。sum up1. 1. I I cancan listenlisten toto BingbingBingbing carefully.carefully.2. 2. I I cancan workwork wellwell withwith mymy 3. I I knowknow whatwhat thethe simplesimple futurefuture tensetense is is . .4. 4. I I knowknow howhow toto talktalk aboutabout thethe planplan withwith thethe simplesimple futurefuture tensetense (be(be goinggoing to)to)WellWell done,done, everyone!everyone!ThankThank youyou forfor learning!learning! I Teaching Objectives (教学目标)(教学目标)1. Knowledge objective: to help the students know the definition and usage of the simple future tense.2. Ability objective: to help the students use “be going to do” correctly in proper situation. 3. Emotional objectives: To arouse Ss interest in learning English with pictures , patterns and passages. To help students develop the spirit of cooperation through teamwork and group discussion.II Focal and Difficult point (教学重难点)(教学重难点)1. Focal point: to precisely understand the structure of the simple future tense.2. Difficult point: Understand what the simple future tense is and have a clear idea of its structure; Use the simple future tense to make a plan for the future.III Teaching methods (教学方法)(教学方法)Inductive method, task-based teaching and learningIV The development of learning strategies: (学习策略)(学习策略)Students acquire the new knowledge by self-observation, exploration and promotion.V teaching methods: (教学手段)(教学手段)a computer, micro-lesson(before class), a projector and handoutTeaching procedures: (教学过程)(教学过程)一、Study before classSs watched the Micro-lesson(微课)(微课) about the simple future tense before class and get preliminary understanding it. 二、Study in classStep 1 Greetings Greetings and one-minute oral expression before class. Step 2 Ss explorationFill in the sentences , read and discuss. (help Ss understand the structure of the simple future tense.) Step 3 Talk time1.Talk about the pictures using “will do” or “be going to do”.2.Work in pairs.3.Practise in group: A plan for this weekend.Step 4 Self- promotion Interview: move around and ask your best friend. (Plan for winter holiday:1.15-2.10)Step 5 Homework1. Go over the tenses and finish the exercises on the worksheet.2. Write a short passage about your winter holiday (with the simple future tense.)Step 6 Summary and Self-assessmentReview what we have learnt in this class. Self-assessment1. I can listen to Bingbing carefully.2. I can work well with my team-mates3. I know what the simple future tense is.4.I know how to talk about the plan with the simple future tense (be going to)Layout:The simple future tense1. When to use: To talk about the things happening in the future.2. Structure: S+will+V 原形;原形; S+be going to V 原形原形1. Where are you going?2. Who will you go with?3. When are you going to leave?4. How are you going to get there?5. How long will you stay there? (For _ days)6. What are you going to do there? 7. When are you going to come back?Report:Winter holiday is coming. My best friend xx has a plan for it. He / She. ( 用用be going to +动词动词原形来表达原形来表达)结结 束束 语语: :I hope.3. Tips(Key words) : tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next, this, soon, in 2017课后反思:课后反思: 本课进行任务型教学,设计较合理,任务设计层层递进有难以梯度,结合学生的水平和特点本课进行任务型教学,设计较合理,任务设计层层递进有难以梯度,结合学生的水平和特点设计了口头、笔头、小组讨论、口头汇报等任务。教师能在课堂中跟学生顺畅交流,在授课中语设计了口头、笔头、小组讨论、口头汇报等任务。教师能在课堂中跟学生顺畅交流,在授课中语言清晰,充满激情,结合言清晰,充满激情,结合 ESL(Engage-Study-Activate)理念,引导学生通过课前微课感知理念,引导学生通过课前微课感知课中句课中句子语境中观察体会目标语言子语境中观察体会目标语言大量的个人与合作方式运用所学时态。学生能习得语言而不是死大量的个人与合作方式运用所学时态。学生能习得语言而不是死记硬背语法规则,贴合学生的年龄特点,避免应试的语法教学模式,同时提高学生运用时态的能记硬背语法规则,贴合学生的年龄特点,避免应试的语法教学模式,同时提高学生运用时态的能力,学会自己总结归纳时态。需改进的地方如下:教师语速有时较快;课堂容量较大时间控制上力,学会自己总结归纳时态。需改进的地方如下:教师语速有时较快;课堂容量较大时间控制上有些前松后紧;对中下生关注度仍有待提高;对学生错误地方应先鼓励后指正;尽量在课堂展示有些前松后紧;对中下生关注度仍有待提高;对学生错误地方应先鼓励后指正;尽量在课堂展示学生的口头和笔头练习并指导改正。学生的口头和笔头练习并指导改正。一般将来时讲解与练习(课前研学)一般将来时讲解与练习(课前研学)请同学们观看微课视频,然后把知识点补充完整。请同学们观看微课视频,然后把知识点补充完整。观察以下句子,然后总结一般将来时的用法观察以下句子,然后总结一般将来时的用法: :1.1. TomorrowTomorrow I_(be)I_(be) oneone ofof thethe firstfirst studentsstudents toto traveltravel intointo I I _ (help)(help) mymy mothermother dodo thethe houseworkhousework thisthis weekend.weekend.3.3. - _your_your parentsparents _(go)_(go) toto ParisParis nextnext month?month? - Yes,Yes, theythey will./will./ No,No, theythey wont.wont.4.4. KateKate _(swim)_(swim) tomorrowtomorrow afternoon.afternoon.5.5. WhenWhen wewe arrive,arrive, I I _(walk)_(walk) onon thethe Moon.Moon.6.6. ThereThere _ (be)(be) moremore treestrees inin thethe future.future.一、一般将来时的概念:一、一般将来时的概念:一般将来时态表示一般将来时态表示_要发生的动作或存在的状态要发生的动作或存在的状态, , 以及打算、计划或准以及打算、计划或准备做某事。备做某事。常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:_如:如:SheShe willwill visitvisit ShanghaiShanghai tomorrow.tomorrow. WeWe areare goinggoing toto seesee a a filmfilm thisthis Sunday.Sunday.二、一般将来时的基本结构二、一般将来时的基本结构1 1主语主语+_+_2.2. 主语主语+ + _三、一般将来时的用法三、一般将来时的用法1 1主语主语+shall/will+do+shall/will+do (will(will 可用于所有人称,可用于所有人称,shallshall 只用于第一人称只用于第一人称 I I 和和 we)we) 这种结构不是表示自己的打算、意图或计划,而是表示未来的事实或对将来的预测等如:这种结构不是表示自己的打算、意图或计划,而是表示未来的事实或对将来的预测等如:I I willwill bebe 1414 yearsyears oldold nextnext week.week. RobertsRoberts willwill dodo everythingeverything forfor 2.2. 主语主语+ + bebe goinggoing toto + + dodo 这种结构常用来表达自己打算做某事、计划做某事或者有意这种结构常用来表达自己打算做某事、计划做某事或者有意做某事。注意:做某事。注意:bebe 动词要与主语的人称和数一致,如:动词要与主语的人称和数一致,如:I I _ goinggoing toto dodo somesome readingreading tomorrow.tomorrow. HeHe _ goinggoing toto havehave a a pianopiano lessonlesson nextnext week.week. WeWe _ goinggoing toto havehave a a partyparty thisthis Friday.Friday. 3.3. ThereThere bebe 句型的一般将来时态的结构:句型的一般将来时态的结构:therethere + + _ + + 名词。名词。ThereThere willwill bebe a a meetingmeeting tomorrowtomorrow morning.morning.4 4、用现在进行时可以表示将来时、用现在进行时可以表示将来时某些动词如:某些动词如:go/come/leave/start/begin/arrivego/come/leave/start/begin/arrive 等,它们的现在进行时可以表示将来时,等,它们的现在进行时可以表示将来时,如:如:TheyThey areare leavingleaving forfor ShanghaiShanghai tomorrow.tomorrow. MyMy brotherbrother isis comingcoming herehere soon.soon. 四、一般将来时的句式变换四、一般将来时的句式变换1 1、肯定句:主语、肯定句:主语+shall/will+do+shall/will+do 主语主语+ + bebe goinggoing toto + + dodo TheyThey willwill (are(are goinggoing to)to) meetmeet outsideoutside thethe schoolschool gategate tomorrowtomorrow afternoon.afternoon. 2 2、否定句:在、否定句:在 willwill /be/be 的后面加的后面加_即可。即可。willwill notnot 可缩写为可缩写为 _._. TheyThey wontwont (are(are notnot goinggoing to)to) meetmeet outsideoutside thethe schoolschool gategate tomorrowtomorrow afternoon.afternoon. 3 3、一般疑问句:把、一般疑问句:把 will/bewill/be 提到句子提到句子_,结尾变,结尾变_号。号。WillWill theythey (are(are goinggoing to)to) meetmeet outsideoutside thethe schoolschool gategate tomorrowtomorrow afternoon?afternoon? AreAre theythey goinggoing toto meetmeet outsideoutside thethe schoolschool gategate tomorrowtomorrow afternoon?afternoon? 4 4、特殊疑问句:、特殊疑问句:_+will+_+will+主语主语+_+_+其他?其他? _+be_+be + +主语主语+going+going to+_+to+_+其他?其他? WhereWhere willwill theythey meetmeet tomorrowtomorrow afternoon?afternoon?WhereWhere areare theythey goinggoing toto meetmeet tomorrowtomorrow afternoon?afternoon?*看完一般将来时的微课视频,同学们有哪些不理解的地方?看完一般将来时的微课视频,同学们有哪些不理解的地方?_小试身手小试身手一、一、单项选择单项选择1._1._ youyou bebe atat homehome atat sevenseven thisthis evening?evening? A.A. WillWill B.B. AreAre C.C. ShallShall D.D. DoDo2.Look2.Look atat thosethose bigbig blackblack clouds.clouds. ItIt rain.Letsrain.Lets hurry.hurry. A.mustA.must B.B. shallshall C.wouldC.would goinggoing toto3.There3.There a a basketballbasketball matchmatch thisthis afternoon.afternoon. A.willA.will havehave B.willB.will bebe C.hasC.has D.haveD.have 4.4. WillWill hehe comecome toto thethe partyparty thisthis evening?evening? - _._. A.Yes,A.Yes, hehe comescomes B.Yes,B.Yes, hehe doesdoes C.No,C.No, hehe wontwont D.No,D.No, hehe isntisnt5.Uncle5.Uncle LiLi willwill comecome backback _._. A.A. nextnext monthmonth B.B. inin nextnext monthmonth C.C. a a monthmonth laterlater D.D. a a monthmonth agoago6.6. TheThe studentsstudents willwill helphelp youyou nextnext week.week. 否定句:否定句:_ 一般疑问句:一般疑问句:_ 肯定回答:肯定回答: _ 否定回答:否定回答:_ 就划线部分提问:就划线部分提问:_7.7. MaryMary isis goinggoing toto movemove toto BeijingBeijing nextnext month.month. 否定句:否定句:_ 一般疑问句:一般疑问句:_ 肯定回答:肯定回答: _ 否定回答:否定回答:_ 就划线部分提问:就划线部分提问:_课堂输出:课堂输出:Interview: move around and ask your best friend. Self-assessment1. Where are you going?2. Who will you go with?3. When are you going to leave?4. How are you going to get there?5. How long will you stay there?6. What are you going to do there? 7. When are you going to come back?Report:Winter holiday is coming. My best friend has a plan for it. He / She. ( 用用be going to +动词原形来表达动词原形来表达) 结束语:结束语:I hope.Interview: move around and ask your best friend. 1. I can listen to Bingbing carefully.2. I can work well with my team-mates3. I know what the simple future tense is.4. I know how to talk about the plan with the simple future tense (be going to)1. Where are you going?2. Who will you go with?3. When are you going to leave?4. How are you going to get there?5. How long will you stay there?6. What are you going to do there? 7. When are you going to come back?Report:Winter holiday is coming. My best friend has a plan for it. He / She. ( 用用be going to +动词原形来表达动词原形来表达) 结束语:结束语:I hope.Self-assessment1. I can listen to Bingbing carefully.2. I can work well with my team-mates3. I know what the simple future tense is.4. I know how to talk about the plan with the simple future tense (be going to)观察以下句子,然后总结一般将来时的用法观察以下句子,然后总结一般将来时的用法: :1. 1.TomorrowTomorrow I Ill ll bebe oneone ofof thethe firstfirst studentsstudents toto traveltravel intointo 2.I I willwill helphelp mymy mothermother dodo thethe houseworkhousework thisthis weekend.weekend.3. 3.- WillWill youryour parentsparents gogo toto ParisParis nextnext month?month? - Yes,Yes, theythey will./will./ No,No, theythey wonwont. t.4. 4. KateKate is is goinggoing toto swimswim tomorrowtomorrow afternoon.afternoon.5. 5. WhenWhen wewe arrive,arrive, I Im m goinggoing toto wal
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