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1、高一英语人教版(2019)短文改错专项练习一、改错1、We Chinese had all along hold the coming-of-age ceremony since ancient times,and it may be unfamiliar to some of us. Nowadays, however, it is gaining littlepopularity in many places. This years coming-of-age ceremony in our school will beheld at 5 p.m. on next Friday in th

2、e lecture hall. To make it a complete success, first, avideo about students and our campus life will be showing. Our principal will thendeliver an excited speech, after which, some students representatives will make aserious promise to be responsible adults. Beside, on behalf of the students union,

3、Iwill invite our foreign teacher Mrs. Beck to attend ceremony. Hopefully, she can giveme a few words of encouragement.答案:1.holdheld2.andbut3.littlemuch/more4. 删 除 next Friday 前 的 on5.showingshown6.excitedexciting7.studentsstudent8.BesideBesides/Moreover/Furthermore9.attend 后加 the10.meus1.考查时态。根据句中的

4、had 可知应用过去分词。2.考查并列连词。从古时候开始,我们中国人就一直举行成人庆典,但是成人庆典可能并不为我们中的一些人所熟知。前后分句表示转折关系,故用表示转折的连词 but。3.考查行文逻辑。此处难度较大,考生要联系语境才能找出来错。上文提到成人庆典并不为我们中的一些人所熟知,故此处指的是然而,现在它在很多地方很流行/越来越流行,而不是它在很多地方几乎不流行。 故 little 要改为much 或者more。4.考查介词。next Friday 本身就可以作时间状语,前面不加介词。5.考查语态。动词 show 与主语 a video 之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。6.考查形容词。exc

5、ited 表示激动的,用来形容人;exciting 表示令人激动的,用于形容事物。此处修饰 speech,应该用 exciting。7.考查名词作定语的用法。通常情况下,名词作定语时,要用其单数形式。8.考查副词。 此处表示此外,而且,要用副词 Besides/Moreover/Furthermore。 beside是介词,意为在旁边。9.考查冠词。此处表示邀请外教参加成人庆典,表示特指,要在 attend 后加定冠词the。10.考查代词。希望 Beck 老师能给我们一些鼓励的话语。显然此处表示我们,而不单单指我,故要用 us。2、When I finished all of my exam

6、, my family drove to the countryside for ourweekend. On our way, my favorite scarf flew out of the window suddenly and is gone.I felt very sad. Soon after, and we stopped at a service station. Be upset, I found abench and was about to eat my sandwich after an e-biker pulled into the station. Isthat

7、your blue car? he asked me. Surprising, I nodded quickly. A man pulled the veryscarf from my backpack and handed it to me. He then returned his e-bike and wantedto leave. I went over and repaid him thankful by giving him a hug.答案:1.examexams2.iswas3. 删 除and4.BeBeing5.afterwhen6.SurprisingSurprised7.

8、AThe8.myhis9. 在returned后 加to10.thankfulthankfully1.考查名词单复数。当我所有的考试都结束后,我们一家开车去乡下过周末。根据all of 和 exam(可数名词)可知,此处用 exams。2.考查时态。本文讲的是过去发生的事情,故应用一般过去时。3.考查连词。不久以后,我们停在了一个服务站。Soon after 是副词短语,修饰后面的句子,它与句子之间不能有连词。4.考查非谓语动词。 Be upset 属于祈使句,与文章上下文不符,且此处与后面的句子间无连词,故应考虑用非谓语动词作伴随状语。5.考查连词。 句型sb. was/were about

9、 to do sth. when.表示某人正要做某事,这时突然。我正要吃三明治,突然一个骑电动车的人驶入了服务站。6.考查形容词。虽然感到惊讶,但我快速地点了点头。surprising 表示令人吃惊的;surprised 表示感到惊讶的,符合语境。7.考查冠词。这里的 man 指的是前面提到的骑电动车的人,故用定冠词表特指。8.考查代词。他从自己的背包里拿出了我的围巾。由后面的handed it to megiving him a hug可知,将 my 改为 his 才符合逻辑。9.考查介词。此处表示他回到电动车旁,而不是归还电动车。10.考查副词。根据句意,这里应用副词修饰 repaid h

10、im,表示作者很感激他并给了他一个拥抱。3、Dear Henry,Known youre really interested in our Dragon Boat Festival, Im writing to tell youanything about it. This traditional Chinese festival fell on the fifth day of the fivelunar month. It is in memory of Qu Yuan, which served in high office in the ancientState of Chu. He

11、is famous ancient Chinese poet and also a right-minded man. Tocelebrate the festival, we have a variety of interesting activity, which include dragonboat races, make and eating zongzi, salted duck eggs etc. So I hope you come to joinin us for the Dragon Boat Festival. Im sure you will have a beauty

12、experience.Yours sincerely,Li Hua答案:1.KnownKnowing2.anythingsomething3.fellfalls4.fivefifth5.whichwho6. famous前加a7.activityactivities8.makemaking9.删除in10.beautybeautiful4、 Recently, the number of foreign visitors to China have been on the increase. Duringour stay, they all showed a strongly interest

13、 in our traditional culture. As we all knew,English is playing a more and more important role in promoting cultural exchangesfar, so we must learn to speak the fluent English. We should also enrich ourknowledges of traditional culture. Besides, English channels should be opened, fromthat foreign vis

14、itors can get more information about our culture. In conclusion, thepromotion of our culture needs combining efforts. Only in this way can foreignvisitors have a better understanding our country.答案:1.havehas2.ourtheir3.stronglystrong4.knewknow5.farfurther6.删除 biningcombined10.在 understanding 后加 of1.

15、考查主谓一致。the number of 表示的数量,谓语动词应用单数形式。2.考查代词。根据句意可知,此处表示在他们停留期间,他们都对我们的传统文化表现出了浓厚的兴趣,故要用形容词性物主代词 their。3.考查形容词。此处修饰名词 interest,应用形容词 strong。4.考查时态。as we all know 是固定表达,意为正如我们都知道的那样。5.考查副词。根据语境可知,此处表示进一步推动文化交流,要用副词 further 表示进一步,在更大范围内。注意:far 作副词表示远,非常,farther 作副词表示(时间或空间上)更远,较远。6.考查冠词。English 表示英语时,

16、其前一般不用冠词。7.考查名词单复数。knowledge知识是不可数名词。8.考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处为介词+关系代词引导的非限制性定语从句,故不能用 that,且先行词 English channels 指物,关系代词用 which。9.考查非谓语动词。此处应用 combine 的过去分词 combined 作前置定语,表示共同的,联合的。10.考查介词。have a better understanding of .对有更好的理解为固定用法。5、My mother picked me up from school yesterday. It was heavy raining.

17、 We werewaiting at a traffic light while I saw two men push their truck to start it again.Immediately, I got out of our cars and ran up to them. I try my best to help them pushthe truck. In spite our efforts, it still wouldnt start. Suddenly I had remembered therewas a battery charger in our car and

18、 with which I got their truck to work. Theythanked me a lot, shook hands with me. I felt happy for having a opportunity to helpothers.答案:1.heavyheavily2.whilewhen3.pushpushing4.carscar5.trytried6.spite 后加 of7.删除 had8.whichit9.shookshaking10.aan1.考查副词。此处应用副词修饰动词。2.考查连词。Sb.was doing.when.是固定句式,意为某人正在做

19、,这时(突然)。3.考查非谓语动词。由语境可知,此处表示作者看到 push 这一动作正在进行,故用现在分词作宾语补足语。4.考查名词。此处指作者的母亲接作者的那辆车,故用单数形式。下文中的in ourcar也是提示。5.考查动词的时态。本文叙述的是过去发生的事情,故此处用一般过去时。6.考查介词。in spite of 是固定短语,意为尽管。7.考查动词的时态。remember 这一动作发生在过去,并不表示过去的过去,故此处用一般过去时。8.考查代词。此处是 and 连接的并列句,故应用 it 指代 battery charger。9.考查非谓语动词。动词 shake 和主语 They 之间为

20、逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词作伴随状语。10.考查冠词。opportunity 的发音以元音音素开头,故其前应用 an。6、My friend Alice is an American high school student. She attended a dance lastSaturday, what she wore a traditional Chinese dress called as qipao in Chinese. Alicefound the dress at used clothing store. She thought it will help her stand

21、out at thedance. She chose the dress because she liked its highly collar. The dress is Chinesered, a color represent good fortune and joy. On her dance night, Alice posted severalphoto of her wearing the dress on a website late. She said wearing the qipao reallygave us a sense of admiration for othe

22、r cultures. She also explained the history orimportance of qipao.答案:1.whatwhere2. 删 除 as3.used 前 加 a4.willwould5.highlyhigh6.representrepresenting7.photophotos8.latelater9.usher10.orand1.考查关系副词。分析句子结构可知,逗号后面是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是 dance,关系词在从句中作地点状语,故用 where。2.考查介词。sth. be called.某物被称为是固定用法,故删除 as。3.考查不定冠词

23、。Alice 在一家二手服装店发现了这件旗袍。此处应用不定冠词表示泛指;又因 used 的发音以辅音音素开头,故应用 a。4.考查时态。主句谓语动词是 thought,结合语境可知,宾语从句也应用一般过去时,故将 will 改为 would。5.考查形容词。修饰名词 collar 应使用形容词。6.考查非谓语动词。color 后面应用非谓语动词,represent代表与逻辑主语 color之间构成逻辑上的主谓关系,故用其现在分词形式作定语。7.考查名词单复数。photo 为可数名词,根据前面的 several 可知,photo 应使用复数形式。8.考查副词。根据语境可知,此处表示后来,要用 l

24、ater,不能用 late迟,晚,也不能用 lately最近。9.考查代词。 根据语境可知,这里指穿上旗袍带给 Alice 的感受,而不是带给我们的感受,故用 her。10.考查逻辑关系。此处 history 与 importance 构成平行关系,故用 and。7、It was my birthday and I was looking forward to see my friends. We were meetingat my favorite Italian restaurant. I was exciting and got to a restaurant at exactly 7o

25、clock. I looked around for a familiar face but failed. I decided not to wait for himpatiently. The restaurant was quickly filled with customer, but none of them were myfriends. I called Lily, but she didnt answer. I felt lonely and sadly. My friends hadforgotten my birthday. I went home, opened the

26、door and walk into the dark house.Suddenly the lights went off and my friends jumped up and shouted togetherSurprise! They hadnt forgotten, it was the best birthday ever. How happy I was thatday!答案:1.seeseeing2.excitingexcited3.athe4. 删 除not5.himthem6.customercustomers7.sadlysad8.walkwalked9.offon10

27、.在 it 前加and1.考查固定用法。那天是我的生日,我盼望见到我的朋友们。look forward to 中的to 为介词,后接名词或动词-ing 形式,故该处用 seeing。2.考查形容词。excited 和 exciting 都是形容词,前者形容人,表示感到兴奋的;后者修饰事物,表示令人兴奋的;该句主语为 I,故用 excited。3.考查冠词。该处特指上文提及的Italian restaurant,故用定冠词 the。4.考查语境理解。根据下文 The restaurant was quickly filled with., but none ofthem were my frie

28、nds可知,此处表示我决定耐心等待他们。decide to do sth.意为决定做某事。故此处删除 not。5.考查人称代词。根据本文第一句中的friends可知,该处指他们,故用 them。6.考查名词的单复数。 customer 为可数名词,该处指饭店里很快就满是顾客,故该处用复数形式。7.考查形容词 该句中的felt为感官动词,故该处用形容词 sad 作表语。 该句意为:我感到孤独和悲伤。8.walkwalked考查动词的时态。 我回到家,打开门,走进漆黑的房子。 根据全文内容可知,本文陈述的是过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时。9.offon考查固定搭配。根据上文中的the dark h

29、ouse以及本句中的myfriends jumped up and shouted together可知,go on为固定搭配,意为(灯)亮;通(电)。10.在 it 前加 and考查连词。他们没有忘记我的生日,这是我过得最好的生日。根据句意可知,此处表示评注,故用 and连接。8、After school today, I took a walk in the park, feeling depressing and down. I havemade considerable efforts win the talent contest, but I only finished fourth

30、. While Iwas crying, a boy in glasses walked by. He noticed me and came over. He played me apiece of Beethovens symphony with his mobile phone. Beside, he said Beethovenwrote it as his hearing grew worse. Hearing his word, I was no longer in tears. I cameto realize that if we put all our efforts int

31、o that we loved, we could create great thingsno matter what obstacles were in the front of us. I was true thankful for theirencouragement.答案:1.depressingdepressed2.havehad3.efforts后加to4.inwith5.BesideBesides6.wordwords7.thatwhat8. 删 除 the9.truetruly10.theirhis1.考查形容词。 今天放学后,我在公园散步,感到沮丧又失落。 本句的主语是 I,

32、指人感到失落的,应用 depressed。2.考查动词的时态。根据语境可知,本文叙述的是发生在过去的事情,所以此处用过去完成时。3.考查固定用法。make efforts to do sth.努力做某事为固定用法。4.考查介词。当我哭泣的时候,一个戴着眼镜的男孩走了过来。根据语境可知,此处应用介词 with,表示具有,带有。5.考查副词。此外,他还说贝多芬写这首曲子时是他的听力变得更加糟糕的时候。根据语境可知,此处应用 Besides。6.考查名词的单复数。听到他的话后,我不再哭了。根据语境可知,此处指所说的话,且 word 是可数名词,故用复数形式。7.考查连接代词。分析句子结构可知,此处引

33、导宾语从句,且空处在从句中作宾语,表示的东西,所以用 what 来引导该宾语从句。8.考查冠词。 无论前面有什么阻碍,我们都能够做成大事。 此处应用 in front of (sb.)结构,表示(某人)面临着(难题或困难),所以删除 the。9.考查副词。修饰形容词应用副词,故此处应用 true 的副词形式 truly 修饰形容词thankful。10.考查代词。根据语境可知,此处表示我真的感谢他的鼓励。此处指他的,故用 his。9、Last week, my friend Tony, a Chinese-American, invited me to have traditionalChin

34、ese meal with his family. When we were seat, Tonys mother put various foodswhich were unfamiliar with me on the plates. Seen I was nervous about eating withchopsticks, Tony gave me some instruction. I was true delighted when I finally madeit. Therefore, my fingers suddenly lost control of the chopst

35、icks while he was pickingup a piece of chicken. It flew across the table or landed in Tonys soup. Everyonelaughed. Then Tonys father had kindly encouraged me to try again, which made me abit relaxed. I really enjoyed the delicious dinners.答案:1.have 后 加 a2.seatseated3.withto4.SeenSeeing5.truetruly6.T

36、hereforeHowever7.heI8.orand9.删除 had10.dinnersdinner1.考查冠词。该处泛指一顿传统中餐,且 traditional 的发音以辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词 a。2.考查被动语态。 主语 we 和 seat 之间为被动关系,故用被动语态。3.考查介词。be familiar/unfamiliar to sb.为固定搭配,意为为某人所熟悉/不熟悉,故将 with 改为 to。4.考查非谓语动词。该句意为:看到我对用筷子吃饭很紧张,托尼给我了一些指导。分析句子结构可知,主语 Tony 和 see 之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故用 see 的现在分词形式。5.

37、考查副词。修饰形容词 delighted,要用副词。6.考查副词。上文说我成功用了筷子后感到很高兴;该句说在夹一块鸡肉时,我的手指突然对筷子失去了控制。根据句意可知,上下文之间为转折关系,故该处应当用 However。7.考查代词。 根据该句中的my fingers及语境可知,该处陈述的是我的行为和动作,故用 I。8.考查连词。该句意为:鸡肉飞过桌子落到了 Tony 的汤里。根据句意可知,此处表示顺承关系,故用连词 and。9.考查动词的时态。通读全文可知,文章介绍的是过去发生的事情,此处并不表示过去的过去,故用一般过去时。10.考查名词的单复数。通读全文可知,该处特指这一顿美味的中餐,故用其

38、单数形式。10、My close friend Sunny has curly yellow hair and she cheered me up when I amfeeling down. I remember the day which I first met her. It was snowing and freezingcold. I found a little dirty dog by the road trembled in the bushes. I stopped to wait forquite a while and there was no sign of her o

39、wner. When she looked into my eyes, herheart melted. I gentle held her in my arms and took her back home. I gave her a warmbathe and fed her some milk and soon she was recovered. Sunny is pleasant surprisefor me and my family and I take good care for her every day.答案:1.cheeredcheers2.whichwhen3.trem

40、bledtrembling4.andbut5.heart前的 hermy6.gentlegently7.bathebath8.删除 was9.pleasant 前加a10.forof1.考查时态。此处叙述的是当前的情况,因此这里应该用一般现在时。2.考查关系词。分析句子结构可知,此处引导定语从句修饰名词 the day 并在从句中作时间状语,故应该用 when 引导该从句。3.考查非谓语动词。句中动词 tremble 与其逻辑主语 a little dirty dog 之间为主谓关系,故用其现在分词形式。4.考查连词。 我停下来等了好大一会儿,但是没有她主人的影子。根据句意可知,这里应该用 b

41、ut 表示转折含义。5.考查代词。 根据语境可知,此处表示我看到这幕情景时的心情,应该用 my 而不是 her。6.考查副词。修饰动词应用副词,故用 gently。7.考查名词。根据该句中的a warm可知,这里应该用名词 bath。8.考查语态。recover 表示康复,是不及物动词,没有被动语态,因此删除 was。9.考查冠词。根据语境可知,surprise 在这里用作可数名词,表示令人惊喜的事物,且 pleasant 的发音以辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词 a。10.考查固定搭配。take care of照顾为固定搭配。11、Im more than pleasing to know tha

42、t you are eager to learn Chinese. ConfuciusInstitute may be a good choice, which is intended to the Chinese learners who they arenot native. Confucius Institute provide various interesting subjects. You will learnChinese history and culture as well as Chinese written. Also, you have more chance tota

43、lk with classmates in Chinese. Besides, teachers will introduce some traditionalChinese festivals, such as the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival or Mid-AutumnFestival. Some relevant activities will be holding during different festivals, such asmaking dumplings and eating zongzi, which you can no

44、t only enjoy delicious mealsbut also have good knowledge of Chinese life.答案:1.pleasingpleased2.tofor3.删除they4.provideprovides5.writtenwriting6.chancechances7.orand8.holdingheld9.whichwhen10.在 have 后加 a1.考查形容词。pleased 是-ed 形式的形容词,形容人,符合语境。而 pleasing 是-ing形式的形容词,一般修饰物。2.考查介词。be intended for sb./sth. 是

45、为某人/某物打算(或设计)的,为固定用法。故用介词 for。3.考查代词。分析句子结构可知,who 引导定语从句,在从句中作主语,故删除代词they。4.考查主谓一致。根据语境可知,此处叙述的是客观情况,且主语是第三人称单数,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。5.考查名词。此处和 Chinese history and culture 并列,作动词 learn 的宾语。故应用名词 writing。6.考查名词的单复数。chance 在此处意为机会,是可数名词, 且其前有 more 修饰,故用 chances。7.考查连词。根据语境可知,此处表示平行关系,而非选择关系,故用连词 and。8.考查动词

46、的语态。一些相关活动将在不同的节日期间举行。根据语境可知,此处表示被动,故用 held。9.考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处引导非限制性定语从句,关系词在从句中作时间状语,先行词为 festivals。故用关系词 when。10.考查冠词。have a good knowledge of.对有很好的了解为固定用法。故在 have 后加冠词 a。12、With only one year to go before graduation, our class decided to plant tree notonly to improve the school surroundings, bu

47、t also to have good memories of ourschool life.After purchase seedlings, we chose a place that the seedlings could get proper waterand sunshine. We didnt realize how hardly it was until we began our work. None ofus were familiar to planting, and nor did we knew how to use gardening tools. Aftermany

48、attempts, we dug holes and put seedlings into it. Then we grabbed soil fill upthe holes. It was not so easy as imagined, and we successfully finished the task at thelast.答案:1.treetrees2.purchasepurchasing3.thatwhere4.hardlyhard5.towith6.knewknow7.itthem8.在soil 后加 to9.andbut10.删除 the1.考查名词单复数。此处表示我们班

49、决定种树。根据语境可知,此处泛指树,故应用名词复数。2.考查非谓语动词。介词 after 后跟动词时应用其-ing 形式作宾语。3.考查关系词。句意:买完幼苗之后,我们选择了一个使幼苗能得到适当的水和阳光的地方。根据句意并分析句子结构可知,此处为定语从句,先行词为表示地点的名词place,且从句中缺少地点状语,所以用 where 引导该定语从句。4.考查形容词。句意:直到开始工作,我们才意识到这有多么困难。根据句意并分析句子结构可知,此处用形容词hard作表语,而hardly意为几乎不,在此处不符合语境。5.考查介词。句意:我们都不熟悉种植,也不知道如何使用园艺工具。此处 befamiliar

50、 with.熟悉为固定用法。6.考查动词时态。 句意参见上题。 nor 放在句首,句子要用部分倒装,所以助动词 did在前,此处用动词原形。7.考查代词。句意:经过许多尝试,我们挖了洞,然后把幼苗放进洞里。根据句意可知,此处应用 them 指代前面提到的复数名词 holes。8.考查非谓语动词。句意:然后我们抓起泥土把洞填满。根据句意可知,此处用动词不定式表目的。9.考查连词。句意:这并不像想象的那么容易,但我们最终成功完成了任务。根据句意可知,此处前后为转折关系,故用连词 but,表示转折。10.考查固定短语。at last 意为最终,为固定短语。13、短文改错I took a short


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