Module 10 The weather-Unit 3 Language in use-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:20773).zip

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Unit 3 Language in useDalian NewsThe Culture Shopping Center ,the largest one of its kind in China will open at the end of 2018 in Xian Road and north of Changxing Market. The whole shopping center will be built into a tourism(旅游) and sightseeing area. Next week ,there will be many businessmen from America coming to Dalian for a meeting here. Meanwhile, they will make a four-day stay in Dalian for a visit. News from the citys Shahekou District. Volunteers! Some of the businessmen from America will come to Dalian for a visit next week.Now we need some students to be the volunteers(志愿者). Would you like to be the guide and show them around our city? we need your support(支持)!Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu.Fri.Weather Report for next week5c-10c3c-8c 2c-7c -1c-5c 2c-6cA:-What will the weather be like .?B:-It may/ might be +adj. -It will probably be+adj.A:-What is the temperature?B:-Its betweenand degrees. weather things to bring reasonMon.Tue.Wed.Thu. 5c-10c2c-7c3c-8c-1c-5cItll benext Monday and the temperature will be Bring because you may/might so you can. Retell Unit2The place to visitThe things to do thereXinghai Square Enjoy the beautiful viewTiger BeachDalian forest ZooYou can have a visit to because you may/mightYou can also use so ,but to express your ideas. Date weatherThings to bringThe place to visitThe things to do there Mon. 5c-10c Tue. 3c-8c Wed. 2c-7c Thu. -1c-5cHello, everyone. Welcome to the tour of Dalian. We are the guides. Let us tell you the travel plan for next 4 days We hope youll love the tour of Dalian and enjoy yourselves here. Please pay attention!Work in groups.2Speak loudly and clearly.2Face to the class.2Presentation is creative(有创造力). 4 Date weatherThings to bringThe place to visitThe things to do there Mon. 5c-10c Tue. 3c-8c Wed. 2c-7c Thu. -1c-5cHello, everyone. Welcome to the tour of Dalian. We are the guides. Let us tell you the travel plan for next 4 days We hope youll love the tour of Dalian and enjoy yourselves here. Homework You must(A): Complete the plan for tour of Dalian If you can(B):Give some advice on the best time to visit China. 1Module 10 The weather 教学设计教学设计Unit 3 Language in use一一 、教学内容分析、教学内容分析本节课内容是 Module10 的第三单元,是一节综合语言运用课,紧紧围绕天气话题展开。 在承接第一单元和第二单元的话题语境的基础上, 进一步激活学生对世界各地的天气情况的了解并在深度广度上进行适当的扩充,培养了学习地理知识的愿望和兴趣。本单元训练的语法功能项目是运用情态动词 may 和 might 以及它们的否定结构表述可能性,通过话题任务的创设,在已有的基础上进一步训练和巩固可能性的词汇和句型。本课突出知识性和文化性,侧重培养学生的语言综合运用能力,训练学生熟练运用所学的语法功能用语,学生通过对于天气词汇和句型结构的复习,以及对于情态动词表达猜测的句型的训练,由“天气”扩展到能够选择最佳时机来中国游玩并提出建议。过度自然合理,符合学生的认知规律。二、学情分析二、学情分析本课授课对象是八年级学生,他们活泼好动,有着丰富的想象力和好奇心,并且在小学阶段对有关天气的词汇与文章已经有所了解,本模块的话题与学生的生活联系紧密,能够有效地提高学生的学习兴趣。三、教学目标三、教学目标1. 语言知识目标(1)功能:能够描述天气情况(2)词汇:学会使用包括 cloud,rain , snow, wind 等 表达天气情况的名词,同时掌握表述天气所对应的如 cloudy, rainy, snowy 等形容词,以及用于表达猜测的情态动词 may,might 和副词 probably(3)语法:能够正确运用表示可能性的单词和句型2. 语言技能与学习策略目标(1) 能够运用表达可能性的词汇和句型谈论、描述天气情况(2)能够就游览地给出建议,并使用 because ,so, but 等说明原因和结论。(3) 能够根据天气情况说出家乡旅游的最佳时间,并陈述理由。3. 情感态度与文化意识目标通过合作学习了解世界各地的天气情况,培养学习地理知识的愿望和兴趣,激发学生对2于家乡和祖国的热爱。教学流程教学流程I. Expect(目标期盼目标期盼)Step 1 【操作方式】Some of the businessman will come to Dalian for a visit next week. Now we need some students to be the volunteers(志愿者). Would you like to be the guide and show them around our city? we need your support!【设计意图设计意图】: 通过新闻导入新课,既能激发学生的学习兴趣,又能开门见山地把话题引入到本课的教学任务中。Step 2 【操作方式】教师询问学生要成为导游志愿者,必须要了解些什么? 归纳总结学生的想法 【设计意图设计意图】: 利用思维导图的方式,打开学生的思路。并为学生设置任务要求为本课的展开做好铺垫。II. ExperienceExperience (语言体验)(语言体验)Step3 【操作方式】通过思维导图的方式,让学生总结学过的天气类型,完成词汇梳理。 Factors to think aboutweatherThings to bringPlace to visitThings to do3weathersunnysnowywindycloudyrainystormyshowery【设计意图设计意图】: 通过思维导图的方式复习天气的类型,引导学生构建本模块的词汇框架。为接下来的表达天气情况做好词汇准备。III. ExpressExpress (情景表达)(情景表达)Step 4 【操作方式】利用一张未来一周的天气预报图,让学生成对完成有关天气变化和温度情况的对话。T: Here is the weather report next week in Dalian. Do you know something about the weather and temperature? Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu.Fri.Weather Report for next week5c-10c 3c-8c 2c-7c-1c-5c2c-6cA:-Whats the weather like .?B:-It may/ might be +adj.-It is probably +adj.A:-What is the temperature?B:-Its betweenand degrees.【设计意图设计意图】:通过一张天气预报图,在真是的语境下让学生运用本模块所学习的核心句式来表达天气变化和温度情况,同时训练运用情态动词表达猜测的语用功能。Step 5 4【操作方式】通过让学生完成成为导游必备条件的第二条,根据天气情况说出相应携带的物品及原因T:Now, lets look at the second demand, please give some advice about the things to bring according to the weather.weatherthings to bringreasonThu.Fri.Sat.Sun.6c-11c-2c-4c3c-8c2c-7cItll benext Thursday and the temperature will be Bring because you may/might so you can.【设计意图设计意图】:利用天气图,在功能句的指导下,帮助学生完成有关情态动词表达猜测的表达训练,同时练习运用 because ,so 来阐述原因。完成此任务前检查对 Unit2 课文的复述,以 U2 课文为依据完成导游必备条件的第二条。Step 6 【操作方式】5利用表格帮助学生完成第三和第四项要求,即提出有关参观地点的选择和在参观地的活动T:As for the place to visit and the things to do there , I think you have your own ideas about them. Please show your creative ideas.The place to visitThe things to do thereYou can have a visit to because you may/mightYou can also use so ,but to express your ideas.【设计意图设计意图】:在进一步完成最后成为优秀导游的两个要求的过程中,运用情态动词以及本课重点的连接词训练学生发散的思维,IV. Evaluate(展示成果展示成果)Step 7 .【操作方式】通过小组合作,完成带领游客在接下来的 4 天旅行的旅游计划T:Now here comes the challenge. According to the table ,make a travel plan with your group members for the next 4 days. 6Work in groups DateweatherThings to bringThe place to visitThe things to do thereThu.6c-11cFri.3c-8cSat.-2c-4cSun.2c-7cHello, everyone. Welcome to the tour of Dalian. We are the guides. Let us tell you the travel plan for next 4 daysWe hope youll love the tour of Dalian and enjoy yourselves here. 【设计意图】通过给定的评价标准,帮助学生提炼出内容、语言、逻辑及书写等方面的要求,使学生表达有的放矢;通过生生之间的互评,学生可以掌握本课的核心内容,通过对任务的分析和完善来完成整个模块的语言输出,帮助学生提高综合语言运用能力,完成本课的目标。Step 8 .HomeworkY You must(A): Complete the plan for tour of Dalian If you can(B ):Give some advice on the best time to visit China.【设计意图设计意图】作业是课堂学习的延伸和巩固,是所学知识的反馈。学生不仅能在这项作业中规范自己的语音语调,再次巩固英国传统的介绍方式,而且能带有自主性地去思考问题,不同层次的学生可以选择不同难度的作业,这会更有利于激发学生学习英语的兴趣,拓展学生的思维。并且在作业布置中学生再次体会到了情态动词的用法。
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