Module 5 Lao She Teahouse-Unit 1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(配套课件编号:80345).doc

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Module 5 Lao She Teahouse-Unit 1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(配套课件编号:80345).doc_第1页
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Module 5 Lao She Teahouse-Unit 1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(配套课件编号:80345).doc_第2页
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Module 5 Lao She Teahouse-Unit 1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(配套课件编号:80345).doc_第3页
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Module 5 Lao She Teahouse-Unit 1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(配套课件编号:80345).doc_第4页
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Module 5 Lao She Teahouse-Unit 1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(配套课件编号:80345).doc_第5页
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1、教学设计教学设计Topic:Module5Lao She TeahouseUnit1I wanted to see the Beijing OperaPeriod 1 (Grade 8). The analysis of teaching background1. The topic of Module 5 Lao She Teahouse is Lao She Teahouse,Lao She and the play Teahouse. This module is to make studentsknow a famous writer in China Lao She and some

2、 traditional culturelike Beijing Opera and play.The language of this module is Infinitive structure, infinitives asobjective-Verbs followed by infinitives. The topic Beijing Operaand the play Teahouse can provide students with real and effectivelanguage situation for the cultivation and development

3、of theircommunicative ability.The ability objectives are to improve students listening andspeaking abilities in Unit1; reading and writing abilities in Unit2;language practice is in Unit3.- 1 -Analysis oftheteachingmaterialThe moral objectives are to make students know about sometraditional culture,

4、 love it and popularize it. To know how to keepChinese culture and national treasures.2. This lesson is the first period of unit1. In Unit1, it introducesBeijing Opera, something about Lao She Teahouse and someperformances in it. The clue of the dialogue is Beijing Opera.The new vocabulary in Unit1

5、is not too much and it is easy tolearn. It will be helpful for students to understand and talk. Listeningand speaking practices are the key parts. A listening skill (predict orguess before listening) is mentioned and practiced in this lesson.Make students understand the discussion about Beijing Oper

6、a andLao She Teahouse. After listening, they can talk about them with thenew structure “verbs followed by infinitives”. Students will findtraditional culture is valuable, so its our duty to protect them.At the end of the dialogue, they mentioned another topic, “LaoShe is a great writer. Hes especial

7、ly famous for his play Teahouse.”The teacher should have a short discussion with students, which willmake the study melting for the Unit2.Analysis ofthestudents1. Students will be interested in the topic, they like some interestingperformances in teahouses, such as Beijing Opera, traditional music,a

8、crobatics, magic shows and tea shows, but they are not familiar withthe two topics-opera and teahouse. Its necessary to have enoughinput information. After that, they will be able to listen and talk.2. Listening and speaking practices are much more important.Students should summarize some listening

9、skills by themselves.3. Do the tasks in pairs and groups, so they should learn to cooperatewith other group members.TeachingmethodsTask-based teaching methods; Communicative approachLearningmethodsPair work; Group workTeachingtypeListening and speaking ( the first period)TeachingaidsCAI , handoutTea

10、chingtime45 minutes. Teaching aims and demands- 2 -Knowledgeaims1.Students can master the new vocabulary about teahouse andthe verbs followed by Infinitive.e.g. tea house, actress, in the end, no idea , offer2.Students can understand the new grammar point: verbs followedby infinitivese.g. I want to

11、see the Beijing Opera, so Lingling offered to takeme there.Abilityaims1.Students can understand the discussion about Beijing operaandLao She Teahouse.2.Students can talk about two topics and make a plan.3.Students can sense of the new structure Infinitive and use them.Emotionalaims1.Students know ab

12、out some traditional culture, love it andpopularize our Chinese culture.2.Students can express their ideas on how to keep Chinese cultureand national treasures. Teaching key points and difficult pointsTeachingkey points1. To understand the listening materials about Beijing Opera, LaoShe Teahouse and

13、 get details from them.2. To describe ones plan with Infinitive.3. To remember key language points in the conversation inAct.3Teachingdifficultpoints1. To know what Chinese Culture is and talk about it.2. To express own plans and describe other studentsplans.- 3 -.Teaching proceduresStepsTeachers ac

14、tivitiesSsactivitiesPurposesWarm-up&lead-in1. Play a piece of musicbefore class and greet thewhole class2. Sing the part of BeijingOpera in the music andask the students to guesswhat kind of music it is?3. Check the answer.Its Beijing Opera.4. Introduce Beijing Opera.It is our national treasure.

15、It is Chinese Culture.1.Relaxbeforethe class.2.Enjoytheteacherssingingandrecallthememory about theBeijing Opera.3.Jointhediscussionaboutthe Beijing Opera.以自然的问候以及喜欢的音乐导入京剧。欣赏京剧,增加学生对于京剧的印象,活跃课堂气氛。树立学生对于中国传统文化的观念。为下文的讨论做铺垫。Pre-Listening1. Teachthenewwordsactress, and review the wordactor.2. Mention f

16、our key roles inthe Beijing Opera to makestudents know more about it,and distinguish actress fromactor.3. Introduce the teahouse.Make students know whatkind ofplace it is.4. Introduce the clue of thislesson: Betty likes the BeijingOpera and Lingling inviteshertogotoLaoSheTeahouse. Lets go into LaoSh

17、e Teahouse with them.Bettys Journey1. Learn the newword actress.2. Talk aboutthe knowledgeabout four roles inthe Beijing Opera.3.Learn thedifferencebetween actor andactress and theirsingular formsand plural forms.4. To know whatthe teahouse isand the clue ofthis lesson.5.To know whatthey will listen

18、 to.通过京剧中的角色讲授新词汇,易 于 理 解 和 掌握。让学生感知茶馆是个什么地方为听力做铺垫在为 Betty 做计划的过程中,自然的学习使用不定式。4While-listeningDo act.2Step1. The first listening1. Betty often sees / wants tosee some traditional BeijingOpera.2.Betty knows / doesnt knowLao She Teahouse.3.Lingling says that the operaiseasy/difficulttounderstand.4.Tea

19、chthenewword“offer” from the listeningmaterial.Do act.3Step1. The first listening1.Choose the best answer.Q1:Thedialoguetalkssomething about _C_ .A. the writer Lao SheB. the play TeahouseC. Lao She TeahouseQ2:For Betty, the main thingto enjoy the Beijing Opera isthat it is _A_.A. interestingB. under

20、standingC. relaxingStep2.Check the true sentenceTonywenttoLaoSheTeahousewithBettyandLingling.( ) Lingling often goes to seethe Beijing Opera. ()Betty enjoyed the BeijingOpera and would like to see itagain.( ) Betty knew about Lao Shebeforeshewenttotheteahouse. ( )1.Doact.2.underlinetheright answer.2

21、.Get the generalideaoftheconversationinthelisteningmaterial.3. Learn a newword “offer” inthe conversation.1.Listentotheconversation andgetthe generalidea.Check which oneis the topic.Choose the mainthingtoenjoytheBeijingOpera.1.Learnalisteningskill:predict/guessbefore listening.2.Listenandcheckthetru

22、esentences.使学生通过听力感受对话大意, 了解两个主题“京剧” 以及 “茶馆” 。训练听力能力,三个题目均属于细节题。第一遍听课文文本主要让学生掌握主旨大意, 训练学生通过听力提取对话主题。听力中的细节训练, 让学生掌握更多文本中的相关信息。5Step3.Fill in the tableWhere did Linglingand Betty go?LaoSheTeahouseWhen did they go there?Why did they go there?Bettywanted_Linglingoffered_What did they do in it?How long

23、did theystay there?What did Betty hopeto do?Shehoped_nexttime.1. Ask students how to doEnglish listening excises.Q: What is the first stepbefore listening?2. Read listening skill tips.3. Fill in the table.4. If they need to listen to itagain, play it again for them.5. Check the answers.6. Ask the cl

24、ass to read theconversationandunderlinethe structure like“ plan/hope/offer to do ”1. Listentheconversationagain, and thenfill in the table.2. Pay attentiontothecorrectformoftheanswers.3.Getaclearclueoftheconversation.4. Checktheanswer and findsomedifficultanswer from thetext.5. ReadandUnderlinethene

25、w structure.6. Learn the newlanguagepointverbsfollowedby infinitive.表格的设计旨在提高学生获得细节知识的能力。教学生听力技巧,此步骤与做题目一样重要。通过表格把此听力中的重要细节信息有条理地进行了概括, 学生们掌握起来更容易。听读有效结合, 解决听力中的较难题目, 加强口语训练。发挥学生学习的主动性, 自己去发现新的知识点, 并给予一定讲解。输入动词不定式的简单知识, 回到课文中让学生进行一定的内化。Post-listeningTask1Pairwork.If you have a chance to go tothe tea

26、house, what will youdo in it ?e.g.StudentA:Whatdoyouhope/want/plan to doin theteahouse?Consolidatethenewlanguagepoint and have apractice.Make a dialoguewith the partner.在输入和内化以后, 通过对话让学生进行输出, 检测他们对动词不定式知识的理解和掌握。While-listening6Post-listeningTask:Betty planned to visit Anhui Province. Do a surveyin y

27、our group and have a report.Purpose:训练小组合作活动能力,使每个学生都能参与其中,主题与本课相关,巩固对动词不定式的使用,并运用于实际情境解决 Betty 来安徽合肥的计划问题。DiscussHow do we keep our Chinese traditional opera?Summary1. To learn some knowledge about Beijing Opera and Lao SheTeahouse.2. To know some Chinese culture.Post-listeningStudent B:I hope/want

28、/plan todo .Task2Group workToday, Betty had a good time.She wrote a blog. There aresome words missing, finishthe blog.Bettys blogLingling and I went to LaoShe Teahouse last night. Iwanted_the Beijing opera,so Lingling _me there, wedrankteaand_anopera.Itishardforme_, but the actors andactresses are _

29、. At first,weplanned_foranhour,intheend,stayed_.The main thing is that itwas _, but I hope_next time. Lingling told methat Lao She is a famous_, and he _his play Teahouse We reallyhad _. Next week, we willgo to Anhui Province. I hopeto have a good trip.Discuss with thegroupmembersandhaveacompetition

30、.Fill the blanks.Recall the text.Pay attention totheanswerscorrect form.小组内合作, 小组间竞争, 提高学习兴趣, 调动学习积极性。博客记录今天的经历, 重现了课文中的重要知识点,让学生再次复数了课文, 让本节课的知识掌握得更加牢固。博客中的结尾增加了 Betty 的下一步打算, 为后面的小组活动埋下了伏笔。73. To make plans for visiting4. To know it is our duty to protect our traditional culture.Homework必做:必做:1. W

31、rite an email to tell Betty your planto visit Hefei/An Hui Province.2. Learn to sing an opera and teach Betty.选做一题:选做一题:1.Read the dialogue in the book and the blog5 times.2.Retell Bettys blogBlackboarddesignMoudle5Lao She TeahouseUnit1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera. The design of classroom asse

32、ssmentI divide the whole class into a group of six. Each group has two group leaders,one is in charge of study, the other one is in charge of discipline and score record.In the class students will have a group competition. The students who can answerquestions or express their feelings, their group will get relevant scores. The groupwhich gets the most scores will win the competition. They will win the prize.Group competiton:


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