Project 1 My school life-Part A & B-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:74828).zip

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常州市博爱教育集团 姚晶晶Me too!Me too!If you are the same with my students,please shout “me too”!如果你和我的学生情况一样,请大声说“me too”!If you are not the same, please say “no,no”!如果你和我的学生不一样,请说“no,no”!Rules (规则)My students like English.They have four English lessons every week.They have three playgrounds.My students go to school at seven thirty.My students like their school life.学校生活They can talk about their school life.谈论PeterProject My school lifeProject1 Project2 What is a project?项目This is my school. I usually go to school at seven thirty. This is my classroom. I have Chinese andMaths every day. I like English andPE. This is the playground. I playfootball here after school. You can see a lot of flowers and treesat my school. I love my school.What does Peter talk about his school life? Peter谈论了校园生活的哪些方面呢? his dayhis schoolhis subjectsa map地图Step 1: Step 1: Lets thinkLets think What can we make to do the project? 我们可以做什么来完成这个项目呢? Step 1: Step 1: Lets thinkLets think What can we talk about school life? 快快讨论一下,从哪些方面谈论校园生活呢?Step 2: Step 2: Lets talkLets talk 快快找到自己的组组,就近坐下吧!3分钟钟四人小组,互问互答大家一天中活动的时间。为自己最喜欢的地方编个谜语吧!四人小组,分享调查结果,找到最受欢迎的学科。四人小组,介绍自己所画的内容What do you do after school? (说一说你放学后的活动吧)?We usuallyatListen & guess:Whats the place in your school?(竖起耳朵听一听这个谜语,猜猜这是哪儿吧?) Whats your favorite place in your school?(说说学校里你最喜欢的地方吧) Which subjects are popular? (哪些学科受大家欢迎呢?) What can you do atlessons? How manylessons do you have? When do you havelessons?1. Write the contents 一起编写目录吧2. Decorate the book 装饰你们的小书3. Bind the handbook 最后装订成书吧 Step 3: Step 3: Lets makeLets make3分钟钟 快快回到原来的座位吧!Step 4: Step 4: Lets showLets show Show your handbook to othersYou can choose:1. Talk one by one 2. Talk together 2分钟钟 向大家介绍绍你们们的小书书吧!Lets summarizeT ThinkhinkTalkTalkShowShowMakeMakeP P P PreparereparereparerepareProjectP P P ProduceroduceroduceroduceP P P Presentresentresentresent计划准备制作展示How to do a project?怎样完成一个项目呢?P P P PlanlanlanlanHomework1. Write your part and stick together. 写一段话介绍自己的部分并与组员的贴在一起2. Use “4P”s to do a project of your school life (choose other ways: PPT, video, pictures) 运用今天所学的方法,再完成一个项目介绍自己的校园生活吧!Thanks! Bye!教学内容教学内容Project 1 My school life 一、教学目标一、教学目标1.能掌握 Project 的含义和制作方法(Plan- Prepare- Produce- Present)2.能学会用“4P”的方法制作项目并完成项目的作品(Our school life handbook) 。3.能在制作School life handbook这一项目情境中复习 14 单元主要词句。4.能在合作完成项目的过程中,提高信息收集、分析和总结的能力以及综合表达能力。二、教学重、难点二、教学重、难点重点重点:本课作为 Project 板块,在复习已学单元内容的基础上还要指导学生如何完成项目作品,即以制作“Our school life handbook”为例学习并掌握制作项目的“4P”方法(Planning-Preparing- Producing- Presenting)。让学生在做中学语言用语言,同时提高学生的综合语言运用能力,注重陈述的准确性、逻辑性和丰富性。难点难点:尽管学生在此前已经学习了几个 Project,但实际情况中学生对于 Project 的涵义和完成方法并不非常熟悉,再加上学生的语言知识比较有限,因此要用简单易懂的语言帮助学生理解完成项目的方法。学生在表达上的局限性比较大,做到流利、准确的输出会有点困难,所以本课将复习和整合学生所学的语言知识,帮助他们围绕介绍校园生活进行综合语言输出。三三、教学准备、教学准备 PPT,handbook 所需材料教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图Warming up(5 mins)1. Show Peters project(1) Who is he?(2) What is a project?(3) What does he make in this project?(4) What does he talk about his school life?T: Lets make a project of our school life!1. Show Peters project(1) Who is he?S1: He isS2: He is(2) What is a project?Watch and find(3) What does he make in this project?S1: He draws a picture.S2: He makes a map.(4)S1: His subjects. S2: His school.以 Peter 导入,并回顾教材中他制作过的项目,让学生初步感知 Project 的含义和制作方法,激活旧知的同时铺设疑问。Step 1Planning( 3 mins)1. Lets think(1) What can we do to make the project? T: You have so many good ideas. I have an idea. Lets make a handbook today. This is a handbook. Is it nice?(2) What can we talk in the handbook? 1. Lets think(1) S1: We can draw a picture.S2: We can make PPT.S3: We can write a book.(2) S4: Our day/ subjects.S5: Our school.S6: Our通过导入部分的启发,学生发散思维探究更多介绍自己校园生活的方式,选择其一在课堂上完成,即制作一本校园生活小手册,思考手册中需谈论的内容。Step 2Preparing(18 mins)2. Lets talk 学生按选择的内容重新分组(1) Group work: Share and make a report (3 mins)Pink groupOur day(When do we usually?)Green groupOur school(Make a riddle of your favorite place)YellowOur subjects(Which subject is the most popular? Why)BlueOur(Talk about yourpart)(2) Share in the class(15 mins)2. Lets talk学生按选择的内容重新分组(1) Group work: Share and make a report (3 mins)Pink groupOur day(When do we usually?)Green groupOur school(Make a riddle of a place at school )YellowOur subjects(Which subject is the most popular? Why?)BlueOur(Talk about your part)(2) Share in the classGroup 1: Report our dayWe usuallyatThe other Ss: Play a game Me too or No, noGroup 2: Make a riddle: We can seeWe can Guess! Where is it?The Other Ss: Make a riddle of their favorite placesGroup 3: Report popular subjectsThe other Ss: Talk about their favorite subjects and the reasons.Group 4: Report their part: The other Ss: Magic earsWhat else do they talk?四人小组选择不同维度谈论校园生活,整班按不同维度重新分组进行集中交流,分享课前调查结果,并分析和比较调查数据,找到全班的共同信息,形成报告后整班分享交流各方面的内容。在分享汇报的过程中,四个维度分别用不同的趣味游戏帮助全班同学都能复习并拓展相应的表达。四个维度结束后学生回到原来的四人小组中,为制作 handbook 和介绍 handbook 做准备。Step 3Producing(3 mins)3. Lets make1. Write the contents2. Decorate the book3. Bind the handbook 3. Lets make 1. Write the contents2. Decorate the book3. Bind the handbook在充分准备的基础上,小组合作完成handbook 目录,并装饰和装订。为下面介绍自己的校园生活做准备。Step 5Presenting(5 mins) 4. Lets showIntroduce your school life with handbook1. Talk about your school life 2. Add the beginning and ending4. Lets showIntroduce their school life with handbook1. Talk about your school life 2. Add the beginning and ending通过小组合作,每人选择一个纬度,尝试向他人介绍自己的校园生活,激发学生的参与性,培养学生的合作精神与综合语言输出能力。Step 6Summary(3 mins)Do a summaryHow to make a project?Do a summaryHow to make a project?S: First, lets think.S: Then, lets talk.S: Lets make.S: Lets show.通过回顾总结本课完成项目的步骤,帮助学生用简单的语言理解和归纳完成项目的“4P”方法,使学生学会用以制作其他项目,培养学习策略。Homework1. Use “4P”s to do a project of “My_”. Lets show it next week(You can choose other ways: PPT, video, pictures)Our day1.请调查一下身边的同学做下列事情的时间吧,别忘了问一问他们放学后做哪些事吧?参考句型: When do you? What can you do after school? We usuallyGet upGo to schoolHave lunchGo homeGo to bedWhat do you usually do after school?After school 2.根据调查结果课堂上交流你的调查结果,分析同学们日常活动通常的时间吧!参考句型: - When do we usually.?-We usuallyat 3. 根据课堂上小组分析得出的结果完成彩页上的时间 Our subjects1.请调查一下身边的同学最喜欢的学科吧,别忘了问一问喜欢的原因哦!参考句型:What subject do you like? Why?ChineseMathsEnglishMusicPEArtScienceComputerStudies2.根据调查结果口头汇报一下同学们最喜欢的学科和原因吧!参考句型: We all like, because itsWe can.3. 课堂上与小组成员分析后,在彩页上勾出最受欢迎的学科Our school ?1. 请在彩页上画出校园中你最喜欢的一个地方 为你喜欢的这个地方编个谜语,课上考考大家吧!参考句型:We can seehere. We canhere.Guess! Where is it?2. 课堂上小组中交流各自喜欢的地方,找到大家最喜欢的地方SubjectsNameWhenNameOur_1.关于校园生活,你还想谈论什么呢?请写在彩页左上角的横线上(参考 Our friends/ teacher/ school rules 规则)2.请在彩页上画一画你想谈的内容,并在课上介绍给大家吧!任选一方面参考:(1). 关于人: This is ourHe/ She is(tall, thin, beautiful, cool) He/ She can(2). 关于班规校规: These are my school rules/ class rules/ library rules Dont run/ shout/ eat/ talk/ sleep here. Please read books/ do your homework/ here.Our_1.关于校园生活,你还想谈论什么呢?请写在彩页左上角的横线上(参考 Our friends/ teacher/ school rules 规则)2.请在彩页上画一画你想谈的内容,并在课上介绍给大家吧!任选一方面参考:(1). 关于人: This is ourHe/ She is(tall, thin, beautiful, cool) He/ She can(2). 关于班规校规: These are my school rules/ class rules/ library rules Dont run/ shout/ eat/ talk/ sleep here. Please read books/ do your homework/ here.Our_1.关于校园生活,你还想谈论什么呢?请写在彩页左上角的横线上(参考 Our friends/ teacher/ school rules 规则)2.请在彩页上画一画你想谈的内容,并在课上介绍给大家吧!任选一方面参考:(1). 关于人: This is ourHe/ She is(tall, thin, beautiful, cool) He/ She can(2). 关于班规校规: These are my school rules/ class rules/ library rules Dont run/ shout/ eat/ talk/ sleep here. Please read books/ do your homework/ here.
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