Unit 2 After school-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:80207).zip

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Unit2 After school(Fun time & Cartoon time) 吴江区北厍小学 陈柳霞入场券入场券We should do some activitiesto get a ticket for the Art Festival.参加活动,获得入场券参加活动,获得入场券 Rules: When you see the words,phrases or pictures, please say them out quickly. 看到图片或闪图,快速说出单词。ChineseMaths a swimming lessona football matchWednesday Saturday What a pity!dont have any lessonsMusicTuesdaySundaySaturdayFridayThursdayWednesdayMondayTuesdayChineseMathsEnglishArtScienceMusicMathsPEChineseArt两人一组,仿照下列句型练转盘两人一组,仿照下列句型练转盘A: What day is it today?B: Its.A: What lessons do you have?B: I havebedpen_ _ _ _ _get upI get up atWhen do you ?every day每天每天what timeCartoon time&When does Bobby get up?When does Mr Cock get up?When does Bobby get up?When does Mr Cock get up?When does Bobby get up?At six.When does Mr Cock get up?At five.自读课文,完成测试自读课文,完成测试What day is it today?A Its Saturday. B Its Sunday.Its in the morning.A Yes. B No.They dont have any lessons today.A Yes. B No.Where will Bobby go? Bobby要去哪?要去哪?A School. B Park.当当Bobby发现今天是星期六根本不上课时,他发现今天是星期六根本不上课时,他会是什么表情呢,会说些什么?会是什么表情呢,会说些什么?I can LetsGet up!Get up!Tip: :跟跟读模仿读模仿,注意注意语语音音语语调调. .Good morning, Bobby.When do you get up every day?At six.I get up at five!自豪自豪What lessons do you have today?What day is it?Its Saturday.Ah! I dont have any lessons on Saturday!任选任选一种一种 方式方式。Read by yourself 自己读自己读Read together一起读一起读Read in roles分角色朗读分角色朗读Tips for actorsRead fluently 流利地朗读流利地朗读Read fluently and beautifully流利、优美地朗读流利、优美地朗读Act it out with emotions有感情的表演有感情的表演Tips for actors(演员演员考核标准)Tips for audience1.认真观看;认真观看;2.坐端正,不要讲话。坐端正,不要讲话。各位各位观众观众请注意!请注意!三人一三人一组表演组表演卡通卡通Lets showA: Good morning/Hello/ Hi/B: A:What day is it today?B:ItsA:When do youevery day?B:IatA:What lessons do you have on?B:I haveA:What subjects do you like?B:I like Its/ Theyre fun.get up,go to school,have lunch, 节目组现在向大家征集剧本,节目组现在向大家征集剧本,咱们来创造吧咱们来创造吧Love life, love creation.热爱生活,热爱创作。热爱生活,热爱创作。Homework1.Share your stories to your friends.跟朋友分享你的剧本。跟朋友分享你的剧本。2.Act out your stories with your friends.跟朋友一起验一验你的创作。跟朋友一起验一验你的创作。4B Unit2 After school(Period 2 Fun time and Cartoon time)Analysis of the teaching material:本节课为译林版三年级起点教材四年级下册第二单元的第二课时,涉及询问星期的句型及其回答“What day is it today? Its”以及询问合适起床的句型及回答“When do you get up? I get up at”通过 Fun time 中的转盘游戏,让学生在游戏中熟练运用 What day 句型询问星期,并在 Cartoon time 学会询问起床时间When do you get up every day?,有趣的卡通片讲述了 Mr Cock 和 Bobby 的故事,通过视听读让学生了解故事的有趣之处:Bobby 今天根本不需要上学,因为是周六。本单元是四年级下册的第二课,在教学时应该要注意到知识的整合,将前面第一单元所学的一些知识点结合到到本课中,使该课堂更有深意和内涵。Analysis of the students:四年级学生经过将近一年半年的英语学习,已经掌握了较多知识内容,并且在第一单元也已经接触了几门课的用法,可以将星期和课程结合,教授本课时应让学生在创设的情境中进行游戏和理解内容,以及人物语言内心的分析,加强语言朗读的指导,并引导学生在创设的情境中综合所学内容灵活的进行展示,并通过一些活动、游戏等调动学习的兴趣。Teaching aims1 认知目标:能听懂、会说、会读,会拼单词 get up, every day 以及星期单词 能听懂、会说、会读,会写句型 What day is it today? ItsWhen do you get up? I get up at2 技能目标:能在情景中、生活中询问星期和他人的作息时间3 情感目标:能发现生活的美,合理安排时间Teaching aids: PPT, cardsTeaching proceduresStep one Warming up1 GreetingsT: Good morning/ What day is it today?/ What subjects do you like? Ss: Good morning/T: You see, Miss Chen is very happy today. Because today we will have an art festival. Here are some pictures for you. They are preparing for the Art Festival.播放学生排练的一些活动简集T: Would you like to join us? Ss: Yes2 Lets playT: If we want to take part in it, we should do some activities to get the ticket for the art festival. Look! When we see the words, phrases or pictures, please say them out quickly.呈现提示 “Music/ Maths/ Tuesday/ ”, Ss say3 Fun timeT: Well done. We know there are seven days in a week. What are they? What is the first day of the week?Ss: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.T: Look. This is a turntable. Lets play. (点击转盘) What day is it today?Ss: ItsT: What lessons do you have?Ss: I haveTeach: What day is it today? ItsThen Ss take out their turntables to play with their partners as this form:A: What day is it today?B: ItsA: What lessons do you have?B: I have设计意图 创设艺术节情景,完成相关活动才能加入该活动,调动学生兴趣,让学生在 Magic yes 中回顾、唤起先前所学知识,并通过大转盘游戏熟识和运用句型 What day is it?Step two Presentation1 Lets learnT: Good jobs. Now you can come to the art festival. Im very excited today. I get up early. I get up at six.Teach: bed, pen, get upT: When do you get up every day?Teach: When do you get up every day?Instruct Ss to say: I get up atSs say in pairs2 Lets watchT: Time for the cartoon. Today the host of the festival will show us a cartoon about Mr Cock and Bobby. Before watching, we should notice two questionsQ1: When does Bobby get up?(At six)Q2: When does Mr Cock get up?(At five)Then watch and answer3 Lets readT: Now please the cartoon by yourselves and then do the quiz.What day is it today? A Saturday B SundayIts in the morning? A Yes B NoThey dont have any lessons on Saturday. A Yes B NoWhere will Bobby go? A School B Park4 Lets talkLook at the last picture, talk about where Bobby will go.T: When Bobby knows it is Saturday, What will he say?Ss: I can Lets5 Lets imitateRead after the tape, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.指导读出困倦的、自豪的、开心的语气,学生示范Ss try to imitate6 Happy readingT: Time to read. You can read by yourselves, you can read together, you can read in roles.Ss choose one way to practice7 Lets showT: Now we have a chance to act out the cartoon. Here are some tips for you. How to be a good audience: be quiet and sit well. How to be good actors: read fluently, get one star. Read fluently and beautifully, get two stars. Act with emotions, get three stars.Ss act 设计意图 通过各种形式,谈论背景,观看视频,自读课文,模仿情绪和语句,分角色朗读等达到对课文内容的理解和熟知,并为表演做准备。Step three Practice1 Make up a new storyT: To make the festival more vivid, we are invited to make new stories with these useful sentences and phrases:What day is it today? ItsWhen do youevery day? I.atWhat lessons do you have on? I haveWhat subjects do you like? I likeIts/ Theyre fun.Ss make new stories in pairs in their picture books.Choose two groups to presentTips: Love life, love creation.设计意图通过为节目组创作更多剧本,让学生在自制的绘本上灵活应用所学,又呼应所创情景。Step four Homework1 Share your stories with your friends2 Act the story out with your friends设计意图回家作业要有新意,学生才会感兴趣,通过利用单元所学创编绘本,相互分享、表演,将知识与兴趣结合,提高效率。
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