Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:d20de).zip

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Unit 4 Drawing in the park ( Story time ) I I cancanI I cancanI I cancanWhat can you do at a PE lesson?Have a brain storming.Lets draw some pictures.Lets ask and answer .A:What can you see ?B:I can see a/ an/ some .Lets think.A:What can you do in the park?B:I can.Look and circle. What are they doing? A.Theyre playing at school. B. Theyre drawing in the park. C. Theyre singing in the park.WhatWhat doesdoes TimTim draw?draw?a boatsome flowersa treea hilla lakea birdWatch and tick.WhatWhat doesdoes TimTim draw?draw?a boatsome flowersa treea hilla lakea birdWatch and tick.coatcoatboat Coat,coat,put on my coat.Boat,boat,row my boat.Read and guess.WhichWhich picturespictures maymay bebe Tims?Tims?自读课文,判断下列哪些画作可能是自读课文,判断下列哪些画作可能是Tim 的,在文中用下划线标出相关句型。的,在文中用下划线标出相关句型。Read and guess.WhichWhich picturespictures maymay bebe Tims?Tims?Can you see the boat on the river?Can you draw it?Its difficult, but I can try.Is this a boat?Yes.Try to say.Read,think and guess.WhichWhich picturespictures maymay bebe Tims?Tims?自读课文,判断下列哪些画作可能是自读课文,判断下列哪些画作可能是Tim 的,在文中用下划线标出相关句型。的,在文中用下划线标出相关句型。This is the tree andthese are the flowers.Well done.Can you see the boat on the river?Can you draw it?Its difficult, but I can try.Is this a boat?Yes.WhatWhat willwill TimTim saysay atat last?last?(Tim(Tim 最后最后会说会说些些什什么么呢?呢?) )Try to think.Its _for Tim. easyIts _ for Tim . difficultnot easy But he can try!easydifficultSure. Its easy.Its difficult. But I can try.Can you follow?(超级模仿秀超级模仿秀)Whatever it is difficult, we should have a try. 无论事情有多难,我们都应该试一试。无论事情有多难,我们都应该试一试。 Listen and repeat. Good idea. 好主意。好主意。 当你同意别人的观点或赞成对当你同意别人的观点或赞成对 方所提的建议时,可以说:方所提的建议时,可以说: 1. Good idea. 2. A good idea. 3. Thats a good idea.Listen and repeat.Listen and repeat. Listen and repeat.A.B.Try to read. Try to read.Read pictures one by one.(一人读一幅图)Read and follow.(一人领读,其他跟读)Read together.(齐读)四人一组,任选一种方式,读一读。 四人一组,一起来表演表演吧!四人一组,一起来表演表演吧! A.能够正确地读出句子。能够正确地读出句子。 B.能带有表情地表演。能带有表情地表演。 C.能带有表情和动作地表演。能带有表情和动作地表演。Try to act.easydifficultTim can see .He can draw well. Its _.He cant draw well. Its _.Try to retell. Find out the differences.找不同找不同Dear Friends,There is an Art Show in the park.Do you like drawing? Can you draw with your ideas?Come at the gate this afternoon. I can see in Picture2. I can see in Picture1.Task1 Magic drawing在所给图形上增添数笔,成为新的图形和画作。在所给图形上增添数笔,成为新的图形和画作。I I cancan drawdraw Task2 Creative drawing 图形组合与创作图形组合与创作1、所画图画必须包含以上所有图案,不能多、所画图画必须包含以上所有图案,不能多,不能少。不能少。2、四人一组,画的幅数越多越好。、四人一组,画的幅数越多越好。3、为其命名。、为其命名。1.Copy the new words.2.Read the text after the tape.3.Share your pictures with your classmates. Unit4 Drawing in the park Teaching objectives:1.To help the students understand the story. 2. To help the students listen, speak and read the new words and the sentence structures “What can you see?I can see.” / “Can you draw.?Sure.It is easy.It is difficult,but I can try.”3. To encourage the students to try when the job is difficult.Teaching difficult and important points:To help the students understand the story. Teaching procedures:Step 1:Pre-reading:1.Have a bain storming.T:What day is it today?What lessons do we have on Friday morning? What lesson is it now?Do you like English?Why?What can we do at an English lesson?What can we do at a PE lesson?What can you do at an Art lesson?I like drawing.Let us draw some pictures.2.Draw some pictures on the blackboardT:What can I draw?Ss:A tree.T:I can draw a tree quickly.This job is very easy.I can draw a flower.It is easy too.Can you draw a flower?T:It is a red flower. It is a yellow flower. It is a blue flower.These are flowers.T: What can I draw?A river.Can you draw a river?T:Look at the pictures.What place is it?It is a park.3.Leading up T:What can you see in the park?Let us ask and answer.T:What can we do in the park?Let us think.T:Look carefully and guess what they are doing in the park?T:They are drawing the pictures in the park.What does Tim draw?Let us watch and answer.Step 2:While-reading1.Watch and answer.T:What does Tim draw?S1:A tree,some flowers and a boatT:Look,here is a word.How to read?Try to read this word.Let us chant.(教授 boat)2.Read and guess.T:You know,Tim is drawing.Here are 5pictures.Which pictures may be Tims?Please read page24 to page 25.A tip for you.When reading,you can use your pencil to underline the key sentences in your book.T:Let us check.Which one,PictureA,Bor C?Why?Read the sentences. Eyes here.This is These areLet us make some sentences.T:Which one, Picture D or E?T:What will Tim say?Let us guess.3.Look and followT:Look,Tim can draw the tree and the flowers well becauce it is easy for him. Tim can not draw the boat well because it is difficult for him. Not easy equals to difficult.But he never gives it up and he will draw well some day.T:This time,let us play a game.Look and follow.If you can do it well,you can say “Sure.It is easy.”If it is fifficult,you can say “It is difficult,but I can try.”4.Reading time5.Show timeT:Here are three ways.Time to show.If you read correctly,one star.If you add the mood,2stars.If you act it out,3stars.Step3:Post-reading1.Find out some differences.T:Here are two pictures.What can you see in picture1 and picture2?T: What can you see on the tree?A notice.Let us join in the Art show and draw something with your ideas.2. Magic drawing Task1 Magic drawing在在所所给给图图形形上上增增添添数数笔笔,成成为为新新的的图图形形和和画画作作。T:Some tasks for you. Look,this is a rectangle.May be I can draw a bag. May be I can draw a bag. Maybe I can draw a fridge. Maybe I can draw a .This is a circle.What can you draw?One minute to prepare.3. Creative drawing Task2 Creative drawing图图形形组组合合与与创创作作1、所所画画图图画画必必须须包包含含以以上上所所有有图图案案,不不能能多多,不不能能少少。2、四四人人一一组组,画画的的幅幅数数越越多多越越好好。3、为为其其命命名名。T:You can see many shapes.Use all of them to draw . 4.Homeworka.Copy the new words.b.Read the text after the tape.c.Share your pictures with your classmates. Unit 4 Seeing the doctor (Checkout time)Name:_Hello, Mr Duck! Nice to meet you . Im _ . Im sorry to hear that. I want to help you. First, you _. Next ,_. Then,_.If you do that , Im sure youll be better soon.(完成了吗?你能获得多少小爱心呢?)(完成了吗?你能获得多少小爱心呢?)建议合理建议合理字迹工整字迹工整展示大方展示大方 建议合理建议合理展示大方展示大方建议合理建议合理 Thank you for your help!
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