Unit 5 Seasons-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:20269).zip

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Unit 5Seasons(Period 2)hotsummercoldwintercoolautumnwarmspringspringsummerautumnwinterspringsummerautumnwinterTry to saySeason cardIt is spring. It is warm. I fly kites. I go boating too. I like spring. It is summer. It is hot. I eat ice creams. I go swimming too. I like summer. It is autumn. It is cool. I have picnics. I go climbing too. I like autumn. Its a sunny day.Its a sunny day.Guli, guli, guli, guli, guli, Sunny day.Lets fly kites.Lets fly kites.Guli, guli, guli, guli, On a sunny day. 晴朗晴朗的的Its a summer day.Its a summer day.Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry,(快点)(快点) Summer day.Lets go swimming.Lets go swimming.Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, (快点)(快点)On a summer day. Its a day.Its a day.Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, day.Lets .Lets .Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, On a day. In_, it is _. I_. In_, it is _.I_. In_, it is _.I_. In_, it is _.I_. In_, it is _.I_.1、 Introduce your season card to your parents.向你的家人介绍季节卡向你的家人介绍季节卡。2、演唱、演唱A sunny day,也可以按自己,也可以按自己改编的歌词演唱。改编的歌词演唱。3、预习、预习Cartoon time and Sound time.Try to sayWhat else do you do in spring?I go to the _.I go to the _.I zooI draw _.parkzoopicturesWhat else do you do in summer? Try to sayI drink _.I eat _.I .juicefruit Try to sayWhat else do you do in autumn?I go to the _.I eat _.farmI go _.farmapples I .fishing Try to sayWhat else do you do in winter?I _ and _.I _ _.I .runjumpmake snowballsUnit5 Seasons(Fun time,Song time)一、学习目标:1. 能听得懂,会读,会说,会写单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool, cold.2. 能听得懂、会读、会说句子:I like spring/summer/autumn/winter. In, it is warm/cool/hot/cold. I (具体活动)3. 自由地表达每个季节的气候特征和在每个季节里通常做的事情。4. 有感情地演唱歌曲A sunny day 。二、学习重、难点:1.有感情地演唱歌曲A sunny day 。2.会介绍四季的气候特征并表达在每个季节里通常做的事情。3.会介绍四季的气候特征并表达在每个季节里通常做的事情。三、学习准备:PPT,季节卡片,实物投影。四、学习过程:Step 1 Warm up and revision1、 课前循环播放歌曲A sunny day2、 Greetings3、 Free talkWhat day is it today?Is it cold today? (No, it isnt.)Its not cold. Its(warm) Why? (It is spring now.)What do we do in spring? ( )4、 Play a gameStep 2 Presentation1、 Review Story time(1)Boys and girls,we know we have four seasons in a year. What are they?(Theyre)What do we do in each season? Lets talk about in groups.(2) 反馈(3) What else do you do in each season?点超链接,进入每个季节,图片提示,引导学生说出更多,师相应板书词组(4) Each season is different. Each season is colourful. Which season do you like?(问几名学生)引导学生根据我的板书形式来回答OK, talk about your favourite season in groups.2、 Fun time(1) (出示 P34 Fun time)Look at the boy. Read the sentences by yourselves, which season does he like?Yes, he likes winter. And he makes a season card of winter. (Teach: season card)(2) Do your want to make a season card too? But how do we make it?A. Look! Choose one season you like, then (引导学生说 draw some pictures).What can we draw for spring? (We can draw)What about summer? What can we draw? Autumn? Winter? 生说,师简笔画。B. After drawing some pictures, we should write something about the season. What does the boy write? Lets read together.(3) At last we must pay attention to the pattern.Open your English books, turn to P59, lets read together.(4) OK, now, turn to P34, take out you paper, lets make our season card. (循环播放 Song time 歌曲A sunny day )(6)Show time: First,look at my season cards. Lets enjoy.Now, please read your season card in groups. If someone has some mistakes, please help him correct the mistakes, OK?Lets show your season card in class. (投影展示)(6) OK, time is limited. You can show your season card to your father and mother after school.Step 3 Practice1、Song time(1) Boys and girls, we can make season cards for our favourite seasons. Also, we can sing season songs to express our love of the seasons.First, lets enjoy it. 播放 Song time 歌曲A sunny dayLook at the sun. Its a sunny day. Follow me, (教学)sunny, Its a sunny day.师领读歌词OK, lets sing together.(2) I can make a summer song. Listen to me. 改编歌词,师示范唱 Can you try? Lets sing together.(3) Can you make a new song? (课件图片提示)生改编歌词,唱一唱Step4 Consolidation and extensionCheckout time(1) We can talk about our favourite season and sing it. Can you talk about four seasons?First, open your English books, turn to Page 37. Lets match the pictures.(2)Check answers:In_, it is_. I_.(3) Lets say:In_, it is_. I_. In_, it is_. I_. In_, it is_. I_. In_, it is_. I_.(4)Well done. We can talk about four seasons. Youre so great!We can make season cards. We can sing season songs. And we can talk about four seasons. I think, we all like the four seasons. Do you?Step5 Homework1、Introduce your season card to your parents.向你的家人介绍季节卡。2、演唱 A sunny day,也可以按自己改编的歌词演唱。3、预习 Cartoon time and Sound time.
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