Tips: Say loudly . 看到图片和单词,请大声说出来。看到图片和单词,请大声说出来。coatcoatdressdressscarfscarfT-shirtT-shirtHow nice !A Red CoatGuess(猜一猜,用中文或英文回答皆可) What will happen to the red coat? (红外套将会发生什么呢?)Happy enjoying It is winter. Happy Birthday, my dear.Thank you, Mum. It is winter. Look at my new coat!How nice! :Happy Birthday, my dear. :Thank you,Mum. Look at my new coat. Ss: How nice!Role play 角色扮演ingsr It is spring. This coat is short for you, dear.I have a good idea, Mum.外套会变外套会变成什么?成什么?This is for you!You look great!Look at my new dress.I like it! Thank you, my friend. Tips: 1、Read loudly大声朗读大声朗读 2、Answer 回答问题回答问题1.The dress is changed into(变成)(变成) ?A. T-shirt B. skirt 2.Who gets(得到)得到) the T-shirt ? Lets check.1.The dress is changed into (变成)(变成) ?A. T-shirt B. skirt2. Who gets (得到)(得到)the T-shirt ?1.The T-shirt is changed into(变成)变成)a scarf.2.The pig gets the scarf. It is winter again. ?Whats the present ?1.Read in groups. 小组内朗读,读准字音。小组内朗读,读准字音。2.Group leaders check. 小组长检查和纠错小组长检查和纠错。为什么红外套又回来了?为什么红外套又回来了?让我们一起大声朗读吧!让我们一起复述故事吧! :Look at my new coat. How nice! :Look at my new dress. You look great! :Look at my new T-shirt. Its cute. :Look at my new scarf. Its lovely! :Look at my new red flower. Its beautiful!What happened to the red coat?(读完故事后,红外套发生了什么?) Group work - Happy actingChoose one part to act .小组任选一个故事场景进行表演。小组任选一个故事场景进行表演。 Everyone takes part in. 人人参与 Act naturally and fluently. 表演自然流利 Use proper body and facial language . 肢体语言得当,声情并茂Lets showDIY(do it yourself)自己动手,变废为宝,让生活更美好!You can do it ! HomeworkHomework1. Try to tell the story to your parents. 试着把今天学习的故事讲给父母听试着把今天学习的故事讲给父母听。2. Try to DIY to help yourself and the others. 尝试自己动手制作帮助自己和其他人尝试自己动手制作帮助自己和其他人。1教学设计教学设计A Red Coat 课型绘本阅读课教材教学内容A Red Coat年级五年级下教学目标1、能听说季节单词 spring/summer/autumn/winter.以及句型 Look at my new.、Its用于赞美的句式。2、能了解故事的大意并能较流利的朗读故事.3、能学会物品再利用。学会用爱去关心他人。教学重难点1、重点:能较为流利的朗读故事并了解故意的大意。2、难点:学生能够自然流利的表演故事内容。学生能够自然流利的表演故事内容。情感目标通过学习孩子们能够用创新思维去进行旧物改造和互赠礼物,学会用爱去关心他人,树立环保意识。2教学准备PPT、卡片,服饰,头饰等。教师活动 学生活动教学目的教学步骤Step 1: Lead-in (2min) Greetings (师生问候)Lead-inT: Hows the weather today?T:Its very cold. So I wear my beautiful coat. Its warm.T: I have some more clothes here. Lets play a game. What can you see in it? Say loudly. Ready, go.T:(PPT 开始出现各种服饰从衣柜跳出来,最后停留在“How nice!”处)They are beautiful. Show me your hands. We can say “How nice!”。T:(PPT 切换出现红衣服)What colour is it? T: Yes, Its a red coat. Today we are going to enjoy a story.Follow me“A Red Coat” .T:What will happen to the red coat.S1: Its windy/rainy.S:S:Red.S:A Red Coat.S:先是提问“Hows the weather today?”导入。再是出示各种服饰图片配单词以及仅仅服饰图片两种形式来复习服饰单词。最后停留在一件红外套处,自然的引出课题。设问“红外套将会发生什么呢?”孩子们带着想象走进绘本。发散孩子们的思维。3教学步骤教学步骤T:The red coat will be missing/The red coat will be changed into a yellow coatStep 2: Presentation & Practice (20min) 一 (整体感知故事 PPT 切换到故事的整体听音)T: First, lets enjoy the story. What animals in the story?T:(PPT 切换)What animals ?T: Now. Lets get into the details of the story.S:giraffe/horse/sheep/chiken/pig.听音整体感知故事,找出故事的主人翁。4教学步骤教学步骤教学步骤二 (Part1 It is winter.的学习)T:(PPT 圈出窗外的风景)Look outside. It snows. T: (PPT 切换到开窗)Lets open the window. Its very cold.(大风的声音)Listen, Its windy. windy-water-winter(呈现 winter 的自然拼读)(听音跟读).Yes, winter comes.T:(PPT 切换到第一个场景图)It is winter. What will happen? T:(PPT 圈出桌上的蛋糕)Whats on the table? T:Oh, yes. This is giraffes birthday party. Lets join in.(听录音,跟读)T:Here we can see a red coat(PPT 圈出红衣服)for giraffe. Giraffes birthday present.T: Lets go on listening.(切换下一张幻灯片听跟读)。T: Look at my new coat. (教读一遍并板书) S:S: Cake.Part1 It is winter.主要采取开窗观察图片这条线索引出冬天,启发式提问,观察图片,直观形象,吸引学生的注意力。听音跟读,图文并茂,模仿读音。角色扮演调动兴趣,把所学转为所用,也为最后表演环节做铺垫。5教学步骤教学步骤教学步骤T:How nice!(加动作教读)。 S:T:en,en Im giraffes mother.(嗯嗯,随便抽一生给他带上生日帽子)You are my little giraffe.T: (把先准备好的红衣服给他)Happy birthday, my dear. (奖励 sticker 给扮小长颈鹿的学生)三(Part2 It is spring.的学习)T:(PPT 出示圈出窗外)3 months later .Look outside The flowers are blooming. T/Ss: (PPT 切换到开窗) Lets open the window(师生共同做开窗动作). The butterflies are flying. (鸟叫声)Listen, birds are singing. T:Yes, spring comes.T:(PPT 切换到春天的场景)It is spring. What will happen?(PPT 出现长颈鹿量身高)Oh. Giraffe becomes taller. Lets listen.(听录音,跟读)T:Whats her good idea? guess?(抽两生起来回答)。T:Look here(PPT 出现衣服变成裙子的图片)She will DIY with it. A coat is changed into a dress. T:Lets go on listening.(听录音,跟读)S: Thank you, mum. S:(生穿上衣服)Look at my new coat.(全体学生):How nice!S:sing-ring-sport-spring.(呈现 spring 自然拼读).(听音读)S:Part2 It is spring.采取开窗观察图片这条线索引出春天。根据文本内容进行启发式提问,有助于发散孩子们的思维。再听音跟读,充分体现了语言学科的教学特点。听说为一体。6教学步骤教学步骤T:This dress is for? S:Horse T:(PPT 圈出马)Oh,yes. The dress is for horse.(奖励 sticker)四 (Part3 It is summer.的学习)T: 3 months later. It is hot.T:(PPT 切换到开窗) Lets open the window. Look outside. They are swimming. Summer comes. T: It is summer. What will happen? Learn it by yourselves.tips1:Read loudly 2: Answer the two questions.(做两道选择题) 1. The dress is changed into? 2. Who gets the T-shirt?S: summer(听音读).SPart3 It is summer.采取开窗观察图片这条线索引出夏天。这部分采取自主学习,师设问检测的方法。充分体现了学生主体性地位。7(PPT 切换到 It is summer 的文内容)I will give you 1min. Go.T: Stop here. First question, who can?T: Question2 Who can?奖励 a sticker五.(Part4 It is autumn.的学习)T:3 months later. Its a little cold.T:(PPT 切换到开窗)Lets open the window.T:(PPT 切换到推窗出现秋景)Wow. Look outside. Leaves are falling down, Autumn comes. T:It is autumn. What will happen? Lets listen .(听录音)T:抽 3 生起来反复练习 “Look at my new scarf.” “Its lovely.”T:(PPT 出示两道判断题)Lets check T: Who gets the scarf?六 (Part5 It is winter again.的学习)T:3months later. It is winter again.T:.(PPT 呈现生日派对的场景。大家跟着音乐一起唱唱“Happy birthday to you”生日歌) Giraffes birthday comes back. What present can S:autumn(听音跟读)S:Part4 It is autumn.采取开窗观察图片这条线索引出秋天。采取听音做判断题理解此部分的大意。再通过情景对话,进一步练习目标句型,真正做到把所学转为所用。Part5It is winter again. 先是营造一个生日氛围,激发孩子们的兴趣。在此设置了一个悬念这次长颈鹿会收到什么礼物呢?最后揭晓答案,再通过小组合作的方式去理解故事的深刻含义。体会到朋友之间美好的友8giraffe get?(预设 2 生回答)T:(PPT 切到倒计时)Whats the present? Lets count down (3,2,1)Big surprise a red flower.(撕开蒙住文本的纸)T:(PPT 切换到文本 It is winter again.)Now ,Tips:1. Read in groups. 2.Group leaders check T: (1min) Go.T: Why she says “my red coat comes back?”S:谊。充分体现了以学生为主体。9T: Yes, because of love between friends. You are a good reader.)七(读绘本故事)Now. Look at your books. Lets read.T:It is winter,1,2 go.Step 3: Consolidation (完成思维导完成思维导图图)(3min) T:(师指着黑板上的思维导图,带领孩子们回顾故事)1. It is winter. The red coat is for giraffe.2. It is spring. (师把外套比在身上) This coat is too short. This coat is changed into a dress(师现场示范变换过程).This dress is for horse.3. It is summer.(师把裙子比在身上)The dress is too short. The dress is changed into a T-shirt(师S: Look at my new coat. How nice.S: Look at my new dress. You look great.S:Look at my new T-shirt. Its cute.S: Look at my new scarf. Its lovely.全班同学齐读整个绘本故事。体现出整进整出的教学模式。带着孩子们一起回顾这个故事的大意,同时也操练了目标句型。最后也揭示了上课伊始所设的问。 “红衣服将会发生什么呢?”原来最后是变成了一朵小红花,又回到了长颈鹿的手中。带着孩子们去感悟这么一种友爱。同时师示范红衣服的变化过程,让孩子们直观的感受到变废为宝的乐趣,有助于培养孩子们的创新精神和提高大家10现场示范变换过程). This T-shirt is for sheep.4. It is autumn. The T-shirt is too small. The T-shirt is changed into a scarf. This scarf is for chick.5.It is winter again. The T-shirt is changed into a red flower. The flower is for giraffe.T:(指着这几个衣服变化过程)Its really a good idea.Ha, Ha, After reading the story. What happened to the red coat?At last .The red coat is changed into a red flower.Step 4: Extension (7min)T: Do you like this story?S: Yes.T: Its your time. Choose one part to act. Tips1 2 3(3min)S:Show timeS:Look at my new red flower. Its beautiful.的环保意识。带头饰角色扮演,输出所学,同时孩子们在表演过程中亲手操作衣服的变化,从中体会变废为宝的乐趣,增强大家的环保意识和培养孩子们的创新思维。11Step 5: Homework (1min)T: What a meaningful story! Here I will show you some pictures.(PPT 切换到变废为宝的图片)T:We can DIY with the old things to help ourselves and others. We can make life beautiful.T: 1.Try to tell the story to your parents. 2. Try to help others.The winner goes to.通过变废为宝的图片展示,进行情感教育。学会旧物改造去帮助别人,要有创新意识。布置家庭作业展开教学评价12Blackboard Design(板书设计): 1314A Red Coat教材分析学情分析教学目标教学重难点教学策略教学过程教学反思说课内容 教材分析A Red Coat123绘本阅读课了解故事的大意1 学情分析五年级的孩子接触英文绘本的机会较少。绘本故事中的句型和词汇较多,理解起来有一定的难度。 中高段教学 新知较难12 听读春、夏、秋、冬四个单词 掌握句型:Look at my new运用Its赞美的句式。l通过学习能够较流利的朗读故事并了解故事的大意。l 学会创新思维去旧物改造,懂得互助互利。 l增强环保意识。知识目标 能力目标 情感目标 教学目标23 通过三维目标的达成,通过三维目标的达成,能让他们从语言能力、学能让他们从语言能力、学习能力、创新思维、文化习能力、创新思维、文化品质等方面加强英语学科品质等方面加强英语学科核心素养的养成。核心素养的养成。 教学重难点聆听、朗读故事并了解故事的大意学生能够通过表演故事的方式自然流利的将学习内容加以应用。 重 点 难 点44创设情境听音跟读 小组合作角色扮演自主学习教学策略 对话表演5游戏在活动中进行深刻的体验。在活动中进行深刻的体验。4Lead-in1235Presentation & PracticeConsolidationExtension 教学过程5Emotional Education&Homework6Lead-in 通过对服饰单词的复习,自然的进入今天的课题。在不同的季节红外套发生的不同的变化串穿始终,且与课堂教学并行不悖。1Presentation&Practiceu 设问“红外套将会发生什么呢?”想象走进绘本。u 听音整体感知故事u 开窗观察天气这条线索引出四季四个不同的场景。真正落实到学习能力的培养。u It is winter again. 制造悬念u 小组合作学习,理解文本大意,领悟出美好的友情学会互助互利。u 快乐朗读,感受语言的美,培养思维能力。2Consolidation 师生一起回顾故事的思维导图,边回顾文本内容边操作红衣服的变化过程。对今天的目标语言进行操练。最后巧妙的解答了上课伊始所提的问题“红外套会发生什么呢?”达到前后呼应的目的。3Extension 设计Role play, 利用头饰进行角色扮演,边演绎边动手对衣服进行改造。既输出了本课的所学,又锻炼了孩子们的动手能力,从中去体会变废为宝的乐趣。 4Emotional Education& Homework 通过展示变废为宝的手工制作图片,并进行情感教育。培养创新思维和环保意识。最后布置弹性作业给孩子们分享更多的绘本。把这个故事分享给你的父母。以及学会动手进行旧物改造来帮助自己和别人。5 教学反思62018年12月 执教者:执教者:7 7号教师号教师Tips: Say loudly . 看到图片和单词,请大声说出来。看到图片和单词,请大声说出来。 coatcoat dressdress scarfscarf T-shirtT-shirt How nice !A Red CoatGuess(猜一猜,用中文或英文回答皆可) What will happen to the red coat? (红外套将会发生什么呢?)Happy enjoying It is winter. Happy Birthday, my dear.Thank you, Mum. It is winter. Look at my new coat!How nice! :Happy Birthday, my dear. :Thank you,Mum. Look at my new coat. Ss: How nice!Role play 角色扮演 ing s r It is spring. This coat is short for you, dear.I have a good idea, Mum.外套会变外套会变成什么?成什么?This is for you!You look great!Look at my new dress.I like it! Thank you, my friend. Tips: 1、Read loudly大声朗读大声朗读 2、Answer 回答问题回答问题1.The dress is changed into(变成)(变成) ?A. T-shirt B. skirt 2.Who gets(得到)得到) the T-shirt ? Lets check.1.The dress is changed into (变成)(变成) ?A. T-shirt B. skirt2. Who gets (得到)(得到)the T-shirt ?1.The T-shirt is changed into(变成)变成)a scarf.2.The pig gets the scarf. It is winter again.?Whats the present ? 1.Read in groups. 小组内朗读,读准字音。小组内朗读,读准字音。 2.Group leaders check. 小组长检查和纠错小组长检查和纠错。为什么红外套又回来了?为什么红外套又回来了?让我们一起大声朗读吧!让我们一起复述故事吧! :Look at my new coat. How nice! :Look at my new dress. You look great! :Look at my new T-shirt. Its cute. :Look at my new scarf. Its lovely! :Look at my new red flower. Its beautiful!What happened to the red coat?(读完故事后,红外套发生了什么?) Group work - Happy actingChoose one part to act .小组任选一个故事场景进行表演。小组任选一个故事场景进行表演。 Everyone takes part in. 人人参与 Act naturally and fluently. 表演自然流利 Use proper body and facial language . 肢体语言得当,声情并茂Lets showDIY(do it yourself)自己动手,变废为宝,让生活更美好!You can do it ! HomeworkHomework1. Try to tell the story to your parents. 试着把今天学习的故事讲给父母听试着把今天学习的故事讲给父母听。2. Try to DIY to help yourself and the others. 尝试自己动手制作帮助自己和其他人尝试自己动手制作帮助自己和其他人。年级:五年级年级:五年级学科学科: 英语英语执教:执教:7 号教师号教师教教 案案1教学设计教学设计A Red Coat 执教者:执教者:7 号教师号教师课型绘本阅读课教材教学内容A Red Coat年级五年级下教学目标1、能听说季节单词 spring/summer/autumn/winter.以及句型 Look at my new.、Its用于赞美的句式。2、能了解故事的大意并能较流利的朗读故事.3、能学会物品再利用。学会用爱去关心他人。教学重难点1、重点:能较为流利的朗读故事并了解故意的大意。2、难点:学生能够自然流利的表演故事内容。学生能够自然流利的表演故事内容。情感目标通过学习孩子们能够用创新思维去进行旧物改造和互赠礼物,学会用爱去关心他人,树立环保意识。2教学准备PPT、卡片,服饰,头饰等。教师活动 学生活动教学目的教学步骤Step 1: Lead-in (2min) Greetings (师生问候)Lead-inT: Hows the weather today?T:Its very cold. So I wear my beautiful coat. Its warm.T: I have some more clothes here. Lets play a game. What can you see in it? Say loudly. Ready, go.T:(PPT 开始出现各种服饰从衣柜跳出来,最后停留在“How nice!”处)They are beautiful. Show me your hands. We can say “How nice!”。T:(PPT 切换出现红衣服)What colour is it? T: Yes, Its a red coat. Today we are going to enjoy a story.Follow me“A Red Coat” .T:What will happen to the red coat.S1: Its windy/rainy.S:S:Red.S:A Red Coat.S:先是提问“Hows the weather today?”导入。再是出示各种服饰图片配单词以及仅仅服饰图片两种形式来复习服饰单词。最后停留在一件红外套处,自然的引出课题。设问“红外套将会发生什么呢?”孩子们带着想象走进绘本。发散孩子们的思维。3教学步骤教学步骤T:The red coat will be missing/The red coat will be changed into a yellow coatStep 2: Presentation & Practice (20min) 一 (整体感知故事 PPT 切换到故事的整体听音)T: First, lets enjoy the story. What animals in the story?T:(PPT 切换)What animals ?T: Now. Lets get into the details of the story.S:giraffe/horse/sheep/chiken/pig.听音整体感知故事,找出故事的主人翁。4教学步骤教学步骤教学步骤二 (Part1 It is winter.的学习)T:(PPT 圈出窗外的风景)Look outside. It snows. T: (PPT 切换到开窗)Lets open the window. Its very cold.(大风的声音)Listen, Its windy. windy-water-winter(呈现 winter 的自然拼读)(听音跟读).Yes, winter comes.T:(PPT 切换到第一个场景图)It is winter. What will happen? T:(PPT 圈出桌上的蛋糕)Whats on the table? T:Oh, yes. This is giraffes birthday party. Lets join in.(听录音,跟读)T:Here we can see a red coat(PPT 圈出红衣服)for giraffe. Giraffes birthday present.T: Lets go on listening.(切换下一张幻灯片听跟读)。T: Look at my new coat. (教读一遍并板书) S:S: Cake.Part1 It is winter.主要采取开窗观察图片这条线索引出冬天,启发式提问,观察图片,直观形象,吸引学生的注意力。听音跟读,图文并茂,模仿读音。角色扮演调动兴趣,把所学转为所用,也为最后表演环节做铺垫。5教学步骤教学步骤教学步骤T:How nice!(加动作教读)。 S:T:en,en Im giraffes mother.(嗯嗯,随便抽一生给他带上生日帽子)You are my little giraffe.T: (把先准备好的红衣服给他)Happy birthday, my dear. (奖励 sticker 给扮小长颈鹿的学生)三(Part2 It is spring.的学习)T:(PPT 出示圈出窗外)3 months later .Look outside The flowers are blooming. T/Ss: (PPT 切换到开窗) Lets open the window(师生共同做开窗动作). The butterflies are flying. (鸟叫声)Listen, birds are singing. T:Yes, spring comes.T:(PPT 切换到春天的场景)It is spring. What will happen?(PPT 出现长颈鹿量身高)Oh. Giraffe becomes taller. Lets listen.(听录音,跟读)T:Whats her good idea? guess?(抽两生起来回答)。T:Look here(PPT 出现衣服变成裙子的图片)She will DIY with it. A coat is changed into a dress. T:Lets go on listening.(听录音,跟读)S: Thank you, mum. S:(生穿上衣服)Look at my new coat.(全体学生):How nice!S:sing-ring-sport-spring.(呈现 spring 自然拼读).(听音读)S:Part2 It is spring.采取开窗观察图片这条线索引出春天。根据文本内容进行启发式提问,有助于发散孩子们的思维。再听音跟读,充分体现了语言学科的教学特点。听说为一体。6教学步骤教学步骤T:This dress is for? S:Horse T:(PPT 圈出马)Oh,yes. The dress is for horse.(奖励 sticker)四 (Part3 It is summer.的学习)T: 3 months later. It is hot.T:(PPT 切换到开窗) Lets open the window. Look outside. They are swimming. Summer comes. T: It is summer. What will happen? Learn it by yourselves.tips1:Read loudly 2: Answer the two questions.(做两道选择题) 1. The dress is changed into? 2. Who gets the T-shirt?S: summer(听音读).SPart3 It is summer.采取开窗观察图片这条线索引出夏天。这部分采取自主学习,师设问检测的方法。充分体现了学生主体性地位。7(PPT 切换到 It is summer 的文内容)I will give you 1min. Go.T: Stop here. First question, who can?T: Question2 Who can?奖励 a sticker五.(Part4 It is autumn.的学习)T:3 months later. Its a little cold.T:(PPT 切换到开窗)Lets open the window.T:(PPT 切换到推窗出现秋景)Wow. Look outside. Leaves are falling down, Autumn comes. T:It is autumn. What will happen? Lets listen .(听录音)T:抽 3 生起来反复练习 “Look at my new scarf.” “Its lovely.”T:(PPT 出示两道判断题)Lets check T: Who gets the scarf?六 (Part5 It is winter again.的学习)T:3months later. It is winter again.T:.(PPT 呈现生日派对的场景。大家跟着音乐一起唱唱“Happy birthday to you”生日歌) Giraffes birthday comes back. What present can S:autumn(听音跟读)S:Part4 It is autumn.采取开窗观察图片这条线索引出秋天。采取听音做判断题理解此部分的大意。再通过情景对话,进一步练习目标句型,真正做到把所学转为所用。Part5It is winter again. 先是营造一个生日氛围,激发孩子们的兴趣。在此设置了一个悬念这次长颈鹿会收到什么礼物呢?最后揭晓答案,再通过小组合作的方式去理解故事的深刻含义。体会到朋友之间美好的友8giraffe get?(预设 2 生回答)T:(PPT 切到倒计时)Whats the present? Lets count down (3,2,1)Big surprise a red flower.(撕开蒙住文本的纸)T:(PPT 切换到文本 It is winter again.)Now ,Tips:1. Read in groups. 2.Group leaders check T: (1min) Go.T: Why she says “my red coa