Unit 6 Whose dress is this-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:805a2).zip

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Unit5 Seasons 课后练习题课后练习题一、英汉译。1、在春天_ 2.、放风筝_ 3、去划船_ 4、在夏天_ 5、吃冰淇淋_ 6、去游泳_ 7、在秋天_ 8、 (举行)野餐(活动)_ 9、去爬山_ 10、在冬天_ 11、堆雪人_ 12、去溜冰_ 13、晴朗的一天_ 14、谁的包_ 二、补全句子。1、Its summer. Its _. We _ ice creams. We go swimming. We like summer. 2、Its _. _ warm. We fly _. We go boating. We _ spring. 3、Its autumn. Its _. We have _. We go climbing. We _ autumn. 4、._ winter. Its _. We _ _. We go skating. We _ winter.三、选词填空 。 1、_ spring, we fly kites. (in, on) 2、We fly kites _ a fine day. (in, on) 3、 I make _ in winter. (snowman, snowmen) 4、Look at that_. Its cool. (snowman, snowmen) 5.We go _ in summer. (swim, swimming) 6.I can _. (swim, swimming) What about you? 7.In winter _ cold. (is, its) 8.Autumn _ my favourite(最喜爱的) season. (is, its) 9.In spring, its _. (hot, warm) 10.In summer, its _. (hot, warm) 11.I like _. (skate, skating) 12.I_ (skate, skating) after school. 13.Bobby _ a big egg. (have, has) 14.Sam and Bobby _ some big eggs. (have, has) 四、单选,1. We go swimming _ seven in the park.A.inB.atC.on2. My brother _ my book.A.haveB.havingC.has3. When do you have picnics ? We have picnics _ school.A.afterB.inC.on4. Can you _ in summer ? Yes, I can.A.swimmingB.swimC.swiming5. Here is a hamburger _ you.A.inB.toC.for6. Do you like winter ?A.Yes, I can.B.Yes, I do.C.Yes, it is.7. Lets _ on Saturday morning.A.climbB.go climbC.going climbing8. I can _ a snowman with a long nose.A.makingB.goC.make9. Are you _ ? I have a sandwich in my bag.A.hotB.coldC.hungry10. Its a sunny day. Lets go to _.A.the parkB.bedC.swimmingPlay a gamePlay a game: : Brain Brain StormStorm Say the same kind of words.说同类词语。 redred Monday play table tennisMathsTopic(话题):Seasons (季 节) spring 春天summer 夏天autumn 秋天 winter 冬天In _, it is_.spring warmwarmwarm暖暖和和的的Task1.Watch and answer:Whats the weather like in summer/autumn/winter? (天气)differTask1.Watch and answer:Whats the weather like in summer/autumn/winter?In _, it is_.spring warmsummer hotautumn coolwinter coldcool凉爽的SeasonsIn spring, it is warm. it is hot. it is cool. it is cold.A poem(诗歌)In summer,In autumn, In winter, Task2.Read and fill in the blanks(读第一段并填空):SpringIn spring, it is warm.We_.We_.We like spring.Tips: Underline the activities.(划出表示活动的短语)fly kitesgo boating spring 春天eat ice creamsgo swimmingIn summer, it is hot.We_.We_.We like _.Task3.Talk and fill in the blanks(看图讨论并填空):summerSummerWhat can we do? autumn 秋天 winter 冬天What can we do?What can we do? autumn 秋天 winter 冬天ABTask4.Read and match(读第三、四段并连线):have picnicsgo climbingmake snowmengo skatingIn spring, it is warm.We fly kites.We go boating.We like spring.Reading time.Tip:跟读诗歌时,请注意模仿语音语调。In summer, it is hot.We eat ice creams.We go swimming.We like summer.Reading time.In autumn, it is cool.We have picnics.We go climbing.We like autumn.Reading time.In winter, it is cold.We make snowmen.We go skating.We like winter.Reading time.In spring, it is warm.We fly kites.We go boating.We like spring.In summer, it is hot.We eat ice creams.We go swimming.We like summer.In autumn, it is cool.We have picnics.We go climbing.We like autumn.In winter, it is cold.We make snowmen.We go skating.We like winter.I can read !Read correctly正确地阅读Read fluently and beautifully流利、优美的朗读Read with emotions and actions有感情地朗读,并加入动作选择最喜欢的季节朗诵。Poem recital party(诗歌朗诵会) In spring, it is warm.We fly kites.We go boating.We like spring.In summer, it is hot.We eat ice creams.We go swimming.We like summer.In autumn, it is cool.We have picnics.We go climbing.We like autumn.In winter, it is cold.We make snowmen.We go skating.We like winter.1、Do you think what colour is the springsummerautumnwinter ?summer说明季节介绍季节的颜色red介绍季节的天气summerhot介绍你的活动eat watermelons go swimming选择一个喜欢的季节,制作卡片,并朗读小诗。要求:1.每组选取一张季节卡片;2.根据图案提示写出相对应的季节;3.在横线上写上适当的单词!4.将小诗表演出来。In a summary.summerautumnwintergo swimminggo skatinggo climbingfly kitesmake snowmengo boatinghave picnics1、How many seasons in a years ?What are they?2、Whats the weather like in spring summerautumnwinter?.3、What can we do in springsummerautumnwnter?coldwarmhotcoolspringIf we want to be have a colorful world If we want to be have a colorful world forever ,what should we do?forever ,what should we do?To enjoy your life and thank for it.(去享受生活,感恩生活。)Use your magic eyes to watch the world.(用你神奇的双眼去观察这个世界。)Different seasons,different feelings.(不同的季节,不同的感受。)Different seasons,different colors.(不同的季节,不同的色彩。)HomeworkHomework1. 朗读Story time 内容3遍。2. 创编小诗.单元课题UnitUnit 5 5 SeasonsSeasons第 1 1 课时课时板块第一课时第一课时课型新授型新授型总第 1 1 课时教学目标1.1. BeBe ableable toto listen,listen, saysay , , readread andand writewrite thethe wordswords :season,:season, spring,spring, warm,warm, summer,summer, hot,hot, autumn,autumn, cool,cool, winter,winter, cold.cold. AndAnd bebe ableable toto listen,listen, saysay , , readread thethe phrases:phrases: flyfly kites,kites, gogo boating,boating, gogo swimming,swimming, havehave picnics,picnics, gogo climbing,climbing, gogo skatingskating . .2.2. LetLet thethe studentsstudents knowknow thethe characterscharacters ofof thethe seasons.seasons. And makemake thethe studentsstudents describedescribe thethe seasonsseasons inin English.English.3.The3.The teacherteacher leadlead thethe studentsstudents useuse thethe mindmind mapmap toto learnlearn thisthis story.story. AndAnd traintrain thethe studentsstudents abilitiesabilities ofof thinkingthinking 4.4. LetLet thethe studentsstudents knowknow thatthat wewe shouldshould lovelove thethe nature.nature.教学重点1.1. LetLet thethe studentsstudents knowknow thethe characterscharacters ofof thethe seasons.seasons. And makemake thethe studentsstudents describedescribe thethe seasonsseasons inin English.English.2.2. TheThe teacherteacher leadlead thethe studentsstudents useuse thethe mindmind mapmap toto learnlearn thisthis story.story. AndAnd traintrain thethe studentsstudents abilitiesabilities ofof thinkingthinking 3.3.3.The3.The teacherteacher leadlead thethe studentsstudents useuse thethe mindmind mapmap toto learnlearn thisthis story.story. AndAnd traintrain thethe studentsstudents abilitiesabilities ofof thinkingthinking 教学难点TheThe teacherteacher leadlead thethe studentsstudents useuse thethe mindmind mapmap toto learnlearn thisthis story.story. AndAnd traintrain thethe studentsstudents abilitiesabilities ofof thinkingthinking 教具学具PPTPPT、pictures,pictures, 教师生互动备课修改学过程StepStep 1 1 GreetingsGreetingsThe students and teacher greet each other.StepStep 2 2 HaveHave a a freefree talktalk andand leadlead intointoT:T: WhatWhat dayday isis itit today?today?T:T: WhatsWhats thethe weatherweather likelike ? ?warmwarmT:WhatT:What dodo youyou dodo inin warmwarm days?days?flyfly kiteskites gogo boatingboating T:WhatT:What seasonseason isis itit now?now?springspringStepStep 3 3 PresentationPresentation1.Watch1.Watch cartooncartoonLetLet thethe studentsstudents watchwatch thethe cartooncartoon carefullycarefully andand findfind outout whatwhat isis thethe storystory about?about?TheThe studentsstudents cancan knowknow thatthat itsits aboutabout seasonsseasons 2.Team2.Team workworkLetLet thethe studentsstudents watchwatch thethe storystory andand thenthen findfind thethe answersanswers inin groups.groups.Q1:HowQ1:How manymany seasonsseasons areare therethere inin a a year?year?Q2:WhatQ2:What areare they?they?Q3:WhatsQ3:Whats thethe weatherweather like?like?4.4. CommunicationCommunication andand showingshowingTheThe studentsstudents watchwatch thethe cartooncartoon andand talktalk aboutabout thethe activitiesactivities inin groups.(Moregroups.(More activities)activities) ThenThen refinerefine thethe mindmind maps.maps. 5.Let5.Let thethe studentsstudents saysay whichwhich seasonseason dodo theythey likelike bestbest andand thethe reasons.reasons.Step4Step4 DevelopmentDevelopmentLetLet thethe studentstudent choosechoose oneone seasonseason theythey likelike best(best(结合当地的天气情况结合当地的天气情况).And).And showshow itit withwith thethe wayway theythey like.like.StepStep 5 5 EmotionEmotion educationeducation1.1. CompareCompare thethe differencesdifferences betweenbetween thethe differentdifferent places.places.2.2. FineFine theirtheir samesame point.point.3.3. GuideGuide thethe studentsstudents toto lovelove naturenature andand protectprotect thethe environment.environment.StepStep 6 6 HomeworkHomeworkGoGo outingouting withwith youryour friendsfriends andand introduceintroduce thethe seasonseason板书设计 Unit 5 Seasons 教后反思在上完这节公开课后,总体感觉还是不错的,教学目标明确,我是通过 Brain storm 游戏进入到课堂中,接着我运用提问题的方式观看卡通片 ,小组讨论,增加了上课的气氛。接着通过提出的一些问题学习今天的重难点。最后小组讨论自己最喜欢的季节并能升华到如果我们想拥有多彩的季节我们应该怎么做。环环相扣,学生们轻轻松松就把今天所学的东西要掌握了。不过也因为教学环节设计有点多的问题没能在规定的时间内完成教学目标,因此课尾只能草草收兵。通过这次的教学更能激励我以后的磨练,做一个更完善自我,做一个学生更喜欢的英语老师。
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