Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:81555).doc

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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:81555).doc_第1页
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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:81555).doc_第2页
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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:81555).doc_第3页
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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:81555).doc_第4页
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1、5rosie4B Unit4 Drawing in the park (Story time)(尚学版)一、教学目标:一、教学目标:1. 学生能听懂、会说、会读单词:draw, easy, difficult, try, flower, them, boat, river.2. 学生能听懂、会说、会读句型:What can you see? I can see.3. 学生能运用日常用语:Sure. Its easy. Its difficult. But I can try.4. 培养学生观察和发现美的能力,培养学生的绘画兴趣。二、教学重点:二、教学重点:1. 学生能听、说、读词汇:draw,

2、 flower, them, boat, river.2. 学生能听、 说、 读句型: What can you see? I can see.Sure. Its easy. Its difficult.But I can try.三、教学难点:三、教学难点:1. 词汇:draw, easy, difficult, river 的读音。2. 句型:What can you see? I can see.的灵活运用。四、教具准备:四、教具准备:白板课件,板书制作, 画板、画架、画纸、画笔,头饰。五、教学过程:五、教学过程:Step1. Warm up:1. Greetings: T: Hello

3、, boys and girls.Are you ready for our class? How are you?S: Im fine. Thank you.2. Free talk:T: OK. Let me know something about you. OK?T: What can you do?S: I can . T: Can you very well?S: Yes./ No.T: Can you guess what Miss Jiang can do? (做画画的动作)S: You can draw. 引出 draw 并教学。Step2. Presentation and

4、 practice:I. Pre-reading:1. 教学教学: draw some pictures, easy, difficult,句型句型 Can you draw it?Sure. Its easy. Its difficult. 渗透: We can draw pictures, but we cant draw very well.的思路。(1) T: You are right. Miss Jiang can draw some pictures.引出单词 picture 并教学,词组:draw some pictures.T: Please enjoy my drawing

5、s. 呈现 Miss Jiang 画的画让学生欣赏。T: Now I will show some stick drawings for you. Look carefully.(在屏幕上画树的简笔画)T: What can I draw? 引出 tree 并教学。 (贴板书“树” )(2) T: Can you draw it? 引出并教学这个句型。S: Yes, I can. 引导学生说: Sure. Its easy. 教学单词 easy(tea / i: /), 领读句型 Sure.Its easy.(3) T: Next what can I draw? Look, what can

6、 you see? (在树上画小鸟)S:I can see a bird in the tree.(在板书的树上贴“鸟” )Ss: I can see a bird in the tree.(4) T: Now what can you see? (在树下画猴子)S: I can see a monkey under the tree.(在板书的树下贴“猴子” )Ss: I can see a monkey under the tree.并问:Can you draw them? 教学单词 them 和这个句型。Ss: No. Its difficult. But I can try.引出 d

7、ifficult 并教学(分音节教学)。领读句型: Its difficult. But I can try.T 总结: We can draw pictures, but we cant draw very well.2. 教学句型:教学句型:What can you see? I can see教学词组教学词组: some flowers, 句型句型 I cansee a boat on the river.(1) T: Now lets make a chant for these stick pictures. Listen carefully.Chant: 配上音乐节奏,学生拍手齐说

8、,操练巩固重点句型。Look!Look! What can you see? I can see a bird in the tree.Look, look! What can you see? I can see a monkey under the tree.(2) T: Just now we talked about that picture. Now look at this picture.What can you see? (呈现女孩的黑白图片)S: I can see a girl/ woman.将女孩的黑白图片着色:What can you see now?S: I can

9、see a flower and a butterfly. 原来女孩的头像是由花朵和蝴蝶构成的呀。教学单词 a flower (how, now) 拼读单词(在板书的树下贴“花” )II. While-reading:1. 教学单词:教学单词:boat, river, 句型句型: I can see a boat on the river.(1) T: Oh, its an interesting picture. Spring is coming. Look, we can see manybeautiful flowers and butterflies in spring.(呈现被遮盖的

10、图片)T: What can you see in spring? Who can help me show thepicture? (邀请学生上台,用“擦擦乐”功能将图片上遮盖的一层擦掉)边显现景象,学生边回答:I can see a tree/ Tim/ Mike/ some hills/ some flowers/ aboat and a river/ a blue sky/ .(看完后呈现完整的课文图片)T: Oh, whats this?S: Its a river.教学 river/ i /. 同法教学 boat(coat), 领读句型:I can see a boat on th

11、e river.(2) T: Look at Mike and Tim, theyre so happy. Where are they?S: They are in the park.T: What are they doing? Watch the cartoon and find the answers. (图片上 Mike 带的画画工具已打上马赛克,避免明知故问)S: They are drawing in the park. 揭题:Unit4 Drawing in the park2. 课文教学课文教学Task1. Listen and tick.T: What did Tim dr

12、aw? Lets listen and tick.教师将设计的题目发送给学生,学生在平板电脑上完成:在没有画的图片方框中打叉,画的图片方框中打钩。 (系统会及时评价学生的答案,学生做对了,系统会出现笑脸,学生做错了,系统会出现哭脸,有助于学生及时发现问题和自我评价)学生将自己的作业截屏发送给老师,老师在屏幕上随机挑选学生的答案,学生一起看。(被挑选到的学生站起来先介绍自己的答案) S: Tim drew a tree, some flowers anda boat. (教师进行分析与讲评)Task2. Read and tick.T: Read the text by yourselves a

13、nd circle the things that Mike can draw very well. 自读课文,圈出 Mike 画得好的东西,并在表格中打钩。(教师将课文文本录入在页面的第二、第三页,学生在平板电脑上可以直接翻页阅读文本,同时可以直接用手指在关键词句下面划线,读好后回到第一页完成表格,非常方便快捷)教师随即挑选一位学生,让其把答案发送到大屏幕,大家一起看。那个学生站起来回答:S: Tim can draw the tree and the flowers very well.T: How do you know that? 找出文中依据。S: Sure. Its easy. T

14、his is the tree and these are the flowers.跟读句子。学生模仿表演,读出 Tim 的自信语气,并配上动作。Task3. Discuss in six.T: Tim can draw the tree and the flowers. What about the boat? Can Tim draw theboat? 给出两个选项,在班中形成两种不同的意见,激发学生思考并分析。A. Tim can draw the boat because B: Tim cant draw the boat because.S: 六人小组讨论,找出文中支持你观点的论据。

15、 (直接在 ipad 上阅读文本)S1: Tim can draw the boat because he says, “Its difficult, but I can try.” 跟读句型。T: OK. So what kind of person is Tim?A. He likes to talk big. (他喜欢说大话)B. He tries to do better. (他努力尝试、尽力做得更好)S: B. He tries to do better.温馨提示: Though it is difficult, we should have a try.S2: Tim cant d

16、raw the boat because Mike says, “Is this a boat?” 个别读,模仿 Mike的动作的语气,揣摩人物心理。T: What does Mike mean? Which boat did Tim draw? A or B? (给出两张小船图片让学生直观选择) S:A.T: I think Tim cant draw the boat very well, but he can try. Thats the most important.教师总结讨论结果,并提升主题。Task4. Imitation.教师指导正确的语音语调,表情动作到位。跟读到 Good

17、idea.时教师提醒:Good idea.意为好主意,还可以说:Thats a goodidea.跟读到 Well done.时,让学生说说其他的句子来表扬 Tim.S: Wonderful!/ Nice!/ Great!/ How beautiful./ Very nice./ .Task5. Lets read:两人一组,选择一种方式读,齐读或分角色朗读。Task6. Lets show:学生上台戴头饰表演。 (道具:画板、电子笔)让学生上台,在屏幕上边画变表演,在真实语境中运用所学英语。并给出评一星、两星和三星的标准。Step3. Consolidation:III. Post-read

18、ing:1. 用所学句型和单词描述给出的双关心理图用所学句型和单词描述给出的双关心理图, 并上台来画一画、说一说。并上台来画一画、说一说。Eg.1:A: What can you see? B: I can see a tree and three birds/ a girl.A: Can you draw it/ them?B: Sure. Its easy.Eg.2: A: What can you see? B: I can see a man, a horse and a river/ an old man.A: Can you draw it/ them?B: Its difficu

19、lt. But I can try.情感教育:We cant draw very well, but we can try. If you try to draw, you can drawmore beautifully. Lets enjoy some beautiful pictures:2. 欣赏欣赏 3D 立体地画。立体地画。T: Its difficult for us. Try to draw better. OK?Step4. Homework:1. Listen to the tape and read the text fluently.2. Draw some interesting pictures and share with us next class.


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