(新教材)人教版(2019)必修第三册高中英语Unit 1 Festivals and celebrations Section Ⅲ基础巩固&amp综合能力提升(含答案).doc

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(新教材)人教版(2019)必修第三册高中英语Unit 1 Festivals and celebrations Section Ⅲ基础巩固&amp综合能力提升(含答案).doc_第1页
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1、<p>Unit 1-Festivals and celebrations单元基础巩固单元基础巩固&amp;综合能力提升综合能力提升-Section 【单句语法填空】【单句语法填空】1. Lawyers help others and(respect) by people.2. The little boy is(please) to see his parents.3. The offer has yet to be accepted by the lawyers(represent) thevictims.4.(Wrestle) is a sport where two

2、people fight and try to throw eachother to the ground.5. The audience(clap) and cheered when she stood up to speak.6. I was(absolute) angry with him because he made the same mistakeagain.7. We chatted(brief) about the weather before we parted.8. He was(horrible) burnt so he was rushed to the hospita

3、l.9. The boss suggested making the most of those last precious(moment).10. I didnt fancy(swim) in that water.【选词填空】【选词填空】atmosphere, represent, please, fancy, grace,absolute, moment, brief, respect, horrible1. The old man wasto watch his son appear on TV.2. We are impressed with thewith which a danc

4、er leaps into the air.3. She tries to create anof calm and security for her children where theycan live happily.4. The family members screamedwhen they saw the snakes crawlingon the ground.5. Mr King was chosenthe company at the conference.6. I wanted a simple black dress, nothing.7. He made his rea

5、sons for buying another carclear.8. The scientist who is making a speechby everyone present.9. I spent a fewthinking what I was going to say.10.speaking, English is so useful that all of us students should learn itwell.【补全句子】【补全句子】1., I dont really think you will get the chance to go abroad.坦率地说, 我认

6、为你不会得到出国的机会。(frank)2. We are discussing when totomorrow.我们正在讨论明天什么时候出发。(set)3. Fireworks willat the square at 7 in the evening.晚上 7 点钟将在广场燃放烟花。(go)4. The moment the gun(开火), the soldier gave himself away.5. It looks(好像) the plan went on well.6. My parents thinkis not a job.我父母认为搞音乐不是工作。(动词-ing 形式作主语

7、)7. We should think up a good waythe bad people.我们应该想出一个好方法把坏人吓走。(frighten)8. These traditions(对有重大影响) people.9.(尊重) our parents is very important.10. Because of the heavy rain, they didnt(出发) until 12 oclock.11.(参加) the celebration was an exciting experience for me.12. Buying such a house in the ce

8、ntre of the city is(值得).13.(坦白地说), the dish you cooked tasted terrible.14. The two books are the samethe fact that this one has an answerkey at the back.除了这本书后面有问题答案以外, 这两本书完全一样。(except)15.unsure of where she was, she hesitated and looked round.她仿佛不知身在何处, 犹犹豫豫, 向四周打量着。(as)16.,she became famous overn

9、ight.获奖后, 她很快就出名了。(after+动词-ing 形式)17. The girl sits there,.女孩坐在那里和她的同学聊天。(动词-ing 形式作伴随状语)18. The Kongming lanternscaught our attention.飞上天的孔明灯吸引了我们的注意力。(动词-ing 形式作定语)19. The coat suits you well(除以外) its color.20. People(四面八方的) came to the market to buy things.【七选五】【七选五】根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项

10、。选项中有两项为多余选项。Of course you love your parentsthats a given. But at times, maintaining thebond between parent and adult can be as challenging as that between parent andteenager. Here are some ways to strengthen an adult relationship with your parents.Talk to your parents as friends. “1it may feel funn

11、y to give up your role asthe child. A good start is to model your conversations with Mom and Dad on thoseyou have with friends, ”says Dr.Tessina. “Dont limit your conversations strictly tofamily memories, or gossip about family members, or your personal life, ”she advises.“2why not explore it with M

12、om and Dad as you would with a friend?Current events, sports, work, local neighborhood issues, or national politics are all fairgame. ”3When youre dealing with your parents, laughter can be a lifesaverbothto help you handle the stress of dealing with sometimes bad-tempered individuals andto help you

13、 bond together. Tell a few jokes you know theyll enjoy, share some comicsfrom the paper or e-mail with them, watch the Letterman show together.4Tell your parents what bothers you. If you love your mom and dad but they driveyou crazy, your resentment(不满)can eat away at your relationship. So dont seet

14、he(生闷气) silently.5For instance, if your mom keeps calling you at work, tellher that your boss is starting to notice and, while you love talking to her during theday, its beginning to affect your job performance. Arrange a call you can both counton at a mutually convenient time.A. As a friend,B. Forg

15、iveness is the key.C. Keep your sense of humor.D. Theres a whole wide world out thereE. Communicate with gentleness and respect.F. If you can laugh together, youre doing okay.G. If your parents still treat you like youre six years old,【阅读理解】【阅读理解】ABeijing The public has responded with vigorous suppo

16、rt for an NPC deputysproposal to extend the Spring Festival holiday from three days to 10.More than 78 percent of about 27, 600 respondents to a poll on www. . cn voted in favor of the idea of Li Jing, who is alsothe mayor of Meishan city in South-west Chinas Sichuan province. Li said the lunarnew y

17、ear festival holiday was too short for family reunions, especially for the nations220 million migrant workers.With hundreds of millions of people on the move during such a short time span,the holiday puts great stress on the public transport system and suppresses tourism,she added. She suggested the

18、 holiday be extended and cover the three adjacent (毗连的) weekends, which means the public could take a total of 16 days off and floatingpopulation could spend the Lantern Festival, which falls on the 15th day of the lunarnew year, with their families.People would then have sufficient time to fully en

19、joy the traditional holiday withtheir families, Li said during an interview with Peoples Daily Online on Friday.Most online voters agreed that extending the holiday will ease the burden onpublic transport and strengthen family ties. “The Spring Festival is an occasion forfamily reunions and should b

20、e longer than the National Day holiday, ” one respondersaid in an online post. “Every year, I wish I could spend more time at home for theSpring Festival, but I always have to go back to work. I hope the NPC will approvethis proposal. ”Another online comment read: “Extending the Spring Festival holi

21、day couldprevent the annual transportation crush, which has in recent years resembled anexodus (出走) of fleeing refugees (难民)”.Most of the about 13 percent who opposed the idea cited difficulties readjustingto work after the break. Some pointed out that office moral (士气) was generally lowduring the f

22、irst week after the holiday. “After the six-day holiday, many people comeback to work feeling absent-minded, ” one respondent said. Some who opposed theextension suggested adding the Lantern Festival as an official holiday.Another 10 percent said lawmakers should carefully study the impacts beforeth

23、ey make any decisions on holidays.1. Which of the following is NOT the reason why Li Jing suggested extending theSpring Festival holiday?A. The floating population could spend the Lantern Festival.B. People could spend more money and this could promote consumption.C. The lunar new year festival holi

24、day was too short for family reunions.D. The holiday puts great stress on the public transport system and suppressestourism.2. What was Li Jings plan for the lunar new year festival holiday?A. It could cover the two adjacent weekends.B. The holiday would be from the first day of the lunar year.C. Sh

25、e added the Lantern Festival as an independent official holiday.D. The public could take a total of 16 days off including the Lantern Festival.3. The underlined word “crush” in the sixth paragraph probably means “_”.A. uncomfortable pressure caused by a great crowd of peopleB. a drink made by pressi

26、ng fruit and used as juiceC. a traffic accident resulting from traveling too fastD. peoples eagerness to go home to meet their families4. Why were some netizens against extending the holiday?A. It was a waste of time.B. People would not earn much money.C. It would have a bad effect on Chinas economy

27、.D. People wouldnt be in a good working stage after so long a holiday.BPeople in Brazil mark Carnival(狂欢节)every year and it is considered to be oneof the most important national holidays. It is not about a big moment in history or afamous person, but it is important for the people because it is a ti

28、me of friendship,freedom, and many days without work. People can choose between parties and rest.Most people choose parties, day after day, night after night.Carnival is celebrated forty days earlier than Easter, but it is not recognized bythe church. It lasts four days and four nights. People put o

29、n their holiday clothes andgo out into the streets or to clubs to enjoy themselves together.There are also some celebration activities. For instance, samba schools make aparade showing their music and beautiful cars. They are followed by people. Everyyear the parade tells a different story, and each

30、 city has one or more schools like this.In the south the celebration of Carnival comes back to normal by Wednesday.The problem is that it is not recognized by the church in the northwest where theCarnival is more traditional. There, people do not respect its end and continue to partyuntil the next S

31、unday.Carnival is my favorite holiday, but I do not agree that the party should keepgoing. Like at other popular parties, people drink, dance and have fun. Unfortunately,some people are not very responsible and give it a bad name, leaving a bad impressionof this holiday, but it is the only national

32、holiday that brings the whole country and itsdifferent people and cultures together.5. Which of the following statements is true?A. The Carnival is the most interesting holiday in Brazil.B. The Carnival is celebrated to honor a famous person.C.All of the people enjoy themselves in public places duri

33、ng the Carnival.D. People do not need to work during the Carnival in Brazil.6. From this passage, we can infer that the Carnival _.A. is a favored holiday in BrazilB. has a religious originC. is when people miss their ancestorsD. is when people present gifts to each other7. Whats the authors attitud

34、e to the Carnival?A. Objective.B. Negative.C. Positive.D. Indifferent.【应用文写作】【应用文写作】假如你是李华, 你的美国笔友Tom给你发来一封电子邮件, 表示对中国的传统节日非常感兴趣。他想请你介绍你最喜欢的一个节日, 如端午节、中秋节、春节, 你通常是怎么庆祝的, 以及你喜欢这个节日的原因。请你根据他的问题回复邮件。注意: 1. 开头语已给出, 不计入总词数;2. 词数 80 左右。Dear Tom,Im glad to hear that._参考答案:【单句语法填空】1.are respected2.pleased3.

35、representing4.Wrestling5.clapped6.absolutely7.briefly8.horribly9.moments10. swimming【选词填空】(1) pleased(2) grace(3) atmosphere(4) horribly(5) to represent(6) fancy(7) absolutely(8) is respected(9) moments(10)Briefly【补全句子】1.To be frank2.set off3.go off4.went off5.as if6.playing music7.to frighten away8

36、.have great influence on9.Showing respect to10. set off11. Taking part in12. worth it13. To be frank14. except for15. As if/though16. After winning the prize17. chatting with her classmates18. flying up in the sky19. except for20. from near and far【七选五】1. 【解析】选 G。本段的主题是把父母当朋友, 再根据空后面一句表示不做小孩可能感觉更有趣可

37、知, 填空处表示如果父母还把你当六岁小孩。故选 G。2. 【解析】选 D。根据空前句不要把话题局限于谈论家庭等及空后句谈广泛的话题可知选 D。3. 【解析】选 C。根据本段主题要保持幽默感可知选 C。4. 【解析】选 F。根据空前句中 together 可知选 F。5. 【解析】选 E。本段的主题句是 Tell your parents what bothers you. (告诉父母你的烦恼), 再根据空前面的句子不要默默地生闷气以及空后面的例子可知, 此处填空处指要温和地、充满敬意地交流, 故选 E。【阅读理解】A(1) 【解析】选 B。细节理解题。根据文章第二、三段可知 A、C、D 三项在

38、文章中都有所提及, B项人们可以花更多的钱, 提高消费, 并没有提到, 故选B。(2) 【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段的 She suggested the holiday beextended and cover the three adjacent weekends, which means the public couldtake a total of 16 days off and floating population could spend the LanternFestival 可知人们可以拥有 16 天的春节假期, 故选 D。(3) 【解析】选 A。词义猜测题。根据

39、文章第六段的 which has in recent yearsresembled an exodus of fleeing refugees 可知春节假期的延长会减轻交通运输的压力, crush 本意是拥挤的人群, 故选 A。(4) 【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据文章第七段的 Most of the about 13 percentwho opposed the idea cited difficulties readjusting to work after the break. 可知,网民认为假期延长会导致他们重新回到工作非常困难, 故选 D。B(5) 【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据

40、第一段的 because it is a time of friendship,freedom, and many days without work. 可知, 在狂欢节的这几天里人们可以不去工作。(6) 【解析】选 A。推理判断题。根据最后一段的. . . it is the only national holidaythat brings the whole country and its different people and cultures together. 可知,狂欢节是唯一能将整个国家及其不同的人民和文化聚集在一起的全国性节日。由此可以推断出狂欢节在巴西受到整个国家人民的欢迎

41、。(7) 【解析】选 A。推理判断题。根据最后一段的 Carnival is my favorite holiday,but I do not agree that the party should keep going. 狂欢节是我最喜欢的节日,但我不同意晚会继续下去。可见作者对于这个节日既有喜欢的地方也有不满的地方, 由此可以推断出作者对于狂欢节的态度是客观的。【应用文】Dear Tom,Im glad to hear that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. Myfavorite festival is the M

42、id-Autumn Festival. It usually comes in September orOctober. On that day, our family members usually get together and have a nice meal.After that, I always admire the moon and share mooncakes with my family.I love this festival because I like eating mooncakes. They are in the shape of afull moon and carry peoples wishes to the family they love.In short, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a special day full of pleasure and happiness.I hope that my letter will help you know more about Chinese festivals.Best wishes to you.Yours,Li Hua</p>


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