Unit 2 Good habits-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:000f2).zip

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1Sound time,Song time,checkout班级 姓名 学号 一 用括号内词的适当形式填空1 _ Nancy_ ( do ) her homework yesterday ?2 The _( child ) are playing_(good).3 You cant_( hit ) the ball like this .4 They are playing_( happy ) . w W w .x K b 1.c o M5 The old man is walking_ ( slow )6 You must listen to_(careful) in class .二 按要求改写句子1 The boy is doing badly .( 改为一般疑问句 )2 The students should go to school early .( 改为否定形式 )3 Did they get up at six yesterday ?( 改为陈述句 )4 They dont keep their rooms cleans .(改为否定形式 )5 He has some good habits.(改为一般疑问句) he good habits.6. Mum woke Liu Tao up.(对画线部分提问) Liu Tao ?7. Mike usually watches TV after dinner.(对画线部分提问) Mike usually after dinner?8. Did your brother go to bed late?(作否定回答) , .三、连词成句。1. order should your in clothes put you (.) 2. the house went an old children into (.) 3. evening John the his does late in often homework (.) 4. him out the help did get how cat (?) 5. laugh brother did happily your (?) 四 根据中文提示完成句子 w W w .X k b 1. c O m1 这就是我们洗脸的方法This is the_ we_ our faces .22 你们应该保持你们的房间整洁You_ _ your room _ .3 他有许多坏习惯He _ many _ _ .4 玛丽每天早早地到学校Mary_ to school_ .5 请慢点走路Please_ _ .6 那是个好习惯Thats a_ _ .7 你应该帮你父母做家务You should_ your parents_ housework .8 他上学从不迟到He_ goes to school _ .9 我们通常在晚饭前完成作业 X k B 1 . c o mWe_ finish homework_ dinner .10 他有时在下午感到困He_ feels_ in the afternoon .1 6BUnit2 Good habits (Period 4)教学设计教学设计教学内容教学内容Unit2 Good habits 教学板块教学板块Checkout time & Ticking time执教者执教者教学课时教学课时第( 4 )课时教学目标教学目标1.Enable the students to know many good habits and bad habits. 2 Enable the students to write some sentences about early,late3. Enable the students to know the sound of or.4. be able to make an objective self-evaluation against the three goals of the time5 Be able to review and consolidate and try to use the vocabulary and grammar points that are learned in the first four lectures to write a passage of habits.教学重点教学重点1.Enable the students to know many good habits and bad habits.2. Enable the students to know the sound of or.3 be able to review and consolidate and try to use the vocabulary and grammar points that are learned in the first four lectures to write a passage of habits.教学难点教学难点Be able to review and consolidate and try to use the vocabulary and grammar points that are learned in the first four lectures to write a passage of habits.2教学准备教学准备Textbook, PPT, stickers 教学过程教学过程二次备课二次备课Step 1 Free talk1 Greetings.2 Free talkDo you have some habits?What good habits do you have?3What bad habits do you have?3 Show the learning aimsT: In todays lesson, we have three learning aims. Who can read them?Step 2 Revision1. T: First, lets review the story time. Look, this boy is? S: He is Wang Bing.T: we know he has some good habits. What are his good habits? Now according to the pictures to discuss in pairs.Ss:.(学生小组讨论然后教师选几组说一说)2. T: Wang Bing has some good habits. What about Liu Tao?you can find some clues from these pictures.please discuss in pairs and try to say something about Liu Tao.Ss:.(学生小组讨论然后教师选几组说一说)Step 3 PresentationPart one1 T:My children,you all did a good job.Now here are two twins.do you know them? what good or bad habits do they have?Do you want to know?Lets listen and try to tick out the correct answer.lets begin.2 check the answer.3 T:Do you know more good habits?what are they?Ss:.4T:Now,lets look at the two pictures,what are they doing?Ss:.T: can you give them some advice?Ss:.5Ticking time(PPT 呈现评分标准,学生完成 Ticking time 第一项)4Part two:T:lets look here. What are they?What are they doing?Ss:horses, four horses.Running.T:Yes,they are running fast.here is a chant about it, lets listen.So ,Do you know the sound of or?Ss:.T:Great,lets try to read,ok?Ss:.T:Can you say more words which have the same pronuncaiton ?Ss: order, forT:Great.Do you know more pronunciation of or?Ss:.5Ticking time(PPT 呈现评分标准,学生完成 Ticking time 第三项)Part three1. T: Great. Look at the pictures, and complete them with adverbs. So you should turn to P24. Look at the pictures carefully and circle the right answer.2. check the answer.3 T: Look, here are the key words. Use the following adverbs(副词) to write omething about ones habits,you can write about yours or about your partners.4. Ticking time (PPT 呈现评分标准,学生完成 Ticking time 第三项)Step four homework1. Give more advice on bad habits.2. Write about your familys habits.5板书设计:板书设计: Unit 2 Good habitsgood habits earlybad habits lateWhat good habits do you have?What bad habits do you have?Lets talk_Learning aims I know some good habits and bad habits.1.2.3 I know the sound of “or” . What are his good habits?TaskTask one:one: Discuss in pair. (同桌讨论同桌讨论) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.I I cancan saysay Discuss in group. (小组讨论小组讨论)ListenListen andand choosechooseWhat are their habits?LetsLets checkcheck1. Su Hai and Su Yang get up at _ in the morning. a six oclock b six thirty c seven oclock2. They help their _. a classmates b parents c friends3. They keep their _ clean. a rooms b schoolbags c desks4. What is their bad habit? _ a b cLetsLets thinkthinkDo you know more good habits? Discuss in pair. (同桌讨论同桌讨论)LetsLets solvesolveCan you give some advice(建议建议)? Discuss in group. (小组讨论小组讨论)I I cancan ticktick I know the sound of”or”.Task 2:Task 2:or /:/ Can you name more words,which have the same pronuncition of sound /:/ ? I can say:Can you read the following words?work world visitor doctor/:/I I cancan ticktick I dont know the sound of”or”I know the sound of”or”I know more words with the sound of “or”Task three: I can use “ early”, “ late”, etc.LookLook andand circlecircle 1. The children are running fast/slowly. 2. The old man is walking fast/slowly. 3. The man is singing badly/well. 4. The boy is doing badly/well at school. 5. I go to school early/late in the morning. 6. I go to school early/late in the morning.Use the following adverbs(副词) to write something about ones habits,you can write about yours or about your partners. LetsLets writewritebadly early slowlylate well fast I I cancan ticktick I can use “early”, “late”, etc correctly, fluently. I cannot use “early”, “late”, etc correctly HomeworkHomework1. Give more advice on bad habits.2. Write about your familys habits.1 6BUnit2 Good habits (Period 4)教学设计教学设计教学内容教学内容Unit2 Good habits 教学板块教学板块Checkout time & Ticking time执教者执教者教学课时教学课时第( 4 )课时教学目标教学目标1.Enable the students to know many good habits and bad habits. 2 Enable the students to write some sentences about early,late3. Enable the students to know the sound of or.4. be able to make an objective self-evaluation against the three goals of the time5 Be able to review and consolidate and try to use the vocabulary and grammar points that are learned in the first four lectures to write a passage of habits.教学重点教学重点1.Enable the students to know many good habits and bad habits.2. Enable the students to know the sound of or.3 Enable the students to write some sentences about early,late4 be able to review and consolidate and try to use the vocabulary and grammar points that are learned in the first four lectures to write a passage of habits.教学难点教学难点Be able to review and consolidate and try to use the vocabulary and grammar points that are learned in the first four lectures to write a passage of habits.2教学准备教学准备Textbook, PPT, stickers 教学过程教学过程二次备课二次备课Step 1 Free talk1 Greetings.2 Free talkDo you have some habits?What good habits do you have?3What bad habits do you have?3 Show the learning aimsT: In todays lesson, we have three learning aims. Who can read them?Step 2 Revision1. T: First, lets review the story time. Look, this boy is? S: He is Wang Bing.T: we know he has some good habits. What are his good habits? Now according to the pictures to discuss in pairs.Ss:.(学生小组讨论然后教师选几组说一说)2. T: Wang Bing has some good habits. What about Liu Tao?you can find some clues from these pictures.please discuss in pairs and try to say something about Liu Tao.Ss:.(学生小组讨论然后教师选几组说一说)Step 3 PresentationPart one1 T:My children,you all did a good job.Now here are two twins.do you know them? what good or bad habits do they have?Do you want to know?Lets listen and try to tick out the correct answer.lets begin.2 check the answer.3 T:Do you know more good habits?what are they?Ss:.4T:Now,lets look at the two pictures,what are they doing?Ss:.T: can you give them some advice?Ss:.5Ticking time(PPT 呈现评分标准,学生完成 Ticking time 第一项)4Part two:T:lets look here. What are they?What are they doing?Ss:horses, four horses.Running.T:Yes,they are running fast.here is a chant about it, lets listen.So ,Do you know the sound of or?Ss:.T:Great,lets try to read,ok?Ss:.T:Can you say more words which have the same pronuncaiton ?Ss: order, forT:Great.Do you know more pronunciation of or?Ss:.5Ticking time(PPT 呈现评分标准,学生完成 Ticking time 第三项)Part three1. T: Great. Look at the pictures, and complete them with adverbs. So you should turn to P24. Look at the pictures carefully and circle the right answer.2. check the answer.3 T: Look, here are the key words. Use the following adverbs(副词) to write omething about ones habits,you can write about yours or about your partners.4. Ticking time (PPT 呈现评分标准,学生完成 Ticking time 第三项)Step four homework1. Give more advice on bad habits.2. Write about your familys habits.5板书设计:板书设计: Unit 2 Good habitsgood habits or / :/ bad habits / :/ early fast late
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