Unit 4 Road safety-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:714c4).zip

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6BUnit4 Road safetyTeaching aims:1. Enable the students master the words and phrases: road, pavement, zebra crossing, traffic lights, red man , green man.2. Enable the students master the useway of must and mustnt.3. Enable the students master the useful expressions: I must I mustntImportant points:1. The students can master the words skifully.2. The students can master the usefull expressions skillfully.Difficult points:1. The students can read the worlds and useful expressions correctly and skifully.2. The students can use the knowledge in the life.Teaching steps:Step one: Greetings Teacher and the students greet with each other.Step two: Pre-reading1. Lead in(1)Words and phrasesT:Today ,theres a friend in our class. Whos he ?Ss:Think and guess.T:(Shows the ppt,theres a photo) Hes Mr.Liu. Please look and guess:Whats his job?Ss:Hes a policeman .T:Yes,hes a traffic policeman . Today, hell give us a class about road safety. Firstly ,lets look at some pictures.(Use ppt to show some pictures) Ss:Look at the pictures.T:There are many busy roads in the city. How can we cross the road safely?Then use a picture to show the new words: road, pavement, zebra crossing, traffic lights, red man , green man.Check ,correct and teach them to read.After that,show a notice.To be volunteers,you must doShow Mr.Lius advises.(设计意图设计意图:这节课学习的是马路安全,很贴近生活,内容都是孩子们所熟悉的,重点实在表达上。让孩子们猜一猜是谁来到我们班级的来集中学生的注意力,让他们快速进入课堂状态。用刘警官给大家上课为引子,让大家更好接受,可以更轻松的学。)(2)Play a game “Yeah,yeah,yeah! No, no,no!”Use the game to check our activities in the life ,read and juge.(设计意图设计意图:在刘警官给我们上课之前先检验自己平时的行为,对后面的学习判断会有帮助。 )2. While-reading(1) Watch the video, then fill in the forms . When they fill ,learn the words: must and mustnt; explain the different of : safe,safely,safety.(2) Read and underline Read the last paragraph,and look for the answer of the question: What mustnt you do on the road? Why?(设计意图设计意图:看完视频做题,用填表格、读一读,划一划的方法可以进一步帮助学生理解课文内容。 )Step three:Reading time1. Read after the tape.2. Read by themselves.3. Read all together.4. Read in roles.(设计意图设计意图:多样的阅读方式既能加深孩子们对课文的理解,又能提高孩子们的表达能力。 )Step four:Consolidation1. Play a game “Cool policeman ”Divide the students into three groups,which group choose out one policeman,the others ask questions.(设计意图设计意图:班级里男孩子居多,当警察是很多孩子的梦想。用这个游戏提高学生的积极性,课堂活跃度,让更多的孩子参与进来。 )2. Make a video. Mr.Liu needs us to help him to make a video,can you help him?Teacher and students make a video together.Then watch together.(设计意图设计意图:帮助刘警官制作一个宣传片。先制作再观赏,在制作的过程中可以复习巩固重点词语句子,在观赏的过程中读一读可以再次巩固并创造让学生多读一读的机会。 )Step five:SummaryShow the appraise of Mr.Liu as the end.(设计意图设计意图:用刘警官对大家表现的评价作为总结,对前面孩子们想成为小志愿者的想法给予肯定。 )Step six:Homework1、Read the story again ,and try to retell it in your own words.2、Tell your family and friends about the road safety.(设计意图设计意图:再次读故事,并试着用自己的话来复述; 把道路安全方面的知识讲给你的家人和朋友听。这两种作业都可以帮助孩子掌握所学知识,并提高口语表达能力。 ) Unit 4 Road safety(Story time)邳州市明德实验小学邳州市明德实验小学 陈娟陈娟There are many busy roads in the city.Mr LiuUnit 4 Road safety安全安全(名词(名词)道路安全道路安全How can we keep safe on the road?安全的安全的(形容词)(形容词)savePre-readingPre-readingroadred mangreen manzebra crossingpavementtraffic lights 邳州文明城市建设要招募小邳州文明城市建设要招募小志愿者啦志愿者啦!完成好今天的任务就可完成好今天的任务就可以加入哦!加油!以加入哦!加油!ToTo bebe volunteersvolunteersI can know what I must and mustnt do on the road.I can use “must” and “mustnt”.我做到我做到我知晓我知晓I can make a video录像录像 and help people.我号召我号召HowHow cancan youyou crosscross thethe roadroad safelysafely? ?安全地安全地不允许不允许穿过穿过WhatWhat mustntmustnt youyou dodo onon thethe road?road?LetsLets thinkthinkmustmust 必须必须You must play or run on the road.You mustnt look left or right. You must wait for the green man.You must first look for a zebra crossing.I I cancan judge!judge!Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!No, No, No!You mustnt look at the traffic lights.RoadRoad safetysafetyWatchWatch andand thinkthinkCompareCompare andand fillfilla zebra crossingno zebra crossingHowHow cancan youyou crosscross thethe roadroad safely?safely? traffic lights At the zebra crossingFirstThenYou must look at the . You must wait for the .green manListenListen andand fillfillWhenWhen youyou cancan seesee a a zebrazebra crossing,crossing,firstfirst youyou mustmust,then,then youyou 1When you see the ,youmustnt cross the road.red manWeWe mustmust stop.stop.WeWe cancan go.go.WeWe shouldshould wait.wait. 等待等待redred manmangreengreen manmanWeWe mustntmustnt go.go. LearningLearning tipstips: : 情态动词情态动词can的意思是的意思是“可以可以”。should的意思的意思是是“应该应该”。 must的语气最强,意思是的语气最强,意思是“必须必须”,mustnt的意思是的意思是“禁止禁止”通常通常用于法律法规的要求。用于法律法规的要求。mustmustcancanshouldshould No zebra crossing You can wait on the and look out for . You must first look , then and then again. You can cross the road with .pavementcars and bikesleftrightleftother peopleReadRead andand fillfillSometimes,Sometimes, youyou cantcant findfind a a zebrazebra crossingcrossing nearnear youyou .To.To keepkeep safesafe2Tips:safe 安全的(形容词)安全的(形容词) safely 安全地(副词)安全地(副词) safety 安全安全(名词)名词)WhatWhat mustntmustnt youyou dodo onon thethe road?road?快速阅读最后一段,了解大意,找出问题快速阅读最后一段,了解大意,找出问题的答案并划线!的答案并划线!Some children run or play football on the road. This is not safe. You must not play on the road because there are many cars and bikes.What mustnt you do on the road?Why?Read the text with the tape.阅读策略:仔细阅读,注意阅读策略:仔细阅读,注意mustmust和和mustntmustnt的用法的用法LetsLets read!read!ReadingReading timetimeThere are many busy roads in the city.How can you cross them safely?First,you must look for a zebra crossing.Then,you must look at the the traffic lights and wait for the green man.Can you see the red man ?You mustnt cross the road now.Look!Heres the green man.You can cross the road now.Sometimes,you cannot find a zebra crossing near you.To keep safe, you can wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes.You must first look left,then right and then left again.You can also cross the road with other people.Then the drivers can see you easily.Some children run or play football on the road.This is not safe.You must not play on the road because there are many cars and bikes.Follow the rules and stay safe on the road!以四人小组为单位,选择喜欢的方式以四人小组为单位,选择喜欢的方式复述课文。复述课文。Act in roles.(分分角色表演角色表演)Read together.(齐读齐读)Try to retell.(尝尝试复述试复述) Cool policeman规则:全班分成三组,每组推选一名“警察”,组员任意就行路安全知识进行提问,警察做出判断,回答快的胜利!Eg:S1:Can I play football on the road ? p:No,you mustnt. Play a gameMake a video about road safety with the teacher. Call on more people follow the rules.合作学习,和老师一起做个宣传小视频合作学习,和老师一起做个宣传小视频号召更多的人遵守规则。号召更多的人遵守规则。MakeMake a a videovideo ofof roadroad safetysafety . .ShowShow timetimeMake a video of road safetyYou must You mustntMake a video of road safety.Show timeYou must look for a zebra crossing.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou must look at the traffic lights.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou mustnt run on the road.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou must follow the signs.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou mustnt take too many people.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou mustnt drive so fast.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou mustnt climb over the rail.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou mustnt ride on the road.ShowShow timetimeCherish life Civilization trip关爱生命关爱生命 文明出行文明出行You must follow the signs.You mustnt take too many people.You mustnt drive so fast.You mustnt climb over the rail.You mustnt ride on the road.You mustnt run on the road.You must look for a zebra crossing.You must look at the traffic lights.Our video is ready!我们的视频制作成功!我们的视频制作成功!You must You mustntCherish life Civilization trip关爱生命关爱生命 文明出行文明出行You must follow the signs.You mustnt take too many people.You mustnt drive so fast.You mustnt climb over the rail.You mustnt ride on the road.You mustnt run on the road.You must look for a zebra crossing.You must look at the traffic lights.ShowShow timetimeTo keep safe.You must You mustntI know what I must and mustnt do.我知道我应该和不应该做什么。I can use “must” and “mustnt”.我能使用“must”和“mustnt”。I can finish the task: make a video.我能完成任务:制做一个录像。组内互评:能自主学习并与他人积极合作,流利表达的得 能与他人合作,流利地表达的得 有一些小错或不太流利的得 1、Read the story again ,and try to retell it in your own words. 再次读故事,并试着用自己的话来复述。再次读故事,并试着用自己的话来复述。2、Tell your family and friends about the road safety. 把道路安全方面的知识讲给你的家人和朋友听。把道路安全方面的知识讲给你的家人和朋友听。Unit4 Road safety 自主学习单自主学习单一、一、 我会读我会读a road a pavement a zebra crossinggreen man red man traffic lights二、二、 我了解我了解safe 安全的(形容词)安全的(形容词) can 可以可以safety 安全(名词)安全(名词) should 应该应该safely 安全地(副词)安全地(副词) must 必须必须 mustnt 禁止禁止三、三、 读一读,填一填读一读,填一填.When you can see a zebra crossing, first you must,then you At the zebra crossingFirstYou must look at the . ThenYou must wait for the .When you see the ,youmustnt cross the road.Sometimes, you cant find a zebra crossing near you .To keep safeNo zebra crossingYou can wait on the and look out for .You must first look ,then and then again.You can cross the road with . There are many busy roads in the city.How can you cross them safely?First,you must look for a zebra crossing.Then,you must look at the the traffic lights and wait for the green man.Can you see the red man ?You mustnt cross the road now.Look!Heres the green man.You can cross the road now.Sometimes,you cannot find a zebra crossing near you.To keep safe, you can wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes.You must first look left,then right and then left again.You can also cross the road with other people.Then the drivers can see you easily.Some children run or play football on the road.This is not safe.You must not play on the road because there are many cars and bikes.Follow the rules and stay safe on the road!Unit 4 Road safety(Story time)邳州市明德实验小学邳州市明德实验小学 陈娟陈娟There are many busy roads in the city.Mr LiuUnit 4 Road safety安全安全(名词(名词)道路安全道路安全How can we keep safe on the road?安全的安全的(形容词)(形容词)savePre-readingPre-readingroadred mangreen manzebra crossingpavementtraffic lights 邳州文明城市建设要招募小邳州文明城市建设要招募小志愿者啦志愿者啦!完成好今天的任务就可完成好今天的任务就可以加入哦!加油!以加入哦!加油!ToTo bebe volunteersvolunteersI can know what I must and mustnt do on the road.I can use “must” and “mustnt”.我做到我做到我知晓我知晓I can make a video录像录像 and help people.我号召我号召HowHow cancan youyou crosscross thethe roadroad safelysafely? ?安全地安全地不允许不允许穿过穿过WhatWhat mustntmustnt youyou dodo onon thethe road?road?LetsLets thinkthinkmustmust 必须必须You must play or run on the road.You mustnt look left or right. You must wait for the green man.You must first look for a zebra crossing.I I cancan judge!judge!Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!No, No, No!You mustnt look at the traffic lights.RoadRoad safetysafetyWatchWatch andand thinkthinkCompareCompare andand fillfilla zebra crossingno zebra crossingHowHow cancan youyou crosscross thethe roadroad safely?safely? traffic lights At the zebra crossingFirstThenYou must look at the . You must wait for the .green manListenListen andand fillfillWhenWhen youyou cancan seesee a a zebrazebra crossing,crossing,firstfirst youyou mustmust,then,then youyou 1When you see the ,youmustnt cross the road.red manWeWe mustmust stop.stop.WeWe cancan go.go.WeWe shouldshould wait.wait. 等待等待redred manmangreengreen manmanWeWe mustntmustnt go.go. LearningLearning tipstips: : 情态动词情态动词can的意思是的意思是“可以可以”。should的意思的意思是是“应该应该”。 must的语气最强,意思是的语气最强,意思是“必须必须”,mustnt的意思是的意思是“禁止禁止”通常通常用于法律法规的要求。用于法律法规的要求。mustmustcancanshouldshould No zebra crossing You can wait on the and look out for . You must first look , then and then again. You can cross the road with .pavementcars and bikesleftrightleftother peopleReadRead andand fillfillSometimes,Sometimes, youyou cantcant findfind a a zebrazebra crossingcrossing nearnear youyou .To.To keepkeep safesafe2Tips:safe 安全的(形容词)安全的(形容词) safely 安全地(副词)安全地(副词) safety 安全安全(名词)名词)WhatWhat mustntmustnt youyou dodo onon thethe road?road?快速阅读最后一段,了解大意,找出问题快速阅读最后一段,了解大意,找出问题的答案并划线!的答案并划线!Some children run or play football on the road. This is not safe. You must not play on the road because there are many cars and bikes.What mustnt you do on the road?Why?Read the text with the tape.阅读策略:仔细阅读,注意阅读策略:仔细阅读,注意mustmust和和mustntmustnt的用法的用法LetsLets read!read!ReadingReading timetimeThere are many busy roads in the city.How can you cross them safely?First,you must look for a zebra crossing.Then,you must look at the the traffic lights and wait for the green man.Can you see the red man ?You mustnt cross the road now.Look!Heres the green man.You can cross the road now.Sometimes,you cannot find a zebra crossing near you.To keep safe, you can wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes.You must first look left,then right and then left again.You can also cross the road with other people.Then the drivers can see you easily.Some children run or play football on the road.This is not safe.You must not play on the road because there are many cars and bikes.Follow the rules and stay safe on the road!以四人小组为单位,选择喜欢的方式以四人小组为单位,选择喜欢的方式复述课文。复述课文。Act in roles.(分分角色表演角色表演)Read together.(齐读齐读)Try to retell.(尝尝试复述试复述) Cool policeman规则:全班分成三组,每组推选一名“警察”,组员任意就行路安全知识进行提问,警察做出判断,回答快的胜利!Eg:S1:Can I play football on the road ? p:No,you mustnt. Play a gameMake a video about road safety with the teacher. Call on more people follow the rules.合作学习,和老师一起做个宣传小视频合作学习,和老师一起做个宣传小视频号召更多的人遵守规则。号召更多的人遵守规则。MakeMake a a videovideo ofof roadroad safetysafety . .ShowShow timetimeMake a video of road safetyYou must You mustntMake a video of road safety.Show timeYou must look for a zebra crossing.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou must look at the traffic lights.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou mustnt run on the road.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou must follow the signs.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou mustnt take too many people.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou mustnt drive so fast.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou mustnt climb over the rail.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou mustnt ride on the road.ShowShow timetimeCherish life Civilization trip关爱生命关爱生命 文明出行文明出行You must follow the signs.You mustnt take too many people.You mustnt drive so fast.You mustnt climb over the rail.You mustnt ride on the road.You mustnt run on the road.You must look for a zebra crossing.You must look at the traffic lights.Our video is ready!我们的视频制作成功!我们的视频制作成功!You must You mustntCherish life Civilization trip关爱生命关爱生命 文明出行文明出行You must follow the signs.You mustnt take too many people.You mustnt drive so fast.You mustnt climb over the rail.You mustnt ride on the road.You mustnt run on the road.You must look for a zebra crossing.You must look at the traffic lights.ShowShow timetimeTo keep safe.You must You mustntI know what I must and mustnt do.我知道我应该和不应该做什么。I can use “must” and “mustnt”.我能使用“must”和“mustnt”。I can finish the task: make a video.我能完成任务:制做一个录像。组内互评:能自主学习并与他人积极合作,流利表达的得 能与他人合作,流利地表达的得 有一些小错或不太流利的得 1、Read the story again ,and try to retell it in your own words. 再次读故事,并试着用自己的话来复述。再次读故事,并试着用自己的话来复述。2、Tell your family and friends about
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