Unit 5 A party-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:406e1).zip

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When you go to a party, Talk in groups.小组合作谈一谈你参加聚小组合作谈一谈你参加聚会时会带些什么?会时会带些什么? what do you usually take to the party? We usually take some gifts to the party.We should go to the party early or on time.presentsWhen you go to a western party, What should we take to the party? Should we go to the party early ?到达到达分钟分钟Lets compare:Chinese partywestern partysamedifferentgiftearly/on timeon time/a few minutes late What are they going to do at the party?Bobbys class is going to have a party soon. Watch the cartoon and fill in the blanks A partyWho Billy Willy Sam &Bobby ActivitiesBilly is going to Watch the cartoon and fill in the blanks A partyWho Billy Willy Sam &Bobby Activitiesplay the piano tell a storyput on a play is/are going to put onA.穿上穿上put onB.上演上演play B.戏剧戏剧名词名词.A.玩玩 动词动词. Read and judge 1.Sam wants to be the king. ( )2.Bobby is happy to be the king. ( )3.Bobby knows the story The Kings new clothes at first. ( )FTFAct emotionally有感情地表演有感情地表演 以小组为单位,选择一种适合以小组为单位,选择一种适合你们小组的方式表演课文。你们小组的方式表演课文。Act creatively创意地表演(可改编创意地表演(可改编内容和结局)内容和结局) Act without books不带书表演不带书表演Bobbys class is going to have a _. Billy is going to play the_ at the party. Willy is going to _ a _. Bobby and Sam are going to_ _the play The kings new clothes. Bobby wants to be the _. At the end, all the classmates _ at him.Fill in the blanks partypianotellstoryputonkinglaughTips: 1. 全对:全对: 2. 答对答对6 7空:空: 3. 答对答对4 5空:空:翻译句子翻译句子1.王兵的班级不久将举办一个聚会。Wangbings_.2.他在聚会上将做什么?_?3.让我们表演一个戏剧。_.4.我将成为国王。_.classisgoingtohaveapartysoonWhatishegoingtodoatthepartyLetusputonaplayIamgoingtobetheking请认真完成当堂检测请认真完成当堂检测用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1.Hisfamily_(have)apartysoon.2.What_he_(sing)atthecomingparty?3.They_(put)_aplaynow.4.Whatabout_(tell)astory?5.She_(be)ateachernextyear.aregoingtohaveisgoingtosingareputtingontellingwillbe1.Read Cartoon time for 3 times. 2.Tell the story to your friends or your parents._1六下六下 Unit 5 A party(culture time & cartoon time)教学设计教学设计 【教材分析教材分析】本课的话题是儿童节聚会,通过课的学习,让学生继续掌握将来时 be going to 的用法,并能把与将来时的相关日常交际用语、词汇和语言结构有机地结合起来,在一定的情景下谈论即将发生的事情。同时,让学生了解参加聚会要做的一些准备工作,并注意一些社交礼仪。为了使学生更好地掌握本单元的句型和词汇,教师在教学过程中可尽量创设生动活泼并较为真实的情景引导学生理解和运用新话题和新知识。Cartoon time 讲述的是 Bobby 的班上将要举行一次聚会,他正在和朋友们讨论聚会的活动,故事内容简单而幽默,适合学生表演。Culture time 板块介绍了在西方参加聚会的礼仪和注意事项对西方文化进行了渗透。【学情分析学情分析】学生在前两节课已经了解了一般将来时的用法,并且在 story time 中已经知道了一些有关于聚会要准备的东西。学生本身对参加聚会这样的活动很感兴趣,乐于讨论这样的话题。【教学目标教学目标】1.知识目标:知识目标:能听懂、会说、会读和会写短语 put on a play能听懂、会说和会读单词 gift, arrive, minute.2.能力目标:能力目标:能理解 Cartoon time 的小故事,并能灵活运用将来时描述自己打算;3.情感目标:情感目标:能通过学习感受中西方宴会礼仪的异同了解西方聚会礼仪,培养学生文明做客的好习惯;通过阅读英语小故事,能体会故事的幽默,培养对英语的喜爱之情。【教学重点教学重点】能理解 Cartoon time 的小故事,并能灵活运用将来时描述自己打算;【教学难点教学难点】能根据自己的聚会经历拓展、改编并表演 cartoon time 的故事。【课前准备课前准备】1.常规预习常规预习:阅读 Cartoon time 和 Culture time,划出不认识的生词,查找书后单词表了解课文大意。查找西方聚会礼仪。2.预习导学预习导学:一般将来时简介:般将来时简介:定义:一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态,常与表示将来的时间状语连用。如:tomorrow, next week( month, year), soon, this afternoon, _2this evening 等结构: 肯定句:主语+ be going to do 如:I am going to play football tomorrow.否定句:主语+ be not going to do 如:I am not going to play football tomorrow.一般疑问句:Be +主语+ going to do 如:Are you going to play football tomorrow? 特殊疑问句:疑问词+be +主语+ going to do 重点词组:have a party 举办聚会 at the party 在聚会上put on 上演 take a gift 带礼物*3.预习自测预习自测:翻译句子。 王兵的班级不久将举办一个聚会。Wang Bings _ _ _ to _ a _ soon. 他在聚会上将做什么?_ _ he _ _ _ _ the_?让我们表演一个戏剧。Lets_ _ a _.*我将成为国王。I_ _ _ _ a _.【课堂活动课堂活动】Step 1: Free talk and revision 1. Greetings :T:What day is it today?Whats the date today?Hows the weather?What are you going to do this weekend?Are you going to ?2. Good memory What are you going to do this weekend? S1: Im going to S2: S1 is going to Im going to S3: S1 is going to. S2 is going to Im going toT: What is S3 going to do? 3. Review story timeWhat are our friends going to do?What are they going to bring?(设计意图:设计意图:通过师生对话及游戏活动,让学生熟悉老师并营造英语学生氛围,帮助学生复习巩固一般将来时的用法,并通过复习 story time 中个人带去聚会的东西过渡到 culture time的学习。 )_3Step 2. Presentation1. Group talkT: You know, when our friends go to the party, they all take something, right? If you go to a party, what are you going to bring?Ss talk with their partner and say.S1: m going to bringS2: m going to bring.T: Many students say they are going to bring a present to the party, we can also call it gift.(Learn gift)T: What gift are you going to bring?Ss: Im going to bringSs: We are going to bring some gifts. We are going to the party early/on time. (学生对自己参加聚会所带东西和礼物进行交流,为下面中西方聚会文化的对比做铺垫。)2. Culture timeT: Good! Chinese people usually do these. But when you go to a Western party, what should you do? Do you want to know? Ss talk. Show the picture on page 53, read the sentence.(Learn: arrive too early, a few minutes late)3. Compare the same part and the different part.Show some other rules. (设计意图:设计意图:通过学生自己聚会的经历,自然过渡到文化板块的学习。对比了解中西方聚会礼仪的差异,用已经学过的词解释生词。 )Step3. Cartoon time 1. Bobbys class is also going to have a party soon. What are they going to do at the party? Watch the cartoon and fill in the blanks Teach: put on a pay2. Read the judgeSam wants to be the king. ( ) Bobby knows the story The Kings new clothes at first. ( )Bobby is happy to be the king at first. ( )Bobby is happy to be the king at last. ( )3. Why is Bobby happy to be the king at first? Can you read?How is Bobby at last? Why?4. Can you make a title for the story? 5. Read the text after the tape. Read in groups. A partyWhoBilly WillySam &Bobby Activities_46. Act the story out (设计意图:设计意图:借助表格设计练习,帮助学生理解故事,找出文章的主旨。并通过问答,体会故事的趣味之处。表演的部分增加了本节课的趣味性,鼓励学生根据自己的想法拓展、改编课文,让文章更饱满。 )Step4. 当堂检测当堂检测用所给词的适当形式和句意填空1. His friends_(have) a party soon.2. The party is coming, What _ he _ (sing)?3. They _(put) _ a play now.4. What about _ (tell) a story?5. She _(be) a teacher next year.Step 5. Homework1. Listen and read the cartoon, try to read it fluently.2. Preview Checkout time and Sound time of Unit5.【板书设计板书设计】 Unit5 A party Billy play the piano (well) Willy be going to tell a story (what story?) Bobby&Sam put on a play (what play?)(设计意图:设计意图:板书的设计让学生参与到其中填写个人准备做的事,并鼓励学生发散思维。 )
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