Project 1 Being a good student-Part A-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:00402).docx

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Project 1 Being a good student-Part A-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:00402).docx_第1页
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Project 1 Being a good student-Part A-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:00402).docx_第2页
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Project 1 Being a good student-Part A-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:00402).docx_第3页
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Project 1 Being a good student-Part A-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:00402).docx_第4页
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Project 1 Being a good student-Part A-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:00402).docx_第5页
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1、Good habits, better me【教学内容】【教学内容】译林英语六年级下册 Unit2&3 整合复习【教材简析】【教材简析】Unit2(Good habits)的话题是生活习惯和学习习惯。本单元的语法点包括副 词 well, early, late, fast 以及 频率 副词 always, usually, often,sometimes, never 的用法。课文中再现了一般现在时第三人称复数形式以及很多与日常生活和学习相关的动词短语。Unit3(A healthy diet)的话题是合理健康的饮食习惯。本单元呈现了很多和食物有关的词汇,涉及到可数名词和不可数名词的划分和用法

2、。目标词汇是表示数量的 a lot of, some, a little 和 a few,学生需要理解和掌握这些词的用法以及与可数名词和不可数名词的搭配。【设计思路】【设计思路】六下 Unit2(Good habits)和 Unit3(A healthy diet)的话题关联性大,前者是关于学习和生活习惯的,后者是关于饮食习惯的,都是讲习惯,容易整合。笔者在设计这节课之前就考虑到, 应该设计一个恰当的主题串联两个单元的重点内容,融合并提升,让学生在精心设计的教学活动中更充分地掌握所学内容。 而这一主题的设定应该从“激发学生主体意识”考虑,最终通过富有意义的任务引发情感共鸣,实现语言教学的意义性

3、。出于这样的考虑,笔者将本节课的主题设定为“Good habits, better me”,希望学生通过这节课的学习能够认识到好习惯、坏习惯,并能够针对自身存在的坏习惯写一写改进计划,从而成为更好的自己。【教学目标】【教学目标】By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:1. Talk about their living, learning and eating habits with proper frequency adverbsand qualifiers.2. Talk about the food and drinks i

4、n a healthy diet, and can build a healthy foodpyramid.3. Talk about good habits and bad habits, and can give advice on bad habits.4. Write about their own living, learning and eating habits and make an action planto get rid of bad habits.5. Know the importance of forming good habits.【教学重点】【教学重点】1. S

5、tudents can talk about their living, learning and eating habits with properfrequency adverbs and qualifiers.2. Students can talk about the food and drinks in a healthy diet, and can build ahealthy food pyramid.3. Students can talk about good habits and bad habits, and can give advice on badhabits.【教

6、学难点】【教学难点】Students can write about their own living, learning and eating habits and make anaction plan to get rid of bad habits.【教学过程】【教学过程】Step1 Warming up and lead-in1. Good habits song2. Get to know class rules:Listen carefullySpeak activelyRead loudlyWrite neatlyThink hard3. Lead-in(1) Lets say

7、(复习与日常生活、学习、饮食相关的动词词组)Make a verbal phrase with the first letter and the picture.(2) T: (pic) I read books every day. I usually eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. I alwaysget up early in the morning. 引出引出 learning habits, eating habits, living habitsReading books is a good learning habit. (板书 learni

8、ng)Eating a lot of vegetables and fruit is a good eating habit. (板书 eating)Getting up early in a good living habit.(板书 living)Today, we will talk about good habits. (板书 good habits)Step2 Presentation1. Lets sayT: Do you have any good habits? What good habits do you have?S: T:I have some good habits.

9、 I also have a bad habit. I like eating chocolate verymuch. I usually eat a lot at a time. Is it healthy? (Ss: No.) How much do you knowabout a healthy diet?Eating habits2. Look and say (Review food pyramid)In a healthy diet, there is/are (提醒学生在表达时注意 There be 句型的就近原则)3. Lets talkT: Do you have a hea

10、lthy diet? Ask and answer in pairs.A: What do you have for your 3 meals?教学 3 meals: breakfast, lunch and dinnerB: I eat/have for 学生两两问题的同时请 S1 将自己的饮食贴于黑板上金字塔中。4. Lets discussT: Look at S1s diet. Is his diet healthy?Discuss in 4 and try to give S1 some advice if his diet is not healthy? s diet is hea

11、lthy/unhealthy.Because He/She should He/She shouldnt 5. Lets think: What will happen if we eat too much sweet food?S: Maybe we will T: So we should have a little at a time. Brushing our teeth is also a good way toprotect the teeth. Do you brush your teeth every day? (Ss: Yes.)Brushing our teeth is a

12、 good living habit.Living habit6. Look and say (Survey)What good living habit do you have? Lets look at your survey result.学生用频率副词 always, usually, often, sometimes, never 描述问卷结果。7. Lets introduce学生拿出自己的问卷,根据问卷内容,同桌之间互相介绍自己的生活习惯。I have some good habits.I always/usually/often/ get up early in the mor

13、ning.I go to bed I I also have some bad habits.I I Learning habits8. Think and sayT: I find that many of you play computer games. Is it good?What will happen if we play too much computer games?(a vicious circle)So, playing too much computer games is a bad learning habit.9. Lets talkWhat other bad le

14、arning habits do you know/have?S: . (ing) is a bad learning habit.10. Lets thinkHow can we get rid of these bad learning habits? What should we do?选择一个频率副词给出建议S: We should .Step3 ConsolidationT:Good. You know so many good learning habits. Lets look at my learning habits.I usually read English _(loud

15、)in the morning.I always think _ (hard). Theycan help me learn English _(good).Summary: V.+adv.I a_ get up early in the morning and n_ go to work late.I u_have meals on time.I o_ do the housework after work. I s_ go for a walk atnight.Summary: We can use frequency adverbs to express our living habit

16、s.I usually have meals on time. I often have(some, a few) porridge and (a little, a few) eggs forbreakfast. For lunch, I usually have(a lot of, a little) vegetables and (a few, a little)rice. For lunchand dinner, But I like eating chocolate very much. I usually eat (a lot, a little) at a time.Summar

17、y: Remember to use qualifiers(a lot of, some, a few, a little) when youwrite about your meals.Step4 Production1. Learn to writeEveryone has good habits and bad habits. Its the same with me.I have some good habits. I also have a bad habit. I eat too much chocolate. Its bad for myteeth.From now on, I

18、will get rid of this bad habit. I will eat a little at a time. I will also drink a lot ofwater every day.T: Good habits will make a better me. (板书 better me) Do you want to be better?Now, write down your good habits and one bad habit, and make an action planfor a better you.2. Lets writeWriteReportHomework:1. Finish the grammar exercises.2. Finish your writing and put it into practice.


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