- The day without morning call.mp4
- The day without morning call.pptx--点击预览
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Miss SunEyes on me, listen carefully Eyes on me, listen carefully a and think actively. nd think actively. I say “3,2,1!” You say “Freeze!”I say “3,2,1!” You say “Freeze!”Class rulesWhat animals What animals do you see on do you see on the farm?the farm?Sing and dancefarm animals farm animals Tips: Tips: 图片图片蕴含蕴含丰富丰富信息信息哦!哦!Look and sayWhat do you know from the picture?Think and askWhat do you want to know about the story?Who.?What.?.?Skim and getWho.?快速翻阅快速翻阅绘本,找出人绘本,找出人物。物。 It is a new day.2Read and choose自自读绘本,选出读绘本,选出故事故事情节情节!What?a. All the animals are busy on the farm.d. The rooster is too tired to get up.e. The farmer is happy with the animals.b. The rooster isnt busy, but the others are.c. The rooster has to do much work.Read and choosed. The rooster is too tired to get up.What?b. The rooster isnt busy, but the others are.c. The rooster has to do much work.自自读绘本,选出读绘本,选出故事故事情节情节!Scan and find扫读绘本扫读绘本1-31-3页,找出页,找出关键关键词词。What do they do?Tips: Tips: 图片图片可以可以帮你帮你理解理解生词生词哦!哦!Carly the cow begins to give milk.Hilary the hen begins to lay eggs.Dennis the donkey begins to make bean curd.Rex the rooster walks around.On the farm, there live many animals.表演故事第一部分!当听表演故事第一部分!当听“ “FreezeFreeze” ”时,保持动作,时,保持动作,静止不动静止不动!Read and act It is a new day.2Carly the cow begins to give milk.Hilary the hen begins to lay eggs.Dennis the donkey begins to make bean curd.Rex the rooster walks around.Carly the cow begins to give milk.Hilary the hen begins to lay eggs.Dennis the donkey begins to make bean curd.Rex the rooster walks around.Freeze!Still image阅读绘本阅读绘本4-74-7页,页,看看他们说了什么看看他们说了什么!Read and findWhat do they say?“Look at that lazy rooster! ”“We work every day!”“What do you do?”“I wake you up every morning. Its IMPORTANT! ”4Tips:Tips:图片图片可以可以帮你帮你体会体会情感情感哦!哦!Rex has nothing to say.“Thats so easy! ”“Is it a job? ”“Wake us up? ”5“Massage me! ”6“Get me some fruit! ”Rex is very busy and tired.713仔细观察图片,组内仔细观察图片,组内猜一猜猜一猜可能可能发生发生什么什么!Think and guessMaybe9 When the farmer gets up, he has no breakfast.You lazy bones!1011Everyone gets up and begins to work in a hurry.What a mess without Rexs morning call!13Listen and read跟着录音跟着录音轻声朗读轻声朗读,注意注意语音语调语音语调哦!哦!On the farm, there live many animals. It is a new day.2Carly the cow begins to give milk.Hilary the hen begins to lay eggs.Dennis the donkey begins to make bean curd.Rex the rooster walks around.“Look at that lazy rooster! ”“We work every day!”“What do you do?”“I wake you up every morning. Its IMPORTANT! ”4Rex has nothing to say.“Thats so easy! ”“Is it a job? ”“Wake us up? ”5“Massage me! ”6“Get me some fruit! ”Rex is very busy and tired.78The next morning, Rex is so tired that he doesnt get up on time.It is breakfast time.Everyone is still sleeping.9 When the farmer gets up, he has no breakfast.You lazy bones!1011Everyone gets up and begins to work in a hurry.What a mess without Rexs morning call!13I know.We should.I think.What do you know or learn from the story?Think and share你你从故事中从故事中学到学到了什了什么,么,明白明白了什么呢?了什么呢?小组内小组内想象想象一下,一下,给故事加个结尾吧给故事加个结尾吧!Imagine and write2. Try to make an ending for the story and send it to MissS. 3. Try to read more picture books. 1. Read the story again. Homework Goodbye!Goodbye!Goodbye!Goodbye!pictureswords+Tips: Tips: 图片图片蕴含蕴含丰富丰富信息信息哦!哦!Look and sayWhat do you know from the picture?Scan and underline扫读绘本扫读绘本1-31-3页,页,找出找出关键词关键词。What do they do?Tips: Tips: 图片图片可以可以帮你帮你理解理解生词生词哦!哦!“Look at that lazy rooster! ”“We work every day!”“What do you do?”“I wake you up every morning. Its IMPORTANT! ”4Tips:Tips:图片图片可以可以帮你帮你体会体会情感情感哦!哦!pictureswords学校学校 姓名姓名 教学设计教学设计课文标题:The day without the morning call授课年级:Grade 5一、教学目标一、教学目标Teaching aims and learning objectives:By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:1. understand the story;2. act out the story and experience the characters feeling;3. learn some reading strategies, such as guessing the meaning of new words, experiencing the characters feelings by observing the pictures, etc.;4. improve critical thinking ability by guessing, predicting what will happen next;5. understand the moral of the story.二、教学重难点二、教学重难点Focus of the lesson:1. understanding the story.2. acting out the story and experience the characters feelings.Predicted area of difficulty:understanding the moral of the story 三、教学过程三、教学过程Teaching procedures:Step Pre-reading 1. classroom rules2. Sing and dance: What animals can you see on the farm? 3. Brainstorm: What other farm animals do you know?4. Look and guess: what do you know from the cover? What do you want to know about the story? (观察封面,读取信息,解决 without 这个词的含义,对故事提出疑问)学生可能提出的问题:Who are in the story? Why is there no morning call? What happened? What do they do? Who makes the morning call? What time is it? Why is the sun sad? 教师总结学生提问的两大问题:Who? What?Step While-reading1. Reading for main idea(1) Skim and get: Who are in the story? Who makes the morning call?学生快速翻阅绘本,找出故事中的人物以及 rooster 叫早的工作,教师黑板上简笔画。(2) Read and choose: what happened?学生浏览绘本,了解故事情节,选出故事大意。(教师呈现 5 个选项:a. All the animals are busy. b. The rooster is not busy, but the others are. c. The rooster has to do much work. d. The rooster is too tired to get up. e. The farmer is happy with the animals. )核对答案为 b. The rooster is not busy, but the others are. c. The rooster has to do much work. d. The rooster is too tired to get up. 2. Reading for details (What happened?)A. The rooster is not busy, but the others are. (P1-3)(1) Read and find: What do they do? 教师引导孩子通过观察图片理解每个人的 job,并板书 (2) Read and act: Teacher asks 4 students to act the 4 characters and the rest of the students are narrators.配上动感活泼的音乐背景,全班一起表演故事。(3) Still image: The 4 students freeze and teacher asks what they are thinking.通过 still image 的形式,采访台上动物的感受,引导出其它动物对闲来无事的 rooster 的angry 情感。B. The rooster has to do much work. (P4-7)(1) Read and find: What do they say?(2) Read and feel: Students read the dialogue and feel the characters mood.教师要引导孩子通过观察图片上人物的表情来体会人物的内心,从而将情感反应到朗读中。(3) Act and feel: Teacher asks 1 students to act Rex and the rest are cows, donkeys and hens. After acting, the students ask how he feels.一名学生扮演 rooster,其余学生分成 4 大组,分别念 p6 上的台词,并配以急促的音乐,营造出 rooster busy 的状态,然后让学生提问 rooster。可能问题有:Are you tired? How do you feel? What do you want to do now? C. The rooster is too tired to get up. (P8-13) (1) Think and guess: What happened without the morning call? 教师出示绘本最后一页,引导学生看图,同桌相互猜一猜可能发生了什么。(2) Read and find: teacher and students go through P8-P13. 教师和学生共读最后一部分,特别引导孩子图片与文字之间的联系,如农夫的话语以及what a mess 的直观意思。Step Post-reading1. Listen and read 2. Think and say: What can you learn from the story?3. Imagine and say: Make an ending for the story.时间允许可以展示一组,如果不允许,顺势承接家庭作业。Step IV V Homework1. Read the story loudly and try to act it out with your friends. 2. Make an ending for the story.3. Enjoy some other picture books.