Project 1 Around our city-Part C&D-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:31177).zip

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Look and write Lilys trip At weekends, Lily _ Danyang. Lily likes kites, so she goes to Wanshan park. But it is her, she _ a bus there. First, she the bus _ King _.Next, she _ _ _Park_. Then she goes along Street, can see the park on her_ .Then, she goes to the museum. She goes there on . First she Park Street. Next, she _ _at the _ . The museum is on her . She also wants _ _some food. She goes to Oushang . She goes . She . She can find it on her . 在下图中画出你的家,并标出从你家到学校的路线。 Around our cityAround our city在我们的城市周边 First,I can say some names of places.1.我能够说出一些地名。Second,I can know how to ask the way and give the way.2.我能知道如何问路以及指路。Third,when people dont know the way,I can help them.3.当人们不认识路时,我能够帮助他们。根据图片快速说出相应英文Read the sentences(句子)guess :What place(地方) is it?It is a place. We can eat a lot of nice food. It is a _.restaurantrestroomrestrntIt is a place. It is small. We can send letters and cards there. The postmen work there.It is a officepolaroffIt is a place. It is big and beautiful. We can see many old things there. They are very dear(贵重).It is a _.museummusicmjuzi:mIt is a place. There are a lot of money. We can use cards to get money.It is a _.bankbook andZooHospitalSupermarketCinemaBookshop Moon StreetLondon Street Park Street King StreetSun StreetSchoolPost OfficeParkMuseum Bank Restaurant 阳光镇里都有什么,请用英语说出来,比比哪组说得多。Whats in Sunshine Town?There is a/are.ZooHospitalSupermarketCinemaBookshop Moon StreetLondon Street Park Street King StreetSun StreetSchoolPost OfficeParkMuseum Bank Restaurant Where do you live?I live on Street.Wheres our school?Its on Street.ZooHospitalSupermarketCinemaBookshop Moon StreetLondon Street Park Street King StreetSun StreetSchoolPost OfficeParkMuseum Bank Restaurant I live inTown /on Street.I come to school First, I Next, I Then, I How do you get to school?Show me your maps, tell your class.(出示图片,描述自己到学校的路线。)ZooHospitalSupermarketCinemaBookshop Moon StreetLondon Street Park Street King StreetSun StreetSchoolPost OfficeParkMuseum Bank Restaurant What do you do at weekends?Where do you go at weekends?ZooHospitalSupermarketCinemaBookshop Moon StreetLondon Street Park Street King StreetSun StreetSchoolPost OfficeParkMuseum Bank Restaurant What do you do at weekends?Where do you go at weekends?How do you get to the ?I want to go to the .First , I Next, I Then, I TipsLily is new here.She doesnt know the way,so she asks a man for help.HospitalYou can go to theby. First, get on the at.Next,get off atand turn.Then go along the.Theis on your left / right.Excuse me,how can I get to the hospital?MuseumStationPost OfficeStationRestaurant StopMuseum StopExcuse me ,how can I get to the.?MuseumLily想要去邮局和博物馆,该怎么帮助她呢?同桌间互问互答!TipsLily is new here.She doesnt know the way,so she asks a man for help.How to ask the way?Excuse me,how do /can I get to the.?Excuse me,Where is the.?How to give the way?Go/Walk along. Turn left/right at the traffic lights.The .is on your left/right. You can take/ride/ You can go to.on foot.You can go there by.Excuse me ,can you tell me the way to On Sunday, Lily wants to visit Danyang.She wants to fly kites in Wanshan Park.She wants to visit the museum. And she wants to buy some food. Moon Street Park Street King StreetSun StreetWanshan ParkOushang SupermarketDanyang MuseumKing StopPark Stop请在地图上找出去这三个地方的最佳路线!Shes here.、 Moon Street Park Street King StreetSun StreetWanshan ParkOushang SupermarketDanyang MuseumKing StopPark Stop请在地图上找出去这三个地方的最佳路线!Shes here.How does she get to .?请用英语说出路线,要用三单哦!Tip:1.请使用first,next,then 2可以使用go She on her.等句型.3.注意动词的三单哦! Lilys trip At weekends, Lily _ Danyang. Lily likes _ kites, so she goes to Wanshan park. But it is_ _her, she _ a bus there. First, she _ _ the bus _ King _.Next, she _ _ _Park_.Then she goes along _ Street, can see the park on her_.Then, she goes to the museum. She goes there on _.First she _ _ _ Park Street. Next, she _ _at the _ _ _ _.The museum is on her . She also wants_ _some food. She goes to Oushang _ _.She goes . She . She can find it on her _. visitsflyingfar fromtakesgetsonatStopgets offatStopright请对照地图填空注意三单哦!Parkfootgoes alongturnsrighttrafficlightsrighttobuySupermarketleftalong turns Danyang is a beautiful city, we enjoy the view. Danyang is a pretty city, we love the view here.Love hometown,love Danyang!There are many beautiful places in our hometown.1.Find a map of your city, and make up a dialogue with the expressions that weve learnt today. (用丹阳的地图写一个关于问路的对话。)2.Collect more expressions of asking the way.(收集更多关于问路的方式。)HomeworkA:Where is the.?B:Its on .street.这些地点都在哪条街呢谁想问 谁想答 咱们比比Project 1 Around Our School (Period 2)Teaching contents 教学内容:教学内容:Project 1 Part CDTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标:教学目标:1、 Review the words and drills from Unit4 to Unit8 we have learned before. 会用Where/How? 句型询问并回答2 、Review the grammar point Where/How guide the special questions and Try to use it smoothly. 3 、Be able to communicate with each other easily. 4、.Be able to introduce the cities to the class.Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重难点:教学重难点:1、 Be able to introduce the cities to the class.2 、Be able to communicate with each other and enjoy the communication.3 、Be able to master the grammar point Where/How guide the special questions.Preparation 教学准备:教学准备:PPT, Information maps教学设计(主备)教学设计(主备)复备复备Step 1 Warm-up1、Say a chant 进入主题。学生先分组朗读,然后教师示范,学生跟读后改编儿歌,提高学习的乐趣,培养学生的创造性思维能力。(1)How do you go to the zoo?By bus? No!By car? No!By underground? Yes!I go to the zoo by underground.(2)How do you go to the park?By bus? No!By underground? No!By bicycle? Yes!I go to the park by bicycle. Step 2 Revision 1、Show the students maps of our city .Talk about them.以此导入单词、句型和会话练习,帮助学生温习 Part A 和 Part B 中的核心词汇、句型及真实的英语语言场景交流。 Todays topic: Around Our School T: Look at the map. This is one map of the cities. Do you want to get more information about it? Then what questions can we ask? T:Is there a post office near your home/school? Is it near or far away? Where is it?Where do you live?S1:I live in .Town/on .Street. T:How do you get there? S1: I take a bus to go there. Oh, you can take a metro to go to the post office, too.T: All right. We have an information map about the city like this. Step 3 Presentation1、利用学生的座位表,复习有关位置的介词,导入 left ,right 及 between.E.g.: T: I cannot find Kitty .Where is she? How can I find her?S: Kitty sits near Alice.T: Yes, I can see her now .Who sits behind her? Who sits in front of her?S: Tom sits near her .Betty sits in front of her.2、利用教室的座位,进一步温习 turn left , turn right ,walk straight ,go along 等关于方向的表达。E.g.: T: Now I have a book. I want to give it to Peter .How do I do?请学生用 first ,then, next ,finally 这些词告诉老师到达 Peter 路线。3、Know some traffic signs 4、Ask and answer 进行主题讨论,引入 Where/How 引导的特殊疑问句的话题,小组形式完成问题的讨论。并以 pair work 的形式操练完整对话 Excuse me, how do you get to the post office? I come to the post office on foot.First, I walk along Winter Street. Next, I Turn left at Spring Street. Then, I walk straight and the post office on my right.Step 4 Tasks1、Play a game How do you get to the places in B? Show and tell your class.根据提示,操练对话,巩固核心句型。 I live in .Town/on .Street. I come to First, I Next, I Then, I 2、教师让一名学生当寻物人,在不让其他人看见的情况下,把一样东西给心目中的一位同学,大家一起指引寻物人。帮助他找到东西。然后教师出示图片,让学生指出 turn left ,turn right ,walk straight 等方向,并写一写。请学生课后制作更多的路线图。3、Post-task activities.做快速反应游戏。Show some pictures of shop, hospital, post office, supermarket. Then ask students to say out words. 为对话练习作铺垫。Step 5 Consolidation T: Today is Sunday. Mike is going to visit the Museum. How can he get there? 先示范:看图,说一说 Mike 如何去博物馆的。 1、利用 the students maps of our city,让学生分组开展活动,画出路线并说一说、演一演提高学生语言的运用能力2、分别请几位学生上台出示自己所画的路线图,请全班同学了解他或者她想去的地方,掌握关键信息,帮助记忆。通过运用语言,拓展并加深、巩固所学知识。同时请同学们给与评价。Step6 Homework1、 Review the words and drills we have learned before.2、 Write a short passage “around our city”. Theres a model on Page 16&26.Blackboard design 板书设计:板书设计: Project 1 Around our city (Period 1) Where do you live? (Where does he live?)I live in .Town/on .Street. (He lives in)Wheres our school?Its on.Street. How do you get there? / How does he get ? I take a bus to go there. /He takes (New words or the words which have difficult pronunciations) (Important drills)教学反思:教学反思:
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