Unit 1 Cinderella-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:b4eae).zip

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CinderellaUnit 1灰姑娘ets情况和我相同,请说如果不同,大声说出你的情况alkI like reading stories.I like rabbits.I like summer.I am very happy today.I am a teacher.CinderellaLets read a story. 注意模仿正确的语音、语调、语气哦!Unit 1 CinderellaThere is a party at the princes house, but Cinderella cannot go. Cinderella, come and help me. Cinderella, where are my gloves?A fairy comes. Why are you so dad, dear? Because I cant go to the party. Why? Because I dont have any nice clothes or shoes. Let me help you.Unit 1 CinderellaCinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes. Come back before 12 oclock.Cinderella has a good time at the party. Sorry, I have to go now. Hey, your shoe!The prince visits every house. Many girls try on the shoe, but it does not fit. Finally, Cinderella tries it on. It fits.Read in roles分角色朗读abcdThe party is at the princes house.Cinderella cant go. Because she doesnt have any nice clothes or shoes.The fairy.Before 12 oclock.They try on Cinderellas shoe.Ask and answerwhatwherewhenwhowhosewhyQuestion words 特殊疑问词什么哪里谁 谁的什么时候为什么Because .A fairy comesCinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes.Finally, Cinderella tries it on.Read and rememberIt fits.Fun timeBecause you should do housework at home.Because I cant go to the party.Because I dont have any nice clothes or shoes.Because I promised the fairy.承诺Because it doesnt fit.Homework1.背诵story time2.巩固Grammar3.阅读双语版格林童话Unit 1 Cinderella教时第 2 课时教学目标: 1、复习巩固词汇及 why.? Because.2、能够看图片复述故事内容3、学习 Fun time, 引导学生创编,提高创造力和学习英语的兴趣。4. 学生能理解并掌握 why.?及其他疑问词,学会提问,并进一步学习第三人称动词的变化重点与难点1.学习 Fun time, 引导学生创编,提高创造力和学习英语的兴趣。2.学生能理解并掌握 why.?及其他疑问词,并进一步学习第三人称动词的变化教 学 过 程Step 1 Warming-up1.Greetings2. Play a game.If you are the same to me, please say “me too”Im very happy today. Why?I like rabbits. Why?I like summer. Why?I am a teacher. Why?I like reading stories. Why?Do you remember the story?Retell the story with some pictures.Step2 Pre-task1.PPT(出示图片)Look at these pictures. Do you want to ask some questions about Cinderella?(hint: where, who, why, whose, when)2. A:Where is the party? B:. A:who helps Cinderella? B:. A:why is Cinderella sad? B:. A:why cant Cinderella go to the party? B:. A:when does Cinderella have to come back? B:. A:whose shoe do the girls try on? B:.Step3Grammar time:1.板书相关问题What do you find? When do we use “why” “because”?2.板书相关答案Come-comes put-putsFit-fits try-triesStep4Fun time1. So now you know what happens to Cinderella? Can you enrich the story?2. Fun time 插图:Can you make add some words to it?3. 教师示范后:look,this is my story. Can you make up your story? Now work in groups and act this story out.Step5Read a dialogue(卡通故事)1.Can you ask some questions with“where, who, why, whose, when”? 2. act read the dialogue Use 4 more sentences in the dialogueCreate a new dialogue in your group, and add some actions. 针对学生的表演及时评价Step6 Posttask完成补充习题部分内容Homework1. Recite story time 2. Recite and write new words 3+1.板书设计 Unit 1 Cinderella When Who Why.? why Cinderella whose Because. where
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