Unit 4 Seeing the doctor-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:c2c4e).zip

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Unit 4 Seeing the doctor(Story time)When you hot or cold.What you do?What you do? 感觉感觉应该应该shouldshouldntfeel不应该不应该We should when we feel We shouldnt when we feel shouldwouldship(当当时候时候)shouldshould 是情态动是情态动词词, , 后面加后面加动词动词原形。原形。We should when we feel .see the doctorillUnit 4 Seeing the doctor(Story time) Who is ill? 通过预习课文,我们知道谁病了?andWhats wrong with them?They should go to see the doctor.诊断书诊断书Medical Record诊断书诊断书Medical RecordWhats wrong with Su Hai? Whats wrong with Mike?Name_Name_Su HaiMike表示“任何东西 ”,用于否定及疑问句She has a headache and a fever.He has a toothache.She feels cold .A:A: 冷的冷的B:B: 感冒感冒And he cant eat anything.检查, 核对诊断书诊断书Medical Record诊断书诊断书Medical RecordWhats wrong with Su Hai? Whats wrong with Mike?Name_Name_Su HaiMike表示“任何东西 ”,用于否定及疑问句She has a headache and a fever.He has a toothache.She feels cold .A:A: 冷的冷的And he cant eat anything.诊断书诊断书Medical Record诊断书诊断书Medical RecordWhats wrong with Su Hai? Whats wrong with Mike?Name_Name_Su HaiMikeAnd he cant eat anything.表示“任何东西 ”,用于否定及疑问句She has a headache and a fever.He has a toothache.She feels cold .A:A: 冷的冷的人人民民医医院院checkcheck 检查Listening: Part 1 (听课文录音,选出医生给苏海的建议听课文录音,选出医生给苏海的建议) What should Su Hai do ?A.eat ice creamsB. have a rest C. watch TV D.take some medicineE. drink some warm waterShe should _ , _and _ .What should Su Hai do ?have a rest take some medicinedrink some warm waterShe shouldnt _ and _ .eat ice creamswatch TV 诊断书诊断书 Medical RecordName_Su Hai a headache and a feverfeel coldIllness(病情):Suggestions(建议):Should: 1.have a rest 2.take some medicine 3.drink some warm waterShouldnt: 1.eat ice creams 2. watch TV 诊断书诊断书Medical RecordMikeHe has a toothache.Name_Illness(病情):Suggestions(建议):Cause of illness(病因):And he cant eat anything.Now , if(如果)you are a doctor. You help sick people who has bad teeth.What do you do? Im a dentist ./i/e/ Reading Part 2 (仔细读读课文,快速寻找信息完成诊断书仔细读读课文,快速寻找信息完成诊断书)Name: Mike He should brush his teeth in themorning and before bedtime . Whats wrong with Mike?Why does heBecause he eats too many sweets.have a toothache ?诊断书诊断书Medical RecordCause of illness (病因)(病因)Suggestions(建议):What should he do ?He has a toothache .And he cant eat anything.Check the answerLeaning tip: 阅读时,可先划出相关的词,再填。What shouldnt he do ?Name: Mike He shouldnt eat too many sweets .He should brush his teeth in themorning and before bedtime . Whats wrong with Mike?Why does heBecause he eats too many sweets.have a toothache ?诊断书诊断书Medical RecordWhat should he do ?He has a toothache .And he cant eat anything.What shouldnt he do ?Su Hai is ill. Whats wrong with you?I have a headache. I feel cold.Let me check. You have a fever.What should I do, doctor?You should have a rest at home. You should take some medicine and drink some warm water.Thank you, doctor. She goes to see the doctor.跟录音,朗读跟录音,朗读看谁的语速、语音、语调最准哦看谁的语速、语音、语调最准哦。 You shouldbrush your teeth in the morning and before bedtimeWhats wrong with you ?I have a toothache . I cant eat anything.Do you eat a lot of sweets?Yes,I do.You shouldnt eat too many sweets. OK. Thanks.Mike has a toothache . He goes to see the dentist.Read together! (齐读齐读)Read after one!( (小老师领读小老师领读) )Read in roles!( (分角色朗读分角色朗读) )注意模仿他们注意模仿他们的动作的动作和语调和语调!headachefeverhave a resttake some medicinedrink warm watertoothacheeat anythingeat too many sweetsbrush teethCheck the answerMemory Challenge记忆大挑战记忆大挑战你对课文内容熟悉你对课文内容熟悉了了吗吗?你能将下列你能将下列问题的答案问题的答案,连成一段对话吗连成一段对话吗?Doctor: Whats wrong with you?Sick people: I have a What should I do , Doctor?Doctor: You should You shouldntSick people: Thank you, Doctor.任选一幅图,结合下面的句子,同桌俩进行对话练习。任选一幅图,结合下面的句子,同桌俩进行对话练习。Choose and say1234 Tip:表示表示should表示表示shouldntGood health is over wealth.健康是健康是最大最大的财富。的财富。请照顾好你的健康。请照顾好你的健康。每天早睡早起多锻炼。每天早睡早起多锻炼。Homework:1.Read and retell the dialogue.2.Tell your parents how to keep ourselves healthy.You should have a good habit, brush two times one day. 你应该养成一天刷两次牙的好习惯你应该养成一天刷两次牙的好习惯。tooth(单)acheheadacheearachebackachetoothache疼痛耳朵疼背疼have a rest 休息休息take some medicine服些药服些药I have a headache. I feel cold .(感觉;感到)(感觉;感到)A. 寒冷的寒冷的B. 感冒感冒Let me check. You have a fever.(检查检查)Check the answerCheck(检查检查)/e/你能为李老师提些好的建议吗?Lets sayI have a headache. What should I do?You shoulddrink some watersee the doctortake some medicinehave a rest吃药吃药应该应该Thank you, I am better.(好多了好多了)I can read the text fluently.I can read the text fluently and emotionally. I can read the text.我能读这篇文章。我能流利地读这篇文章。我能流利并且有感情地读这篇文章。 四人一组,选择一段分角色朗读课文四人一组,选择一段分角色朗读课文诊断书诊断书coldfeverheadachetoothacheName_Nanjing HospitalSu Hai诊断书诊断书Name_Nanjing HospitalMikecant eat anything表示“任何东西”,用于否定及疑问句注意模仿他们注意模仿他们的动作的动作和语调和语调!Read together.(齐读齐读)Read in roles.(分角色读分角色读)Read after a leader.(一人领读,他人跟读一人领读,他人跟读)Read one by one.(一人读一句一人读一句) 医院,人人民民医医院院CheckWhats wrong with Mike?Whats wrong with Su Hai?She has a headache and a fever.He has a toothache.Name: Mike Illness(病情):He has a toothache .Suggestions(建议):He shouldnt eat too many sweets .He should brush his teeth in themorning and before bedtime . Whats wrong with Mike?What should he do?Cause of illness (病因)(病因)Why does he Because he eats too many sweets.have a toothache ?诊断书诊断书Renmin Hospital五下 Unit 4 Seeing the doctorStory time 一、教学目标一、教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:brush ones teeth, drink water, eat sweets, have a rest, take some medicine.2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型:Whats wrong with-? What should -do?及其回答。3. 能运用所学单词和句型进行交流。二、教学重点二、教学重点:1. 能正确运用所学单词和句型交流。2. 掌握 Whats wrong with-? What should -do?及其回答。三、教学难点:三、教学难点:1.能正确理解、掌握语篇内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。2.能正确地听、说、读 brush ones teeth, drink water, eat sweets, have a rest, take some medicine 等。四、教学准备:四、教学准备:卡片, PPT5、教学过程:教学过程:Step 1 Warming-up1. Say a rhyme 2. Greeting3. Free talk T: How are you? S: Im fine, thank you. Step 2 Lead-in1. T: Good. Everyone is here. No one is absent. Look at this picture. Our friends are having a lesson too. But two students are absent. Who are they? S: Su Hai and Mike. T: Yes, look at this picture. Su Hai and Mike and ill and they are seeing the doctor. What do you know about them? S:.Step 3 Presentation1. T: Yes. First, we want to know whats wrong with them. Now lets watch and try to find out the answer. T: OK. Whats wrong with Su Hai? S: She has a toothache. T: Yes. Lets check the answer. Su Hai says: I have a headache. I feel cold. OK. Whats the meaning of cold here? (Teach “feel”) . The doctor says: Let me check. You have a fever. (Teach “check”) T: Whats wrong with Mike? S: He has a toothache. (Teach “toothache”) T: He cant eat anything. (Teach “anything”) So he goes to see a dentist. Whats the meaning of dentist? People who teach English or people who check your teeth? Can you guess? S: T: Yes, youre so clever.2. T: Do you have any other questions about Su Hai? S: What should she do? T: Yes, she has a headache and a fever. So what should she do? Now lets listen and choose. T: Now lets check the answer. (Teach “medicine”)3. T: Now do you have any questions about Mike? S: . T: OK. Now open your books, turn to page 37. Read this part by yourself and try to finish the case of illness. S:. T: Now lets check the answer. Why does he have a toothache? Because he eats a lot of sweets. What should he do? He should brush his teeth in the morning and before bedtime. (Teach brush his teeth, bedtime) He shouldnt eat too many sweets. 4. Now lets read the whole text after the computer. While reading, please pay attention to the pronunciation , intonation and the tone. Now read with your group members. I can read the whole text.I can read the text fluently.I can read the text fluently and emotionally. Step 3. Consolidation1. Now girls read part 1 and finish exercise 1. Boys read part 2 and finish exercise 2.2. T: Are you familiar with the whole text? Now lets play a game. It calls “Memory Challenge”. For example: xx, whats wrong with Su Hai? S: She has a headache. T: Very good, you have a good memory.3. T: You ask ask like this. Now the first one asks the student behind you, and the second student answers the question and asks another question to the next student, do you understand?3. Su Hai and Mike are seeing the doctor. They are in the hospital. The other sick people may have different illness. Such as : toothache, cough, cold and headache. You can act in group, one as doctor and other three students as sick people. Step 5 Homework1 Recite the dialogue.2 Tell your parents how to keep ourselves healthy.板书设计 Unit4 Seeing the doctorWhats wrong with.?What should .do?What shouldnt .do?Su Haihas a headachefeel coldhas a feverhave a resttake some medicinedrink warm waterMikehas a toothachebrush his teetheat too many sweets五下 Unit 4 Seeing the doctor(Story time)教学反思本单元话题为看病,教学重点是表示建议的情态动词 should 和其否定式shouldnt 的用法。有关询问和描述病情的句型 whats wrong with you?和I have a headache/.也是本单元的另一个重点教学内容。在四年级下册 unit7whats the matter?中已经学过表示对他人关心的句型 whats the matter with you?和表达感觉和感受的形容词 hungry, ill, sad, thirsty, tired.在四年级下册 unit8how are you?中已经学过疾病类词汇 cold, cough, fever, headache.纵观课堂,我主要从以下几方面进行教学设计(一)话题导入激活语言背景,建构语言系统导话题导入环节设计了学生对话练习,一是让学生有机会和平台展示自己,二是帮助学生建立起文本与已往经验、知识之间的联系,扫清语言障碍,引导学生迅速进入阅读状态,为阅读文本做必要的准备。三是成功引出本节课话题以及重点句型 whats wrong with you?(二)阅读深入学习语言知识,培养阅读能力。1、读前预测是语篇教学前的有效导入活动之一。教师通过呈现图片,引导学生提出问题,让学生预测语篇的主要内容,学习本课病情类生词 headache 和 toothache,为开展语篇教学作铺垫。2 深层理解语篇。通过整体观看动画理解 what should they do?分段教学,降低学习难度,并通过朗读练习,培养学生的阅读技能,建构阅读策略。为保证学习过程中的连贯性,真正做到词不离断、段不离篇、篇段结合,让学生深层理解语篇,设计了 chant 串联,通过读一读、唱一唱,引导学生把握语篇结构、掌握语言重点。通过填空和问答,引导学生记录要点、捕捉具体信息。(三)真实运用语篇拓展语篇外延,发展语言技能在这个阶段中,教师引导学生跟读录音,复述语言材料,充分理解文本内容。本课需要改进的地方是:1、控制复习的时间。有效的复习时间应该控制在 1-2 分钟左右,严格控制时间能使学生更高效的进行新知的综合运用。2、注意语篇教学的整体性。本课我设计了好几个 chant 朗读,由于比重太大,削弱了语篇的整体性。可以将这样的内容放在第二课时,使教学重点更突出。在小学高年级语篇教学中,我们要不断实践,勇于创新,实施高效的语篇教学,有效提高学生的语用能力,增加学生阅读的兴趣。
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