Unit 5 Helping our parents-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:31749).zip

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Enjoy the songUnit5 Helping our parentsUnit5 Helping our parents钱钱 敏敏仪征市谢集中心小学仪征市谢集中心小学Good morning, boys and girls ! My name is Qian Min.Look! I am singing now.I like cleaning and singing . / Seven .Miss Qian Hello,Im_.(name)Im_.( age)Look, I am -ing now.I like _.(hobby) Act it out演出来哦What are you doing now?Youve Got a Friend in MeWhat do they like doing? Think and guess :He likes playing basketball.What does Mike like doing?She likes dancing.What does Helen like doing?He likes drawing.What does Tim like doing?Friday evening Think and guess :What is he/she doing now?Friday eveningHe He isis sweep sweepinging the floor the floor now.now.What is Mike doing now?sweep the floorsweep the floor sweepsweetsweepingFriday eveningwash the dishes wash the dishes What is Helen doing now?fishdishdishesSheShe is washwashing the dishes nowthe dishes now. He He isis read readinging a book now . a book now .Friday eveningWhat is Tim doing now? is reading a book now. is sweeping his the floor now. is washing the dishes now.Friday evening Tips: 现在进行时:主语 + am/is/are + doing 表示正在做某事。 找找找找表达表达 的的规则吧规则吧!现在正在做某事现在正在做某事Think and guess:They are -ing - Culture Tip In many countries,pets are also family members. (国外有些家庭也将宠物 视为家庭成员。)What are they doing now?他们正在做什么?their parentsBenFriday eveningHe is reading, reading, reading- - - -What are they doing in the morning?A.Doing sportsDoing sportsB.Having a picnicHaving a picnicC.Helping their parentsHelping their parentsSaturday morningSaturday morningWhat are they doing in the morning?A.Doing sportsDoing sportsB.Having a picnicHaving a picnicC.Helping their parentsHelping their parentsdo houseworkhouseworkbreakfastclotheswashmakecookThink and guess :. -.What housework can you do?cleana pie.the tablesweepthe floorWhat is he/she doing now?What is he/she doing now?bedroomkitchenliving roomIt is Saturday morning.My father is cleaning the car.I am helping him. 跟读,仔细模仿语音语调哦。My mother is cooking breakfast in the kitchen.Helen is in the living room.She is sweeping the floor.Where is Tim?What is he doing now?Tim is in his bedroom.He is sleeping.Ben the dog is sleeping too. 跟读,仔细模仿语音语调哦。Saturday morningRead together ! In the morning小组讨论,合作填好表格哦。In the morningis cleaning the car.is sweeping the floor.are sleeping.is cooking breakfast.is cleaning the car.小组讨论,合作填好表格哦。What a morning !Why is Tim sleeping now?BecauseBecause he is-he is-Many hands make light work.人多好办事。 busy 忙碌的Friday eveningTim is reading a book.He is reading,reading,reading- What are they doing in the afternoon?1.Helen is washing the dishes. ( )3.Mike and Tim are watching TV.( )4.Jim comes because he wants to play with Ben.( )2.His father is cooking dinner . ( )个人默读49页,划出关键句。1.Helen is washing the dishes. ( )划出关键句,读出来哦。T2.His father is cooking dinner . ( )His mother划出关键句,读出来哦。F3.Mike and Tim are watching TV.( )Jim Mike is cleaning the table.划出关键句,读出来哦。F4.Jim comes because he wants to play with Ben.( )Its a trick!We dont know.Be careful !?In the afternoon, my cousin Jim comes.My mother is busy.Helen and I are helping her.Helen is washing the dishes.I am cleaning the table.She is cooking dinner.What are we doing now? 跟读,仔细模仿语音语调哦。What are Tim and Jim doing?They are eating fruit in the living room.We are watching TV too!Woof! 跟读,仔细模仿语音语调哦。Saturday afternoonRead in pairsIn the afternoon 上来贴一贴哦In the afternoon is cooking dinner. are watching TV and eating fruit. is cleaning the table. is washing the dishes./ 上来贴一贴哦What a afternoon !busy Many hands make light work.人多好办事。 When? Who? What? Where? Morning AfternoonWho is not here?What is he doing ?What questions do you want to know about father?What are they doing in the evening?想象并说一说大家在派对上正在做什么吧 In the evening Look,we are having a big party.My father is .My mother is .Mike is .Helen is .Jim .Tim .-We are having a wonderful time !想象并说一说大家在派对上正在做什么吧What is Tim doing now? He is reading a picture book. He is reading a picture book.It is Saturday evening._Make the bookBy_What do you think of Mike and Helen?(学完课文,你觉得Mike和Helen怎么样?)helpfulWho is ?(乐意帮忙的)Help others, help yourself !(帮助别人就是帮助你自己)Remember:Who is helpful in your class ?Homework1.跟读录音三遍,注意模仿语音语调哦。2.继续完成故事编写,并和小伙伴们演一演吧。Lets enjoy reading ! 5B Unit 5 Helping our parentsNice to meet you(让我认识一下你吧)让我认识一下你吧)Hello! I am_.(名字)I am _.(年龄) I like_.(爱好)Look/Listen ! I am -ing now. .( (为我们大家表演一下吧为我们大家表演一下吧) )About our friends(还记得我们的朋友们的爱好吗?)(还记得我们的朋友们的爱好吗?)Mike likes_. Helen likes_.Tim likes_.Friday evening(猜猜他们在周五晚上正在做什么吧猜猜他们在周五晚上正在做什么吧)Maybe(可能)Mike is_. Helen is_. Tim is_.What housework can you do?(你会做这些家务吗,试一试吧?你会做这些家务吗,试一试吧?) )What are they doing?(知道他们周六正在做什么吗?)知道他们周六正在做什么吗?) Wow I can get _ . Congratulations and keep going ! table1It is Saturday evening.By_234 5“Thank goodness !” 五下五下 Unit5 Helping our parents 教学设计教学设计 Story time Period 1 一、教学内容:译林版小学英语五下 Unit5 Helping our parents (Story time) Period 1二、教学目标;1.能听得懂、会读、会说单词和词组 clean, cook, busy, parent, sweep the floor, wash the dishes.2.能听懂、会读、会说句型和日常交际用语 I am/We are/They are -ing -. He/She is -.3.能正确理解、掌握故事内容,并能用正确的语音语调朗读、初步复述故事4.能初步感知和理解现在进行时的用法5.通过学习,鼓励学生帮父母做力所能及的家务三、教学重、难点:重点:能正确理解、掌握故事内容,并能用正确的语音语调朗读、初步复述故事难点:现在分词 cleaning, sweeping, washing 的读音,以及现在进行时的运用四、教学准备:多媒体课件、板书、学生作业纸, 绘本Five little monkeys jumping on the bed五、教学过程:Step1 Warm-up1.Sing a song. “Clean the chair.” 【设计意图】通过歌曲,吸引学生注意力,调动学生学习英语的兴趣,营造了欢乐地英语学习氛围,并且很好的输入“clean the chair”等一系列的家务劳动情境,渐渐引出本课的话题 “帮助我们的父母”,为下面的学习做了知识的铺垫,构建了知识的表象,让学生在这种“前语境”下感知与歌曲相关的内容,从而达到 “课未始兴已浓”的愤悱状态。2.Free talk.About meAbout you【设计意图】通过自我介绍带领学生复习已学知识,并引导学生通过对比喜欢做某事与现在进行时,初步感知现在进行时结构;通过学生的自我介绍,尝试让学生说出“我正在做-”并加上动作,增加了新知学习的趣味性About our friends and their family members:教授单词:sweep(由sweet 自然拼读)/wash the dishes(由 fish 自然拼读至 dish),parents,让孩子总结表示现在进行时的结构。【设计意图】从我们的朋友 Mike,Helen 和 Tim 他们的爱好切入,设定现在是周五的情境引领孩子猜想他们在周五的晚上正在做什么,“What is he/she/it doing?” “He/She/It is -ing-.”的句型自然导入,并让孩子总结结构,之后运用在猜想他们的父母在周五晚上正在做什么呢“What are they doing?”“They are-ing-”教授单词 parents,这样不仅使新知得到提升,还让孩子大概了解了其问答复数形式。并且利用Tim 为下文周六早张睡觉埋下了伏笔。Step2 Presentation1.Listen and choose: What are they doing on Saturday morning?揭题Helping our parents【设计意图】按时间的顺序,由周五的晚上自然过渡到本课周六早上部分的阅读,通过先让学生猜周六的早上孩子们在干什么,再通过听录音来求证,培养学生从整体上感知语篇的信息。2.Think: What housework can you do?(思维导图,教授 clean/make the bed)【设计意图】激发学生独立思考的能立,让学生初步感知文本的框架,有助于学生理解课文结构。同时“设疑激趣”,让学生带着问题快速阅读,圈出关键词,3.Watch and find: What is he/she doing now?【设计意图】要想透彻理解整个语篇,单词读音的准确和意思的正确十分之重要。通过教师领读,并且设计学生感兴趣的韵律诗不仅可以及时复习巩固新知,还创设了魔法的场景,激发学生的兴趣。这种“早渗入重积累”的方法,以及在欢乐的氛围中“跳一跳够得到”的环境不仅有助于学生下面大量的语言输出,而且还保证了他们持久的学习热情。5.Read after the tape(跟读,仔细模仿语音语调哦)6.Read together【设计意图】通过跟读模仿,齐读形式的阅读,让学生不觉得英语枯燥无味,相反更能让学生在各种各样的阅读活动中更能体会英语的独特魅力,激发英语兴趣。7.Fill the blanks(小组讨论)【设计意图】本环节通过第二部分的填空,不断的让主体文本在语境中复现,使学生时刻接触到来自“语境场的辐射”,强化练习了本课的重点句型。8.Think and guess: Is Tim helping his parents in the morning? Why?总结上午教授单词 busy。【设计意图】问题是思维的起点,通过问题让学生进行思考,激发学习内驱力。通过问为什么 Tim 没有帮助父母而在睡觉,揭示了导入时的情境周五晚上 Tim 看书的伏笔,这样的设置培养了孩子阅读时独立思考不断质疑的思维品质。9.In the afternoon: Read and judge(个人默读并在文中划出关键句, 核对答案时让学生在书上读出来)【设计意图】本环节设计了信息判断题,阅读策略上让学生精读课文通过删选相关信息,圈出重要,学习策略是小组合作,让学生在合作中体验成功的快乐。10.Read after the tape(跟读,仔细模仿语音语调哦)11Read pairs12.Fill the blanks(上来贴一贴哦)13.总结下午【设计意图】通过跟读模仿,同桌合作阅读形式,让学生不觉得英语枯燥无味,相反更能让学生在各种各样的阅读活动中更能体会英语的独特魅力,激发英语兴趣。Step 3.Consolidation1.Retell the story(When/Who/What/Where)2.Guess and say: Where is Mikes dad? What is he doing?3.Lets imagine and say.On Saturday evening, what are they doing at the party?4.Lets imagine and write. 绘本Five little monkeys jumping on the bed, 让我们欣赏绘本并来写一写他们在周六晚上正在做什么吧!5.Who is helpful?【设计意图】本环节设计了复述课文,学生可以利用图片根据When/Who/What/Where 选择其中早上或者下午进行描述,复述下午的场景后引出话题“Who is not here?”将父亲在做什么做了猜想,巩固本课句型,又引到想象并说一说晚上生日派对的上大家在做什么。谈到 Tim 在做什么引导到 Tim 在读故事书联系到绘本Five little monkeys jumping on the bed学习,再让学生联想Who is helpful?复习了之前几个单元学习的内容又联系到现实的家庭和学校生活,巩固句型又拓展了语言运用。这样的场景源于课本又高于课本,体现了语言的综合运用能力的技能。5.Homework: Read the story after the tape three times Recite the story and tell it to your parents Continue Mikes Saturday evening【设计意图】尊重学生的个体差异,从“学生的最近发展区”出发,因材施教,设计不同程度的课外作业,让具备不同层次英语能力的学生在作业中都能找到自己感兴趣并且擅长的部分,通过这样的课外巩固和延伸,让每个学生都能用成功的快乐体验。板书设计: Unit5 Helping our parents In the morning In the afternoon clean the car wash the dishes cook breakfast clean the table clean the car cook dinner sweep the floor eat fruit sleep watch TV 六教学反思: 本节课为五年级第五单元,围绕“Helping our parents”的这一话题展开,教学 Stroytime 第一课时内容。在教学的过程中,学生对现在进行时的掌握是可以的。在五年级的上学期,对于这一语法知识,我已经做好了预先的铺垫,所以大部分学生在学习中,问题不是太大,能够比较熟练的运用。这一点是让我感到非常满意的地方。在文本的教学中,我也同时教育了学生 Help our parents at home and help our teachers at school。让学生明白帮助他人的重要性,孝敬父母,感恩教师同学的重要性。学生在各个方面的掌握是不错的,是能够让人满意的。整体的教学效果也达到了预期效果。 这一节课上下来收获很多,但还是有不足的地方需要去努力去解决,在拓展部分利用了绘本的看图写话,本人在进行不断思考,可以利用 Mike和妹妹弟弟们帮忙他们的父母进行家务劳动,孩子们给父母帮忙,不幸的是却是在帮倒忙,但家人就是这样,即使不完美的帮忙打打闹闹但是很开心的生活在一起的主题,或许这样的拓展更加鲜活有趣。
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