Module 1 Wonders of the world-Unit 2 The Grand Cayon was not just big.-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(编号:906fd).zip

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Victoria Falls The Terracotta Army Three Gorges Dam The Giants CausewaySome wonderful views of the Grand Canyon.1. To get information from the reading material about the Grand Canyon2. To learn some key words and useful expressions 3. To know the way of writing what you see and you feel when travelling Objectives:sky n. 天空grey adj.灰色的; 阴沉的Do you know these words?silent adj.寂静的sign n. 迹象;标志silver adj.银色的stream n.小河;小溪canyon n. 峡谷shine v.照耀Words and expressions go throughbeside reply clear fall away 穿过prep. 在旁边; 在附近 v. 回答;答复 v. (烟雾等)开始 消失 突然向下倾斜Words and expressions stream nearly on top of canyon remain by n. 小河;小溪 adv. 几乎;差不多 在上面;盖住 n. 峡谷 v. 逗留;留下 prep. 在旁边;靠近below, deep, fantastic, high, long natural, shine, sign, silent, silver prep. 在下面;在以下v. 照耀n. 迹象;标志;招牌adj. 寂静的adj. 银灰色的;银制的1. Work in pairs. Talk about a great natural wonder you know. Use the words in the box to help you. For example:Changjiang River is the longest river in China. Its about 6,300 km long. Its one of the most famous natural wonders in the World. And below deep fantastic high long natural shine sign silent silverTrue or false.1.When I arrived, the weather was sunny and hot.2. I went to the wrong way at first.3. The Colorado River was nearly three miles below me.4. Finally, I looked to my left and to my right, and on both sides the canyon went far away for more than 200 miles.FFFT When I arrived, it was early morning and it was raining. I looked to the east-the sky was becoming grey. I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a dark path. There was nothing to see, but I knew it was there. After about a mile, a stranger appeared beside the path. “Am I going the right way?” I asked. He knew where I was going. “Yes, “ he replied, “ you will get there in five minutes.” Finally, I came to some rocks and stopped. I looked over them, but it was silent and there was no sign of it. A great wonder of the natural world Suddenly, the rain stopped and the clouds cleared. The sun rose behind me and shone on the rocks. Far below me, the ground fell away and down to a river. I was looking across one of the wonders of the natural world-the Grand Canyon. behind, on, below, away和down几个 介词和副词生动地描写了太阳升起时作者在大峡谷观察到的奇妙景象。the ground fell away是形象化的描述,说明了随着阳光的照射,作者仿佛看到地面在下降,逐渐显露出谷底的河流。 太阳从我身后升起,照在岩石上,地面(仿佛在随光线)向下延伸,(逐渐)退落,显露出谷底的河流。 I looked down to the Colorado River , a silver stream nearly one mile below me. If you put the two tallest buildings in the world on top of each other at the bottom of the canyon, they will would not reach the top. Then I looked across to the other side of the canyon. It was about fifteen miles away, maybe more. Finally ,I looked to my left and to my right ,and on both sides the canyon went far away for more than 200 miles. The Grand Canyon was not just big. It was huge! If you put the two tallest buildings in the world on top of each other at the bottom of Canyon, they still would not reach the top.若世界上两座最高的建筑叠放在峡谷底部,他们仍顶不到头。把放在底部一个在另一个上面的,一个挨一个的The Grand CanyonHow deepHow wideHow longNearly one mile. About fifteen miles. More than 200 miles. 2. Read the passage and complete the table. I remained by the canyon for about half an hour, and I asked myself, “ Is the Grand Canyon the greatest wonder of the natural world?” I certainly know the answer. What do you think?1.I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a dark path. 我下了车,穿过一扇门,沿着一条黑暗的小路走着。 go through 通过,穿过;经历 e.g. The rain has gone through my coat. The country has gone through too many wars.2. I looked over them, but it was silent and there was no sign of it.我朝那片岩石望过去,但是一片寂静,还是看不见它。I was looking across one of the wonders of the natural world- the Grand Canyon. 我在眺望自然界奇观之一的大峡谷。I looked down to the Colorado River我俯瞰科罗拉多河Finally, I looked to my left and to my right.最后,我向左右遥望look over 从上方看过去look down 向下看look to ones left/ right朝某人的左侧/左侧看3. I remained by the canyon for about half an hour remain v. 逗留,留下逗留,留下 n. 剩余物;遗迹;残骸剩余物;遗迹;残骸 e.g. I didnt remain long in the city. 我并没有在那个城市逗留很久。我并没有在那个城市逗留很久。 The police told everybody to remain in their cars. 警察叫大家都留在车里。警察叫大家都留在车里。Observe the following sentences and try to find the differences between them. It was about fifteen miles away, maybe more. The canyon went far away for more than 200 miles. The Grand Canyon was not just big. It was huge. Is the Grand Canyon the greatest wonder of the natural world? factsopinionSome adjectives tell you facts, such as wide, deep, high and tall; some adjectives tell you the opinion of the author, like wonderful, huge and great. Learn to use them to talk about facts and give your opinion.3. Choose the correct answer.1. Where does the passage most probably come from?a) A magazine. b) A grammar book. c) A dictionary. d) A storybook.2. Why was there nothing to see?a) Because there was nothing. b) Because it was too dark.c) Because it was raining. d) Because it was in the morning.3. Which direction was the writer facing while he was looking over the Grand Canyon?a) South. b) North. c) East. d) West.4. What is the writers purpose in writing this passage?a) To give facts about the natural world.b) To say how he feels about the natural world.c) To tell an interesting story about the Grand Canyon.d) To attract people to visit the Grand Canyon.4. Complete the passage with the words in the box.below, mile, remain, reply, sign silent, sky, stream, through In the dark, there is no (1) _ of the Grand Canyon, and it is (2) _. But if you (3) _ by the Grand Canyon as the (4) _ gets brighter and look down about one (5) _, you can see the Colorado River (6) _ you. It looks like a silver (7) _ as it passes (8) _ the rocks at the bottom of the canyon. If someone asks you whether the Grand Canyon is the greatest wonder of the natural world, it may be easy to (9) _.5. Complete the table with facts about a natural or man-made wonder of the world.NameLocationInteresting factsName Location Interesting facts1) It is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.2) It is the longest man-made wonder in the world.3) The main wall is around 2,145 miles (3460km) long.4) The most visited section of the Great Wall is in Badaling, close to Beijing.5) It has often been compared to a dragon.6) A popular legend about the Great Wall is the story of Meng Jiangnv.7) Reportedly, it cost the lives of more than one million people.the Great Wall of China in the north of ChinaOne possible answer: Say when you visited it. I just visited the Great Wall last month. Say where it is. It is in the north of China. Describe its size. It is Say what interesting facts you know. It is famous for Say what happened when you visited it. It was raining when we were Say how you felt. I thought it was the most wonderful sight.Now write a passage. Use the sentences you have written to help you.Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big. Teaching modelReading and writing. Teaching aims1. To get information from the reading material about the Grand Canyon;.2. To learn some key words and useful expressions;3. To know the way of writing you see and your feeling when travelling. Teaching Objectives 1. Key vocabulary: below, shine shone - shone; shine shined - shined, sign, silent, silver, sky, grey, go through, beside, reply, clear, fall away, stream, nearly, on top of, canyon, remain, by2. Keys structure: Sentence structure.IV Teaching StepsStep 1 Free talkCan you remember the wonders what we have learnt yesterday ? Now lets look at some beautiful pictures about another wonder. The Grand Canyon.Step 2 Presentation1. Introduce the new words.2. Read the words after the teacher.Step 3 Work in pairs.1. Talk about a great natural wonder you know. Use the words in the box to help you.below deep fantastic high long natural shine sign silent silver Teacher gives an example of Changjiang River.Step 4 Reading.1. Fast reading.Look at the flash carefully and read fast, then do “true or false”.True or false.1. When I arrived, the weather was sunny and hot.2. I went to the wrong way at first.3. The Colorado River was nearly three miles below me.4. Finally, I looked to my left and to my right, and on both sides the canyon went far away for more than 200 miles.Keys: F F F T2. Careful reading.Ask the students to read the passage one by one. Then answer some questions , explain the passage and complete the table.The Grand CanyonHow deep Nearly one mile.How wideAbout fifteen miles How longMore than 200 milesStep 5 Language points1. I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a dark path. 我下了车,穿过一扇门,沿着一条黑暗的小路走着。 go through 通过,穿过;经历 e.g. The rain has gone through my coat. The country has gone through too many wars.拓展:go 相关词组go abroad 出国go against 违背;与不符go up 增长;上升;被兴建起来 go on 继续;继续下去;发生go over 复习 ;仔细审查;走近 go ahead 进行 go away 走开;消失go for 去取来;争取得到2. I looked over them, but it was silent and there was no sign of it.我朝那片岩石望过去,但是一片寂静,还是看不见它。I was looking across one of the wonders of the natural world- the Grand Canyon.我在眺望自然界奇观之一的大峡谷。I looked down to the Colorado River 我俯瞰科罗拉多河Finally, I looked to my left and to my right,最后,我向左右遥望look 与不同的介词/副词搭配,组成不同的词组,表达不同的意思:拓展:look 相关词组look after 照料 look back 回顾,向后看look in 顺便来访look into 调查look through 浏览look over 翻阅;调查look up 找出,查阅;仰视 look down upon sb. 轻视某人 look forward to doing 期待 3. I remained by the canyon for about half an hourremain v. 逗留,留下 n. 剩余物;遗迹;残骸e.g. I didnt remain long in the city. 我并没有在那个城市逗留很久。 The police told everybody to remain in their cars. 警察叫大家都留在车里。Step 6 Learning to learnSome adjectives tell you facts, such as wide, deep, high and tall; dome adjectives tell you the opinion of the author, like wonderful, huge and great. Learn to use them to talk about facts and give your opinion.Step 7 Choose the correct answer.1. Read the passage again.2. Choose the correct answer.1) Where does the passage possibly come from?a) A magazine. b) A grammar book. C) A dictionary. D) A storybook.2) Why was there nothing to see?a) Because there was nothing. b) Because it was too dark.c) Because it was raining. d) Because it was in the morning.3) Which direction was the writer facing while he was looking over the Grand Canyon?a) South. b) North. c) East. d) West.4) What is the writers purpose in writing this passage?a) To give facts about the natural world.b) To say how he feels about the natural world.c) To tell an interesting story about the Grand Canyon.d) To attract people to visit the Grand Canyon.Keys: 1. a 2. b 3. d 4. bStep 8 Complete the passage with the words in the box.below mile remain reply sign silent sky stream throughIn the dark, there is no (1)_ of the Grand Canyon, and it is (2)_. But if you (3)_ by the Grand Canyon as the (4)_ gets brighter and look down about one (5)_, you can see the Colorado River (6)_ you. It looks like a silver (7)_ as it passes (8)_ the rocks at the bottom of the canyon. If someone asks you whether the Grand Canyon is the greatest wonder of the natural world, it may be easy to (9)_.Order one student to the front to fill in the blanks, then the whole class check the answers.Keys: 1. sign 2. silent 3. remain 4. sky 5. mile 6. below 7. stream 8. through 9.replyStep 9 Homework-Writing1. Complete the table with facts about a natural or man-made wonder of the world. Imagine you have just visited one of the wonders. Write a passage and describe how you felt when you visited the wonder.Name LocationInteresting factsSay when you visited it.I just visited the Great Wall last month.Say where it is.It is in the north of China.Describe its size.It isSay what interesting facts you know.It is famous forSay what happened when you visited it.It was raining when we wereSay how you felt.I thought it was the most wonderful sight.Step 10 板书设计板书设计 Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big. how go look It is never too old to learn.
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