Module 1 Wonders of the world-Unit 1 It's more than 2,000 years old.-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(编号:b111c).zip

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Unit 1Its more than 2,000 years old.Module 1Wondersoftheworldanobjectthatcausesafeelingofgreatsurpriseandadmiration奇观;奇迹;奇事 wonderQomolangma珠穆朗玛峰theGreatWall长城Pyramid金字塔Canyoulistsomewondersintheworld?Victoria Falls维多利亚瀑布the Terracotta Army秦始皇兵马俑the Giants Causeway巨人之路the Three Gorges Dam三峡大坝Whichwondersarethey?the Giants CausewayVictoriaFallsThewondersintheworldcanbeman-madeornatural.人工的;人造的;非天然的自然的;天然形成的Doyouknowwhichwondersareman-madeornatural?1Match the names of the wonders with the pictures below. (P 2)a) The Terracotta Armyd) Victoria Falls c) The Giants Causeway b) The Three Gorges Damadj.古代的a_ncientLookatthepicturesandguesstheword.adj.现代的m_odernadj.人造的m_an-madeadj.大自然的n_atural Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Use the words in the box to help you. (P 2)2ancientman-mademodernnaturalwonder1.Whichtwoarenaturalwonders?2.Whichtwoareman-madewonders?3.Whichisanancientwonder?4.Whichisamodernwonder?Now listen and check.TonyandhisfriendsaretalkingaboutWondersoftheWorld.Listenandchoose 1.Tony thinks_ is the most fanstastic natural wonder. A.Victoria Falls.B .Giants Causeway C.The Three Gorges Dam 1.Lingling thinks Victoria Falls are about 1700 metres_. A. high B. wide C. long 3._produce electricity for millions of people in China. A.Terracotta Army. B.Three Gorgrs Dam. C.Victoria Falls3Read the passage and check() the true sentences. (P 3)1.TonythinkstheGiantsCausewayisthelargestnaturalwonder.2.LinglingthinksVictoriaFallsismorefantasticthantheGiantsCauseway.3.BettyandDamingaremoreinterestedinman-madewonders.4.ForDaming,theThreeGorgesDamismorefantasticthantheTerracottaArmy.Task1mostfantasticasas4Answer the questions. (P 3)1.WhereistheGiantsCauseway?2.HowwideisVictoriaFalls?3.WhatwondersdoesBettythinkaremoreexciting?4.HowoldistheTerracottaArmy?ItsontheeasterncoastofNorthernIreland.Itisabout1,700metreswide.Shethinksman-madewondersaremoreexcitingthannaturalones.Itsmorethan2,000yearsold.Task2Read the conversation and fill in the blanks.Wonders Location Description Other factsTheGiantsCausewayNorthernIreland_rocks_Africa_metreswide100metres_canhearthe_afewkilometresawayTheTerracottaArmyChinamorethan_yearsoldTheThreeGorgesDam_2,300metres_185metres_metreswideproduceelectricityfor_peopleinChina40,0001,700highloudnoise2,000ChinalongmillionsofVictoriaFalls15Task3highTranslate the phrases into English.人造奇迹人造奇迹加入讨论加入讨论自然奇观自然奇观同意某人同意某人在岸上;在岸上; 沿岸沿岸几公里之远几公里之远/以外以外据某人看来据某人看来超过超过几百万的人几百万的人man-made wondersjoin in the discussionnatural wondersagree with sb. on the coast a few kilometres awayin ones opinionmore thanmillions of peoplediscussioneasternhugeopinionthough5Complete the sentences with the words in the box. (P 3)1.Inmy_,naturalwondersaremoreinterestingthanman-madeones.2.VictoriaFalls,about1,700metreshigh,is_.opinionhuge3.Letsjoininthe_aboutthewondersoftheworld.4.IthinktheGiantsCausewayonthe_coastofNorthernIrelandisafantasticnaturalwonder.5.Tosomedegree,LinglingagreeswithTonyabouttheGiantsCauseway,_shethinksVictoriaFallsismorefantastic.discussioneasternhugeopinionthoughdiscussioneasternthoughTonyandhisfriendsaretalkingabout_.Tonythinks_wondersaremoreinterestingthan_ones.HevisitedtheGiantsCausewaytwoyearsago.Hethinksitisthemost_naturalwonder.LinglingthinksVictoriaFallsinAfricaiseven_fantastic.ButinBettys_,man-madewondersaremore_thannaturalones.Damingthinksso.Complete the passage with proper,is(even)moreinterestingthanC:Iagreewithyou.AndIthinkisthemostA list of wonders of the world for reference:TheColosseumofRome古罗马大斗兽场TheGreatWallofChina长城HagiaSophia圣索菲亚大教堂Stonehenge巨石阵MachuPicchu马丘比丘TajMahal泰姬陵EmpireStateBuilding帝国大厦TheVictoriaFalls维多利亚瀑布TheGreatBarrierReef大堡礁CNTower加拿大国家电视塔NorthernLights北极光GrandCanyon大峡谷Whichwonderoftheworldwouldyouliketovisit?IdliketovisittheTerracottaArmybecauseIthinkman-madewondersaremoreexciting.Whichwonderoftheworldwouldyouliketovisit?IdliketovisittheGreatWallbecauseChineseancientpeoplebuiltit2,000yearsago.AndImproudofbeingaChinese.根据提示完成句子。1.Thismagazinecanhelpuslearnmoreaboutthe_(nature)world.2.Mary,canyoutellmethedifferencesbetween“east”and“_(east)”?3.Wearegoingtohavea_(discuss)aboutthetravelplanstonight.4.Look!Ginaisreadingabookabout_(奇观)oftheworld.naturaleasternQuizdiscussionwonders5._(尽管)Tomisveryyoung,heknowsalotaboutearlymusic.6.ThisisEuropeslargest_(人造的)lake.Really?Itlooksgreat.7.Thefactoryprovides_(电)forthousandsofpeople.8.MissYaospokeinavery_(响亮的)voice,soIcouldhearherclearlyattheback.Thoughman-madeelectricityloud.根据中文翻译填空。1.我们加入讨论怎么样,迈克?Whatabout_thediscussion,Mike?2.五一期间,数百万游客参观了长城。_touristsvisitedtheGreatWallduringtheMayDayholiday.3.虽然史密斯先生70多岁了,但他看起来很强健。MrSmithis_seventyyearsold,buthelooksveryfit.4.在我看来,这是个现代建筑。_,thisisamodernbuilding.MillionsofInmyopinionjoininginmorethanHomework1.FinishtheexercisesinLearningEnglish.2.PreviewthepassageAgreatwonderofthenaturalworldonpage4. 外研版初中英语九年级上 Module 1Unit1教学目标:1. To learn and understand the topic words through talking and listening;2. To know something about The Terracotta Army, The Three Gorges Dam, The Giants Causeway and Victoria Falls;3. To understand conversations involving different tenses.学情分析:学生在预习的基础上,应该对本节课的学习理解很容易,很快能够掌握运用。能够创造性的开展听说训练,通过学习让学生认识并了解中国以及世界著名的自然和人文景观;并能使用不同形容词来描述观点。教学重难点:Grammar: Comparison of past simple, present simple, future simple, present perfect, present continuous, past continuous.教学过程: Step 1 Warming-up1. Show some pictures of the wonders of the world.2. Enjoy and talk something about the pictures.3. Show some pictures to introduce the new words.4. Learn the new words.5. Read the words after the teacher.Step 2 Match the name.Match the names of the wonders with the pictures.1. Ask the students to look at the pictures.2. Read through the names of the wonders.a) The Terracotta Army b) The Three Gorges Damc) The Giants Causeway d) Victoria Falls3. Match the names of the wonders with the pictures.4. Ask the students to check their answer with a partner.5. Call back the answers from the whole class and check the answers.Step 3 Answer the questions.Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Use the words in the box to help you.1. Ask the students to look at the pictures in Activity1.2. Ask the students to read through the words in the box.ancient man-made modern natural wonder3. Ask the students to read through the questions in Activity 2.1) Which two are natural wonders?2) Which two are man-made wonders?3) Which is an ancient wonder?4) Which is a modern wonder?4. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Use the words in the box to help you.5. Ask the students to check their answer with a partner.6. Call back the answers from the whole class and check the answers.7. Now listen and check.Step 4 Listen and read.1. Ask the students to listen and read the conversation silently.2. Check()the true sentences.1) Tony thinks the Giants Causeway is the largest natural wonder.2) Lingling thinks Victoria Falls is more fantastic than the Giants Causeway.3) Betty and Daming are more interested in man-made wonders.4) For Daming, the Three Gorges Dam is more fantastic than the Terracotta Army.3. Ask the students to read the passage and finish Activity 4.1) Where is the Giants Causeway?2) How wide is Victoria Falls?3) What wonders does Betty think are more exciting?4) How old is the Terracotta Army?4. After Reading: Complete the table. WondersThe Giants Causeway_ rocks, _ sides, on the _ coast of Northern IrelandVictoria Fallsin _, _ metres wide, _ metres highThe Terracotta Armymore than _ years oldThe Three Gorges Dam_ metres long, _ metres high, _ metres wide, produce _Step 5 Pronunciation and speaking: Listen and mark the pauses.1. Play the recording once without stopping.2. Play the recording again and ask the whole class to repeat.1) Ive never seen it, so Im not sure I agree with you.2) That sounds great, though I think Victoria Falls in Africa is even more fantastic.3) In my opinion, man-made wonders are more exciting than natural ones.3. Ask the students to listen and mark the pauses.4. Now listen again and repeat.Step 6 Language points1. Lets call Wonder of the World and join in the discussion.我们给世界奇观节目打电话,加入讨论吧。join in 的意思是“参加某种活动,加入到”。例如:We all joined in the game. 我们都参与了游戏。discussion 作名词, 它是由动词 discuss 加后缀-ion 而构成的, 意为“讨论; 商讨”。如:There will be a discussion about the differences between the two words in our class this afternoon.小试: How many students joined in the _(discuss) last Sunday?2. And I think the Giants Causeway is the most fantastic natural wonder.我认为巨人之路是最神奇的自然奇观。巨人之路位于英国北爱尔兰东部海岸,由大量多边形石柱组成,绵延数百米,呈阶梯状延伸入海。1986 年,巨人之路及其海岸(Giants causeway and Causeway Coast)被联合国教科文组织列入世界自然遗产名录。3. That sounds great, though I think Victoria Falls in Africa is even more fantastic.听起来很神奇,但我认为非洲的维多利亚瀑布更壮观。维多利亚瀑布位于非洲赞比西河中游、赞比亚与津巴布韦接壤处,是世界上最壮观的瀑布之一。瀑布上的水雾形成的彩虹景色十分迷人,瀑布的声响可在数公里处听到。因此,当地人称之为“莫西奥图尼亚”,意为“霹雳之雾”。4. But in my opinion, man-made wonders are more than exciting than natural ones.但是,在我看来,人造奇观比自然奇观更激动人心。本句中 natural ones 与 man-made wonders 相对应,ones 代替前面提到的 wonders。in ones opinion 表示“按某人的意见;据某人看来”。 如:Who, in your opinion, is the best football player in the world today?在你看来,谁是当今世界上最好的足球运动员?5. though though 作连词, 意为“虽然; 尽管”, 常用来引导让步状语从句, 从句可放在主句前或主句后, 但不能与 but 或 however 出现在同一个句子中。如: Though he was tired, he went on working. Lucy often helps me with my English, though she is very busy.【运用】从题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Grace is going to give much money to charity, _ she is not rich enough. (2013 乌鲁木齐)A. if B. unless C. since D. thoughStep 7 Work in pairs.1. Read through the example with the class.Which wonder of the world you like to visit?Id like to visit the Giants Causeway because I love wild places by the sea.2. Make a list of wonders of the world. Say which one you would like to visit and why.3. Work in pairs.
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