Module 2 Public holidays-Unit 3 Language in use.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:111f2).docx

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Module 2 Public holidays-Unit 3 Language in use.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:111f2).docx_第1页
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Module 2 Public holidays-Unit 3 Language in use.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:111f2).docx_第2页
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Module 2 Public holidays-Unit 3 Language in use.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:111f2).docx_第3页
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Module 2 Public holidays-Unit 3 Language in use.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:111f2).docx_第4页
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Module 2 Public holidays-Unit 3 Language in use.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:111f2).docx_第5页
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1、1外研版九上外研版九上 “Module 2 Public holidays Unit 3” 学与导设计学与导设计课题课题Module 2 Public holidays Unit 3 Language in use执教时间执教时间2018.4.28授课者授课者Analysis ofteaching material& Main learningor teachingmethods学习内容分析学习内容分析&学教方式选择学教方式选择The teaching material is language in use of Module 2 Unit 3, Grade 9. The topicof th

2、is module is public holidays and the language goals are to use adverbialclauses with after, as soon as, before, since, until, when, while to introduce publicholidays.This learning part mainly tells students how to use adverbial clauses with after, assoon as, before, since, until, when, while properl

3、y and how to know the samethings and the differences among different public holidays. Finally, it asksstudents to introduce traditional Chinese public holidays to spread Chineseculture.In this class, Task-based learning method is adopted to help learners to developtheir speaking and reading competen

4、ce, and to help them read for writing. Also,the students can have a better understanding of how to use proper adverbialclauses with after, as soon as, before, since, until, when, while in daily life afterexchanging ideas in groups.Analysis oflearners学情分析学情分析Grade 9 students have experienced some kin

5、ds of public holidays in daily life, sotheir prior knowledge can reduce their difficulty of comprehension.And students in this class can be easily activated by different activities. Theybelieve that English can be learned through activities, so they enjoy sharing theirideas in pairs or groups about

6、different topics.Learningobjectives学习目标学习目标At the end of this class, students will be able to1) locate specific information about different kinds of public holidays.2) infer to get other information about public holidays between lines.3) introduce some Chinese traditional public holidays to others.4

7、) use adverbial clauses with after, as soon as, before, since, until, when, whileproperly.5) be aware of the same things and the differences among different publicholidays.6) be aware of the importance of introducing Chinese traditional public holidaysto foreigners.7) communicate with others in Engl

8、ish and join a group to work together.8) keep their own ideas and introduce traditional Chinese public holidays morevividly and logically.Learning focusand anticipated1) Students will be able to use adverbial clauses with after, as soon as, before,since, until, when, while properly.2difficulties学习重难

9、点学习重难点2) Students will be able to know the same things and the differences amongdifferent public holidays around the world.3) Students may have difficulties in describing different kinds of public holidaysmore logically and completely.Solution The teacher will offer students pictures, words, video c

10、lips ofpublic holidays as many as possible to help them introduce public holidays morelogically and completely. Also, the students will learn from the learning materialsand know how to introduce Chinese traditional public holidays.Teaching aids教学辅助教学辅助Multi-media devices, PPT documents, a blackboard

11、 and studentsworksheetTeachingprocedure教学环节与目标教学环节与目标学习任务与要点学习任务与要点学导活动与过程学导活动与过程I. Warming up头脑风暴头脑风暴切入话题切入话题学习任务:学生在第一、 二单元学习 了 National Day 和Thanksgiving Day 的基础上, 讨论不同种类的public holidays。 教师规范呈现公共假期名称,使学生能正确表达。学习要点:1. 学生联系生活所学实际进行讨论思考;2. Public holidays 的规范书写和正确表达。Activity 1 BrainstormingStudents

12、 try to speak out different kinds of publicholidays.Q: What other public holidays do you know?T: In unit 1 and unit 2, we have learned NationalDay and Thanksgiving Day. Besides these, what otherpublic holidays do you know?S1: May Day/Labor Day.S2: New Years Day.S3: Christmas Day.S4:Mid-AutumnFestiva

13、landDragonBoatFestival.T: These public holidays are just like beautifulflowers in our life because well have more time to dolots of meaningful things, just like visiting relatives orfriends.【Learning notes】This is to make students talk about3public holidays they have already known and get themready

14、to learn the following activities.II. Presentation视听视听呈现呈现激发学习动机激发学习动机学习任务:教师以诗歌、 音频和图片等形式呈现与publicholidays 相关的内容。学生通过同伴小组讨论思考,活跃思维,同时深入了解每个publicholiday 的更多历史与庆祝细节。学习要点:任务驱动,小组合作。Activity 2 Guessing gameAccording to the pictures or sentences of the publicholidays in the paper, students try to figur

15、e out whatpublic holiday it is and then tell the reason.At the same time, students can review the adverbialclauses with as soon as, since and until from thesentences about some public holidays.T: Today, we have six groups in class. And thename of each group is a letter. What about showingyour group

16、name card? If we put all the letters together,what can you see?Ss: Public.Q: What public holiday is it?And how do youknow?S1: It is New Years Day because we all shouted“Happy New Year”.S2: It is Chinese New Year because of the SpringFestival Gala.S3: It is Qingming Festival because the second lineof

17、 the poem means “路上行人欲断魂”in Chinese.S4: It is Mid-Autumn Festival because the moon isround and bright and the mooncakes are delicious.S5: It is Dragon Boat Festival because of thezongzi and the dragon boat.S6: It is National Day because of the time since1949.S7: It is Independence Day in US because

18、I can seethe date and the goddess of freedom.S8: It is Christmas Day and the special person isFather Christmas.S9: It is Thanksgiving Day because turkey is sodelicious on the table.S10: It is Labor Day because we can see farmers inthe fields and workers in the factories.【Learning notes】 This is to a

19、ctivate studentsschema,4perceive the importance of the basis for talking aboutpublic holidays in daily life and get them ready for thefollowing activities.III. Reading任务驱动任务驱动对话文本对话文本学习任务:学生通过观察比较不同文化背景下的publicholidays,找寻它们的相同点(时间、庆祝方式等) ,区分其中的差异性, 并形成自己的文化立场和文化认同感。学习要点:1. 关注图文信息;2. 多维度比较中西方public h

20、olidays 的同异之处;3. 明确自己的文化立场,增强文化认同感。Activity 3 ComparisonAccording to the two timelines of foreign publicholidays and Chinese public holidays, students try tocompare them and answer the following questions.Q1: Do people celebrate the same festival at thesame time in different areas?Q2: Do people eat

21、special food during the festival?Q3: Why do people want to celebrate these publicholidays?学习任务:学生通过略读拓展文本,找出美国人庆祝public holidays 的由来。通过文化类比,来思考中国人庆祝清明节、端午节、中秋节的原由。学习要点:1. 略读,跳读;2. 关注图文信息;3. 对比理解思考。T: To answer the third question, please turn to page17 and read the Around the world quickly. Then find

22、 outthe public holidays and reasons.S1: Martin Luther King Day. Americans celebratethe birthday of the great civil rights leader.S2: Columbus Day. Americans remember hisarrival in theAmericas in 1492.T: So we can know that people usually celebratepublic holidays to celebrate the birthday of and tore

23、member Thenstudentstrytothinkaboutthefollowingquestions.Q1: Why did our government set them as publicholidays?S3: It is to celebrate the reunion of familyS4: It is to remember Q2: How do people usually celebrate these publicholidays?5【Learning notes】This is to cultivate studentsabilityto compare dif

24、ferent kinds of cultures, express theirown ideas and show their cultural identities and culturalstandpoints.学习任务:学生通过课内文本体会时间状语从句的正确使用方式, 同时通过找读,精读方式,学习借鉴西方人庆祝五一节的方式。学习要点:1. 找读,品读;2. 上下文逻辑推理;3. 对比理解鉴赏。Activity 4 Close-readingStudents try to find out how Greek people celebrateMay Day and experience h

25、ow to use adverbial clauseswith after, as soon as, before, since, until, when, whileproperlybyanalyzingtheshortpassageintheworksheet.T: May Day is coming very soon. And there was aperson who lived in Greece sharing how Greek peoplecelebrate May Day. Now, first lets read the passagequickly and then f

26、ill in the blanks with the words in thebox.Q: What do Greek people usually do to celebrateMay Day?S1: They wear special clothes.S2: They play music, sing and dance.【Learning notes】 This is to cultivate studentsreadingskillstolocatesomespecificinformationaboutdifferent ways of celebration and read be

27、tween lines,and also improve their thinking ability-inference.IV. Writing综合运用综合运用合作分享合作分享以读促写以读促写成果展示成果展示学习任务:学生根据板书上呈现的重点单词、 短语和文中 对 于MayDayholiday 的 介 绍 , 向Betty介绍一个Chinesetraditionalpublicholiday (Dragon BoatFestivalorMid-Autumn Festival)。准备的过程先进行小组内讨论, 然后写下框架及重点, 最后全班分享。Activity 5 Being a cultur

28、e introducerStudents try to introduce a Chinese traditional publicholiday to Betty who really wants to know it.T: May Day is an international public holiday.Most people know the ways of celebration. However,for some public holidays in China, many foreignersmay not know them well, just like Betty. Wo

29、uld youlike to share Chinese public holidays with her?6学习要点:先个人独立思考, 然后同伴间小组内交流分享,最后全班分享。Q1: Which Chinese traditional festival would yourgroup choose to share with Betty?Q2: What pictures will you choose and how doyou describe them?Then, each group chooses one of these two Chinesetraditional public

30、 holidays. Finally, students will usetwo kinds of performances to introduce the Chinesetraditional public holiday.Performance one:One student records his introduction with picturesby “可立拍”.Performance two:Another student introduces the Chinese traditionalpublic holiday with pictures on the screen.【L

31、earning notes】This is to cultivate studentsabilityto explore questions in real-life by thinkingindependently and read for writing.And this is also tocultivate studentsability to be a good culturalintroducer to spread Chinese culture.V.Assignment课外拓展课外拓展分享快乐分享快乐扬长避短扬长避短收获经验收获经验学习任务:学 生 课 后 详 细 介 绍Dra

32、gon Boat Festival orMid-AutumnFestival,并与他人进行分享。学习要点:结合图片,图文并茂,技术运用,多彩呈现。Each student tries to choose a Chinese traditional publicholiday (Dragon Boat Festival or Mid-Autumn Festival)and write down something about it after class. Thenshare it with others.VI. Blackboarddesign思维导图思维导图品质思维品质思维7VII. Tea

33、chingreflection学与导反思学与导反思本节课为“学导”课堂实践课,我在本节课中为学生营造了 public holidays的课堂环境,从学生自身日常接触到的 public holidays 到文本中对 May Dayholiday 和 public holidays in US 的多方面描述再到学生自己对 Chinesetraditional public holidays 的全面精彩介绍,一条任务链贯穿始终。同时我给学生提供充足的阅读思考时间,从最基本的信息获取,到进一步对文本更深层次分析,使学生全面认识 public holidays 的各方面,并通过中西方文化背景下关于 public holidays 的对比,提高了学生的文化鉴赏能力和文化认同感,培养了学生的文化品格,并在综合运用任务中引导学生分享自己熟悉的 Chinese traditional public holidays,实现由课内到课外的延伸。此外我还兼顾到不同学习层次的学生,采取任务分层,使每位学生都能参与到课堂活动中,让学生真正成为课堂的主体。


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