Module 5 Museums-Unit 2 If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:20203).doc

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Module 5 Museums-Unit 2 If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:20203).doc_第1页
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Module 5 Museums-Unit 2 If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:20203).doc_第2页
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Module 5 Museums-Unit 2 If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:20203).doc_第3页
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Module 5 Museums-Unit 2 If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:20203).doc_第4页
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Module 5 Museums-Unit 2 If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:20203).doc_第5页
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1、1英语(英语(外研版外研版)九九年级上册年级上册 Module5 Unit2 教学设计教学设计教材及年级名称外研版九年级上册章节名称:Module5 Unit2If you ever go to London,make sure you visit theScience Museum.课型听说课Teaching materialanalysis:The topic of my lesson is talking about the Science Museum. It givesstudents an introduction about the differences between Sci

2、ence Museumand usually museums.And it mainly introduce what we can do in theScience Museum. This topic is not only interesting but also instructive. It isthe first period of reading if the learners can learn it well, it will be helpfulto learn the rest of this module. In this lesson, some reading st

3、rategies willbe offered.The grammar of this module is adverbial clause. The main contentincludes the relevant words and sentence structures. Through the textlearning, students can understand the passage about the Science Museumby predicting, reading and get specific information. They can use adverbi

4、alclause to talk about the museums, work in group to make a guideline totheir favourite museums and show it in front of class.Students analysis:The students are from year three of senior high school. They learnedadverbial clause in Module2-Module4.And in the previous lessons, theyhave known somethin

5、g about imperative sentence. So its not difficult forthe students to learn this lesson. They can take an active part in all kinds ofactivities and willing to cooperate and share their opinions with theirpartners.Teaching Aims:Knowledge aims:1) Use the words properly:communications, physics, chemistr

6、y, energy,experiment, control, comparewith2) Grammar:Imperative sentences adverbial clause: ifdoAbility aims:1) Learners will be able to understand the passage about visiting a museumby reading.2) Learners will be able to use adverbial clause to discuss and make aguideline to their favourite museums

7、.Emotion aims: To arouse learners interest to understand British culture andreceive public moral education.Teaching emphasisand teachingdifficulties:Teaching emphasis: Grasp the sentence structures of adverbial clause.Teaching difficulties: Learners can use adverbial clause to plan a guide toa museu

8、m.2Teaching methods:Bottom -up approach ,task-based teaching approach and PWP approachwill be used. That is Learning by doing, learning by using. Let thestudents be the masters of the class teaching.Learning methods:I use blended learning, cooperative leaning, differentiated learning to makethem use

9、 language flexibly.Teaching aids:Multi-media (sound recording, video, flash, PPT) , guidebook ,mapworksheets, and cards.Teaching procedures:Teaching contentTeaching activitiesPurpose:Step1Warmingupandlead in 2-31.Show their a guidebook of London, and give eachgroup a map of London.2. Find out the fa

10、mous places along River Thames aswell as the museums.To lead in thelesson and tellthem Id like to betheir guide andshow them aroundLondon.Step2Show time 1-21.Talk about the rules in most museums, use thesentence pattern: If, doTo review the rulesthey have learn inunit1, and talkabout the rules witha

11、dverbial clauseand prepare for thenext task.It can give thestudents moreconfidence andarouse theirinterest.3Step 3Pre-reading2-3Do the prediction according the mind-mapping.Let the students todo the prediction,it can give themsome input, theycan use theinformation whenthey read and use itin the fina

12、l task.Step4While-reading12-15Task1 Fast readingWhat does the writer talk about in each part?(Match)Reading Tips:1. Predictions.(预测).2.Pay attention to the first and last sentences.Task2 Careful reading1.Read paragragh1 and check the prediction. Find outthe rules between most usual museums and the S

13、cienceMuseum.2.Listen to the second paragraph and answer thequestions.a. What can you learn about in the rooms on the secondand third floors?b. What allows you to see inside your body?A. X-rayB. mathsC. physicsc. You can find out how people_ coal _theground and use it to create the energy.Words:In t

14、his part, I will show the students some reading1.By reading thepassage, let thelearners know thatdifferent museumshave differentrules.2. To train thestudents ability togather information.3. In this part, Iwill show the4strategies and them good ways to learn the new wordsby themselves.3.Read paragrap

15、h 4&5a. Complete the table.b. Check T or F.students somereading strategiesand them goodways to learn thenew words bythemselves.4To make it easyfor the whole classto understand thepassage.5.Use the table tomake the passageclearer. Try to useifdoas muchas possible.Step 5Post- reading 2-31. How many fl

16、oors are there in the Science Museum?(Add more information that they cant learn in thebook.)2.Achieve moral aims.(Museum collections make connections.博物馆藏品架起沟通的桥梁.)1.Make them knowmore informationabout the ScienceMuseum.Step6Practice time2-3Look at the map that we use at the beginning of theclass, s

17、how them 3 pictures in different places let thempractice with the pattern: ifdoBy doing theseexercises, let Ssknow more clearlyabout the usage ofadverbial clause.Step7Final task 10-13Lets PK! Be an excellent guide!Work in group and choose a museum to introduce.Try their best to use the sentence stru

18、cture: ifdothen give a report.At last, vote to choose the best guide!Let the students usethe words, phrasesand adverbialclause to write ashort passage.They can also usethe sentencestructure to showtheir opinions.5Blackboard design:Module5 Unit2If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Scienc

19、e MuseumStep8Summary 2I will use mind-mapping to sum up what they havelearnt in this class.Give the Ss a clearidea of this class.Step9Homework 1Level A: Write down the description of your favoritemuseum on your exercise book.Level B: Look up some information on the Internet andwrite a short passage about rules for people to follow inpublic places.Let students havethe ability to searchfor information andhave a deeperunderstandingabout this lesson.chemistry1F Watts Engine & Power RoomG/F Exhibition Room For ChildrenGroup1:Group2:Group3:Group4:Group5:Group6:experiment2F3F4F5F


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