Module 9 Great inventions-Unit 1 Will computers be used more than books in the future.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:200ac).docx

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Module 9 Great inventions-Unit 1 Will computers be used more than books in the future.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:200ac).docx_第1页
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Module 9 Great inventions-Unit 1 Will computers be used more than books in the future.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:200ac).docx_第2页
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Module 9 Great inventions-Unit 1 Will computers be used more than books in the future.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:200ac).docx_第3页
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Module 9 Great inventions-Unit 1 Will computers be used more than books in the future.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:200ac).docx_第4页
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1、Module 9 Great inventionsUnit 1 Will computers be used more than books?I .Analysis of the textIt is the first unit of this module which talks about great inventions. This unit is thelistening and speaking part of the whole module and students will learn about howinventions have changed peoples lives

2、. The content is consistent with the interest of thestudents, and it cultivates studentsability of thinking.II.Analysis of the studentsAfter two years junior high school English learning, students have certain ability to usecomprehensive language. They take a great interest in electronics. Moreover,

3、 they are willingto share their opinions about great inventions. This unit bases upon students characteristicsand cultivate studentsinterest in expressing themselves.III.Teaching objectivesBy the end of the class, students will be able to:1. understand the main idea and details of the text by using

4、listening strategies (prediction,careful listening)2. understand the meaning of some key words by guessing.3. apply the sentence pattern will be done to express opinions about futureinventions.4. To be able to talk about how inventions have changed peoples lives.IV.Teaching key pointsKey vocabularyb

5、orrow, put up, mainly,thousands of, page, electronic, powerful, fix,instructions, lend, properlyKey structuresThey will be put up on the school website.Will computers be used more than books in the future?V.Teaching difficultiesThe training of studentslistening skillVI. Teaching methodsTop-down appr

6、oachVII. Teaching aidsMulti-mediaVIII. Teaching proceduresStepsTeachers activitiesStudentsactivitiesPurposesStep 1Lead-in1.Take a photo with studentsand put it up on the schoolwebsite.2. Have students think aboutother functions of phones.3.Present the new words andphrases by showing pictures.1. Thin

7、k about otherfunctions of phones2. Learn the newwords and phrases.1.Takingphotoswith the teacher canarisestudentsinterest.2. The presentationof pictures can helpstudents understandthe key words andphrases better.Step 2Pre-listening1. Ask students to look at thepictures and guess what thelistening ma

8、terial is about.2.Have students listen and fillin the blanks.3. Ask students to brainstormotherinventionsandthinkabout what they can be used todo.1. Look and guesswhatthelisteningmaterial is about.2. Fill in the blanks.3. Brainstorm otherinventions and thinkabout what they canbe used to do.1.Student

9、scanpracticethelistening strategy ofpredictionwithoutlisteningtothewhole dialogue.2. By brainstormingotherinventions,studentscanpractice the abilityofdivergentthinkingStep 3Prediction1. Have students predict whatthe dialogue is about from thefollowing three aspects.a. Why does Tony want toborrow the

10、 camera?b. Where will the photos beshown?c. What will his dad say ?1. Predict what thedialogue is about.2.Watch thevideoandchecktheprediction.1.Studentscanpracticethelistening strategy ofpredictionwithoutlisteningtothewhole dialogue.2. After prediction,students can have a2. Ask students to watch the

11、video and check their answers.generalunderstandingofthe dialogue.Step4While-listening1. After listening to the wholedialogue, have students listenandcorrectthewronginformation.2. Have students read throughthe dialogue and find out thechanges from the two aspects.a. How to keep in touch withfriends t

12、oday?b. How to get informationtoday?3. Ask students to find out thesentences relating to futuresimple passive and analyze thesentence pattern.1.Listentothedialogue and correctthe sentences.2. Read the dialogueandfindoutthechanges.3.Findoutthesentences relating tofuturesimplepassive and analyzethe se

13、ntence pattern.1.Bycomparingthechangesbetween life in thepast and life today,students can knowthe importance ofgreat inventions.2.Analyzingthesentencesrelatingtofuturesimplepassivecanhelpstudents understandit better.Step 5After-listening1. Have students think aboutthegreatinventionsinDoraemons magic

14、 pocket anddiscuss what they will be usedto do.2.Showstudentstwoinventions that I will invent inthe future and then have themgivedifferentopinionsbyusingthesentencepatternwill be invented,because3. Ask students to look at thepicturesandthinkdeeper1. Think about thegreat inventions anddiscusswhatthey

15、will be used to do.2.Givedifferentopinionsbyusingthe sentence pattern.3.Thinkdeeperaboutthedisadvantagesofelectronics.1. Because studentstake a great interestinDaraemonandhismagic pocket,theycanpracticeusing the sentencepattern more easily.2.Studentsarecultivatedtoexpresstheiropinions by givinga cha

16、nce to inventnew things.aboutthedisadvantagesofelectronics.3.Toencouragestudentstohavedifferent ideas thanwhat theyve learntin the dialogue. Itemphasizes that allthingshavetwosides, we shouldntspendtoomuchtime on electronics.Step6SummarySummary & homeworkThinkofagreatinventionanddescribehowthisinven

17、tionhaschanged their lives.Tothinkdeeperaboutgreatinventions.IX. Blackboard designX. Reflection and evaluation (Omitted)Module 9 Great inventionsUnit 1 Will computers be used more than books in the future?Key words and phraseselectronic technologyfridgememory cardcaruse it properlylightinstructionsmicrowave ovenproperlyInternetIt can be used toIt will be used toGreat inventions


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