(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第三册英语 Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Readingand Thinking 教学设计.doc

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1、Unit 4 ADVERSITY AND COURAGEReading and Thinking: A Successful Failure文本简析文本简析本单元阅读文本的话题是英国探险家沙克尔顿带领一支 28 人的探险队乘坐“坚忍号”远征南极,被困长达两年,历经磨难却不放弃,最终全部生还的经过。旨在让高中生了解 20世纪一次伟大的南极探险经历, 以及船长沙克尔顿在极度恶劣的环境下冷静应对、 坚韧不拔的精神和高超的领导智慧。通过学习,高中生能以勇于探索、顽强拼搏的心态去迎接生活的种种考验。文本采用日记叙事文体,主人公珀西是一名 19 岁、崇拜沙克尔顿、对航海探险充满渴望的小水手。文本包含一则招

2、探险队员的公告和三篇跨度约两年的日记。日记按时间为序,以第一人称的口吻记录了珀西从报名被拒到偷偷上了“坚忍号”, 再到“坚忍号”被冰困住他们弃船在冰上扎营,和他们在大象岛等待救援时经受的煎熬和考验。主人公年龄与学生相近,以日记的方式呈现探险队经历的磨难, 使得文本内容和立意容易为学生所接受, 进而产生共鸣。标题“A Successful Failure”是整个文本的浓缩提炼,说明他们经历生死考验,虽然没有到达原本的目的地,却在沙克尔顿的正确指挥下九死一生,安然归来。文本还使用了少量的心理描写和对话,生动刻画了环境的恶劣以及沙克尔顿的人格魅力和他在队员中传递的公正、关爱他人和坚韧不拔的精神力量。

3、在进行文本教学设计时, 要帮助学生梳理关于逆境与坚毅的话题类语言, 其中包括有关极度恶劣环境以及与之相关的情感的表达。此外,表示转折和强烈反差的功能类语言,如:but,however,otherwise 等,也值得梳理。教学设计教学设计(共共 2 课时课时)第第 1 课时课时一、教学内容一、教学内容理解全文, 明确南极探险队员面对的艰难险阻, 了解队员在探险过程的心理变化和战胜逆境必备的坚持不懈、英勇顽强、合作等品格。二、课时目标二、课时目标1. 围绕逆境主题,对图片、招聘启事、标题进行讨论,激活背景知识,预测文本内容,学习话题相关语言。2. 通过跳读、略读、梳理归纳和推理判断等策略,提取文本

4、关键信息,概括日记大意,理解文本意义,分析描述情绪变化,发展逻辑思维能力。3. 通过文本分析,并根据上下文理解相关词义,完成概要填空与补充,结合事件发展对结局作出合理推断,完成续写作业。三、教学过程三、教学过程Activity 1: Talking about the continent.本活动旨在落实课时目标本活动旨在落实课时目标 1。Students work in groups of four and talk about a picture of Antarctica.Q1: What place do you think this picture is about? Why do y

5、ou think so?Q2: What basic facts do you know about the continent? Discuss and decide.【设计意图】此活动是导入环节。学生就上述两个问题进行小组讨论,根据提示完成小卡片内容,在教师的引导下用已有的主题语言,描述南极洲,激活背景知识。第一个问题有助于引出南极洲的话题,第二个问题激发学生交流他们已知的关于南极洲的动物、环境、气候和其他值得一提的特色,引出 penguin, seal, ice freezes, bitter cold, long months ofdarkness等话题语言,为预测课文内容以及深刻理解

6、探险队遇到的困难和考验作好铺垫。“值得一提”这一项需要教师适度引导。Activity 2: Inquiring and predicting the content of the passage.本活动旨在落实课时目标本活动旨在落实课时目标 1。Students read the ad, the title, and the pictures, and then work in pairs to ask as manyquestions as possible about the information each contains.If necessary, a sample question

7、 “Who posted the ad?” can be provided to students.Possible questions to be covered include:Who posted the ad?What kind of men was he looking for?Where could they be going?Why would they go on a dangerous journey?What extreme difficulties would they meet?Would there be men to apply?From the title, wa

8、s the expedition a success or a failure?【设计意图】引导学生带着预测进行阅读,使他们更加积极主动且聚焦主题语境。在这个活动中, 学生通过理解征员广告和标题及图片, 以探究型学习方式提出自己想要从文中获取的信息,籍此预测文本内容,带着问题进行阅读,培养推断能力,促进主动学习。学生在交流与问答过程中,同时完成对关键词“adversity”和“perseverance”的初步了解。Activity3: Identifying key information of the expedition.本活动旨在落实课时目标本活动旨在落实课时目标 2。Students

9、first scan paragraph 1 & the dates of the dairy entries to find out key information ofthe text, that is, who/what/where/when/how/why. Then students skim the diary entries to find outthe location and main idea of each by using “How” with a limit of 8 words.【设计意图】引导学生通过运用跳读和略读的阅读策略,寻找主要信息,并根据主要信息对日记进行

10、概括,整体把握文本内容,提升概括能力。借助限定词 how 和不多于八个单词的大意概括的要求,学生可以规范提炼信息和重构信息的方式,跳出文本枝节看全貌。同时,学生归纳了探险队将近两年的主要磨难之后,可以自然过渡到活动 4,把握作者心理变化过程。Activity 4: Inferring feelings and emotions.本活动旨在落实教学目标本活动旨在落实教学目标 2。Students read the text and then discuss in pairs how Blackborows feelings changed as thedays passed. A flowcha

11、rt is advised to be used.Q1: In diary entry 1, how did Blackborow feel about himself before he joined the expedition?Q2: How did he feel when he was allowed to stay?Q3: How many phases should the flowchart consist of?Q4: Whenever your group decides a word, ask yourself “How did I know this?”【设计意图】通过

12、再次阅读和四个问题的设置,为学生提供思维支架。学生两人分组讨论“我”的心理变化一共经历了几个阶段,从而理清文本包含的四个变化,即:出海前满腔热情、急于表现、自信,到出海后得到沙克尔顿同意留在船上的兴奋和骄傲,再到弃船扎营浮冰时低落、担忧,最后在大象岛等候救援时的忧虑、茫然、心情低落却又心存希望。通过对主人公在不同阶段心理变化的分析,推进学生思维向更高层次发展。Activity 5: Summarizing the text.本活动旨在落实教学目标本活动旨在落实教学目标 3。Students complete Ex. 3 in Students Book. Then they add one o

13、r two sentences that describeBlackborows feelings along the way to the paragraph.After seeing the advertisement in the newspaper, Perce Blackborow resolved to join theAntarctic expedition led by Sir Ernest Shackleton no matter what challenges might lie ahead.Unfortunately, his application was turned

14、 down because he was too young and not qualifiedenough. However, he managed to get aboard the Endurance with his friends help. He hid ina cupboard, but was soon discovered and brought to Shackleton. Although the captain was angry,he assigned the boy the job of cooking for the crew. Their voyage did

15、not go smoothly, and theEndurance became stuck in the ice. Before the Endurance was crushed and sank into the sea,Shackleton gave the order to abandon ship, and the crew had to camp on ice. They then sailed toElephant Island. Soon after that, Shackleton selected a boat party and set off for South Ge

16、orgiaIsland to get help. At the beginning, Blackborow was excited and proud, but turned depressed andworried after the ship sank. Despite that, he remained hopeful with a strong belief that Shackletonwould come back to rescue them. (a possible version)【设计意图】明晰文本大意和主人公心理变化后,学生完成课后练习 3,并新增加一至两句能够概括主人公

17、心理发展变化的描述。 学生需要根据上下文理解词义, 完整复现文本内容,在理解中生成新的内容,为下一个活动也是课后的作业做好语言、内容和情感准备。Activity 6: Predicting & writing the outcome.本活动旨在落实课时教学目标本活动旨在落实课时教学目标 3。As the diary entries didnt tell yet if Shackleton would come back to rescue them. It was alsounknown whether they would succeed or fail in the end. Studen

18、ts discuss in groups of 4 what wasto continue and how the expedition would end. Then in the 1st person students write a diary entryof about 80 words on the ending of the journey as after-class assignment.Certain expressions are provided for the students.【设计意图】学生运用所学语言内容,结合文本主题、大意和主人公的内心发展变化,整合结构、内容和

19、语言,对文本进行续写,一方面巩固文章内容,强化主题语言,另一方面对所学内容和语言进行迁移与创新。本活动也成为第一课时的作业,和第二课时的导入。第第 2 课时课时一、教学内容一、教学内容品读语言,加深理解,学习沙克尔顿面对恶劣环境和生死存亡时的冷静、坚韧的品质和极具魅力的领导智慧。审度文中三个人物各自的真、善、美,深度理解主题意义,迁移所学,完成实用型型写作任务。二、课时目标二、课时目标1. 通过讲评作业,深入理解文本,积累、归类文中话题相关词汇,培养归纳、联想等有效的学习策略。2. 品读语言,对标题的修辞手法、丰富内涵,深入探究与分析沙克尔顿为了让队员能安全返回所付出的努力和智慧,评判沙克尔顿

20、应该被奖励还是受惩罚。培养真、善、美和领导力意识,提高思维品质。3. 结合文本语言,尤其是直接引语和表示动作与情绪的表达,分辨三人物的性格特征,并完善有关这三人的海报,最后通过撰写申请书,描写自己曾经遇到的逆境和坚韧的精神,争取赴贵州短期支教的资格,对主题内容和语言进行迁移创造,提高思维品质和语言能力。三、教学过程三、教学过程Activity 1: Reviewing the writing assignment of period 1.本活动为实现课时教学目标本活动为实现课时教学目标 1 作铺垫。作铺垫。Review and give comments on a qualified writ

21、ing piece, which includes:1. a theme about adversity, perseverance and courage,2. 1st person presentation,3. featured words and expressions related to the theme, and4. an ending in which “we” were saved by the captain.Group the featured words and expressions into 4 kinds, person, adversity, environm

22、ent andemotions.【设计意图】 此活动是热身环节, 作为第一课时作业的评讲。 学生需要反思自己在主题、语言、内容与结构上是否合理,一方面复现了目标词汇,巩固了主线和结构意识,另一方面也自然过渡到本节课的重点品读语言, 分析并归纳三位人物在面对逆境时的态度以及所展现的品质。Activity 2: Tasting the title.本活动旨在落实课时目标本活动旨在落实课时目标 2。Look at the title, discuss in groups and report answers to the whole class.1. What figure of speech is

23、 it? Is it a good title? Why or why not?2. What did they succeed in doing and what did they fail to do?3. Who contributed to the safe return of all members?4. How did he make it? Please illustrate with evidence from the text.5. Should he be rewarded for taking the crew back safe or punished for fail

24、ure to make it toAntarctica?【设计意图】作业讲评后,教师引导学生重回课本,深入解读标题所采用的 Oxymoron(矛盾修辞法),如 successful vs failure、safe return of all crew members vs not reachingAntarctica,以及其丰富的内涵,探索沙克尔顿面对逆境时的态度和身先士卒、坚忍不拔的品质。通过分析概括文本对应的内容,总结出沙克尔顿在面对极度恶劣的环境时的坚韧、冷静和先人后己的崇高品质,引导学生做真、善、美之人,培养学生在面对困难时应有的正确的价值观。最后对沙克尔顿放弃南极改为把队员安全送返的

25、做法作出评判。Activity 3: Analysing the characters and making posters.本活动旨在落实课时目标本活动旨在落实课时目标 3。1. Students split into three groups, and look at the three characters words and actionsaccordingly. What personal qualities did each exhibit? Support your answers with examples fromthe text.Sample analyses:(1)Q:

26、Why didnt Shackleton want to turn back when he caught me in the ship?A: Because he only focused on his goal and didnt like being interrupted. So, our conclusionis that Shackleton was a focused and bold person.(2) Q: What feelings did the sentence “Hold on Perce. Dont you go turning into anotherTom.”

27、 tell us?A: It carries a strong sense of understanding, patient and kind warning. So, we can say FrankWild was a kind, patient and understanding man.2. The City Drama Club is planning to put on a play about Shackletons AntarcticaExpedition in different high schools. They ask for posters of the 3 mai

28、n roles. Work with membersof the other two groups, share your answers and make posters of the 3 characters for the club.【设计意图】学生再次回归文本,分角色重新梳理信息,再通过小组讨论,分析论证、概括判断,挖掘三个人物各自值得学习的品质,学会在逆境中如何有勇有谋、身先士卒、不屈不挠。 最后以完善人物海报的方式进行各组的展示呈现, 学生在活动中实践了小组互助交流和分工协作的团队精神。Activity 4: Solving problems in real life.本活动旨在落

29、实课时目标本活动旨在落实课时目标 3。The Student Union is looking for three students for a 3-week voluntary program in Guizhouprovince. The volunteers have got to be high school students, with a persevering personality andexperiences in overcoming adversity. The volunteers need to stay, eat and teach with 20 pupils i

30、na small school up on the hill of a village. There are no facilities but desks and a blackboard in theschool. And there is no take-away food to be bought anywhere; the only way to feed yourself is tocook.Youre interested in applying. Write your application letter introducing what adversity youhave e

31、ver overcome and how persevering you are as well as what you want to do when at work.Dear Student Union,【设计意图】此任务旨在迁移一、二课时所学,解决实际问题。学生对比自己经历过的挑战或挫折, 写信给学生会申请前往贵州担任短期支教教师, 把个人以前是怎么战胜挫折的经过书写出来。结合所学,迁移创新,分析解决自身实际问题,在真实情境中学生通过仿写进行主题语言的精确输出。完成任务的过程中,能较多地使用已学语言、内容、结构和写作手法来描述自己面对挫折的处理方式、 态度和应有的品质, 近一步激发学生树立正确的价值观,学会逆境出人才,坚忍不拔,从容不迫,又做到谦让、分享和合作。课后学生修正习作,再次提交。


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