Unit 5 My Future-Lesson 25 I Want to Be a Teacher!-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-省级公开课-冀教版八年级上册英语(编号:e0e3f).zip

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We have different jobs in the society.Lets play a guessing game.He is a waiter.He is an engineer.She is a singer.He is a doctor.He is a cook.She is a teacher.They are policemen and policewomen.He is an actor.He is a driver.He is a pilot.They are businessmen.He is a scientist.He is a writer.He is a painter.They are nurses.He is a president.What do you want to be?What do Li Ming and Wang Mei want to be?Learning goals 1. Remember the new words, key phrases and key sentences.2. Be able to talk about your hopes and wishes in English.3. Have confidence and courage to learn English well.1找出文中含有would(将要)的句子并翻译(2个)。_2找出文中含有might(可能)的句子并翻译。_I would be nice to my students.我会对我的学生好。我会对我的学生好。 I wouldnt give them too much homework周末我不会给他们留太多家庭作业。周末我不会给他们留太多家庭作业。You might be a scientist when you grow up.当你长大的时候,你可能成为一个科学家。当你长大的时候,你可能成为一个科学家。must, may, might, cant1.He _be an old man.2.He _be an old man.3.He _be an old man.4.He _be an old man.cantmightmaymust不可能不可能可能(可能性小可能(可能性小)可能可能一定是一定是1)谈论未来谈论未来2) 不知道不知道3)作演讲作演讲4) 对对友好友好5)太多的作业太多的作业6)有一些建议有一些建议7) 头疼头疼8)好好休息)好好休息9) 吃药吃药10)做做怎么样?怎么样?1.talk about the future2. have no idea3. give sb. a talk10. What about doing sth?4. be nice to5. too much homework 6. have some suggestions have some advice7. have a headache 8. have a good rest9. take the/some medicine 1. Li Ming is good at _ to people.2. Its hard _ to talk about the future. 3. Wang Mei wants Li Ming to give her some _.4. Wang Mei _ be a scientist when she grows up.5. Wang Mei advises Li Ming to _ and _.talkingsometimessuggestionsmighthave a good resttake some medicineRead Lesson 25 aloud.1). Wang Mei might be a _ when she grows up.2). Is Li Ming good at talking to people? _.3). Li Ming would not give his students _ homework if he becomes a teacher.4). Why does Wang Mei hope to be a doctor like her mother?_5)翻译翻译:You gave a good talk to the students yesterday._doctorYes.too muchBecause she wants to help sick children.昨天,你给同学们做了一个很好的报告昨天,你给同学们做了一个很好的报告。Group workMake a dialogue in groups. Ask your partner what he/she wants to be in the future.Tips: A: What do you want to be? B: I want to be a/an A: Why do you want to be a/an .? B: Because A: What will you do to make your dream come true? B: I willWrite a passage : What do you want to be?(at least 60 words)Tips: 1. What do you want to be? 2. Why do you want to be a/an .? 3. What will you do to make your dream come true?Who is the winner?冀教版八年级英语上册冀教版八年级英语上册Lesson 25:I Want to Be a Teacher 教学设计教学设计一、教材版本:冀教版八年一、教材版本:冀教版八年级级英英语语上册上册二、教学二、教学设计题设计题目:目:Lesson 25:I Want to Be a Teacher 教学设计教学设计三、教学目三、教学目标标: :1. Remember the new words, key phrases and key sentences.2. Be able to talk about your hopes and wishes in English.3. Have confidence and courage to learn English well.四、教学重四、教学重难难点:点:重点:重点:重点单词、短语和重点句难点:难点:会用本科所学写作: I want to be a /an .五、教学方法和手段:五、教学方法和手段:1、 高效课堂的启发式教学。2、设置不同的关于职业的图片,并且采用情景式教学法。六、教学六、教学过过程(主要体程(主要体现现教学教学环节环节、教、教师师活活动动、学生活、学生活动动、 、设设计计意意图图等)等)Part One: Lead in:The teacher shows some pictures of different jobs to the students and asks the students to guess what the jobs are. Then lead to the new lesson.Part Two: Learning aims:1. Be able to speak 6 new words and 12 phrases. 2. Be able to recite the dialogue in groups.3. Love our life and enjoy our life.The teacher asks the students to read and asks some students to translate one by one.(The teacher gives the students marks.)Part Three: Find the sentencesStudents find the key sentences in the learning paper and then lead to the key points ”might”. Then do some exercises with “may”、 “might”、 “must” and “cant” .Part Four: PhrasesThe students answer the phrases one by one:1)谈论未来 1.talk about the future2) 不知道 2. have no idea3)作演讲 3. give sb. a talk4) 对友好 4. be nice to5)太多的作业 5. too much homework 6)有一些建议 6. have some suggestions have some advice7) 头疼 7. have a headache 8)好好休息 8. have a good rest9) 吃药 9. take the/some medicine 10)做怎么样? 10. What about doing sth?Part Five: Listening time:Students listen to the tape carefully and then answer the questions:1. Li Ming is good at _ to people.2. Its hard _ to talk about the future. 3. Wang Mei wants Li Ming to give her some _.4. Wang Mei _ be a scientist when she grows up.5. Wang Mei advises Li Ming to _ and _.The teacher plays the radio and the students listen to the tape carefully. When they listen to the tape, fill in the blanks in the learning paper. Then the teacher and the students check the answers together. The teacher gives the students who answer the questions marks.Part Six: Reading time:1). Wang Mei might be a _ when she grows up.2). Is Li Ming good at talking to people? _.3). Li Ming would not give his students _ homework if he becomes a teacher.4). Why does Wang Mei hope to be a doctor like her mother?_5)翻译:You gave a good talk to the students yesterday.The students read the passage aloud by themselves. Then the teacher and the students check the answers together. The teacher gives the students who answer the questions marks.Part Seven: Groupwork:Make a dialogue in groups. Ask your partner what he/she wants to be in the futureTips : A: What do you want to be? B: I want to be a/an A: Why do you want to be a/an .? B: BecauseA: What will you do to make your dream come true?B: I will准备时间:3mins展示时间:1-2minsThe students prepare the task in three minutes. Then they show them in front of the class. The teacher gives the students marks according to their performance. The teacher also gives the groups and the students who find the mistakes marks.Part Seven: Writing:Write a passage : What do you want to be?(at least 60 words)Tips: 1. What do you want to be? 2. Why do you want to be a/an .? 3. What will you do to make your dream come true?The students write the passage in 5minutes and then check the passage together.Part Eight: Moral objectsThe teacher shows the picture of the class and tell the students that :whatever you want to be, you should study hard and try their best. 八、教学反思:八、教学反思:这节课优点:1.教学环节设计合理,从单词短语到句子,由易到难,过渡合理,学生接受起来比较容易。2.实施开放性教学,力图创造符合生活实际的情景。如采用录音、电脑图片去展示四季图片,渲染课堂气氛,使学生置身于当时的情景。最后的感情升华由感叹四季的美好到热爱我们的生活过渡自然,达到了预设的情感目标。3.本课采用高效课堂的模式,主要让学生来发言。同时创设多个抢答机会,课堂氛围浓厚,达到了预设的知识能力目标。当然,本节课也存在不足之处:1.有时总是那几个回答问题积极的同学,应多设置分层抢答,让不同层次的学生有回答的机会。2应该在本课结束时有个简单的检测,这样能够检测到本课中学生还有哪些知识没有掌握透彻。作者作者简简介:介:李慧超,女,李慧超,女,33 岁岁,中共党,中共党员员,大学本科,大学本科,2007年年 10 月在唐山市开月在唐山市开滦滦十中任教至今。担任唐山市开十中任教至今。担任唐山市开滦滦第十中学第十中学七年七年级级四班和六班英四班和六班英语语的英的英语语教学工作,中学一教学工作,中学一级级教教师师。 。获奖获奖情况:情况:2009 年,荣年,荣获获路南区教育宣路南区教育宣传传工作先工作先进进个人;个人; 2010 年,被年,被评为评为路南区教育系路南区教育系统统志愿服志愿服务务先先进进个人;个人;2013 年,荣年,荣获获 2013 年度路南区教育系年度路南区教育系统优统优秀党秀党员员; ;2014 年,所年,所讲讲授的授的课课荣荣获获 2014 年度路南区教育年会一等年度路南区教育年会一等奖奖。 。联联系方式:系方式:15533356656
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