Unit 3 Families Celebrate Together-Lesson 13 I Love Autumn-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-冀教版八年级上册英语(编号:34385).zip

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Lesson 13 I love Autumn .Fall is here. .Another year is coming to an end.Summers finished.Summers gone.Winters round the bend.Fall is piles of crunchy leaves orange gold and red.Fall is sweaters with long sleeves and blankets on the bed. .Fall is football.Fall is pumpkins.Falls where summer ends.And fall is coming back to schoolAnd seeing all my friends.We love autumn. To families, autumn means reunionTo our motherland, autumn means her birthday.To farmers, autumn means harvest.Weather,cool and drySky, blue and highGolden leaves fall like flying butterfliesHarvest ,Fresh fruits ,foods,vegetablesdelicious mooncakesOutdoor sportsautumnBrainstormingBrainstorming Festivals in autumn in ChinaMid-Autumn FestivalNational DayTeachers day The double-ninth day(农历九月初九)Mid-Autumn FestivalOn August 15, in the lunar calendarthe moonChangemoon cakeWe have a seven-day holiday.National DayNational Day ParadeNational flagraising ceremonyflower bedslanternsfireworks BlossomsNational Day Celebration1. Mid-Autumn Festival / Teachers Day is this week.2. He will watch the moon / TV.3. He will look for Change / his friend.4. His mother bought moon cakes / hamburgers.5. On International WorkersDay / National Day, his parents will not have to work for seven days.6. He dislikes / likes going to the National Day celebration.7. The best thing in autumn is his / his mothers birthday. 8. He will be thirteen / thirty years old.Listen and check!1. Mid-Autumn Festival / Teachers Day is this week.2. He will watch the moon / TV.3. He will look for Change / his friend.4. His mother bought moon cakes / hamburgers.5. On International WorkersDay / National Day, his parents will not have to work for seven days.6. He dislikes / likes going to the National Day celebration.7. The best thing in autumn is his / his mothers birthday. 8. He will be thirteen / thirty years old.Read carefully and fill in the table:How will Li Ming and his family celebrate the two festivals?vFestivalsvHow to celebrate them?vMid Autumn FestivalvNational Daywatch the moonlook for Changetell the story of Changeeat moon cakes and fruit have a seven-day holiday do many things togethergo to the National Day celebrationWriting Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are coming.We will have a seven-day holiday.What are you going to do?Please write a short passage(60-80words). Western festival in autumn1.南瓜节(北美10月31日) pumpkin day 2.鬼节halloween (万圣节除夕,10月31日夜) 3.感恩节thanksgiving (美国,11月最后一个星期4.圣诞节 CristmasThanksgiving Families celebrate Thanksgiving together.What is Thanksgiving? ThanksgivingThanksgiving isis a a nationalnational holidayholiday widelywidely celebratedcelebrated inin NorthNorth America.America. InIn thethe US,US, manymany areare taughttaught atat schoolschool thatthat thethe FirstFirst ThanksgivingThanksgiving DinnerDinner waswas heldheld inin 16211621 Massachusetts.Massachusetts. InIn 1620,1620, thethe PilgrimsPilgrims arrivedarrived inin thethe NewNew WorldWorld fromfrom England;England; theythey werewere facedfaced withwith harshharsh weatherweather andand difficultdifficult livingliving conditions.conditions. Luckily,Luckily, theythey receivedreceived hugehuge helphelp fromfrom thethe nativenative IndiansIndians andand werewere ableable toto havehave a a goodgood harvestharvest thethe followingfollowing year.year. SoSo thethe PilgrimsPilgrims putput onon a a feastfeast forfor everyoneeveryone toto celebratecelebrate thethe harvestharvest. .NowNow inin thethe US,US, it it isis a a timetime forfor familyfamily reunion,reunion, andand signalingsignaling thethe startstart ofof thethe festivefestive seasonseason beforebefore ChristmasChristmas. . They thank fora good harvestIndians helptraditional foodsRoast turkeypumpkin pieThanksgiving celebrationthe Thanksgiving Day Paradethe afternoon football gameThe Canadian Thanksgiving is on the second Monday of October .People celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States.Read and answer my questions: 1.How do families celebrate Thanksgiving?2.Where will Jenny go?3.Who will be there ,too?4.When is Canadian Thanksgiving?5.When do they celebrate Thanksgiving in the U.S.? Families always celebrate thanksgiving together. She will go to her grandparents home.All of her uncles ,aunts and cousins.On the second Monday of October.On the fourth Thursday of NovemberWrite the things that are different about China here.Write the things that are the same about China and Canada in the middleWrite the things that are different about Canada hereHow do families celebrate thanksgiving in Canada and in the USA? How do we celebrate Mid-autumn day in China? Finish the chart with two big circles. 1.in autumn 2.have a big dinner 3.families get together 4.celebrate the harvest(收获) . 4. Before the meal giveThanks for the blessing1. on August.15th /in September or October1. The second Monday ofOctober in Canada and onthe fourth Thursday of Nov.in the USA2. Last(持续) four days .2. Only one day4. visit friends and give moon cakes to each other as presents 5.Watch the moon 3. Turkey, sweet potatoes, pudding , pie.3. Moon cakes, apples, peaches. 1.In autumn2.have a big dinner3.families get together4.celebrate the harvest1. on August.15th /in September or October2. Only one day3. Moon cakes, apples, peaches. 4. visit friends and give moon cakes to each other as presents 5.Watch the moon 1.The second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of Nov. in the USA2. Last(持续) four days3. Turkey, sweet potatoes, pudding , pie.4. Before the meal give Thanks for the blessing1.We will have a seven-day holiday! seven-day holiday= seven days holiday 数词数词+名词(名词(+形容词)构成的复合形容词,中间的形容词)构成的复合形容词,中间的名词不能用复数形式而须用单数形式。名词不能用复数形式而须用单数形式。类似的表达法还有:类似的表达法还有: an eleven-year-old boy 一篇一篇800字的文章字的文章an 800-word article 或或 an 800 words article 10-minute walk=10 minutes walk七天的假日七天的假日 一个十一岁的男孩一个十一岁的男孩步行十分钟的路程步行十分钟的路程eleven-year-old不能说不能说eleven-years-old2. thank sb. for sth. Thank you for your help. thank sb. for doing sth. Thank you for helping me.3.I wonder wonder 用作动词,意思是用作动词,意思是“想知道但不知道想知道但不知道”,常跟由,常跟由if或或 wh-词引导的宾语从句。词引导的宾语从句。I wonder if she will come to work on time.I wonder when he will come here.Festival guessing gameChildren like that day very much ,because on that day they can get gifts from their parents or other relatives .what festival? 用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空1. National Day is also _ autumn, _ October 1.2. They will not have to work _ seven days.3. Thank you _ your e-mail.4. Have fun _ your birthday.5. Canadian Thanksgiving is _ early October. American Thanksgiving is _ late November.6. People in China eat moon cakes _ Mid- Autumn Day.inforononforoninin1. The first e-mail is from _ to _ . 2 .We will watch the tonight ,and _ Chang,e.3. is also in autumn ,on October14 .Liming will be this year .Li MingJennymoonlook forNational Day 13 years oldFill the blanks5. _(在秋天在秋天),leaves turn yellow.6. Youd better_(制定一个计划制定一个计划)before leaving.7 .In most western countries,_is the most important festival.8 .In the U.S.,people_Thanksgiving in late November.In autumnmake a planChristmascelabrate用所给词的适当形式填空:用所给词的适当形式填空:1.I have fun _(learn) English.2.Thank you for _(have) me.3.She will have a _(三天的三天的) holiday to have a good rest.4. They have an autumn holiday on the _(three) Tuesday.5. We _(watch) the moon tonight.6. Yesterday my mother _(buy) moon cakes. I _(eat) many of them already.havingthree-daywill watchlearningboughthave eaten thirdSum up:1.The new words and expressions: celebrate ,round, however, wonder, Mid-Autumn Festival ,National Day , go to my grandparentshome2.Focus structures: 1)We will celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival this week. 2)Thank you for the e-mail. Blackboard designLesson13 I love Autumn1.Mid-Autumn Festival National Day Thanksgiving2.celebrate wonder round.3.1)We will celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival this week.2)Thank you for the e-mail. HomeworkHomework1.Try1.Try toto writewrite anan e-mail.e-mail. YouYou cancan talktalk aboutabout youryour birthdaybirthday、youryour favouritefavourite festivalfestival oror youryour study.study.2.Finsh2.Finsh offoff thethe ExerciseExercise Book.Book.My plan on National DayNational holiday has finally come here! During this holiday I have planned to go somewhere fun with my friends for a few days. We will go to DaCheng park to see animals. I will also stay at home for some time to finish my homework and review my lessons. I think we should use this time valuably because we shouldnt waste any time of our life. We should enjoy everyday and be thankful of everything!My plan on National DayThe National Day Holiday is coming soon.Our country has been found for sixty years.There will be a big parade in Bejing.On Oct. 1. I am going to watch parade on TV with my friends.we will celebrate our great motherlands birthday together.It will be an exciting day.I look forward that monent.On oct. 2 we will go to the mountain and see the sunset.Then,my parents and I are going to visit Shenzhen.We plan to go to the beach and visit Window on the World. It will be a busy holiday.Mid-autumn Festival PlanTomorrow is Mid-autumn festival, I dont go to school, so I want to take a break and have fun. the families will get together and have a big dinner. For me, I have made some plans. In the morning, I will go shopping with my sister, we will buy some delicious food to prepare for the dinner. In the evening, after supper, I want to play some games with my family, since it is the precious moment for us get together, we must enjoy the moment. At last, we will watch the TV show, what a wonder night.Guessing games1.On that day , our families get together at my grandparents home .we have a big dinner .At night ,we sit at the table in the courtyard,eat mooncakes,fruits and watch the big bright moon. What festival? Mid-Autumn Festival2.During the festival ,people return their hometown ,they have a big dinner together at noon ,eat dumplings at night .play fireworks and watch the Spring Festival Everning Show on Tv. Children get red packets,everyone says”Happy new year “to each other . What festival? Spring festival3.That day is my motherlands birthday .we have a seven-day holiday .we can go to Tiananmen Square to watch National flagraising ceremony ,its wonderful. What festival? National Day4.On that day ,children get gifts from their parents or other relatives ,they are very happy. What festival? Children day 5.Its on September 10, What festival? Teachers day 6. It is a special day to give thanks for the good things in our lives ,family get together and have a big dinner, they eat pumpkin pie,and roast turkey. What festival? Thanksgiving与秋天相关的英语单词,带中文1. autumn (美)秋天2. autumnal equinox 秋分3. bale of hay 干草堆4. chestnuts 栗子5. chilly 寒冷的6. cider 苹果酒,苹果汁7. cobweb 蜘蛛网8. cold 寒冷的9. cool 凉爽的10.corn (美)玉米11.crisp 天气干冷的12.fall 秋天13.falling leaves 落叶14.feast 盛宴,宴会,节日15.frost 霜冻16.grape 葡萄17.Halloween 万圣节18.ack-o-lantern 空心南瓜灯19.trick or treat 不招待就使坏(万圣节风俗)20.harvest 丰收21.hay 干草22.haystack 大干草堆23.leaf 树叶,单数24.leaves 树叶复数25.maize 玉米26.maple 枫叶27.November 十一月28.nuts 坚果29.October 十月30.pine cone 松果31.pumpkin 南瓜32.reap 收割33.scarecrow 稻草人34.season 季节35.September 九月36.squirrel 松鼠37.sweater 针织套衫,羊毛套 38.turkey 火鸡39.pie 馅饼40.教师节(中国,9 月 10日) teachers day 41.敬老节(日本,9 月 15 日) old peoples day 42.南瓜节(北美 10 月 31 日) pumpkin day 43.鬼节(万圣节除夕,10 月 31日夜) halloween 44.感恩节(美国,11 月最后一个星期 thanksgiving 45.重阳节 the double-ninth day农历九月初九46.Mid autumn day47.new term begins48. go hiking 49.go baoting50. climbing mountains 51 .go hiking 52.go baoting53. climbing mountains 38. 55. 39.bale of hay 干草堆chestnuts 栗子chilly 寒冷的cider 苹果酒,苹果汁cobweb 蜘蛛网cold 寒冷的cool 凉爽的corn (美)玉米cornucopia 象征丰收的羊角cranberry 蔓越橘crisp 天气干冷的decidious 落叶的fall 秋天falling leaves 落叶feast 盛宴,宴会,节日frost 霜冻gourd 葫芦grape 葡萄Halloween 万圣节 10.31jack-o-lantern 空心南瓜灯trick or treat 不招待就使坏(万圣节风俗)harvest 丰收hay 干草hayride (美)多在夜间乘坐干草堆车出游haystack 大干草堆leaf 树叶,单数leaves 树叶复数maize 玉米maple 枫叶nuts 坚果October 十月persimmon 柿子树pie 馅饼pine cone 松果pumpkin 南瓜raincoat 雨衣rake 耙子reap 收割scarecrow 稻草人season 季节September 九月spider 蜘蛛squash 美国南瓜squirrel 松鼠sweater 针织套衫,羊毛套衫Thanksgiving 感恩节turkey 火鸡yam 番薯,甜薯1Lesson13Lesson13 I I LoveLove AutumnAutumn【版本说明版本说明】冀教版(衔接三年级起点)八年级英语上册第 3 单元【教材分析教材分析】 I love autumn 是冀教衔接版八年级英语上册第 3 单元第 13课。这一单元的重点是谈论家庭庆祝活动,本课围绕中西方三个节日,讨论中西方文化习俗的差异,由两封电子邮件展开教学。本课要求学生理解文章信息,既学会英语简单介绍中秋节和国庆节,简单说明加拿大感恩节的有关内容,熟练灵活的运用英语表情达意。 【学生分析学生分析】八年级此阶段的学生是一个特殊时期,养成了较好的英语学习习惯,并且有了一定的认知能力和语言基础,但需进一步加强,但是八年级的学生两极分化较明显,学习能力较强的学生对英语学习表现出较强的自信心,能积极参与课堂活动,针对他们,任务的设计可以是对语言表达能力要求较高的活动,引导他们成为小组活动的中坚力量,在小组活动中积极与他人合作,互协互助,共同完成学习任务。对于语言学习能力较差的学生,语言综合运用能力较弱,自信心不足,缺乏 学习动力与积极性,教师要适时又中肯地鼓励他们,为他们设计较容易完成的活动,使其更多的体验到成功的喜悦,以此来激发英语学习兴趣,树立信心。让学生在做中学,在做中练,在做中巩固,从而有效地提高课堂教学效益,达到事半功倍的效果【设计理念:设计理念:1 1本单元的教学活动始终遵循任务型教学的教学理念,以学生本单元的教学活动始终遵循任务型教学的教学理念,以学生为学习的主体,以任务为中心,在运用语言完成任务的过程中来习得、体会和为学习的主体,以任务为中心,在运用语言完成任务的过程中来习得、体会和掌握语言。掌握语言。2 2自始自终贯穿了以交际为目的的原则(在做中学,在学中用)。自始自终贯穿了以交际为目的的原则(在做中学,在学中用)。3 3在教学过程中,关注学生的生活实际和生活体验,让其贴近实际、贴近生在教学过程中,关注学生的生活实际和生活体验,让其贴近实际、贴近生2活、贴近时代,树立以学生为本的思想,提倡学生参与、体验、亲身实践、独活、贴近时代,树立以学生为本的思想,提倡学生参与、体验、亲身实践、独立思考、合作探究,从而实现教学方式和学习方式的转变。立思考、合作探究,从而实现教学方式和学习方式的转变。】【教学目标教学目标】:1、语言知识目标:1)掌握并能灵活运用本单元出现的重点词汇2)掌握介绍家庭庆祝活动的基本句型,熟悉中秋节、国庆节和感恩节的文化习俗和差异。2、语言技能目标:通过本课的学习,培养学生良好的“听、说、读、写”的技能,使学生能运用所学知识解决相关情景中的一些类似问题,并能结合所给任务,综合运用新旧知识解决问题,在此基础上鼓励学生大胆根据自己的语言基础能力,根据自己学习的需要,完成学习任务。3、情感目标:1)激发并提高学生的学习兴趣,乐于接受新事物,勇于尝试体现课堂教学“主体者”的身份,积极主动参与教学各环节,成为学习的主人。2)培养同学间的合作意识、竞争意识;,提高他们的观察能力和创造能力;培养他们勇于探究的习惯和自主解决问题的能力。通过教学使学生了解本国与他国的风土人情。让学生认识到人与人之间的亲情和友情的重要,从而珍惜亲情、友情。【教材重点教材重点】1.1.掌握词汇掌握词汇掌握并会应用单词 moon national celebrate grandmother grandfather 3wonder 及短语 Thank you for. 等2.2.语法:语法:(1)名词所有格(2)wonder 引导的宾语从句【教材难点教材难点】1.1.一些固定搭配的用法2.2.能用所给信息进行口语交流【教学方法教学方法】:开展多种类型的任务型活动,提供给学生合作交流的空间和时间,促使学生为完成任务和同学进行合作,为完成任务进行探究性学习。【教具教具】:电脑、电子白板、课件。【教学流程教学流程】(Teaching Procedures)Step1. Warming-up1. Greeting 2. Two students read a poem with music. 【设计理念:采用情境引导法与直观的多媒体结合,更能激发学生的兴趣,充设计理念:采用情境引导法与直观的多媒体结合,更能激发学生的兴趣,充分调动学生的积极性,发挥学生的主体作用。诗配乐,渲染了课堂气氛,营造分调动学生的积极性,发挥学生的主体作用。诗配乐,渲染了课堂气氛,营造英语学习氛围,使学生很快进入学习状态英语学习氛围,使学生很快进入学习状态】Step2 Revision1.Teacher uses the words and phrases on PPT to make a short passage about autumn .【设计理念:增加语言信息输入量,为下一环节做好铺垫。设计理念:增加语言信息输入量,为下一环节做好铺垫。 】42.Ask the students to sum up the words about autumn as many as they can.【设计理念:启发学生总结有关秋天的词语,如天气、运动、节日等,边学边设计理念:启发学生总结有关秋天的词语,如天气、运动、节日等,边学边总结是学好英语的最好方法。总结是学好英语的最好方法。 】3.Sum up “Festivals in autumn in China”Mid-Autumn Festival,National Day,Teachers day,The double-ninth day【理念:温故而知新,为学习新课打牢基础,做好铺垫。理念:温故而知新,为学习新课打牢基础,做好铺垫。 】Step3Step3 PresentationPresentation1.Teacher shows the prepared pictures to lead to the topic about Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day,to learn the new words and expressions in LiMings e-mail,in order to eliminate learning disabilites in the next step. 设计理念:精美图片,引出本环节的话题,扫除了学习的障碍,即学习了新设计理念:精美图片,引出本环节的话题,扫除了学习的障碍,即学习了新词,又突出了重点,同时激发了学生的兴趣。词,又突出了重点,同时激发了学生的兴趣。 2.Ask the students to listen to the tape with the questions about Li Mings e-mail and choose the best answer bravely. Listen and check:(1)Mid-Autumn Festival / Teachers Day is this week.(2)He wi
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