1、教学设计:教学设计:Lesson19Lesson19 T Thehe BestBest NeighbourhoodNeighbourhood一一 、教材分析、教材分析: :本课是冀教版 2011 课标板八年级上册第四单元的第一课。第四单元围绕着“My Neighbourhood”这一话题展开内容进行编排。这一课以一段简短的对话展现了课文内容,对话发生在两名少年之间,描述了他们彼此理想中“the best neighbourhood”并各自说明了原因,需一个课时便可完成。本文的话题就是现实生活的一部分,很容易吸引学生的注意,激发学习的兴趣,引发共鸣。 本文主要通过引导学生描述自己理想中完美社区的
2、建筑和设施,探讨原因,使学生识记掌握与 “neighbourhood”相关的单词、短语以及描述、讨论社区的句型,能运用它们向他人介绍自己的理想社区,且能自如地运用“because”原因状语从句表明原因,及“so”引导地并列句阐述结果。在此基础上培养学生自主学习和独立运用所学语言进行表达的能力。二、学情分析:二、学情分析:八年级的学生处于 13、14 岁之间,形象思维能力活跃好奇心强,乐于表现,勇于用学到的英语与人交流,乐于表现自己。他们既有探知未知只是浓厚兴趣, 又有较强的记忆能力与模仿能力,这为学习英语提供了生理和心理两大基础条件。但是经过一年多初中英语的强化学习,两级分化现象日趋严重,班上
3、的很多学生缺乏学习英语的自信, 对英语学习不感兴趣, 更不敢张嘴说。针对整班学生基础差,英语技能薄弱且班额大,不容易调动积极性等特点, 我计划以学生的平均水平为基础, 注重创设语言环境,吸引他们的注意力,激发学习兴趣,在教授知识的过程中,提高听、说、读、写的能力。三、教学目标(三、教学目标(TeachingTeachingAimsAims)1. 知识目标(KnowledgeAims)(1)识记并熟练运用本文的生词与短语:neighbourhood、perfect、complete、thirsty、addto。(2) 能认识读懂 “when” 时间状语从句, 理解并掌握 “because”原因状
4、语从句和“so”表结果并列句的用法,并能辨别其用法。2. 技能目标(Skill Aims)(1) 能听懂描述社区建筑设施的语段,提取细节性信息,获得主旨大意。(2)能在口语交流及书面表达中向他人介绍理想社区并能阐明原因,表述结果,传递信息。3. 情感,态度(Emotion & attitude)(1)培养学生合作学习,探究学习,独立学习的能力,积极的运用所学进行语言表达和交流。(2)注重观察生活,热爱自己的生活环境。四、教学重难点四、教学重难点教学重点(Teaching key points):New words: neighbourhood, perfect, thirsty, comple
5、te,Sentences: because 原因状语从句,so 表结果并列句。教学难点(Teaching difficulties):正确辨别 because原因状语从句和 so 表结果并列句在具体语境中的运用。五、教学步骤五、教学步骤Warming up: Play a video about a neighbourhood toelicit the new word “neighborhood”.Stage One: Presentation1)Ask students to answer two questions:a)Whats in your neighbourhood?b)Do y
6、ou like your neighbourhood? Why? OrWhy not?2)Show a map of Li Mings perfect neighbourhoodto teach the new word “perfect” and guidestudents to describe the map with the sentence:Here is. Over there is.3)Lets talk about the perfect neighbourhood inour hearts by showing a group of pictures ofbuildings
7、to guide students to think about ifthey need them in their best neighbourhood andthe reasons with the sentences:-Wouldyoulikeacaf/inyourneighbourhood? Why?- Because./- I would like , so.4)Do some practices of new words.1.Mum, Im _. Can you give me aglass of water, please?2.Let s _ the work quickly.
8、Its timeto go for lunch.3. She felt cold _ it was snowingheavily.4. He spoke _ English in his speech.Stage Two: Practice1)Activity 1: Listen and answer questionsa)Listen and watch the video of the text onceto answer the question “Whats in eachpersons neighbourhood?”b)Listen to the text twice more an
9、d match theanswer with the questions.2)Activity 2 : Pair Work: Dictate each otherand fill in blanksBoth Li Ming and Wang Mei drew a mapof a _ _. Li Ming drewa park and a corner store, _he canplay basketball there, and buy drinks_ he is _. Wang Mei drew 3bookstores _ she wants to buy lotsof books . A
10、nd _ _ is a market. Hermother wont have to _ _ to buyvegetables and fruits. She also_ aCanadian restaurant to _ hermap. She can take Jenny there when she_ _ a _.One read the text to your partner once.Meanwhile the partner fills blanks in thepaper according to what he has heard. Thenin turn, do it ag
11、ain until the pair bothcomplete all blanks.Each pair can read the text to each otherseveral times among 5 mins.Stage Three: Production1)Activity 3: Pair Work: make a dialogueMake a dialogue in group of two like this:A: What would you like in your neighbourhood?B: A park/ grocery store/.A: Why?B: Bec
12、ause.What about you?A: A park/ grocery store/., so Ican go for a walk/.2)Activity 4 Group WorkTalkaboutanddesignyouridealneighbourhoodin groups, then write ashort passage with 5 or 6 sentences atleast.like this:WeWe wantwant . inin ourour neighbourhood,neighbourhood,so/because.so/because.Homework:1)Draw a map of your perfect neighbourhood.Label everything on your map.2)PreviewthewordsandexpressionsinLesson 20.