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1、Unit 5Period 2Learning about Language【基础训练】.单词拼写1I wonder whether this dictionary is available in an electronic _(版本).2It is in bad times that we highly value the support and _(同情) of our friends.3Now its your turn to transform this piece of prose into _(诗).4We could put up some pictures on that_(空白

2、的)wall over there.5The boy lying on the ground lied to me that he had laid the books on the _(架子).6The written record of our conversation doesnt_(相一致) to what was actuallysaid. There are a lot of mistakes.短语填空in spite of, have a great influence on, carry out, out of sympathy, come across1_ for the h

3、omeless children, he gave them a bed for the night.2My physics teacher was my role model, who _my career.3The girl became a brilliant pianist _her disability.4I myself will firmly _ this plan.5You can _ some good quality furniture in secondhand shops.单句语法填空1The librarian put the books in order on se

4、veral _(shelf) in the library.2The doctors are not _(sympathy) towards the injured because of drunk driving.3They put me in prison, but in the end I was proved _(innocence).4Scientists are convinced _ the positive effect of laughter on physical and mentalhealth.5The ordinary people all look at the i

5、ntelligent man with _(admire) because underno circumstances will he fail to cope with emergencies.6Experts say such an _(arrange) will slow the flow of goods and services and addto the costs.7Do you know who is the first Asian _(win) the Noble Prize in Literature?8Mozarts _(compose)are undoubtedlyam

6、ong the worlds greatest.语法专练1填入适当的关系词How medicine works in the human body is a question _ not everyone canunderstand fully.I have seen most of the greatest buildings in the world _ are famous on theInternet.My hometown, _ I spent my happy childhood, has changed a lot.The novel was completed in 1978,

7、 _ the economic system has seen great changes.The thought of going back home was all _ kept him happy while he was workingabroad.Although modern technology could help produce more crops, these terraces(梯田) stillmean a lot to the local people to _ traditions are of great value._ is known to all, the

8、moon travels around the earth.Is this the reason _ she explained in the report for her success in the job?This novel is popular with those _ were born in the 1980s.As the smallest child of his family, Alex is always longing for the time _ heshould be able to be independent.2将下列句子合并为含有定语从句的复合句The sum

9、mer was long and hot. I graduated from university in the summer._Im looking for a secretary. He or she can use a computer well._Financial Technology is an area.China and many other developed countries are on thesame starting line._Finally, the thief handed in everything. He stole it from the shop la

10、st night._In 1946 the UN set up the United Nations Security Council. The United Nations SecurityCouncils purpose is to maintain peace and security among nations._【能力提升】.阅读AMany people discover Roald Dahl through his stories and poems. His books have beentranslated into several languages.He has also

11、inspired TV and radio shows and movies. With hishelp, kids all over the world can imagine strange candies, friendly giants, and frighteningvillains(反派主角). Indeed, Roald Dahl led a life full of adventures(冒险). Yet, we can have abetter understanding of him from other things, too.More than Just Words:

12、The Roald Dahl FoundationRoald Dahl became interested in helping people who had serious injuries and diseases. As awriter, Roald cared about helping children read more. To carry out these goals, his family set upthe Roald Dahl Foundation. The foundation helps people, hospitals, and charities by givi

13、ng moneyfor medical and educational needs. It continues the spirit of giving that Roald expressedthroughout his life.Stories forAll Ages: The Roald Dahl Museum and Story CentreRoald Dahls wife, Felicity Dahl, wanted to set up a central place to protect all of Roaldswritings. She helped create the Ro

14、ald Dahl Museum and Story Centre in Buckinghamshire,England. It holds a collection of Roalds writings and recordings for the public to visit. Hispersonal letters and postcards can be found there, as well as photographs and many of his awards.As you can see, one can get a pretty complete picture of R

15、oald Dahls life by visiting this library.The museum also encourages people to write creatively.Now, people of all ages are learning about Roald Dahl through his works. Through his stories,the foundation, and the museum, Roald Dahl will continue to have a great effect on readers aroundthe world for y

16、ears to come.1It can be inferred that Roald Dahl _Aproduced many moviesBmastered several languagesCtravelled to many countriesDwrote many adventurous stories2The Roald Dahl Foundation _Awas set up by Roald DahlBemploys many famous doctors to cure diseasesChelps sick kids read useful booksDhelps peop

17、le or organisations for free3The Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre was built to _Aattract public visitsBkeep Roald Dahls worksCshow Roald Dahls awardsDgive lessons about writing4What is the authors attitude towards Roald Dahl?AHe is disappointed in him.BHe thinks highly of him.CHe is friendly to hi

18、m.DHe is cruel to him.BReading poems is not exactly an everyday activity for most people. In fact, many peoplenever read a poem once they get out of high school.It is worth reminding ourselves that this has not always been the case in America. In the 19thcentury, a usual American activity was to sit

19、 around the fireside in the evening and read poemsaloud. It is true that there was no television at the time, nor movie theatres, nor World Wide Web,to provide diversion. However, poems were a source of pleasure, of self education, ofconnection to other people or to the world beyond ones own communi

20、ty. Reading them was asocial act as well as an individual one, and perhaps even more social than individual. Writingpoems to share with friends and relations was, like reading poems by the fireside, another way inwhich poetry has a place in everyday life.How did things change? Why are most Americans

21、 no longer comfortable with poetry, andwhy do most people today think that a poem has nothing to tell them and that they can do wellwithout poems?There are, I believe, three factors: poets, teachers, and we ourselves. Of these, the leastimportant is the third. The world surrounding the poem has betr

22、ayed us more than we havebetrayed the poem. Early in the 20th century, poetry in English headed into directionsunfavourable to the reading of poetry. Readers decided that poems were not for the fireside or theeasy chair at night, and that they belonged where other difficulttoread things belonged.Poe

23、ts failed the reader, and so did teachers. They want their students to know somethingabout the skills of a poem, and they want their students to see that poems mean something. Yetwhat usually occurs when teachers push these concerns on their high school students is that youngpeople decide poems are

24、unpleasant crossword puzzles.5What does the underlined word “diversion” most probably mean?AConcentration.BChange.CAmusements.DStories.6Reading poems is thought to be a social act in the 19th century because _Ait built a link among peopleBit helped unite a communityCit was a source of selfeducationD

25、it was a source of pleasure7According to the passage, what is the main cause of the great gap between readers andpoetry?AStudents are becoming less interested in poetry.BStudents are poorly educated in high school.CTV and the Internet are more attractive than poetry.DPoems have become difficult to u

26、nderstand.8In the last paragraph, the writer questions _Athe difficulty in studying poemsBthe way poems are taught in schoolCstudents wrong ideas about poetryDthe techniques used in writing poems.七选五Culture shock isnt a clinical term or medical conditions. Its simply a common way todescribe the conf

27、using and nervous feelings a person may have after leaving a familiar culture tolive in a different culture. _1_. That can be exciting, but it can also be overwhelming(不可抗拒的).Everyone feels the pressure to fit in at one time or anotherwhether theyve lived in the areafor days or years. But dont feel

28、like you need to change everything about yourself so you canstand out less. _2_.Here are a few tips for making sure your new culture doesnt overpower the old:Educate people about your culture. That youre the one entering the new culture doesntmean you should be the one doing all the learning. _3_. T

29、hey may know little about it. It willalso help them to learn more about you in the process.Find a support group. Find kids in your class or neighbours who recently moved, too. Youcan share experience._4_. You probably left behind good friends and family when you moved. If its going to bea long time

30、until your next visit, keep in touch. You also left behind other thingslike yourfavourite spot to hang out. Keep pictures around to remind you of your home.Remember, its important to be yourself. _5_ You will have your own pace of adjusting. Aslong as you find a good combination between the old and

31、the new, youll be fine.AKeep in touch with your homeBUnderstand the new cultureCBut the good news is that culture shock is temporaryDWhen you move to a new place, youre bound to face a lot of changesETry not to force yourself to change too fast or too many things all at onceFAll of your experiences

32、before you came to your new home are part of youGTake the opportunity to teach classmates and new friends about your culture.语法填空It was the day of the poetry festival, and I was 1._(excite). At my old school, I hadwon the poetry ribbon every year. I do write good poetry. When Mrs. Baker called me, I

33、 stood up.I didnt even bother to look at my paper. Id spent so much time 2._(perfect) the rhymes,and counting the 3._(beat) that I knew the poem by heart. I had just started the third versewhen I noticed Mrs. Baker was glaring at me. “Linda, you4._(suppose) to be readingan original work, a poem you

34、made up yourself, not reciting something you learned.” I opened mymouth to explain, but no words came out. “You will leave the room and will not return until youare ready 5._( apologize),” said Mrs. Baker. “Now. Go!” I turned and left the room.Id been standing outside for about half an hour when Jos

35、eph, another school teacher, came over toask me why. Now, as Joseph waited 6._ me to answer, he looked so kind and sympathetic7._ I poured out the whole story, trying not to cry. “Linda, accepting defeat, when youshould stand up for8._(you), can become a very dangerous habit. You know you are theonl

36、y Linda Brown in the whole world.”9._(he) eyes smiling into mine,I took a deepbreath and 10._(knock) on the classroom door, ready to face Mrs. Bakerrecite mypoem.参考答案【基础训练】.单词拼写1version2.sympathy3.verse4.blank5.shelf/shelves6correspond.短语填空1Out of sympathy2.had a great influence on3.in spite of4carr

37、y e across.单句语法填空1shelves2.sympathetic3.innocent4.of5.admiration6arrangement7.to positions.语法专练1which/thatthatwherewhenthatwhomAsthatwhowhen2The summer when/in which I graduated from university was long and hot.Im looking for a secretary that/who can use a computer well.Financial Technology is an ar

38、ea where/in which China and many other developed countriesare on the same starting line.Finally, the thief handed in everything (that) he stole from the shop last night.In 1946 the UN set up the United Nations Security Council whose purpose is to maintainpeace and security among nations.【能力提升】.阅读A【语

39、篇解读】本文是说明文。文章介绍了英国作家 Roald Dahl 除了写作之外的爱好和成就。1D考查推理判断。本题 A、B、C 三项均曲解了文章意思。Roald Dahl 的作品启发了很多电视、电台节目和电影,不等于他制作了很多电影;他的书被翻译成多种语言,不等于他精通多种语言;他的读者遍布全球,不等于他去过很多国家。从第一段列举的他的书中人物,以及“Roald Dahl led a life full of adventures(冒险)”可推断出他写了很多冒险故事。故选 D 项。2D考查细节理解。根据文章对 Roald Dahl 基金会的介绍可知,该基金会由 Dahl 一家成立,目的是帮助有严

40、重伤病的人,以及帮助孩子多读书。为了实现这两个目标,他们捐钱给医疗和教育项目。对比四个选项可知,只有 D 项符合文意。3B考查细节理解。根据对 The Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre 介绍的第一句可知,Felicity Dahl 创建该博物馆和故事中心的初衷就是保存 Dahl 的作品。故选 B 项。4B考查观点态度。本文字里行间都对 Roald Dahl 进行了高度评价。故选 B 项。B【语篇解读】在过去,人们经常读诗,然而现在,读诗的人越来越少。文章针对这种现象探讨了原因。5C词义猜测题。画线单词前面的 television,movie theatres

41、, World Wide Web 这些事物都是为人们提供娱乐的,由此可推断 diversion 与 amusements 同义,意为“娱乐活动”。故选 C 项。6A细节理解题。根据第二段中的 of connection to other people or to the world beyondones own community 可知,诗歌是联系一个人与他人或外部世界的纽带。故选 A 项。7 D细节理解题。 根据第四段中的 Readers decided that poems were not for the fireside orthe easy chair at night,and th

42、at they belonged where other difficulttoread things belonged.可知,读者觉得诗歌不再适合坐在火炉边或安乐椅上舒服地读,它们现在更难理解了。故选 D项。8B推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,诗人让读者失望了,老师也一样。老师想让学生们知道一首诗所用到的技巧及其含义然而这些要求使学生们觉得诗歌是令人讨厌的字谜。因此,作者质疑学校教授诗歌的方式。故选 B 项。.七选五【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。 主要介绍了不同的社会背景和文化差异等会造成文化冲击,并给出了缓解文化冲击的方法。1D根据下文 That can be exciting,but i

43、t can also be overwhelming.可知,设空处表达的应是到了一个不同的文化背景下所面临的情况。 D 项 When you move to a new place, yourebound to face a lot of changes 符合文意,故选 D 项。2F根据前文,每个人在适应新环境时都会有压力,但是没必要改变一切来使你不那么引人注目, 设空处应说明没有必要改变一切的原因, 故 F 项 All of your experiences beforeyou came to your new home are part of you 符合题意,故选 F 项。3G根据上文,

44、本段主旨为教育人们,让人们了解你的文化背景。关键词为 Educate。设空处前提到“你进入新的文化中并不意味着所有的东西都要由你来学”。再根据下文They may know little about it.(他们可能对此了解甚少。)可知,设空处应是让人们了解你的文化背景。故 G 项 Take the opportunity to teach classmates and new friends about your culture(利用这个机会向同学和新朋友讲授你们的文化)符合语境。关键词 teach 与 Educate 相呼应,故选 G 项。4A根据下文,你搬家的时候可能会留下家人、朋友以及

45、你喜欢的东西,所以要保持联系。 关键词为 keep in touch。故 A 项 Keep in touch with your home(和家里保持联系)符合题意。故选 A 项。5E根据上文 Remember,its important to be yourself.可知,做自己很重要,设空处后又说要保持自己的调整步调, 设空处应陈述没必要改变得太多、 太快。 故 E 项 Try not to forceyourself to change too fast or too many things all at once(试着不要强迫自己突然改变得太快或改变太多东西)符合文意,故选 E 项。.

46、语法填空【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。 主要介绍作者参加学校的诗歌节, 被老师 Mrs. Baker误解是背诵别人的诗歌,却不敢反驳,另外一个老师 Joseph 鼓励她要勇敢为自己辩护。1excited考查词性转换。句意:诗歌节到了,我很兴奋。主语是 I,修饰人用 excited,意为“感到兴奋的”。2 perfecting考查非谓语动词。 句意: 我花了很多时间完善我的押韵词。 spend timedoing sth.表示“花时间做某事”。3beats考查名词复数。句意:我花了很多时间完善我的押韵词,数节拍。句中beat 是可数名词,意为“节拍”,此处表示复数意义,所以用复数形式 beat

47、s。4are supposed考查动词的时态。此处指 Linda,你应该朗诵原创作品,一首你自己写的诗,而不是背诵你学到的东西。由上下文语境可知用一般现在时,be supposed to do sth.意为“应该做某事” 。5to apologize考查非谓语动词。此处指你要离开房间,直到你准备好道歉再回来。be ready to do sth.意为“准备好做某事”。6for考查非谓语动词。句意:现在,Joseph 在等我回答。wait for sb. to do sth.意为“等待某人做某事”。7that考查固定句型。句意:他看上去如此和蔼,很有同情心,以至于我对他倾诉了整个故事,尽量抑制住自己的泪水。本句包含“sothat”句型,意为“如此以至于”。8yourself考查代词。此处指 Linda,当你应该维护你自己的时候,接受失败会成为一个非常危险的习惯。 主语 you 和介词 for 的宾语指代的是同一个人, 故用反身代词 yourself。9His考查代词。句意:他的眼睛微笑着看着我的眼睛。分析句子结构可知,设空处作定语,修饰 eyes,故用 His。10knocked考查动词的时态。句意:我深深地吸了一口气,敲了敲教室的门,准备面对 Mrs. Baker朗诵我的诗。分析句子结构可知,took 与设空处是由并列连词 and连接的并列结构,故填 knocked。


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