1、Unit 3 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONReading and Thinking: Climate Change Requires World Attention文本简析文本简析本单元探讨的话题是:环境保护。主题语境是“人与自然”人与环境、人与动植物,人类生存、社会发展与环境的关系。本语篇是以气候变化需要全球关注,通过分析气候变化的成因和警示气候变化的影响, 号召全人类采取恰当行动, 减少碳排放, 应对全球变暖。该文本是一篇议论性文本。全文共五段,主体部分按“现象呈现案例佐证原因解析危害分析观点对策”展开。第一段:全球气候剧烈变化,地球变得越来越暖;第二段:2013 年北
3、责任感的人。教学设计教学设计(共共 2 课时课时)第第 1 课时课时一、教学内容一、教学内容感知全文概貌,明确文本结构划分,重点学习第一至三段,了解全球变暖的现象表现、警示案例及形成原因。二、课时目标二、课时目标2通过快速阅读,查找段落主题句,概括段落大意,梳理段落关系,归纳文本结构,揣摩作者写作意图,发展逻辑思维能力。3. 通过文本分析以及问题链的解答,对文本第一至三段进行内容梳理,整理和丰富话题语言,辨识和归纳文本使用的写作方法,最后通过采访活动的形式复述巩固所学。三、教学过程三、教学过程Activity 1: Arousing interest in weather and climat
4、e change本活动为实现课时目标本活动为实现课时目标 1 做铺垫。做铺垫。Students observe the graph of the 7-day-weather forecast of our city and the graph in thetextbook. Discuss the following questions.Q1: How many years of the temperature change does the graph in the textbook record?Q2: What are the largest temperature difference
5、s in the two graphs?Q3: Compare the temperature changes in the two graphs. Is the temperature rise in thetextbook graph a big deal?【设计意图】创设语境,引入话题,围绕主题激活学生已知及学习兴趣。先用本市 7天天气预报图创设情境,提高学生关注兴趣、减少表达焦虑,再通过问答形式引导学生关注课文配的全球地表气温变化图中的升温趋势、 记录年限和最大温差, 并比较两图显示的温度变化大小, 引导学生思考温度上升对人类有无影响。 一方面, 激活学生就该话题已有的词汇、认知和经验
6、;另一方面,除了训练学生通过读图获取主要信息的能力,还为后续挖掘主题意义、激发学生的批判性思维和创新性思维埋下伏笔。Activity 2:Predicting the content of the text本活动旨在落实课时目标本活动旨在落实课时目标 1。Students look at the photo and the title of the passage, and answer the questions.Q1: What might be the causes of the polar bears death?S: The bear might die of hunger, bec
7、ause its body was skinny.Q2: What might we learn from the passage according to the title?S: Answers may vary.【设计意图】让学生根据图片和标题预测课文内容,锻炼学生的思维能力。Activity 3:Dealing with the main idea of each paragraph本活动旨在落实课时目标本活动旨在落实课时目标 2。Students skim the text to find the topic sentences and get the main idea of ea
8、ch paragraph.【设计意图】引导学生通过运用略读阅读策略,寻找主题句并根据主题句对段落大意进行概括,整体把握文本内容,提升概括能力。Activity 4:Identifying the structure of the passage本活动旨在落实课时目标本活动旨在落实课时目标 2。Students read the title of the text again, go over the main idea of each paragraph and find thekey words. Then identify the structure with the help of th
9、e teacher.3. Figure out what type of writing the text is.S: Argumentation.【设计意图】通过查找段落主题句,确定每段的段落大意;根据段落主旨关键词画出文本结构图,帮助学生更好地理解篇章结构,把握文本主线。Activity 5:Reading for the detailed information in paragraphs 1-3本活动旨在落实课时目标本活动旨在落实课时目标 3。Students read the passage, answer the questions and fill in the forms.1.
10、 What is the evidence of a dramatic climate change in the first paragraph?S: A warming ocean and atmosphere, melting ice and rising sea levels.2. Read Paragraph 2 and fill in the form.An Alarming Case3. What expressions have been used to make the case convincing?S: Quotations from authorities or spe
11、cialists, like according to the scientists, an expert said , and experts claimed that 4. Read Paragraph 3 and fill in the form.5. What human activity will produce greenhouse gases and increase the “man-made”greenhouse effect?S: Burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas.【设计意图】解构文本,引导学生运用一定的
12、阅读策略,在加工表层信息的基础上对相关信息进行整合与阐释。不同段落处理的侧重点不同,比如第二段以内容为主,基于不同信息点的整合,形成信息链。第三段,以语言为核心指向,通过对对比修辞的研读达成更深入的理解。Activity 6:Thinking and Performing本活动旨在落实课时目标本活动旨在落实课时目标 3。Group work: An interviewInterviewer: a reporter from an international school newspaperInterviewee(s): student(s) in the international schoo
13、lTopics: global warming / greenhouse effect / greenhouse gases / fossil fuelsTry to use as many newly-learned words and expressions as possible.【设计意图】 采访任务旨在锻炼学生把从文本中获得的信息和习得的表达方式加以复述和巩固,并尽量与个人经历或生活之间建立有意义的联系,同时增强团队合作意识。Assignment1. Surf the Internet and find 3-4 reasons why people burn fossil fuels
14、.2. Read Paragraph 3 again and create your own diagram to describe how the greenhouseeffect works.3. Finish part of the students worksheet.【设计意图】使用元认知策略,通过互联网查找语言学习所需的信息和材料,丰富对本节课最后一个活动所讨论的内容的认知, 并为下节课的迁移创新类活动搭好脚手架。 用简图视觉化第三段关于温室效应的较为复杂的科普信息, 有助于学生掌握一种便捷高效的认知策略, 借助图表等非语言信息进行表达。 用相关习题内化和应用本节课所学的语言知识和
15、文本信息。第第 2 课时课时一、教学内容一、教学内容完成全文学习,加深对温室效应现象、全球变暖的成因与后果的理解,锻炼分析问题、解决问题的能力,通过迁移创新,完成给作者写信,讨论减少碳排放措施的任务。二、课时目标二、课时目标1. 展示优秀课后作业,复述上节课的重点内容,加强对简图的应用,加深对温室效应现象、导致全球变暖关键因素的理解。2. 细读第四、五段,概括、梳理、整合全球变暖的后果、作者给出的应对措施等信息。3. 结合所学,通过小组讨论、同伴分享、个人思考,用给作者回信的方式分享日常生活中切实可行的减少温室气体、减少碳排放和碳足迹的措施,提高思维品质和语言能力。三、教学过程三、教学过程Ac
16、tivity 1:Reviewing the homework tasks本活动旨在落实课时目标本活动旨在落实课时目标 1。Students work in groups to pick out the best diagram and the most frequently mentionedreasons. Then exchange and share ideas.1. Group presentation: A diagram describing how the greenhouse effect works.Each group picks out the best diagram
17、 of its group. One member sticks it on the blackboardand gives a short explanation of how the greenhouse effect works.2. Group presentation: Why do people burn fossil fuels?Each group picks out 3 most frequently mentioned reasons.Divide the reasons into different categories.【设计意图】此活动是热身环节,作为第一课时作业的展
18、示,学生需要整合运用简图、语言、内容与结构进行简单复述。作业 1 用展示各组最佳简图的方式,综合训练学生通过听说读看“画”多轮活动,复现目标词汇,熟悉使用英文表达温室效应的原理,强化对全球变暖原因的深度理解。 作业 2 用写词条的方式, 综合呈现各组对产生大量温室气体的使用化石燃料原因的搜集与整理, 是对课文内容的有效补充, 并为后续活动 3 这一环节找出针对性的解决措施做好铺垫。Activity 2:Reading for the detailed information in paragraphs 4-5本活动旨在落实课时目标本活动旨在落实课时目标 2。这一活动中,作者的观点即全文论点即末
19、段第二句(主题句)应当突出处理。Students read the passage and fill in the forms.1. What examples of extreme weather and natural disasters do you know and what are theireffects?2. What measures should be taken to deal with global warming?3. What adjectives and adverbs has the author used to suggest his attitude towa
20、rds globalwarming and what is his attitude?The author must think that global warming is the most serious issue and requires urgentattention.【设计意图】通过问题链,帮助学生重构文本信息,提升分析梳理信息的能力;通过查找形容词、 副词深层理解作者的情感态度和观点这条暗线, 锻炼推断作者的意图和态度的能力。Activity 3:Thinking and writing本活动旨在落实课时目标本活动旨在落实课时目标 3。1. Mini-writing: Write
21、 a letter to the author about what you will do to help.Group leader picks one topic from the previous presentation of homework 2Use 1+2+3 method (1 sentence pattern, 2 phrases, 3 n./v./adj. learnt from this reading text)60-80 words, 10 minutes to prepare2. Emphasize the saying of this unit.Need vs.
22、greed; share vs. protect.【设计意图】利用本节课活动 1 作业复习环节中各组总结出的使用化石燃料的原因,每组抽取一个原因, 引导学生通过自主合作探究的学习方式, 在新的语境当中, 应用所学语言,给作者写一封信,告知他你为减少温室气体、减少碳足迹将采取的措施,从而一方面和这节课的第一个活动首尾呼应,另一方面也和课文的最后一句提问相呼应,并形成学生与文本、与作者的关联与互动。最后,用单元格言强调人类要和自然和谐共生,帮助学生认识到在生命之圈中人与万物平等,而且相互影响;人类生存需要获取所需,但绝不应贪婪。把所学所悟迁移到对自己行为的影响,从而鼓励学生努力成为一名索求有度、关
23、爱生命、有社会责任感的人。AssignmentPolish your letter to the author.【设计意图】结合所学,迁移创新,锻炼分析问题、解决问题的能力。在真实情境中锻炼主题语言的精确输出,综合应用所学语言,有效陈述个人观点和情感,传递信息,并培养学生的思维。One possible version:Dear author,There is strong evidence that burning fossil fuels produces extra greenhouse gases andworsens global warming. We should take im
24、mediate actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.First, I will restrict my use of energy by turning off lights when leaving the room. Second, Iwill tell my parents to buy a solar water-heater to replace the gas water-heater. Third, I will wearmore clothes to keep warm in winter instead of using the electric heater.All in all, I will seize every opportunity to reduce my carbon footprint. Thank you foreducating us about global warming.Yours,Reader