Unit 5Using Language 2ppt课件-(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第三册高中英语.pptx

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1、1. Read a poem and write a short essay about it.2. Write your own poem. What is a poem?A poem is a composition with rhythmicbalance expressing ideas or experiencesor feelings.A poem is a literary work that is not in verse but deals with emotional or descriptive themes in a rhythmic form. A poem is a

2、 piece of writing in whichthe words are arranged in separate lines, often ending in rhyme, and are chosen for their sound and for the images and ideas they suggest. A Grain of Sand William BlakeTo see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,A

3、nd eternity in an hour. Have you read the poem?Do you remember any poems you have read, either in Chinese or in English?How long will the bright moon appear? Wine-cup in hand, I ask the sky. I do not know what time of year, It would be tonight in the palace on high.水调歌头水调歌头 苏轼苏轼 明月几时有?把酒问青天。明月几时有?把酒

4、问青天。 不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。Before you read, discuss how to understand a poem with your partner. Make a list of questions that the readers should consider while reading poems. The following points may help you. Subject Images Tone Rhythm and sounds Feelings and emotions Rhetorical devicesRead the

5、 poems below and then complete the table.WIND ON THE HILLNo one can tell me,Nobody knows,Where the wind comes from,Where the wind goes.Its flying from somewhereAs fast as it can,I couldnt keep up with it,Not if I ran.But if I stopped holdingThe string of my kite,n. 细绳;线;细绳;线;一串一串It would blow with t

6、he windFor a day and a night.And then when I found it,Wherever it blew,I should know that the windHad been going there too.So then I could tell themWhere the wind goes.But where the wind comes fromNobody knows. A. A. MilneDREAMHold fast to dreams,For if dreams dieLife is a broken-winged birdThat can

7、not fly.Hold fast to dreams,For when dreams goLife is a barren fieldFrozen with snow.Langston Hughesadj. 贫瘠的;贫瘠的;不结果实的不结果实的A MATCHIf love were what the rose is,And I were the leaf,Our lives would grow togetherIn sad or singing weather,Brown fields or flowerful closes,Green pleasure or grey grief;If

8、love were what the rose is,And I were like the leaf.A. C. Swinburnen. 悲伤;悲悲伤;悲痛;伤心事痛;伤心事Wind on the HillDreamA MatchSubject ImageswindWhere the wind comes from and goesdreamHold fast to dreamsloveIf love were what the rose isWind on the HillDreamA MatchRhyming wordsRhetorical devicesknows, goes, can

9、, ran personificationdie, fly, go, snowmetaphorleaf, griefmetaphorChoose one of the poems and write a short essay about it. The following example may help you.The poem Dream by Langston Hughes is very short with only 8 lines. When I read the poem aloud I can hear that the ends of the second and four

10、th sentences rhyme “die” and “fly”. The last word from the sixth and eighth sentences also rhyme “go” and “snow”. These rhyming words sound nice and make the poem pleasing to read.When I close my eyes, I can see different images from the poem. For example, I can see two hands being held【1】. I can se

11、e a bird flying in the sky【2】. I can see a field and I can imagine what it looks like with lots of snow. I start to feel cold when I read these lines!【1】画线部分为感官动词宾语宾补画线部分为感官动词宾语宾补结构,结构,being held为过去分词的进行式作宾补,为过去分词的进行式作宾补,表示正在进行的被动动作。表示正在进行的被动动作。【2】画线部分为感官动词宾语宾补画线部分为感官动词宾语宾补结构,现在分词短语在此作宾补,表示正在进结构,现在分

12、词短语在此作宾补,表示正在进行的主动动作。行的主动动作。I learnt a new phrase, “hold fast”, which means to hold onto something. “Barren” is also a new word to me, which means empty.I think the poet is giving us advice. He wants us to keep dreaming, because life is much better when we dream and have something to look forward to

13、.How to write a short essay about a poem?如何写诗歌赏析类文章如何写诗歌赏析类文章写法一写法一:通过对全诗的整体通过对全诗的整体分析,表达自己的分析,表达自己的观点观点写法二写法二:就诗歌最突出的方就诗歌最突出的方面进行分析,表达面进行分析,表达自己的见解。自己的见解。写法一写法一一篇较完整的诗歌赏析类文章包含如下内容:一篇较完整的诗歌赏析类文章包含如下内容:1.1.作者作者简介简介2 2. . 作品作品写作写作背景背景简介简介3. 3. 作品作品意向分意向分析析(诗句的(诗句的解释或翻解释或翻译,诗句译,诗句所表达的所表达的情感、思情感、思想和意境)想

14、和意境)4. 4. 作品的艺作品的艺术手法分术手法分析析(通常结合(通常结合在作品意向在作品意向分析之中)分析之中)5. 5. 作品艺术作品艺术特点的综特点的综合评价合评价(常带有总(常带有总结的意味)结的意味)写法写法二二 采用这种写法时,作者只需要抓住其中采用这种写法时,作者只需要抓住其中一个方面,如意境、语言表达、某一手法等。一个方面,如意境、语言表达、某一手法等。对于其他方面则可不提及,因而采用这种写对于其他方面则可不提及,因而采用这种写法的文章篇幅一般较短小。法的文章篇幅一般较短小。体体 裁裁人人 称称时时 态态要要点点结结构构图图开头开头点题点题提炼出诗歌中所提炼出诗歌中所包含的信

15、息。包含的信息。议论文议论文第三第三人称人称为主为主1. 1. 一般现一般现在时在时2. 2. 一般过一般过去时去时主体主体段落段落多种方式表达,多种方式表达,层次分明,结构层次分明,结构清晰,过渡自然。清晰,过渡自然。结尾结尾针对诗歌中所提针对诗歌中所提供的信息,发表供的信息,发表自己的自己的观点。观点。写作布局写作布局4. 4. 作品的艺作品的艺术手法分术手法分析析(通常结合(通常结合在作品意向在作品意向分析之中)分析之中)5. 5. 作品艺术作品艺术特点的综特点的综合评价合评价(常带有总(常带有总结的意味)结的意味) Here is a poem titled . by. It is p

16、opular with Chinese readers. This poem is about nature and life. It is written with special writing skills. It rhymes at the end of each line. The language of the poem is descriptive and vivid.4. 4. 作品的艺作品的艺术手法分术手法分析析(通常结合(通常结合在作品意向在作品意向分析之中)分析之中) Whenever we read this poem, some characters appear c

17、learly. Only by reading it repeatedly can we grasp the spirit of this poem. Considered as one of the greatest poets of the Tang Dynasty, will undoubtedly live in peoples heart forever. In my opinion, the young generation today should understand and learnt form the poem. Write your own poem by follow

18、ing these steps. Start with the theme first. Ask yourself, “What message do I want to give to the reader? What is important to me?” Next, think about the words and phrases you would like to use. Make a list of words related to your theme. Then check how well your details paint a picture in your need

19、. Now write the poem. Read it aloud and listen to how it sounds. Finally, give it a title. Now your poem is ready! 诗歌诗歌是高是高度概括、反映社会生活的文学度概括、反映社会生活的文学体裁,也体裁,也是最是最富有激情和感情色彩富有激情和感情色彩的的体裁体裁。诗歌往往用高度凝练的语言来表达诗人的喜诗歌往往用高度凝练的语言来表达诗人的喜怒哀乐,诗人把自己对生活和客观世界的理怒哀乐,诗人把自己对生活和客观世界的理解和感悟融入诗中解和感悟融入诗中。诗。诗歌可以以其特有的节歌可以以其特有的节

20、奏与方式影响人们的精神世界奏与方式影响人们的精神世界,饱,饱含着作者含着作者丰富的思想感情。丰富的思想感情。1. 目的明确。目的明确。人们写诗歌出于各种各样的目人们写诗歌出于各种各样的目的,有的是为了讲述一个故事,有的是为的,有的是为了讲述一个故事,有的是为了表达感情,有的是为了描述事物等等。了表达感情,有的是为了描述事物等等。2. 内容充实内容充实。诗诗歌要言之有物,传达出作者歌要言之有物,传达出作者对外在世界的独特感受,所表现的题材要对外在世界的独特感受,所表现的题材要有深刻丰富的内心体验。有深刻丰富的内心体验。3. 形式适当。形式适当。在写诗歌时要注意选择一种既在写诗歌时要注意选择一种既

21、能实现写作目的又能驾驭的形式能实现写作目的又能驾驭的形式。五行诗五行诗。第第一行一行:一个名词(主:一个名词(主题);第二行题);第二行:两两个形容词(个形容词(描写主题);第三行:三个动词描写主题);第三行:三个动词-ing形式形式(与(与主题相关的动作);第四行:四个词主题相关的动作);第四行:四个词(作者感(作者感受);第五行:一个词(回归主题受);第五行:一个词(回归主题)。)。KittyNaughty, sleepyChasing, tearing, lickingDay in, night outMeow清单诗清单诗。可可长可短,可以重复一些短语,形成固定句型长可短,可以重复一些短

22、语,形成固定句型和诗的节奏和诗的节奏。可。可以有韵脚,也可以没有以有韵脚,也可以没有。What moves meIt moves me .When my family around the table have holiday feasts.When my father mends my bicycle with oil-covered hands.When my mother waits a long time for me at the school gate.When my grandpa holds Grandmas hands while crossing the street.Wh

23、en my sister sings a sweet lullaby (摇篮曲摇篮曲) to her baby.When my pet cat licks her kittens softly.4. 语言得当。语言得当。诗歌的语言不同于我们的日常诗歌的语言不同于我们的日常用语,也不同于一般的小说和散文的语言。用语,也不同于一般的小说和散文的语言。诗人只有对实用语言加诗人只有对实用语言加以以“破坏、改破坏、改造造”,如英国著名诗人艾略特所说的那样如英国著名诗人艾略特所说的那样“扭断扭断语法的脖子语法的脖子”,才能使之成为诗歌的语言。,才能使之成为诗歌的语言。5. 有节奏感。有节奏感。在语言的外观

24、上,诗歌通常是在语言的外观上,诗歌通常是以分行排列的方式呈现,且要有和谐的音以分行排列的方式呈现,且要有和谐的音韵,鲜明的节奏。诗歌的押韵是指通过重韵,鲜明的节奏。诗歌的押韵是指通过重复元音或辅音以达到一定的音韵效果,一复元音或辅音以达到一定的音韵效果,一首诗歌的押韵具有一定的规律,尤其是在首诗歌的押韵具有一定的规律,尤其是在诗句的末尾,即尾韵。诗句的末尾,即尾韵。Spring, the sweet Spring, is the years pleasant king;Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring,Cold doth no

25、t sting, the pretty birds do sing,Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!(Spring by Thomas Nash)Now write your poem.There once was a boy who thought,He could eat all the sweets he had bought.He gobbled them down,Then started to frown,Cause hed eaten more than he ought.Take turns to read aloud your poe

26、ms and then have a discussion on what you think they mean. Give your personal opinion or advice based on what you have learnt from this unit.Read aloud your poem to the class or put it up in the classroom. Revise your poem with the help of your group members or what you have learnt from this unit. Share your poem with the class and put it up in the classroom.


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