Unit 3 Is this your pencil -Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:30366).zip

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UnitUnit 3 3 IsIs thisthis youryour pencilpencilI.用 a, an, the 填空1. Is this _ English car?- No, its _ Chinese car.2. Look, that is _ egg, and it is _big egg.3. _ sun (太阳) is in the sky (天空).II.单项选择:- _book in your schoolbag?- Yes, it is.A. Is your B. Whats this C. Is it D. How are 2. Is that your eraser?- _.A. No, its my eraser B. Yes, it is C. No, that isnt D. Yes, its your eraser3. This is _ room (房间)A. my B. my a C. my an D. a my4. Is this your eraser?- No, it isnt. I think _.A. it her eraser B. its her eraser. C. its her eraser D. its my eraser5. - _ you Tony Brown?- No, my name _ Nick Brown.A. Is; is B. Is; am C. Are; am D. Are; is1.自主学习 根据句 意及汉语提示,完成单词。 1. Whats this in English?- Its a _ (铅笔). 2. Is this your _ (橡皮)? - Yes, it _. 3. Do you have (有) a _ (字典)?- Yes, I do. 4. My _ (尺子) is yellow. His is blue. 5. _ _(请原谅), is this your _ U3Unit3 Is this your pencil?CartoonCartoon timetime & & SoundSound timetimeABCFEDa pencil casea rulera schoolbaga pena crayona pencilCa rubberG 你捡到了一个学习用品,不知道文具的名称你捡到了一个学习用品,不知道文具的名称,请在小组内询问的同时,找找文具的主人,请在小组内询问的同时,找找文具的主人吧!吧! A:Hello! xxx Whats this? B: Its a A: Is this your? B:Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. A: Here you are. B: Thank you. Topic:Cartoon time.BobbyAndSamCartoon time.What will happen this time?这次又会发生什么故事呢?上上集集回回顾顾本集预告:本集预告:a lunch boxLook 、listen and answer ( ) 1. Whats (有什么)(有什么)in Sams lunch box? A. pies B. Bobby C. cakes ( )2. Will(将)(将) Bobby eat the cake? A. Yes B. NoCBWhere is Sams lunch box?Sam says(说)说): Its _.A. here B: over thereBover there在在那那里里在在哪哪里里Listen again and answerReading time 跟读录音,跟读录音,注意模仿录音中的语音语调哦。注意模仿录音中的语音语调哦。 选择你喜欢的方式,朗读课文选择你喜欢的方式,朗读课文和同伴分角色读和同伴分角色读自己朗读自己朗读小组内齐读小组内齐读Read in different waysIs this my lunch box? Yes, it is.Wheres your lunch box? Its over there.Ha! Ha! What is it? Cakes!This is for you. Bobby. No! Thank you. Reading time小小朋朋友友,注注意意语语音音语语调调哦哦!1.问某样东西是你的吗?可以说问某样东西是你的吗?可以说: Is this/that/it your?回答:回答: Yes,it is./No,it isnt.2.询问在哪里可以说:询问在哪里可以说: Wheres?3.在那儿可以说:在那儿可以说: Its over there.有哪些带有哪些带/r/发音的单词呢?发音的单词呢?rubberrulerrunA red robot/r/A ruler, a rubber,A re(d) ro-bot has a / ruler an(d) a rubber. 1.听磁带背听磁带背 Cartoon time。 2.听磁带练习唱听磁带练习唱Sound time。配音Lets imagine轮到轮到Bobby分享自己的分享自己的午餐了,他给午餐了,他给Bobby带带来的是来的是惊喜惊喜还是还是恶作剧恶作剧呢,充分发挥你的想象吧!呢,充分发挥你的想象吧! (一)(一)A:Is this your?B:No,it isnt.A:Wheres?B:Its over there.A:What is it?B:Hot dogs/Pies/Eggs/CakesA:This is for you.B:Thank you. (二)A:This is my lunch box.B:What is it?A:Hot dogs/Pies/Eggs/Cakes Would you like.?B:Yes,please./No,thankyou.教 学目 标1. 能听懂、会读、会说 a lunch box,wheres,over there.2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语 Is this/that -?及其回答 Yes , it is./No,it isnt. 3. 能正确地理解并朗读句型 Wheres ? Its over there. 4. 能有节奏说出 Sound time 句子。教学重点能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助以各种形式朗读课文内容。教 学重 难点教学难点能有节奏说出 Sound time 句子。能知道会读字母 r 的发音/r/。教学资 源1. 学生已有的学习经验:A 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语 Is this/that -?及其回答 Yes , it is./No,it isnt. 。2. 学生可能遇到的问题: lunch box/over there 等词组朗读得不够到位。3. 教学策略:A. 以话题为主线,组织循序渐进、行之有效的教学活动,使每一个学生在主动探究、合作学习的过程中,内化知识,提升能力。4.教学准备:PPT预习作 业听录音试读 Cartoon time&Sound time.学 程 预 设导 航 策 略调整与反思Learning aims.(1 分钟)分钟)Greetings(8 分钟)分钟)1.Say and spell2.Make a dialogueWhile-reading&Post-reading(19 分钟)分钟)1.复习上个单元的 cartoon time,齐读出示的图片。T: Hello, boys and girls.Now , class , when we pick up a school thing and dont kow what it is ?We can ask in groups and try to find the owner.A :Hello ,what is this?B :Its a-A:Is this your-?B:Yes , it is ./No, it isnt.A:Here you are.B:Thank you.2.学习词组:a lunch box跟读,个别读,齐读。3.听录音的过程中回答三个问题,学习 wheres /over there.4.跟读录音模仿模仿语音语调。5.以小组为单位选择自己喜欢的方式进行朗读:单独读,分角色读,齐读等。6.全班展示。Consolidation&Checkout(10 分钟)分钟)1.学习字母 r 的读音/r/.2.跟着录音有节奏地进行朗读。3.以小组为单位进行朗读和比赛。4.小结。Homework(2 分钟)分钟) 听磁带,读 Cartoon tme&Sound time5 遍。背出 Sound time.完成一课一练P20 一、二 P21 四。1.出示两个卡通人物:Sam & Bobby,复习上个单元的 cartoon,进而引出本次的cartoon time.2.通过四幅图,学习词组 a lunchbox.注意 u/ch/x 的发音。3.让学生听读录音两遍,每一遍都出示问题,让学生逐渐疏通文章。在第二遍听的时候,学习单词 where 及 wheres=where is.在回答过程中学习 over there4.跟读录音两遍,注意提醒学生模仿语音语调。5.选择自己喜欢的方式进行朗读:单独读,分角色读,齐读等。6.全班展示,教师进行评价和提出建议。1.出示一个红色机器人,学习字母 r 的读音/r/.2.跟着录音有节奏地进行朗读。3.比赛朗读。4.Do a summary.明确作业要求
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