Unit 6 What time is it -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:10835).zip

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三下英语三下英语 Unit 6(练习)(练习) 班级姓名_一、抄写下列单词(一、抄写下列单词(4 遍)遍)class bedOk luncheleven bagtwelve二、选出与其他两项不同类的单词。二、选出与其他两项不同类的单词。( )1. A. breakfast B. dinner C. bed( )2. A. twelve B. how C. seven( )3. A. clock B. brother C. sister( )4. A. talk B. shout C. book( )5. A. rubber B. lunch box C. pencil case三、从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话。三、从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话。A. How old B. pencil C. where D. for E. what time 1. is it? Its five oclock2. is it? Its behind the door.3. are you? Im eleven4. Whats this? Its a. 5. Its time lunch. Task 1 Song time a clockeleventwelve time时间时间Task 2 Game timeTip: 快速读出数快速读出数字,要大声哦!字,要大声哦!123569101147812Its oclock.three3 点钟What time is it ? oclock,oclock,Its oclock.Tick-tock, tick-tock,What time is it?滴答,滴答,滴答,滴答,几点了?几点了?Aim 1: (目标目标1)I can talk about time.(我能谈论时间了。)我能谈论时间了。) 你能给这个故事选择一个合适的名字吗你能给这个故事选择一个合适的名字吗?A: Liu Taos Weekend(周末周末) B:Liu Taos Day(一天一天)Task 3 Story time快速读故事快速读故事Story time What time are mentioned in the story? (故事中提到了哪些时间?故事中提到了哪些时间?) 7 : 0 06 : 0 08 : 0 09 : 0 012: 0 011 : 0 0 Story time What time are mentioned in the story? (故事中提到了哪些时间?故事中提到了哪些时间?) 7 : 0 06 : 0 08 : 0 09 : 0 012: 0 011 : 0 07 : 0 012: 0 07 : 0 06 : 0 0breakfast A早餐早餐B午餐午餐C晚餐晚餐Think and chooseIts seven oclock.Its time for breakfast.是吃早饭的时间了。是吃早饭的时间了。lunch午餐午餐breakfast早餐早餐dinner晚餐晚餐Wake up, Tao tao.如果你是刘涛的妈妈,你会用怎样的语气和动作?如果你是刘涛的妈妈,你会用怎样的语气和动作?A.A. 起立起立B.B. 醒醒醒醒想一想,选一选!想一想,选一选!Listen and chooseRead and guessHurry up!A.A. 快一点快一点B.B.不着急不着急 ?OK刘涛和爸爸会对妈妈说什么呢?刘涛和爸爸会对妈妈说什么呢?是是睡觉睡觉的时候了。的时候了。注意升调,注意升调,降调,降调,重读和连读重读和连读标志标志。Wake up, Taotao.What time is it, Mum? Lets repeat.Its seven oclock. Its time for breakfast.Good morning, Miss Li.Good morning, Liu Tao. Hurry up!Its time for class.Its six oclock. Its time for dinner.What time is it, Mum?Its nine oclock. Its time for bed.OK, Mum.Read in roles.(分分角色读角色读)Read after one.(跟一个学跟一个学生读生读)Read together.(齐读齐读)活动形式活动形式:选择一种选择一种喜欢的喜欢的形式形式朗读课文。朗读课文。活动要求:活动要求:每个人都要参加每个人都要参加!友情提醒友情提醒:读出不同人物的语气有加分哦!:读出不同人物的语气有加分哦!读音准确、流读音准确、流利利读音准确、流读音准确、流利、有感情利、有感情Aim 2: (目标目标2)I can read and act the story.(我能朗读和表演故事了。我能朗读和表演故事了。) 7:00Breakfast 8:00Class12:00Lunch 1:00Story7:00 TV 6:00DinnerA: What time is it?B: Its oclock. Its time for 7:00Breakfast 8:00Class12:00Lunch 1:00Story7:00 TV 6:00DinnerA: What time is it?B: Its oclock. Its time for 7:00Breakfast 8:00Class12:00Lunch 1:00Story7:00 TV 6:00DinnerA: What time is it?B: Its oclock. Its time for 7:00Breakfast 8:00Class12:00Lunch 1:00Story7:00 TV 6:00DinnerA: What time is it?B: Its oclock. Its time for 7:00Breakfast 8:00Class12:00Lunch 1:00Story7:00 TV 6:00DinnerA: What time is it?B: Its oclock. Its time for 7:00Breakfast 8:00Class12:00Lunch 1:00Story7:00 TV 6:00DinnerA: What time is it?B: Its oclock. Its time forA good timetable makes you successful合理安排时间能使你成功合理安排时间能使你成功!1. 听录音,并跟读课文三遍。2.自制一面钟,和同桌练习谈论时间。3. 向你的家人和朋友介绍你的时间表。Goo odbye三下三下 UnitUnit 6 6 WhatWhat timetime isis it?(it?(教案)教案)一、教学内容一、教学内容译林英语三下 Unit 6 What time is it?(story time) 第一课时二、教学目标二、教学目标1. 能初步感知、体验单词 wake up, mum, oclock, breakfast, dinner, class, bed, OK, eleven, twelve.,并理解单词的意思;2. 能在情境中感知如何询问时间,能初步听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for . 及 Hurry up.3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。4 教育学生我们要做一个会合理利用时间的人。三、教学重难点三、教学重难点重点:能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。难点:能在情境中感知如何询问时间,能初步听懂、会说、会读句型日常交际用语:What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for . 及 Hurry up.4 4、学情分析学情分析大部分学生能通过第五单元数字的学习很好的引入到第六单元时钟的表达以及句型 Its time for 的学习,但也有少部分同学接受能力欠强,学习态度不端正导致学习不扎实,不能灵活运用所学知识。针对这一情况,教师应面向全体并因材施教,提高孩子学习英语的兴趣性,树立每个学生学好英语的信心。五、教学过程五、教学过程StepStep 1 1 WarmWarm upupT: Good , boys and girs.Ss: Good , Miss Pan.T: First, lets enjoy an English song ,OK?Ss: OK.PPT 演示Ten little Indian boys 1.Sing a song: Ten little Indian boys 2.Play a game ,Try to say the numbers T: What can you see in this picture?S: Numbers.T: What are they? Can you say them? (根据学生的回答把这些数字围成一圈形成一个钟的形状,但还缺少 11 和 12).S: One, two, ten.T: OK. Very good. Lets say them together.Ss: One, two, ten.StepStep 2 2 PreparingPreparing andand PresentationPresentation1、学习 eleven、twelveT: (PPT 在钟上出示 11)Look, its a number, do you know it?S1: Its eleven.(学生通过预习,有的学生应该会说)T:(PPT 在 11 旁边出示 eleven)Yes, its eleven. Please spell it follow her.S1: E-L-E-V-E-N,eleven.Ss: E-L-E-V-E-N, eleven.T: Good. (同法学习 twelve) T:Look! Whats this? Can you guess? (PPT:It can tell us(告诉我们) time. It goes tick-tock tick-tock. What is it? Guess .(PPT 把刚才的数字变成一个钟,出示学习 clock)2、学习 what time is it? Its eight oclock.T: The clock can tell us time .Look, what time is it?S: Its three .(PPT 呈现 8 点钟)T: Yes, its three oclock.(跟老师学习 oclock)3、Practice T-ST: what time is it?S1:Its three oclock.T: what time is it?S2:Its three oclock. S-TT: Look at the clock. Can you ask me?S1:What time is it?T: Its six oclock.So , today our topic is- Unit 6 What time is it?(揭题)4、Practice in pairs: (PPT 演示几个时间)T: Look. What time is it now?S: Its seven oclock.T: Please practice like this.S-S(同桌问答) 教师板书:A: What time is it? B: Its olock.Act it out.T: Which pair will try?(学生对话反馈)S1: What time is it?S2: Its seven oclock.S3: What time is it?S4: Its nine oclock.(PPT)Tip:整点时间表达:数字+oclock(这句话最好要放到操练前)Story timeTask 1 Listen and tick 初步感知课文T: (PPT 出示课文第一幅图)Look, our friend is coming.Whos he?Ss: Hes Liu Tao. T: What happens? Lets listen and please tell me : What time do you hear?(学生听课文录音后,选择出现的时间。PPT 呈现)T:What time do you hear?S:回答,教师在 PPT 上完成操作。T: Are you right?Task 2.Listen and chooseT: Now,Lets watch the cartoon. Please choose what does Liu Tao do at 1、Liu Tao has at seven oclock. A. lunch B. breakfast2、Liu Tao has at eight oclock. A. class B. lunch 3、Liu Tao has at six oclock. A. class B. dinner4、Liu Tao goes to at nine oclock. A. bed B. school(在学生完成题目的过程中学习生词:breakfast, dinner, bed.每做完一个选项,就把相应的句子改成: Its oclock. Its time for. 并让学生跟读。 )Task 3:Read and guess(初读课文,划出你不会读的单词。 )T: OK. Now, boys and girls, please read the text by yourselves, mark the new words you cant read. 学习 wake up, hurry upWhats the meaning(意思) of “wake up” ?Whats the meaning(意思) of “hurry up”?在听读中了解词义并选择Task 4.Listen and readT: Now, Lets read after the tape.(学生跟读录音)T: OK. Lets read it together.Task 5.read and actT: Now, its your turn to read it in your group. You can choose one way to read it.两人一小组来演一演,看看你能得多少颗星星? 选择 2 到 3 组学生进行表演,并适时进行评价。T: Which group will try?Group 1 act out.T: How many stars can they get?Ss:.StepStep 3 3 ShowShow time.time.1.转动转盘同时巩固句型: Its oclock. Its time for2.(教师根据板书)T: This is Liu Taos timetable. Can you say something about your timetable?(可准备一张纸,让学生试着写一写,说一说。此时,PPT 转为实物投影,把学生的 timetable 放到展台上)不一定要限定学生写课文一样的活动,老师可做 model 或给一些例词(games TV )反馈:T: Who will try to tell us your timetable?S1:.S2:.T: Heres a sentence for you:A good timetable makes you successful!3.欣赏What time is it?卡通动画歌曲。StepStep 4 4 HomeworkHomework1.Listen to the tape and read the story.2.Say your timetable to your friends.板书: Unit 6 What time is it? A: What time is it? B: Its . Its time for. Liu Taos Timetable7:00breakfast8:00class6:00dinner9:00bed准备材料:My Timetable( 你可以用上以下单词,可以是周末在家做的事情哦:breakfast, class, game, lunch, dinner, TV, bed)A: What time is it?B: Its . Its time for.
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