Unit 8 We're twins!-Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:600ac).zip

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中华园小学中华园小学 周敏娟周敏娟whowhoboyboyWhosWhos she?she?girlgirlWhosWhos thatthat girl?girl?WereWere twins!twins! Game time: 规则:规则:如果看到单词和图片时,请大声读出来,如果看到单词和图片时,请大声读出来, 如果看到如果看到 ,一起拍手说:,一起拍手说:“ouch”Magic eyes C: Mike, whos he?B: Hes my uncle.A: Whos she?D: Shes my aunt.At SchoolLook,readLook,read andand choose.choose.看一看,读一读,选一选看一看,读一读,选一选. . A: Whos that girl? B: Whos she? C: Shes Su Yang. Shes my sister. D: Shes Su Hai. Im Su Yang.At SchoolWere_!twinsWelcomeWelcome toto mymy birthdaybirthday party!party!At Mikes birthday partyWhoWho willwill comecome toto mymy party?party? CanCan youyou guess?guess?谁可能会来参加我的生日谁可能会来参加我的生日派对呢?你能猜一猜吗?派对呢?你能猜一猜吗?Guess! Is he/ she? His names_. A. Mike B. Liu Tao C. Robbie RoyRobbie Royboytoy Robbie Roy isnt very tall(高)(高). His cat and mouse are also(也)(也)small.Game:游戏规则:依次读出植物给出单词,以最快的速度连词成句,打败僵尸。boythatWhoslittleWhosthatlittleboy?RobbieHisRoynamesHisnamesRobbieRoy.veryRoytallRobbieisnttall.RobbieveryRoyisntcatHisarealsoandmousesmallcatandmousearealsoHissmall Whos that little boy? His names Robbie Roy.Robbie Roy isnt very tall. His cat and mouse are also(也)(也) small. Learning tip: 朗读时注朗读时注意押韵,体会儿歌的意押韵,体会儿歌的节奏和韵律!节奏和韵律!四人一组选择任意一种读法:四人一组选择任意一种读法: A.A.四人齐读;四人齐读; B.B.四人每人读一句;四人每人读一句; C.C.一名同学带读;一名同学带读; D.D.或用你们自己喜欢的方式或用你们自己喜欢的方式WhoWho elseelse willwill comecome toto mymy party?party? 还有谁可能会来参加还有谁可能会来参加我的生日派对呢?我的生日派对呢?Guess! Is he/ she? Nick is nine. Nick has a _. Nancy is ten. Nancy has a _.Sound timebookpenNick is nine. Nancy is ten.Nick has a book.Nancy has a pen.n n 同学们:同学们:你能找出含有你能找出含有 n发音单词吗?赶快开动脑筋吧!发音单词吗?赶快开动脑筋吧!Sound timemannewwomantwin Tips: n发音时舌尖抵上齿龈,嘴巴半开。发音时舌尖抵上齿龈,嘴巴半开。同桌读一读,体会字母“n”在单词中的发音吧!greenbrownballoonplanebeanbananaspoonmoon四人小组讨论一下,你四人小组讨论一下,你们记住了哪些单词呢?们记住了哪些单词呢?看一看,读一读,看一看,读一读,比哪组记得最多。比哪组记得最多。nursenice你会用正确朗读这些的单词吗?两人一组相互检测一下吧!Try to say /n/ ,/n/ _, _ has a _.同学们,你会用下面的图同学们,你会用下面的图造句吗?造句吗?pentrainplaneWhoWho elseelse willwill comecome toto mymy party?party? 还有谁可能会来参加还有谁可能会来参加我的生日派对呢?我的生日派对呢?Guess! Is he/ she?uncleauntgirlsister两人一组,先说说这幅图片,然后完成书上55页练习。注意书写工整、美观哦!Try to say 同学们:同学们:你能用所你能用所学的句型学的句型问问问问图中图中的人物吗的人物吗?句子问?句子问得越多越得越多越棒哦!棒哦!A:WhosA:Whos he/she?he/she?B:Hes/ShesB:Hes/ShesA:WhosA:Whos thatthat boy/boy/girl/man/woman?girl/man/woman?B:Hes/Shes.B:Hes/Shes.Try to say Try to say Friends are very important in our life!1. Read the rhyme to your partner and try to make a new chant.2. Find more words that pronounce /n/.Unit 8 Were twins!Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time 教学设计教学设计Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标1. 学生能听懂、会说字母 n 在单词中的读音,发音准确。2. 学生能在真实的情景中灵活运用本课所学的句型 Whos he/she? Hes/Shes Is he/she ? Yes./No.并体验学习英语的乐趣。3. 学生能熟练地介绍自己的家庭。4. 会诵读歌谣 Whos that little boy?Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点教学重点:能听懂、会说字母 n 在单词中的读音,发音准确。 会诵读歌谣 Whos that little boy?教学难点:学生能熟练使用本课所学,并在真实的情景中灵活运用。Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程Step 1 Warming up1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Miss Zhou.T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.T: How old are you?S: Im ten.T: Do you like playing games?S: Yes.T: I like games too. Lets play a game.2. Game: Hit the mouseT: Game rules: If you see the pictures or words, please read them loudly. If you see the mouse, please clap your hands and say “ouch”.S: Play the game together.【设计意图:通过同学们喜爱的打地鼠游戏热身,复习本单元的目标词汇和句型并且引出课题,同时活跃了课堂气氛,调动了学生的学习热情和积极性。 】Step 2 Revision1. Look, read and chooseT: Su Hai and Su Yang are twins. Theyre at school now. Lets go and find them. Look at these pictures. Take out your paper and choose what do they say.S: Finish the exercise. 【设计意图:通过小练习复习 story time 的对话,巩固前几课时所学的知识,并且为新授内容做铺垫。 】2. Read story time togetherT: You did a good job. Now lets read it together.S: Check the answers and read together.【设计意图:学生齐读,培养正确的语音语调。 】Step 3 Rhyme time1. Look and guessT: Su Hai and Su Yang are Mikes friends. They will go to Mikes birthday party after school. Can you guess who else will go to Mikes party?S1: Is he Wang Bing?S2: Is she Yang Ling?.T: Lets watch a flash and see who will come to Mikes party. 【设计意图: 让学生用 Is he/she?的句型猜一猜谁来参加麦克的生日聚会,引出 rhyme time 中的人物 Robbie Roy,同时也激发了同学们的好奇心,吸引学生的注意力。 】2. Watch and chooseT: Please watch the flash and tell me who is that little boy.(教师播放 rhyme time 的动画) S: Robbie Roy.T: (出示 Robbie Roy 的图片) Is he very tall?S: No.T: His cat and mouse are also small. (新授单词 tall,also)【设计意图:在看动画前提出问题,让学生带着问题观看,及时提取有效信息,锻炼学生的信息处理能力。 】3. Game: Read and link(连词成句)T: Robbie Roy also likes playing games. Lets play a game with him. When you see the words, please read them loudly. Then link them into a sentence.S: Read the words and link them into a sentence.【设计意图:通过同学们喜爱的植物大战僵尸的游戏巩固操练了 rhyme time 中的句型,分散了难点。 】4. ChantT: Well done! Now lets chant together.S: Chant with music.Step 4 Sound time1. Look and guessT: Who else will come to Mikes party?S: Is he/she.?2. Watch and answerT: (教师播放 sound time 的动画) Who are they? How old are they? What do they have?S: Answer these questions. (教师出示单词:man, new, nine, twin, woman,学生朗读。)T: Do you know more friends who have the same pronunciation? Lets read them together. (教师引导学生找到更多 n 发音的单词,并将它们写在黑板上大家一起朗读。)T: Great. Lets read about Nick and Nancys rhyme together. (学生朗读发音部分的儿歌,教师指导发音和节奏。 教师示范含有n发音的儿歌,并鼓励学生两人合作运用自己找到的词汇创编儿歌。)【设计意图:通过动画和图片让学生朗读 n 发音的单词读音,在朗读过程中引导学生认真观察教师口型并跟读模仿,体会读音。通过学生自主寻找相同发音的单词并创编成有一定节奏感的小诗,进一步巩固发音。 】3. Game: Good memoryT: Look at the pictures and try to remember as many words as you can.S: Play the game.【设计意图:通过比一比记忆力的游戏呈现更多 n 发音的单词,再齐读巩固。 】Step 5 Checkout time &Ticking time T: Liu Tao will also come to Mikes party. They are talking about Mikes family. Page55 and fill in the blanks. S: Finish the exercise and check the answers.T: We talk about Mikes family and your family. If you can talk about your family with 1-2 sentences, you can get one star; with 3-4 sentences, two stars; 5-6 sentences, three stars. Can you ask about others family with “Who”? If you can ask 1 question, you can get 1 star; 2 questions, 2 stars; 3 questions, 3 stars. We learn the sound of the letter “n”. If you can read and pronounce the words well, you can get 1 star; if you can read the chant well, you can get 2 stars; if you can make a new chant, you can get 3 stars. (教师引导学生通过三个问题,学会自评。)T: Now please say to your deskmate and check whether you can get all three stars. (教师引导学生同桌互评。)【设计意图:通过自我练习,自评;同桌反馈,互评;帮助学生回顾本单元所学,强调重难点。做练习前,帮助学生通过图片观察谈论他们的关系,并复习核心表达。完成练习后,通过齐读方式校对并巩固。 】Homework 家庭作业家庭作业1. 跟读发音,说说更多发n的词。2. 诵读歌谣。Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:教学准备:PPT板书设计:板书设计: Unit 8 Were twins! Whos he/she?Is he/she your father/mother ? Yes, he/she is No, he/she is not n n new nine man学生找到含有 n 发音的单词
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