Unit 3 Is this your pencil -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:71de7).zip

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Lets play!If you see a phrase , read it and do it.如果你看到了一个词组,请把它读出并作出相应动作。If you see a tiger, shout Ahh!如果你看到了一只老虎,请大叫Ahh。Rules (规则)Lets play!stand upsit downrun, run, runopen your bookclose the bookopen the bookopen the schoolbagsleep, sleepeat my cakedrink my milk schoolbaga pena pencila pencil casea rubbera rulera crayonLook and read(Period 1)根据小手指的提示来问问Bobby吧Is this/that your ?Is this your ? 这是你的吗?Is that your ? 那是你的吗?肯定回答: Yes,it is. 是的,它是。否定回答: No, it isnt.不,它不是。Summary:一般疑问句Lets guess!礼物Lets guess!Is this a? Lets guess!Is that a? Lets guess!Is that a? Is this a? 近Is that a? 远远肯定回答: Yes,it is,否定回答: No, it isnt.Summary:Who is he?Whats the matter with him?(他怎么了)Watch and say!要注意读出故事中人物的要注意读出故事中人物的心情心情, ,也可加上一些也可加上一些动作动作哦!哦!This isnt my pencil.这不是我的铅笔。Whats the matter with him?(他怎么了)Mike cant find (不能找到)his _. _ and _are helping him(帮助他).pencilYangLingLiuTaoListen ,find and underline!(听老师朗读,找出相应的句子并用线划出来Liu Tao and Yang Ling help(帮助) him.Is this your pencil?No, it isnt.你的Is that your pencil?No, it isnt.thatLets learn!Oh, thats my pencil.那是Find the sentence and read aloud.(在文中找到适当的句子并尝试大声读出来。)Is that a pencil?Yes, it is. Its a pencil.Lets learn! Fun time!ABCDEA E C D B小朋友们,你们能帮着排顺序吗?What did they say?试着说说他们都说了些什么?Listen and repeat!This isnt my pencil.Is this your pencil?No, it isnt.Oh, thats my pencil. Is that your pencil?No, it isnt.Is that a pencil?Yes, it is. Its a pencil.一起读一读,注意语气,一起读一读,注意语气,尝试加点动作哦!尝试加点动作哦!Lets help!Please take good care of our things!请妥善保管好我们的学习、生活用品!Mike找不到他的文具用品了,让我们一起来帮帮他吧!Homework!1.Copy the new words(抄写新单词)2.Read Story time after the tape(跟录音朗读课文)键入文字UnitUnit 3 3 IsIs thisthis youryour pencil?pencil? PeriodPeriod 1 1TeachingTeaching material:material:小学英语三年级下册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil? Story timePeriodPeriod teachingteaching Analysis:Analysis:story time 以教师为场景,展示了同学间的一些简单对话,主要学习 Is this/ that your? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. TeachingTeaching aimsaims andand learninglearning objectives:objectives:A: Knowledge:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇 pencil, pen, ruler.2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇 isntis not, thatsthat is, schoolbag, crayon, pencil case.3. 能听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型 Is this/that your pencil? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.B: Ability:1.能熟练运用本单元所学的一般疑问句句型提问,并作出相应的回答。句型 Is this/that your pencil? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.2.词汇:pencil, schoolbag, crayon, ruler, pencil case.C: Emotion:1.学会保管,有秩序的安排自己的物品。2.当周围的人遇到困难时能力所能及的帮助。FocusFocus ofof thethe lesson:lesson:1.句型 Is this/that your pencil? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.2.词汇:pencil, schoolbag, crayon, ruler, pencil case.PredictedPredicted areaarea ofof difficulty:difficulty:1.句型 Is this/that your pencil? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.的正确读音和语调。2.词汇:pencil,schoolbag, crayon, ruler 的读音和用法。TeachingTeaching aidsaids:录音机(带), PPT, 单词卡片, 黑板上画四线三格TeachingTeaching proceduresprocedures:Step1.GreetingsS: Stand up.T: Good morning, boys and girls,Ss: Good morningT: Sit down, please.键入文字Step2. Presentation and practice 1.Play a game(要求看到单词、短语或句型大声朗读出来,看到老虎则大喊“shout” ) 2.屏幕呈现句型 Open your schoolbag. 3.屏幕出现书包图片,并教学该单词。 4.教师指着图中书包里的文具开始逐一教学文具类单词。在此过程中渗入本课重点句型-Is this/that a .?-Yes,it is./No,it isnt. T: Look, whats this?S: Its a pen. (引导学生回答) 。T: Yes, this is a pen.T: Is this your pen?S1: No, it isnt.T:(拿学生的钢笔问该生)Is this your pen?S2: Yes, it is.板书:pen(贴上图片或多媒体呈现) Is this your pen? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. 同法教授 schoolbag, pencil, crayon, ruler, rubber(教到这个单词时,可复现之前 cartoon time 里的句子:Dont listen to the parrot.) pencil case.2. 学生把各种文具放在桌上,教师拿学生学生的文具与学生对话:T: Is this your pencil?S1: Yes, it is.T: (to S2) Is this your pencil?S2: No, it isnt.T: (指着桌上的铅笔)Is that your pencil?S2: Yes, it is.反复操练,使学生理解拿在手上的可以问:Is this . . .?在远处的可以问 Is that . . .?3. 让学生出示外形奇特的文具,师生对话:T: Is this a rubber?S: Yes, it is.T: Its a nice rubber.S: Thank you.T: Is that a pen?S: No, this is a pencil.T: Oh, I see. The pencil is nice, too.1)教学完文具类单词,引出课题。2)看图,让学生根据图中的小手来向 Bobby 提问,训练句型运用及复习 this/that 的用法。键入文字3)初步让学生通过刚才教学过程中出现的对话句型第一次总结一般疑问问的肯定和否定回答。4)通过猜盒子里物品的小游戏来巩固一般疑问句。并再次总结一般疑问句。此处强调 a 和your 不能同时出现在一个单词前面。4.学生小组就文具运用学习的语句对话。Step3.Story time1. 出示 Story time 的第一幅图片,指导学生看图T: Look, who are they? Do you know?S: They are Mike, Yang Ling, Su Yang and Liu Tao.T: Yes. They are in the Art room. They are drawing. What happened? Lets watch the cartoon and then answer my some questions.1) Whats Mike looking for? Mike 在找什么?2) Who helps him? 谁帮他找东西呢?3) Can he find it? 他能找到吗?指导学生抓住关键词,简单做一些笔记。2. 学生观看动画,回答问题。3. Listen and repeat.学生听录音跟读,提醒学生注意模仿语音、语调。4.学生分小组分角色朗读。5.学生小组上台表演对话。Step4. Homework1.听录音跟读 Story time 对话2.抄写四会单词Step5 板书设计Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Is this/ that your?Yes, it is.No, it isnt.pencil, pen, pencil case, schoolbag, crayon, ruler, rubber教学反思: 本节课我作为一节小组内教研课来进行教学,总的来说教学设计和实际教学过程是比较顺利和流畅的,教学效果也比较明显,学生们都通过本节课对一般疑问句及其回答有了一定的认知。但是在教学实践过程中也出现了我备课没有考虑周到的地方This isnt my pencil.这句话学生朗读时比较困难,让我有点措手不及。在我看来极其简单的句子到了学生口中有点拗口和别扭。由于备课没有预见,所以在教学时颇费了不少时间,导致最后的大活动没有能够完成。在今后的备课中,一定要更加注重细节,要想学生所想,尽力做到环环不错。键入文字
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