Unit 4 Where's the bird -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:314fe).zip

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Sing a songOnInUnder Do you remember the monkey in the song?Look at it. How is it?看看它。它怎么样?还记得歌里面的小猴子吗? How beautiful! 真漂亮!Its nice.Its great.How nice!Wheres the在哪里Its _ the box.Wheres theIts _ the box. Its _ the box.oninunder在上面在里面在下面123Wheres the Its _ the door.behind在后面Look! A bird.How beautiful!Then, what s going on ?接下来发生了什么?The bird is in the classroom now. But then, where is the bird? 小鸟现在教室里,但是接下来,小鸟在哪里呢?( )( )( )( )( )a.b.c.d.e.Watch the cartoon and put the pictures in right orders. 看动画,排序。( )( )( )( )( )12a.b.c.d.e.345给图片排序。A: Wheres the bird?Its _ the . 椅子Its _ the door.桌子Its _ the .Its _ the deskonunderinbehind同桌看图问答:小鸟在哪里?它在deskchairRead it with emotions.有感情的朗读。Look! A bird! How beautiful!读出惊喜的语气读出赞美的语气Wheres the bird?Its under your desk.Now its behind the door.在后面Its not here ! Where is it?Su Hai ! Its on your chair !小声地读出这句Its in my desk.Its in the tree now.低声地读读出高兴地语气Does Mike find the bird behind the door?麦克在门后找到了小鸟吗?How do you know that? 你怎么知道麦克没找到小鸟的?Its not here ! Where is it?读出失望的语气Read together(齐读)Work in groups of 4.Act the story.四人一组,演一演这个故事。The bird is flying into Mikes study.(小鸟飞到了Mike的书房)Try to remember where they are!(在规定时间内记住画中闪烁物品的位置!)Mikes studyWork in pairs, stick the things to the right place.(两人合作,将文具贴在正确的位置)Mikes studyLets check your answers. Help Mike find out one of the things. 同桌2人合作帮助Mike找出其中任意一件物品。Pair workAsk and answerWheres ?Its Enjoy a new story, discuss and choose.欣赏一个新故事,讨论并选择。 The bird has three friends. A cat 、a pig、 and a bear.Now,they want to play a gameHide and seek(捉迷藏)!5,4,3,2,1.Wheres the bear?Hes under the chair. Oh!No,its not a bear.Wheres the bear?Hes on the chair. Wheres the cat? Shes behind the schoolbag. Oh! No, its not a cat. Wheres the cat? Shes in the schoolbag. Wheres the pig? Ha! Ha! Shes under the tree. Shes sleeping!Now, they are very happy.They are listening toa song!The End A new story ( )1.Wheres the ? Hes_ . A on the chair B under the chair ( )2.Wheres the ? Shes_ . A behind the schoolbag B in the schoolbag( )3.Wheres the ? Shes_ . A under the tree B in the treeTake out the paper. Read it, discuss and choose.读绘本,讨论并选择。 The bird and her friends The bird has three friends. A cat, a pig, and a bear. Now,they want to play a gameHide and seek(捉迷藏 )! 5,4,3,2,1. Wheres the bear? Hes under the chair? Oh!No, its not a bear. Wheres the bear? Hes on the chair. Wheres the cat? Shes behind the schoolbag.Oh! No, its not a cat. Wheres the cat? Shes in the schoolbag. Wheres the pig? Ha! Ha! Shes under the tree. Shes sleeping. Now, they are very happy. They are listening to a song!Read by yourselves, discuss and choose.读绘本,小组讨论并选择。( )1.Wheres the ? Hes_ . A on the chair B under the chair ( )2.Wheres the ? Shes_ . A behind the schoolbag B in the schoolbag( )3.Wheres the ? Shes_ . A under the tree B in the tree BAABirds and animals are our friends, so we should protect them.动物是我们的朋友,我们应该要保护们。Homework:1.Read story time after class and try to act with your partners. 跟录音有感情地朗读故事,并尝试演一演小鸟的故事。2. Try to retell the story time. 试着复述课文的内容!1.听磁带听磁带 ,读故事读故事 5遍。遍。2.用用Wheres the ? Its on, in, behind, under来说说物品的位置。来说说物品的位置。译林版译林版英语英语 (三年级下册)(三年级下册) Unit 4 Wheres the bird?(第一课时)(第一课时)一、教学内容一、教学内容译林版英语 (三年级下册) Unit 4 Wheres the bird?(第一课时)二、教学目标二、教学目标1.能听懂、会读、会说单词bird,desk,chair,on,in,under,behind,beautiful,where,tree。2.能听懂、会读、会说词组 under your desk,behind the door, on your chair, in my desk, in the tree。3.能初步会说、会运用句型 Wheres.?及其回答 Its.三、教学重点三、教学重点1.能听懂、会读、会说单词bird,desk,chair,on,in,under,behind,beautiful,where,tree。2.能听懂、会读、会说词组 under your desk,behind the door, on your chair, in my desk, in the tree。3.能初步会说、会运用句型 Wheres .?及其回答 Its.四、教学难点四、教学难点1.能听懂、会读、会说单词bird,desk,chair,on,in,under,behind,beautiful,where,tree。2.能听懂、会读、会说词组 under your desk,behind the door, on your chair, in my desk, in the tree。3.能初步会说、会运用句型 Wheres.?及其回答 Its.五、教学准备五、教学准备板书、PPT、自制图片六、教学过程六、教学过程Step1.Greetings&Warm up1. Sing a song :On In Under2.Free talkT:Do you remember the monkey in the song? How is it?S1:Its nice.S2: Its great.S3:How nice.T:Yes, we can also say How beautiful.(教授 How beautiful)3.Answer the questions: PPT 呈现Where is the monkey? Its on the box. (在上面)Its in the box. (在里面)Its under the box.(在下面)Its behind the door(在后面)Step2.Presentation and practice1. Listen and look!Look! How beautiful!2. The bird is in the classroom. Then where is it? Watch and order.(看视频给图片排序)3.Work in pairs(两人看图互相问答)A:Wheres the bird?B:Its on the chair.(教授 chair)B:Its under the desk. (教授 desk)B:Its in the desk.B:Its behind the door.4. Lets read(跟着音频读课文,提醒学生注意语气的表达,并且加上动作)5.Read and think Q1:Does Mike find the bird behind the door?(麦克在门后找到了小鸟吗?) Q2:How do you know that?(你怎么知道麦克没找到小鸟的?)6.Read together7.Read and act8.Lats act.Step3. Consolidation1. Pair work: Stick the things to the right place2. Help Mike find one of the things. Wheres .? Its .3.Enjoy a new story, discuss and choose( )1.Wheres the ? Hes_ . A on the chair B under the chair( )2.Wheres the ? Shes_ . A behind the schoolbag B in the schoolbag( )3.Wheres the ? Shes_ . A under the tree B in the treeHomework:1.Read story time after class and try to act with your partners. 跟录音有感情地朗读故事,并尝试演一演小鸟的故事。2.Try to retell the story time. 试着复述课文的内容!Blackboard design:Unit 4 Wheres the bird?Bird Its on the chairChair Its under the deskDesk Its in the desk Its behind the door
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