Unit 3 Is this your pencil -Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:d2426).zip

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Sing a songQ1:What things can you see ? 在动画中你看到了哪些物品呢?在动画中你看到了哪些物品呢?Q2:Which things are the school things? 其中哪些物品是学习用品呢?其中哪些物品是学习用品呢?Sing a songSing a songQ1:What things can you see ? 在动画中你看到了哪些物品呢?在动画中你看到了哪些物品呢?Q2:Which things are the school things? 其中哪些物品是学习用品呢?其中哪些物品是学习用品呢?What school things do you have?school things学习用品学习用品penpencilpencil caseschoolbagrulerrubbercrayon 你有哪些学习用品呢?你有哪些学习用品呢?If you see pictures and words, read loudly!看到图片和词组,大声读出来!Rules (规则)Play a game看到 大声说 “Bomb!”pencil my ruler your schoolbag crayonpenPlay a gameShow and talk about our school things. 展示并谈论自己的学习用品。展示并谈论自己的学习用品。Lets show ! This/That is my这这/ /那是我的那是我的It is my 它是我的它是我的Tip: 你可以用以上句型来介绍哦!你可以用以上句型来介绍哦!Is that a ? Guess game 1 猜一猜一猜老师将要画的是什么学猜老师将要画的是什么学习用品呢?习用品呢?Is that a ? Guess game 1 Is that a ? Guess game 1 猜一猜一猜盒猜盒子里是什么学习用品呢?子里是什么学习用品呢?Is this / that a ?Yes, it is .No , it isnt. Guess game 2Tip: 观察手的位置,注意观察手的位置,注意this(近处)与(近处)与 that(远处)(远处)的用法区别哦!的用法区别哦!当当我们不确定某样物品是什么时,可以问我们不确定某样物品是什么时,可以问:当我们肯定对方答案时,可以说:当我们肯定对方答案时,可以说:Yes, it is.当我们否定对方答案时,可以说:当我们否定对方答案时,可以说:No, it isnt.Is this/ that a ? Sum up Is this your ?No, it isnt.Yes, it is.4人一小组,使用各自的文具人一小组,使用各自的文具做做”猜物品猜物品”的游戏。的游戏。Task 1Rules(规则)(规则)Step 1. Close your eyes.负责猜的同学闭上眼睛。负责猜的同学闭上眼睛。Step 2. Put one stationery in the basket.小组内其他成员选择一个文具放进篮子里。小组内其他成员选择一个文具放进篮子里。Task 1Rules(规则)(规则)Step 3. Guess.睁开眼睛猜测物品的主人。睁开眼睛猜测物品的主人。Liu Tao, is this your pencil?Task 1Rules(规则)(规则)Task 2Step 2. Put one stationery in the basket.另一小组成员商量选择一个文具放进篮子里。另一小组成员商量选择一个文具放进篮子里。Step 1. Close your eyes.负责猜的小组选一位同学闭上眼睛。负责猜的小组选一位同学闭上眼睛。Step 3. Guess.睁开眼睛猜测物品的主人。睁开眼睛猜测物品的主人。每两小组之间合作,使用各自的文具做每两小组之间合作,使用各自的文具做”猜猜物品物品”的游戏。的游戏。Tip: 注意注意this(近处)与(近处)与 that(远处)的选择哦!(远处)的选择哦!当我们询问某物是不是某人的,可当我们询问某物是不是某人的,可以说:以说:当我们肯定对方答案时,可以说:当我们肯定对方答案时,可以说:Yes, it is.当我们否定对方答案时,可以说:当我们否定对方答案时,可以说:No, it isnt.Is this/ that your ? Sum up 老师捡到不少文具,却不知道是谁的,老师捡到不少文具,却不知道是谁的,需要请需要请4名小帮手同时出发寻找失主,记得要名小帮手同时出发寻找失主,记得要用用Is this your?来来挨个挨个询问同学们,大家询问同学们,大家看仔细啦,是你的东西就回答看仔细啦,是你的东西就回答Yes, it is. 不是不是就回答就回答No,it isnt. 找到后赶紧上来找到后赶紧上来拍打一拍打一下讲台下讲台以示成功。看谁最先完成任务!以示成功。看谁最先完成任务! Lets have a match 比赛比赛Is this/ that your?Yes, it is.No,it isntHere you are.Thank you.Dont forget this or that.Please take care of your things.不要丢三落四,请看管好你的东西。不要丢三落四,请看管好你的东西。Advice 放学了,孩子们放学了,孩子们在整理书包。在整理书包。schoolbagpencilrulerNorubberYesLets write!Tip :Write correctly and clearly.(书写要正确、清晰。书写要正确、清晰。) 在写英文时,我们要写得正确、工整、清楚。我们还要在写英文时,我们要写得正确、工整、清楚。我们还要正确使用大小写字母和英文标点符号正确使用大小写字母和英文标点符号。schoolbagpencilrulerNorubberYesIs that your ruler?Happy train 连词成句连词成句isrulerthat?yourThat is my schoolbag.Happy trainschool-bagmyis.thatIs this your crayon?Happy traincrayonthisis?yourEnjoy a cartoon Advice Homework:1. Read the words.(拼读单词)(拼读单词)2. “Ten questions” game.(小组合作运用所(小组合作运用所学句型玩句子游戏)学句型玩句子游戏)3. Make a dialogue with your partner. (同同桌之间用桌之间用IsIs this/this/ that?that?等句型谈论自己的学习等句型谈论自己的学习用品,试着将对话写下来。用品,试着将对话写下来。 )Unit 3 Is this your pencil?(Fun time &Checkout time)Teaching aims & learning objectives 教学目标1. 学生通过学习能听懂、会说、会读单词 crayon, ruler, rubber, pencil case 和 schoolbag。2. 学生通过复习能更好运用句型 Is this/that a ? Is this/that your ? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.3. 学生通过学习能养成良好的书写习惯和乐于助人的品质。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:学生通过学习能够听懂、会说、会读单词 crayon, ruler, rubber, pencil case 和 schoolbag.教学难点:学生通过复习能够更好运用句型 Is this/that a ? Is this/that your ? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings 2. Free talk 3. Sing a song : Can you tell me what this is? Answer two questions: Q1:What things can you see ? Q2:Which things are the school things? Step 2 Lead in 1. T: What school things do you have?呈现单词: pen, pencil, crayon, ruler, rubber, pencil case 和 schoolbag。2. Play a game3. Show and talk about our school things. S: This/That is myS: It is my Step 3 Revision1. Free talk(在学生展示学习用品的同时,进行对话,复习句型。 )T: Is this/that ? S: Yes, it is./No, it isnt. 2. Play a gameGuess game 1: 猜一猜老师将要画的是什么学习用品呢?S: Is that a ?T: Yes, it is./No, it isnt. Guess game 2: 猜一猜盒子里是什么学习用品呢?PPT 逐步呈现图片,让学生猜测。S: Is this/that a ? T: Yes, it is./No, it isnt. (Tip: 观察手的位置,注意 this 与 that 的用法区别哦!)3. Sum upStep 4 Presentation and practiceFun time 1. 示范游戏T: Mike and his friends are playing a game. Do you want to play this game?S: Yes.T: Who want to play this game with me?(教师先请班级中的三位学生与自己一起来玩这个游戏,然后再让学生分组玩这个游戏。)2. RulesT: Before playing this game, lets know the rules.Step 1 Close your eyes.Step 2 Put one stationery in the basket.Step 3 Guess. T: You can ask like this: Liu Tao, is this your ?S: Yes, it is./No, it isnt. 3. Play the game in groups4. Show time5. Sum upStep 5 Consolidation and production T: School is over. But there are some things lost in the classroom. Lets help them find their owners. (创设情境,巩固所学句型)Useful sentences:Look at the How nice!/Its great.Is this/that your ?This isnt my Here you are.Thank you.T: Dont forget this or that. Please take care of your things.Step 6 Presentation and practiceCheckout time T: Its time to go home. The students are packing their schoolbags. 1. 逐图讲解Picture 1T: This is Liu Taos schoolbag. What are they? Lets say. Who want to be Liu Tao?S: This is my That is/Thats my This is my schoolbag. That is my pencil.Picture 2T: Who wants to be Yang Ling/Mike?S1: Is this your ruler?S2: No, it isnt.Picture 3T: Who wants to be Su Hai/Wang Bing?S1: Is that your rubber?S2: Yes, it is.2. Write down the dialogues.(教师打开实物投影,一幅幅进行书写指导,让学生明确书上的线,相当于四线三格的第三条线,注意书写的指导和大小写等。)3. Happy train 连词成句Step 7 Emotional education 1. Enjoy a cartoon2. Ss talk about their thoughts, then T give some advice.Homework 家庭作业1. Read the words.(拼读单词)2.“Ten questions” game.(小组合作运用所学句型玩句子游戏)3. Make a dialogue with your partner. (同桌之间用 Is this/ that?等句型谈论自己的学习用品,试着将对话写下来。 )板书设计:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?schoolbag Is this/that a ? Yes, it is.ruler Is this/that your ? No, it isnt.crayon rubberUnit 3 Is this your pencil?(Fun time &Checkout time)Teaching aims & learning objectives 教学目标1. 学生通过学习能听懂、会说、会读单词 crayon, ruler, rubber, pencil case 和 schoolbag。2. 学生通过复习能更好运用句型 Is this/that a ? Is this/that your ? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.3. 学生通过学习能养成良好的书写习惯和乐于助人的品质。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:学生通过学习能够听懂、会说、会读单词 crayon, ruler, rubber, pencil case 和 schoolbag.教学难点:学生通过复习能够更好运用句型 Is this/that a ? Is this/that your ? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings 2. Free talk 3. Sing a song : Can you tell me what this is? Answer two questions: Q1:What things can you see ? Q2:Which things are the school things? Step 2 Lead in 1. T: What school things do you have?呈现单词: pen, pencil, crayon, ruler, rubber, pencil case 和 schoolbag。2. Play a game3. Show and talk about our school things. S: This/That is myS: It is my Step 3 Revision1. Free talk(在学生展示学习用品的同时,进行对话,复习句型。 )T: Is this/that ? S: Yes, it is./No, it isnt. 2. Play a gameGuess game 1: 猜一猜老师将要画的是什么学习用品呢?S: Is that a ?T: Yes, it is./No, it isnt. Guess game 2: 猜一猜盒子里是什么学习用品呢?PPT 逐步呈现图片,让学生猜测。S: Is this/that a ? T: Yes, it is./No, it isnt. (Tip: 观察手的位置,注意 this 与 that 的用法区别哦!)3. Sum upStep 4 Presentation and practiceFun time 1. 示范游戏T: Mike and his friends are playing a game. Do you want to play this game?S: Yes.T: Who want to play this game with me?(教师先请班级中的三位学生与自己一起来玩这个游戏,然后再让学生分组玩这个游戏。)2. RulesT: Before playing this game, lets know the rules.Step 1 Close your eyes.Step 2 Put one stationery in the basket.Step 3 Guess. T: You can ask like this: Liu Tao, is this your ?S: Yes, it is./No, it isnt. 3. Play the game in groups4. Show time5. Sum upStep 5 Consolidation and production T: School is over. But there are some things lost in the classroom. Lets help them find their owners. (创设情境,巩固所学句型)Useful sentences:Look at the How nice!/Its great.Is this/that your ?This isnt my Here you are.Thank you.T: Dont forget this or that. Please take care of your things.Step 6 Presentation and practiceCheckout time T: Its time to go home. The students are packing their schoolbags. 1. 逐图讲解Picture 1T: This is Liu Taos schoolbag. What are they? Lets say. Who want to be Liu Tao?S: This is my That is/Thats my This is my schoolbag. That is my pencil.Picture 2T: Who wants to be Yang Ling/Mike?S1: Is this your ruler?S2: No, it isnt.Picture 3T: Who wants to be Su Hai/Wang Bing?S1: Is that your rubber?S2: Yes, it is.2. Write down the dialogues.(教师打开实物投影,一幅幅进行书写指导,让学生明确书上的线,相当于四线三格的第三条线,注意书写的指导和大小写等。)3. Happy train 连词成句Step 7 Emotional education 1. Enjoy a cartoon2. Ss talk about their thoughts, then T give some advice.Homework 家庭作业1. Read the words.(拼读单词)2.“Ten questions” game.(小组合作运用所学句型玩句子游戏)3. Make a dialogue with your partner. (同桌之间用 Is this/ that?等句型谈论自己的学习用品,试着将对话写下来。 )板书设计:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?schoolbag Is this/that a ? Yes, it is.ruler Is this/that your ? No, it isnt.crayon rubber
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