Unit 6 What time is it -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:11617).zip

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牛津小学英语牛津小学英语3BTime Wonderland时光仙境时光仙境沿途有采星星的机沿途有采星星的机会,你能收集多少会,你能收集多少呢?快试试吧!呢?快试试吧!The train is coming.Hurry up!看到看到Miss Qiu招手说招手说Hi,看,看到图片或英文大声朗读。到图片或英文大声朗读。I can playtwo o clockI can playsix o clockI can playI can playWhat time is it?I can playbreakfastI can playI can playIts seven oclock.I can playWake up!I can playDont be late!I can playI can play Time for dinner.I can playIts time for lunch.I can play我能加入你的旅行吗?我能加入你的旅行吗?请带我一起去吧!请带我一起去吧!EddieWhere is Eddie?Wake up, Eddie.Dont be late.Where is Eddie?Hes in the _.bed妈妈会说些什么呢?妈妈会说些什么呢?Is breakfast ready?Breakfast is ready.Milk and cake. 四人小组选择不四人小组选择不同的方式朗读同的方式朗读(1)拍手齐)拍手齐读读(2)配动作演唱配动作演唱I can chantWhat is Mr.T saying?(重复重复Mr.T的话,说的越多越好的话,说的越多越好)I can rememberI can rememberWhat is Mr.T saying?(重复重复Mr.T的话,说的越多越好的话,说的越多越好)Tick-tock, eight o clock.Its time to eat.(Its time for breakfast.)Tick-tock, ten o clock.Its time to meet.(Its time for friends.)Tick-tock. Eight o clock.Its time to eat.Tick-tock. Ten o clock.Its time to meet.I can find你能找到我你能找到我的朋友吗?的朋友吗?tick, tock, eight, time, eat, ten, to, meetT /?/ / t / I can guess快来猜猜我快来猜猜我的小名吧?的小名吧?T在单词中发在单词中发什么音呢?什么音呢?I can say给我介绍些给我介绍些新朋友吧!新朋友吧!get up 起床起床Do you like Mr.T?I know the sound of the letter “t”.为为Mr.T介绍新朋友介绍新朋友了解的了解的Mr.T小名小名在小诗中在小诗中找到找到Mr.T的朋友的朋友Mr.T can _ that _ _ to the _.take bat fat towncake bag family downtakefatbattownMr.T能带那只胖蝙蝠去小镇。能带那只胖蝙蝠去小镇。I can read (带)(带) (蝙蝠)(蝙蝠) (胖的)(胖的) (小镇(小镇)你能你能用新学的词用新学的词完成完成下面的句子吗?四人下面的句子吗?四人小组讨论一下吧!小组讨论一下吧!_ TownClockI can ask and answer questions about time.迅速准确迅速准确使用使用What time is it? Its准确准确使用使用What time is it? Its同桌帮助下同桌帮助下使用使用What time is it? ItsIts time for _.TV九点钟可以做哪些事呢九点钟可以做哪些事呢?开动脑筋想想吧!?开动脑筋想想吧!A:Its. B:Its time for(四人小组说的对话越多得到的星越多四人小组说的对话越多得到的星越多)I can say “Its time for”正确说出正确说出三个三个句子句子正确说出正确说出两个两个句子句子正确说出正确说出一个一个句子句子Tick-tock, tick-tock, what time is it?Tick-tock, tick-tock, where are we?(精灵精灵) I can take you to the future. Lets fly!(快和我去未来吧!)(快和我去未来吧!)你和自己的孩子会发生哪些故事呢?你和自己的孩子会发生哪些故事呢?7:00 19:00 7:00 19:00你能在对话中用到哪你能在对话中用到哪些句子呢?快想想吧。些句子呢?快想想吧。seven a.mseven p.m四人小组,自选一个四人小组,自选一个场景对话。场景对话。(注意动作和表情哦(注意动作和表情哦)(1)(2)Wake up! Dont be late! What time is it?Its Its time for Hurry up!I want toDontWheres ?Its in/on/behind theWould you like?下次再和我一起旅行吧!下次再和我一起旅行吧!1. Read and act the rhyme with your classmates.2. Find more words with the sound of the letter /t/.3. Design a timetable for yourself.新译林英语 3B Unit 6 What time is it?练习判断下列划线字母的读音是否相同,相同的写“T”,不相同的写“F”。1. ( ) eat get 2. ( ) time red3. ( ) red run 4. ( ) six seven5. ( ) ball cap 6. ( ) sleep book翻译下列词组。1. 九点钟 _ 2. 快点 _3. 几点了? _ 4. 你迟到了。 _5. 醒来 _ 6. 是吃晚饭的时候了。 _7. twelve oclock _ 8. time for class _单项选择。 ( ) 1. Its time _ bed. A. to B. for C. in( ) 2. What time is it? _ A. Its a clock. B. Im seven. C. Its ten oclock.( ) 3. Wheres David? _ in the library. A. Its B. Hes C. Shes( ) 4. Wake _ , Su Hai. A. up B. on C. at( ) 5. Its time _ have lunch. A. to B. for C. in( ) 6. 早上妈妈叫你起床,她会说:A. Hurry up. B. Wake up. C. Good!( )7. 别人夸你的玩具多么可爱,会说:A. How lovely! B. Thank you. C. Good!( )8.你同学生日那天,你送他一个蛋糕,你可以说: A. This cake is for you. B. Here you are. C. Thank you.( )9.你想知道对方的年龄,你会问:A. How old are you? B. How are you? C. What are you?( )10.你的朋友过生日时,你会对他说:A. How old are you? B. Happy birthday! C. Thank you.( )11. 你想知道是什么时间,你妈妈可能对你说: A. What time is it? B. Im ten. C. Its ten.( )12. 你想寻找你的小尺时,你说: A. Where is my ruler? B. Where is your ruler? C. Its on the desk.QPeriod3教学内容教学内容TeachingContentsUnit6 What time is it? Sound time Rhyme time checkout time教学目标教学目标Teaching Aims1.能够掌握字母 t 的正确发音并理解、会读语音部分句子, 能结合旧单词尝试拼读新单词。2.能够熟练朗读 Rhyme time。3.能够熟练在情景中综合运用句型谈论时间以及相应时间内适合做的事情。教学重点教学重点Teaching Key Points1.能够熟练朗读 Rhyme time。2.学生能够掌握字母 t 的正确发音。 教学难点教学难点Teaching Difficult Points1、 能够熟练在情景中综合运用句型谈论时间以及相应时间内适合做的事情。2 能听懂、会说、发音准确的读出字母“t”在单词中的读音,并且能够拓展单词,并用拓展的单词试着组成一句话。教具准备教具准备Teaching Aids教学课件课前自主预习课前自主预习Independent Preview Before Class1.听读 Sound time ,理解意思并想一想还有哪些词中有/t/的发音。2.想一想,在 2040 年你和自己的孩子会发生哪些故事。你能在对话中用到哪些句子。教教 学学 过过 程程Teaching Procedures修改或反思修改或反思Adjustment or ReflectionStep1.Warming up1.Travel to Time Wonderland.T: Hello, boys and girls. Well travel to Time Wonderland today. Are you ready?S: Yes!T: (Click)Look! The train is coming. Dont be late. Hurry up!2.Play a gameT: The first station is Game Park. Lets join them and play!(看到仇老师招手说 Hi,看到图片或英文大声朗读。)Review the words and sentences.T: Good! Now, Eddie wants to join us, OK?S: OK! Lets go!Step2.Presentation1. Rhyme timeT: The second station is cinema(电影院).(1)Watch and answerT:Lets watch a cartoon and try to answer questions: Where is Eddie? T: What is his mother saying?S:T: Yes! And is breakfast ready ?S: .Teach in bed(在床上)T: Right! Try to read it out. (2)Lets actPair Work. Practice, show us and feedback.Ticking time:I can read and act the cartoon.2. Sound timeT: OK! We should say goodbye to cinema. And lets go. where are we?T: The next station is Sound Kingdom! Mr.T is a guide(护卫) of this kingdom.(1)Listen and repeatT:Lets listen. What is Mr.T saying?(重复 Mr.T 的话,说的越多越好)S: Eat, eight, ten, time. Tick-tock, eight o clock. Its time to eat. Tick-tock, ten o clock. Its time to meet.在提到时间时,复习 Its time for.(breakfast/friends) 区分 to +动词 for +名词(2)Read and findT: Lets read together.S: .T: Can you find the friends of Mr.T? (找找 Mr.T 的朋友吧!)S: Tick-tock, eight, time ,eat, ten, time, to ,meet.(3)Find and guessT: Good! Read them by yourselves and find:T 在单词中发什么音呢?S: t/t/Read after the teacher and pay attention to the sound.T: Now, what else? 你知道 Mr.T 有哪些老朋友吗?S: Ten, cat, two.T: Here are some new friends. Can you read them?通过以前学过的单词和 t 的发音,让学生拼读新单词。Take 带(cake),bat 蝙蝠(bag),fat 胖的(family),town 小镇(down)T: 你能用新学的词完成下面的句子吗?Pair work. Think and try to finish it.句子:Mr.T can take that fat bat to the town.(Mr.T 能带那只胖蝙蝠去小镇。 )Ticking time I know the sound of the letter “t”.Standard:1.为 Mr.T 介绍新朋友(三颗星)2.了解的 Mr.T 小名(两颗星)3.在小诗中找到 Mr.T 的朋友(一颗星)Step3.Consolidation and expansion1.Clock TownT: Next station is Clock Town.(1)Magic clockT: Look! Its a magic clock! Lets ask it!S: What time is it, please?T: (Click)S: Its five/two oclock.T: Great!(2)Ask and answer:T: Lets talk about it.Pair work. One asks and another answers.What time is it, please?Its .oclock.Its time for.Ticking time:I can ask and answer questions about time.Standard:1.迅速准确使用 What time is it? Its(三颗星)2.准确使用 What time is it? Its(两颗星)3.同桌帮助下使用 What time is it? Its(一颗星)(5)Brain stormingT: Its nine oclock. What can we do? You can use Its time for.S: Its time for TV/dinner.Pair work.根据图片说说在相应的时间适合做什么.Try to say more.Ticking timeI can say “Its time for”自我评价Standard:1.正确说出三个句子(三颗星)2.正确说出两个句子(两颗星)3.正确说出一个句子(一颗星)2.Time Wonderland. Lets fly to the future.T: Its Time Wonderland. Elf can take you to the future. Lets fly!(快和我去未来吧!)T: We travel to 2040. What will happen in 2040?(在 2040 年你和自己的孩子会发生哪些故事呢?你能在对话中用到哪些句子呢?快想想吧。)Group work.综合运用以前所学句型编对话。(分层)作业设计(分层)作业设计Homework1. Find more words with the sound of the letter /t/. 2. Read the Rhyme time by yourself. 1. Read the Rhyme time by yourself. 2. Find more new words with the sound of the letter /t/.3. Design a timetable for yourself.板书设计板书设计Blackboard Writing Unit6 What time is it? (Period3) /t/ take bat fat town What time is it? Its 教后反思教后反思Teaching Reflection After Class
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