Unit 4 Where's the bird -Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:d2960).doc

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Unit 4 Where's the bird -Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:d2960).doc_第1页
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Unit 4 Where's the bird -Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:d2960).doc_第2页
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Unit 4 Where's the bird -Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:d2960).doc_第3页
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Unit 4 Where's the bird -Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:d2960).doc_第4页
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Unit 4 Where's the bird -Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:d2960).doc_第5页
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1、11.1.指导思想与理论依据指导思想与理论依据本课的设计以英语课程标准为指导,坚持“以学生为中心”和任务型教学的原则;在教学设计中力求体现以学生为中心,强调学生的主体参与意识,面向全体学生,设定互动、 合作的课堂活动; 遵循语言学习输入-内化-输出的认知规律, 通过学生跟读模仿,提供标准语言输入,在整个教学流程的各个环节,为学生提供单词发音和词形的整体呈现以及视听阅读,即有声阅读。为学生的语言学习搭建支架,创建良好的语言环境。2.2.教学背景分析教学背景分析本教材为译林出版社新标准英语三年级起点第二册三年级下。整套教材的编写从语言学习的规律入手, 本册教材充分体现了三年级英语学生学习的特点知识

2、的复现与综合语言运用能力的提高。Where is the bird?一课是三年级起点第二册第四单元的内容,围绕方位介词和提问这个主题展开。具体教学内容为:Bobby 和 Sam 在玩捉迷藏。教学目标为:学生通过课堂学习,可以使用课堂新学的语言和以往积累的语言获得相关的信息,通过老师预设的问题,发散学生的思维,自由发挥想象。强调课堂上以学生为主,创设多种情景,让学生大胆去说,演。故事的朗读需要到位的语音,语调,通过不断的模仿和揣摩,能够有感情地,流畅地朗读并表演故事。同时,发挥学生的想象力和创造力,在阅读新文本之后再次完善、补充和拓展,从而加深对课文的理解和对新知识的掌握。3.3.教学准备教学准

3、备教师准备:课件、词卡、光盘等4.4.教学目标教学目标( (含重、难点含重、难点) )语言知识目标:语言知识目标:1. 学生能听懂、会说并理解字母发音 D,词组 fly away, stand on my desk 和 be myfriend。能够准确根据录音语音语调,进行朗读和背诵。2能听懂、会说、会运用句型:Where is the.?Its on/ in/ under/ behind/ beside.3. 能准确理解 Cartoon time 故事,并且正确到位模仿语音语调。进行生动的表演和拓展。4. 能理解句子 Here you are.在本文中的意思。(不同的情景,不一样的意思)2语

4、言技能目标语言技能目标1. 观察图片能力,并借助图片熟记表演课文的能力。2通过模仿发音,掌握单词的发音和拼写,并学会按照意群有感情和流利地朗读与阅读课文。情感目标:情感目标:通过本课学习,获得愉快体验,激发学生对英语的兴趣,提升学生的想象力。教学重点:教学重点:1.能够准确分辨字母 D 在单词中的发音,并且根据其发音正确读出小诗。2.能够运用句型 Its on/ in/ under/ behind/ beside.描述物品所在位置。3.能够根据图片和老师的引导,能够从局部到整体把握知识点,并且从点拓展到文章的篇章。4.能从整体上理解课文,并且进行语音语调的准确模仿。难点:难点:能够正确判断 H

5、ere you are.在不同情况下的具体实意。5.5.教学过程教学过程I. Warming up(2)Show the pictures and ask Ss to use “on/ beside/ behind/ in/ under” to say the places of theanimals. If there is no animal, ask “Where is it?”设计意图设计意图:通过对方位介词的复习,从而引出本课的主要句型和主题,同时也可以调动课堂气氛,是学生在活跃的气氛中开始课堂。所选动物均含有字母 D,为下文教授字母D 发音埋下伏笔。II. Lets review(

6、3)T: Where is the bird? Lets review the bird in the story.设计意图设计意图: :小鸟的飞行路线是复习小鸟所在位置,复习方位介词在完整句子中的表达,从而通过小鸟的不断飞,引出 fly away。为后面 Sound time 的学习进行了内容和词汇的铺垫。既可以为语篇学习营造条件。又可以帮助学生了解关于小鸟这一主题的基本语言技能,为后面布置任务起到衔接的作用。III. Lets learn(10)T:The bird flies away. Where is the bird? Look, its in the room. What can

7、 you see in theroom?S: I can see.用触发式方式引导学生说出单词 desk、bird 和 window。通过共同点的寻找,从而得出3单词 D 的发音。设计意图设计意图:通过鸟飞走到房间的顺接,以及房间内含有 D 单词的物品,引出单词 D 的发音。1.Lets listAsk Ss to list the words with the letter “d” one by one.Teacher also lists the words on the blackboard. The words are the same as those in the book.Let

8、 Ss to be little teachers to read the words.设计意图设计意图:培养训练学生的发散性思维,多多益善。并通过教师自己的列举从而引出单词书本中的单词。2.Lets thinkT:Where is the bird?Ask Ss to use the words listed to make sentences.Show the picture of the bird: stand on the desk.Teacher shows the phrase. Then ask the students to read after the recording.教

9、师运用音频让学生模仿。3.Lets readTeacher shows the bird flying away.Teacher play the recording. Then ask the students to read after the recording.Then show the whole sentence: Bird, bird, dont fly away.Teacher play the recording. Then ask the students to read after the recording.从短语到句子的逐步教授,呈现梯度。4.Lets think教师

10、问题设置:T: Bird, bird, dont fly away. Why?预设回答:It is beautiful.Sing a song.Play together.Have lunch.教师点击呈现词组:Be my friend(板书)以帮助学生会听和会说这个词组, 并引导学生理解词组并模仿发音。5.Lets readRead the rhyme in the whole. Teacher uses play the recording. Then ask the students to read4after the recording.教师播放音频,学生根据发音和节奏跟读。Read

11、in different forms. Listening and Repeating, adding the gestures.教师引导学生不同方式读课文,并要求学生有感情地,模仿跟读整篇小诗,同时加上动作。一小组,男女生比赛的形式,增加多样性。设计意图设计意图:通过循序渐进的问题设置,梳理文本内容,并为学生对课文语境和内容的理解搭建“支架”,引导学生理解课文含义。通过层层叠加的方式,使用录音音频帮助学生更好的找到发音的音调并进行准确的模仿。IV. Cartoon time(20)1. Lets learnFrom the sound of the letter D, try to read

12、 the word “beside”, and then “side” and “hide”. Atlast, the word: hide- and- seek.Show the game played between Bobby and Sam.T: What are Bobby and Sam doing?Ss: They are playing a game called Hide- and- seek.教师出示单词:Hide-and-seek,以帮助学生会听和会说这个单词, 并引导学生理解单词并模仿发音。设计意图设计意图: 通过字母 D 的发音进行不同单词的变化,引出游戏名字,从而进

13、入 Cartoontime。2.Lets thinkT: Where is Bobby?Look at the picture and guess.(in the room)设计意图设计意图: 通过问题的预设以及图片的提示,让学生进行猜测,在此过程中能够练习本课句型 Its on/ in/ under/ beside/ behind.也将学生的思维发散。2.Lets talkShow the Picture3(the rope behind the door),let Ss guess what Sam will say.预设回答:Bobby, I can see you.Bobby, you

14、 are behind the door.Come out, Bobby.Show the Picture4 (Bobby opens the door, find the rope behind the door),let Ss guess what5Sam will say.预设回答:Bobby, its not you.Oh, its a rope.3.Watch a videoEnjoy the video and ask Ss to answer where Bobby is.At first, he is in the drawer.Teach the word: drawer根据

15、已学单词:draw 并通过正迁移的方式,引导学生说出单词:drawer 的发音。教师用笔重点点击单词:drawer,以帮助学生会听和会说这个单词, 并引导学生理解单词并模仿发音。At last, he is on the table.通过两个地点,让学生用不同的思维考虑问题。4. Lets talkQ: Why Bobby comes out from the drawer?A: The nice cake.Q: What about this one? (The cake in the shape of a mouse)设计意图设计意图: 通过问题的预设以及图片的提示,让学生进行自由想象和发

16、挥,增加了文本的趣味性,同时也给孩子更多的思考空间。5. Lets readRead the story one sentence by one. Teacher plays the recording. Then ask the students to readafter the recording.教师使用音频,学生根据发音和节奏跟读。Read in different forms. Listening and Repeating6.Lets thinkT: Who wins the game?Sam wins, so its Bobbys turn to look for Sam.V.

17、Consolidation(10)1. Lets readShow the pictures of Bobby and Sam. (Teacher draws the pictures.)Invite Ss to say Picture1-4.2. Lets thinkT:What idea will Bobby get?6设计意图设计意图:通过角色的转换,从一二两张图片中,去复习和巩固课文中前四张图片内容。并且发挥学生的想象力,让他们自由发挥 Bobby 会以什么样的方法引出 Sam。学生在这个过程中,思维发散,也训练了想象力和创造力。3. Lets enjoyShow the story

18、created by the teacher. Then ask the students to read the story vididly. Choosevolunteers to act out the story.教师通过自己创编的故事,鼓励学生揣摩语言,人物心理,从而生动的朗读表演。4. Lets makeSs work in pairs and make a new story.通过小组合作的方式,发挥学生的想象力,让他们自由发挥 Bobby 会以什么样的方法引出 Sam。并且将内容写下来。5. Lets showShow the story to others and share

19、 together.VI.Assigning homework:1. Find more words with letter “d”.And try to make a new rhyme.2. Complete Scene2, draw the pictures and write down the words. Work in pairs to actout.3. Choose five things in your bedroom, write down: My is on/ in/ under/ beside设计意图设计意图:对课堂所学知识进行巩固。6. 教学流程示意教学流程示意7I.

20、 Warm-up (2)II. Lets review (3)V. Consolidation(10)活动一Review the places of the bird in the storytime.活动一:Read and guess.活动一:Guessing game.活动二:Enjoy the story made by the teacher.活动三:Making a new story and sharing thecompleted story. . Assigning homeworkIII. Sound time (10)活动一:Agame to review the wor

21、ds.IV. Cartoon time(15)活动一:Looking and guessing. Focusing onstudents imagination of the pictures andstory.活动二:Listening and repeating. Focusing onstudentsself learning and imitating with the tape.活动三:Act out the story vividly.活动一:Finding more words with letter “d” angmaking a new rhyme.活动二:Completing the story, try and act.活动三:Write down five sentences.


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