Unit 4 Where's the bird -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:500ac).zip

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( )( )( )( )2. Lets fill.Its _ Mikes . Its _ the .Its _ Su Hais Its _ Mikes .Its _ the .1.Circle and number( )( )( )Unit5 Whers the bird?Unit 4 Wheres the bird?Rules: If you think it is true(对的对的), you stand up and say “Yes”. If you think it is false(错的错的), you sit down and say “No”. You like English. Your book is on(在在.上面上面) the desk. Your pencil is in(在在.里面里面)the pencilcase. Your hands(手)(手)are under(在在.下面)下面)the desk. Your schoolbag is behind(在(在.后面)后面)the chair. You like birds.Wheres the bird?Its in the library.Its on the desk.on 在在上面上面on the deskbehind 在在后面后面Its behind the deskin 在在里面里面Its in the deskunder 在在下面下面Its under the deskIts on the chairIts under the chairWhere, where, wheres the ?In, in , its in the .Where, where, wheres the _ ?_, _ , its _ the _ .Where , where ,wheres the ?_, _ ,its _ the _.Where , where, wheres the _ ? _, _, its _ the _.birdOnononchairbirdUnderunderunderdeskbirdBehindbehindbehindchair A story aboutthe beautiful bird今天我们要来学习一个关于这只漂亮小鸟的故事!Task 1 : Listen and number 听录音,你能根据课文录音将小鸟逗留的地方排排队吗?( )( )( )( )( )12345a.b.c.d.e. Look at every picture carefully and circle the bird before listening. 听录音之前,仔细观察每幅图片听录音之前,仔细观察每幅图片并并圈出圈出小鸟的位置。小鸟的位置。a.( )( )( )( )( )12345a.b.c.d.e.Task 2 : Watch and choose 看动画,选出小鸟最后出现的地方。A. The is in the . B. The is in the . At last,where is the bird ?C. The is in the . (最后)(最后)A. The is in the . B. The is in the . At last,where is the bird ?C. The is in the . tree/ i: /(最后)(最后)Its in the tree now.在树上在树上While-readingThe apples are on the tree. in the tree和和 on the tree这两个短这两个短语汉语的意思都是语汉语的意思都是“在在树树上上”。 说人、动物、物品等说人、动物、物品等“隐于树叶之中隐于树叶之中” ,用,用 in the tree。 说果子说果子“长在树上长在树上”,则用,则用 on the tree。Task 3 : read and fill in the blanks 自读课文,试着完成句子。 Q: Wheres the bird?1.Its _ Mikes . 2.Its _ the .3.Its _ Su Hais .5.Its _ the .4.Its _ Mikes .underbehindonininWheres=Where isTask 4 : Listen and imitate 仔细听,模仿录音中的语音语调。 美丽美丽的的1、Read one by one.一人读一句。一人读一句。2、Read together.一起读。一起读。3、Read in roles.分角色读。分角色读。Task 5 : retell the story 仔细听,模仿录音中的语音语调。 你能根据提示跟大家讲一讲小鸟的故事吗?你能根据提示跟大家讲一讲小鸟的故事吗? Its flying away. (可以用动作表达可以用动作表达:飞走了)飞走了)Itsnow. Now its Mikes Oh, its Su Hais Its not here. Now its behind Its MikesLook! A bird. How! A story aboutthe beautiful bird 当你想要知道某物在哪里时,你可当你想要知道某物在哪里时,你可以问:以问: 当你告诉别人东西在某个地方时,当你告诉别人东西在某个地方时,你可以回答:你可以回答:Wheres the ?Its in / on / behind / under / . Tips(拿起你的文具,运用今天(拿起你的文具,运用今天 所学句子,问问你的同桌吧。)所学句子,问问你的同桌吧。) A: Wheres my? B: Its in / on / under /behind Birds are our friends. Trees are their home. Lets plant more trees for them!小鸟是我们的好朋友,小树是他们的家,让我们给小鸟种更多的树小鸟是我们的好朋友,小树是他们的家,让我们给小鸟种更多的树,吸引更多小鸟和她作伴吧!,吸引更多小鸟和她作伴吧!1.听录音,读熟以致背诵。听录音,读熟以致背诵。2.用用Where is ? Its .的句型来说说的句型来说说物品的位置。物品的位置。3.再搜集一些再搜集一些 on、in、behind、under这这样的介词短语。样的介词短语。Unit 4 Wheres the bird?(第一课时)TeachingTeaching contentscontents :Story time TeachingTeaching aimsaims andand learninglearning objectivesobjectives 1. 能听懂、会读、会说 desk,chair,bird,on,in,under,behind。2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语 Wheres ? Its not here. Its on/in/under/behind 。3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论东西的位置。5. 能正确演唱歌曲。FocusFocus ofof thethe lessonlesson andand predictedpredicted areaarea ofof difficultydifficulty 教学重点:能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下复述课文内容。教学难点:能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论物品的位置。Teaching aids 教学准备:教学准备:图字卡、自制的动物图片。TeachingTeaching proceduresprocedures StepStep 1 1 GreetingGreeting &Warm&Warm upup 1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, teacher.T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.2.Lets know each other T: First, listen and watch carefully. Say yes or no.StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentationLook, wheres the bird? (ppt)S: Its in the library. T: Wheres the bird now? (把小鸟放在书下)S: Its on the book.T: Good! And where is it now? (把小鸟放在书里)S: Its in/behind/under the desk. T: Now lets say a chant. (先补充完成 chant,然后跟着节奏说)StepStep 3 3 StoryStory timetimeListen and number (播放课文录音)T: Now, please take out your working paper. Lets listen and snumber.T: Where is the bird? S: Its (让学生按顺序表达句型,初步理清文本内容)2. Watch and choose.T: At last, wheres the bird?区分 on the tree 和 in the tree 的区别。3. Read and fill in the blank.4.Listen and imitateT: OK. Now we read the story together. Now open your books, turn to Page 13, and read the story 4. Retell the story (利用 PPT,带领学生一起复述) 5.Lets act.(创设环境,让学生分组表演故事)StepStep 4 4 Summarize情感渗透Step5Step5 HomeworkHomework1. 听磁带,读故事 5 遍。2. 用 Where is ?Its 的句型来说说物品的位置。3. 搜集一些 on,in,behind,under 这样的介词短语,说一说。板书设计:Unit 4 Wheres the bird?Wheres ?Its on/in/under/behind
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