Unit 7 On the farm-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:a08ac).zip

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执教者执教者 :盱眙县仇集镇中心小学盱眙县仇集镇中心小学 刘望刘望执教内容:译林版执教内容:译林版 三年级下册三年级下册 unit7 on the farm (cartoon time and checkout time)cartoon time and checkout time Unit 7 on the farmMade by LiuWangEnjoy a play1. . whowho saves(拯救拯救) Bobby?2.who walks(散步散步) with the duck?Its a duck.Its a chicken.who a picture画画一幅一幅whats this/that?Its a/an.what are these/those?Theyre. Whos this? 这是谁这是谁?Round2.watch and answer.观片答观片答题题 Round3.listen and choose.听音判断听音判断Round4.read and act 朗读扮演朗读扮演Round1. look and say.看图说词看图说词Whos this? Round1: look and saywhat are theseRound2.watch and answer.观片答观片答题题 Round3.listen and choose 听音听音判断判断Round4.read and act 朗读扮演朗读扮演Round1.look and say.看图说词看图说词Round2:Watch and answerHow many pictures does Bobby draw?Bobby 画了几幅画?画了几幅画?Round2:Watch and answerHow many pictures does Bobby draw?Bobby 画了几幅画?画了几幅画?Theyre three picturesRound2.watch and answer.观片答观片答题题 Round3.listen and choose 听音听音判断判断Round4. read and act 朗读扮演朗读扮演Round1.look and say. 看图说词看图说词Round3listen and choose1.Whats this in picture one?A.a duck B.a chicken2.What are these in picture two?A .pens B.pencils3.whos this in picture three?A .Tina B.BobbyRound3listen and choose1.Whats this in picture one?A.a duck .a chicken2.What are these in picture two?A .pens .pencils3.whos this in picture three? . Tina B. BobbyBBA.Round2.watch and answer.观片答观片答题题 Round3.listen and choose 听音判断听音判断Round4.read and act 朗读扮演朗读扮演Round1.look and say. 看图说词看图说词.a.read in different way.b.act in rolesRound4 :read and act.read after classmates read after the tape*letslets readread*Lets read*letslets readread*Lets read1.表演熟练读音正确表演熟练读音正确.2.语音正确,加入适当表情和动作语音正确,加入适当表情和动作.3.语音优美,表演深入形象语音优美,表演深入形象.LetsLets actact1.Draw (画画)a picture about your dream farm.2.Read the story for your family.(把故事把故事讲给家人听)。讲给家人听)。Theres a will, theres a way.世上无难事,只要肯攀登。世上无难事,只要肯攀登。Dont laugh at ones weak point不要笑话别人的短处不要笑话别人的短处。1 Unit7 on the farm 教学内容:教学内容:cartoon time and checkout time教学目标教学目标:知识目标:(1)能够听懂、会读、会说单词chicken,duck,picture,who。能够在真实的情景中正确地应用句型 whos this ? (2)能够熟练地应用本单元的句型 what are these/those?及回答来谈论物品。技能目标:在老师的指导和训练下掌握良好的阅读习惯。情感目标:理解小故事的趣味之处,并能够明白尺有所短寸有长的道理,不可以随意嘲笑别人的缺点。教学重点和难点教学重点和难点:(1)能够让学生在真实的情景中正确地应用句型whos this ?( 2)能够综合应用本单元的语句谈论身边的事物。教学准备教学准备:单词、句子卡片、人物图片、农场图片等教学过程教学过程:Step 1:warm-up1.greetingsT:Good morning/good afternoon boys and girls!Ss: Good morning/good afternoon, Miss Liu!T: ls it time for our class?2Ss:YesT:Are you ready now?Ss:Yes,Miss Liu!T:Today I want to divide you into four groups. Group 1 is apple group ,group 2 is pear group ,group 3 is cow group ,group 4 is pig group.Look !lets go climbing today.there is a red flag if you get it .you can get my presents .Do you understand?设计意图:小学生天性就是争强好胜,擂台争霸赛这个游戏正好符设计意图:小学生天性就是争强好胜,擂台争霸赛这个游戏正好符合学生的年龄特点。小学生有意注意力不能保持持久,而这个游戏合学生的年龄特点。小学生有意注意力不能保持持久,而这个游戏会贯穿整个课堂过程,看擂台的过程有利于收拢学生的注意力,使会贯穿整个课堂过程,看擂台的过程有利于收拢学生的注意力,使学生保持持久的学习热情。学生保持持久的学习热情。Ss: Yes.T: ok ,lets begin .2.enjoy a playT:First, lets enjoy a play .look! who are coming?Ss: Bobby and Sam.T : Yes! Bobby and Sam are drawing pictures in the park.it is very hot today . Bobby draws an ice cream.sam draws a tree.Suddenly!they see a lake .Bobby: whats that?Sam.Sam: its a lake,its small.Bobby:I want to swim.3Sam:oh no!Bobby!Bobby:help!help!Sam:I cant swim.help help!T:Just then,a duck and a chicken walk byChicken :look! this is Bobby.Duck :I can swim.Bobby,Im coming.Bobby:thank you!duck.T:the play is over.Ss: thank you!设计意图:一个幽默风趣的情景剧牢牢地抓住了学生的注意力,巧设计意图:一个幽默风趣的情景剧牢牢地抓住了学生的注意力,巧妙自然地导入了课文内容,同时也为下个小故事的展开做好了铺垫。妙自然地导入了课文内容,同时也为下个小故事的展开做好了铺垫。参与表演的同学也得到了一次锻炼和展示自己的机会。参与表演的同学也得到了一次锻炼和展示自己的机会。Step2.learn the new words and check out timeT: you did a good job!Im proud of you!thank you !Now I have some questions for you Question1:who saves Bobby?read after me who who,who can read?s:whoT:good!s:whoT:greats:who4T:wonderfulS:whoT:well done ,who saves Bobby?一只.Ss:鸭子T:Yes! duck duck d-u-c-k duck who can spell?S:d-u-c-k duckT:great!S:d-u-c-k duckT:excellentS:d-u-c-kT:good job.look what are these?Ss:theyre ducksT:good !lets look at Question2:who walks by with the duck?一只.Ss:鸡T:chicken chicken,chi-c-ken Who can read?S:chicken T:greatS:chickenT:good!S:chickenT: well done!look !where is the chicken?Ss:on the farm.5T:Yes!today we are going on learning unit7 on the farm.T:look! What we can see on the farm?maybe we can see.Ss:pigsT: now work in pairs. one asks ,the other answersYou can use these sentenceswhats this/that?Its a/ anWhat are these/those?Theyre.设计意图:小组合作讨论问答的形式创造了良好的言语交际环境,设计意图:小组合作讨论问答的形式创造了良好的言语交际环境,在有限的教学时间内大幅度地增加了学生参与语言实践量,调动了在有限的教学时间内大幅度地增加了学生参与语言实践量,调动了学生的积极性,增强了学生竞争向上的精神。学生的积极性,增强了学生竞争向上的精神。Step3:cartoon time.1:learn the new sentences.T:look at my farm again. Is it a real farm?它是一个真实的农场吗?Ss: 不是T:Its a _一幅Ss:一幅画Tt:Yes, its a picture. Read after me picture, pig picture pictureWho can read ?师点读6T:Look ,I have a picture whos this?师贴板书Ss:Bobby T:Yes ,Bobby has a new promble. .Bobby likes drawing pictures,he wants to hold a picture show.but he cant draw well.he should pass four rounds.lets help him ,ok?lets go.设计意图:帮助设计意图:帮助 Bobby 去去“闯关闯关”不仅有利于吸引全体学生参与到不仅有利于吸引全体学生参与到学习中来,也是实现学习方式转变的一种有效形式。在闯关的过程学习中来,也是实现学习方式转变的一种有效形式。在闯关的过程中学生之间加强了合作。带着任务去探究,激发了学生的学习动力。中学生之间加强了合作。带着任务去探究,激发了学生的学习动力。闯关的内容我也是有简到难,呈现阶梯式的递进,正好与闯关的内容我也是有简到难,呈现阶梯式的递进,正好与 Bobby 不不断攀登台阶的过程相对应。断攀登台阶的过程相对应。2.pass four roundsRound1 :look and sayT:lets look at the first round:look and say.师播放图片生朗读T:you are so clever,you have pass round1.Bobby can get on the first step.letslook at the mountain ,how many steps do you get? Show me your hands.group1,group2,group3,group4Round2: Watch and answer.T:Let go on round2:watch and answer.watch a video and answer me how many pictures does Bobby draw?师播放卡通片7T: who can tell me how many pictures does Bobby draw?S:Three pictures.(生根据情况来回答)T:Great !Bobby can get on the second step.lets go to the third round设计意图:让学生带着问题看动画,则有利于学生从整体上感知故设计意图:让学生带着问题看动画,则有利于学生从整体上感知故事内容。事内容。Round3 :listen and choose.T:listen and read after the tape.then give me your answers.师播放录音生跟读。师播放录音生跟读。T:who can tell me you answer.question1,question2,question3.设计意图:听音选择是对课文故事内容的再次梳理。学生选择思考设计意图:听音选择是对课文故事内容的再次梳理。学生选择思考的过程也是对课文深层理解的过程。的过程也是对课文深层理解的过程。Round4:T: well done! Bobby can get on the third step.its time to read and act. a.lets read T:first lets read after the tape.then read after the classmatesb.lets actT:its time to act now .there is only two roles ,so work in pairs I give you one minutes to prepare .ok?师请几组同学上台表演。设计意图:师首先指导学生读出设计意图:师首先指导学生读出 sam 困惑的语气,注意困惑的语气,注意 Bobby 生气生气8的表情。后边表演时加入适当的表情动作,则有利于帮诸学生读出的表情。后边表演时加入适当的表情动作,则有利于帮诸学生读出趣味,理解故事的幽默之处。趣味,理解故事的幽默之处。T: you are so great which group will get one step?maybe I think group. I want to look at the mountain ,how many steps do you get? Show me your hands.group1,group2,group3,group4Step4:extensionpicture showT:Bobby wants to hold a picture show .he only has three pictures ,who can help him and show you pictures together with Bobby.师请六位同学上台展示画作。 T: if you cant see clearly,you can ask some questionsFor example,.whats this.?Ss:yes。生生问答设计意图:画展活动则是对课文内容的延伸。精美的图片加上美妙设计意图:画展活动则是对课文内容的延伸。精美的图片加上美妙的音乐使学生获得了美的感受、陶冶了情操,同时也为生生互动,的音乐使学生获得了美的感受、陶冶了情操,同时也为生生互动,学生综合应用所学的语言创造了机会。学生综合应用所学的语言创造了机会。Homework :T: I want to go with you .who can ask me questionsS:生根据图片内容来提问.T:look at my picture.Whats this?9Ss:Its a farm.T:Yes, its my dream farm.everybody has a dream farm. Do you have dream farm?Its time to look at your homework.a. Draw(画 )a picture about your dream farm 。b. read the story for your family.T: class will be over lets look at which group is the winner today.Oh, group. congratulations. Other groups dont give up .you . Dont be sad .today I want to show you two sentences .where there is a will, there is a way .the next sentence :dont laugh at ones weak point .we can help him.happy time always easily lost, class is over .Goodbye!Ss:Goodbye!设计意图设计意图:分享美文不仅仅是为了向学生传授知识,更是为了使学生分享美文不仅仅是为了向学生传授知识,更是为了使学生产生情感上的共鸣,分享的过程也是激励和教导学生的过程。产生情感上的共鸣,分享的过程也是激励和教导学生的过程。板书设计:板书设计: unit7 on the farm鸭子图片及单词 鸡的图片及单词 Theyre.爬山图片Bobby 闯关阶梯图片闯关阶梯图片Whos this?What are these?10画的图片及单词
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