Unit 2 In the library-Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:33257).zip

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(Period3)如果你能得到10颗星,我们就能成为朋友,你可以得到你愿意成为我的朋友吗?Can you use he or she? 你会使用he 和she吗?Task 1Who are they? 他们是谁?Who are they? 他们是谁?Who are they? 他们是谁? 游戏规则:从第一个同学开始以开火车的形式用 Hes/ Shes介绍你的同桌,说错一次,老师在黑板上画出hangman的一笔,当 hangman被全部画出时,游戏结束,你们就输了。 Ticking time自己评一评How many stars can you get? 你能得到多少颗星?I can use “he” and “she”. 我会使用“他”和“她”Can you talk about your friend? 你能谈谈你的朋友吗?Task 2Ticking time同桌评一评How many stars can you get? 你能得到多少颗星?I can talk about my friends. 我能谈论我的朋友。Miss XuMikeJohnMiss ShaoThis is.这是.This is. Hes my friend.This is. Shes my friend too.This, this, this is. Friend, friend, hes my friend.shes my friend.This, this, this is. Friend, friend, hes my friend.shes my friend.Lets learn the story. 我们一起来学习故事。Task 3Whos she?她是谁?Whos she ? 她是谁?Shes _.A. John B. BobbyC. Tina Tinasister 姐姐;妹妹Shes my _.A. friend B. sistersister如果你是Bobby,你会介绍Tina吗?_ Tina._my sister.This isShes Read after the tape, pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. 跟读跟读课文,注意课文,注意语音、语音、语调语调。模仿得越像越好哦!注意语音、语调注意语音、语调注意语音、语调注意语音、语调来做小小配音员吧!Ticking time小组评一评How many stars can you get? 你能得到多少颗星?I can dub. 我能为故事配音。来做小小配音员吧!Tina为什么要跑?Bobby为什么不害怕呢?friendsEveryone needs friends. 每个人都需要朋友。They listen to you.他们倾听你的心声。They always care about you. 他们始终关心你。They share happness with you. 他们与你分享快乐。让我们成为好朋友!让我们成为好朋友!Lets try to be a good actor. 让我们努力成为一名小演员。Task 4时间:上午人物:Liu Tao,Mike事件:Liu Tao在操场遇见Mike向他介绍朋友 时间:下午人物:Su Hai,Miss Li事件:Su Hai拿着照片向Miss Li 介绍自己的朋友场景 1场景 2How many stars have you got?你总共得了几颗星?Goodbye, Miss Sun .Goodbye, my friends.Goodbye, Miss Sun.See you next time.Goodbye!大声唱!Homework1. Introduce your friends to your mum and dad.向你的父母介绍你的朋友。2. Read Cartoon time fluently.熟读Cartoon time。Read after a leader一人领读,三人跟读语音语调正确。Read in roles.分角色朗读,四人一组模仿语音语调。Read together四人齐读语音语调正确ABCLets read.朗读课文(四人一组,选择一种你喜欢的方式去读)Ticking time小组评一评How many stars can you get? 你能得到多少颗星?I can act. 我能表演。3 上 Unit 3 My friends (Period3)教学内容教学内容:Cartoon time, checkout time & Ticking time教学目标:教学目标:1、能在适当的情景中准确灵活地运用 Hes/Shes Hes/ Shes my friend.的句型介绍自己的朋友。2、能读懂 Cartoon time 中的故事并能正确朗读故事,能初步感知 This is的功能。3、能通过自评、互评等方式对自己和他人的学习做出客观评价。教学重点和难点教学重点和难点1. 能在适当的情景中准确灵活地运用 Hes/Shes Hes/ Shes my friend.的句型介绍自己的朋友。2. 能读懂 Cartoon time 中的故事并能正确朗读故事。能基本读准 This is教学准备:教学准备:头饰,卡片,课件教学过程教学过程Step 1 Warm-up 1. Free talk T-Ss: Good morning./Hi/Hello. S1-S2: Good morning./Hi/Hello.2. T: Today well go on learning Unit 3 My friends. You know I like making friends. Would you like to be my friend? We have 4 tasks this lesson. If you can get 12 stars in this lesson, you can be my friend.Step 2 Revision and PracticeTask 11. T: (呈现第一个任务) Can you use he or she? Ss: Yes. T: When can we use he? And when can we use she? (生个别回答)2. T: Look at them. Who are they? (呈现 3 组人物图片) Ss: Hes Shes3. T: Good! Lets play a game, Hangman. Look at the rules. 规则:学生按座位顺序依次用 Hes/ Shes介绍同桌。出现错误则画出 Hangman 的一笔,全部画出,游戏结束,学生输掉,反之学生则赢。4. 自我评价T:Can you use he or she correctly? How many stars can you get?Task 21. T-S1: Hello, Is he your friend? (Yes) Can you introduce your friend?S: 介绍自己的朋友2. T: Everybody has friends. Show me your friends, please. (请 2 名同学带上自己制作的卡片介绍自己的朋友, 每位学生讲完老师进行评价。)3. T: Show your friends to your partner. Then give praise to them.(同桌练习)Step3 Cartoon time1. T: I want to show my friends to you. Please listen carefully. Whos my friend? (听录音,学生选择) A. Miss Lu B. Miss Yin C. Wang Bing D. Liu Tao听力内容:Hello,Boys and girls. Im Miss Sun. This is Miss Lu. Shes my friend. This is Liu Tao. Hes my friend too.2. Listen again. How do I introduce my friend? This is Hes my friend. This is Shes my friend too. S: 用了 This is3. Teach This is T: Yes. So we can also use This is Hes/ Shes my friend. to introduce your friend. 1) 学生跟读,教师纠正读音2)Chant: This, this, this is Friend, friend, hes my friend.This, this, this is Friend, friend, shes my friend.3) 请学生用自己的朋友卡进行改编4)呈现 Bobby 和 Sam 的图片,生集体改编小诗4. 1)T: This is Sam. This is Bobby. Who is she? Lets watch the cartoon then choose. Who is she? A. Bobby B. Tina C. John2) Who is Tina? Please listen and choose. Shes my . A. friend B. sisterTeach: sister 3) If you are Bobby, how do you introduce Tina? is Tina. my . 4) Please listen to Bobby, and try to imitate.5. 跟读齐读全班配音6. T: Its your turn to read the story. You can read in different ways. 1) 一人领读,三人跟读(一颗星)2)三人齐读(两颗星)3)分角色读(三颗星)学生先小组活动再展示并评价。Step4 Checkout time1. T: Lets get more star. Please try to be a good actor or actress. Scene 1. 早上,Liu Tao 和他的朋友们在公园玩,这时 Mike 走过来。刘涛向 Mike 介绍自己的朋友。 Scene 2. 下午,Yang Ling 拿出一张好朋友的照片,向 John 介绍。2. Model T: Good morning, Mike. S: Good morning,Liu Tao. T: Look, this is . Hes my friend. Hes . Hes my friend too.Goodbye. S: Goodbye!3. 学生同桌表演全班展示评价4. T: How many stars have you got? You are my friends now. Can you introduce me again? S: This is Miss Sun. Shes my friend.5.T: Time is limited. Its time to say goodbye. Lets sing the song goodbye.Step5 Homework 1. Introduce your friends to your mum and dad! 2. Recite the story of cartoon time.板书设计: Unit 3My friendsShes.Hes.This is. 亲爱的同学,这堂课你能得几颗星?1. 自己评一评2. 请同桌评一评3. 请小组同学评一评4. 请小组同学评一评 这堂课,我一共得了 颗星!
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