Unit 5 How old are you -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:a23ae).zip

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Ten little Indians Unit 5How old are you?12345678910(Period 2) 1.I can count from one to ten. 我会从一数到十。2.I can ask and answer questions about age. 我能问问、答关于年龄龄的问题问题 。3.I know the sound of the letter “s”. 我知道字母S的发发音。4.I can say the rhyme fluently. 我能流利地说说歌谣谣。Learning objectives:(学习目标) Toy MuseumReview time Lets review. Look! How lovely!How old are you?Im nine.This is for you.Thank you. Lets review. How old are you?Im eight.Im two.Here you are.Thank you.Hi!Thank you. Hes _.nine Shes _.eight Shes _.seven Hes _.six Dora和Boots又要开始新的旅程了,他们要到很远的惊喜屋去.Look at the Surprising House.(惊喜屋)Would you like to help them?你愿意帮助他们吗? 集齐500个金币才能进入!I need your help!我需要你们的帮助!Welcome to our class. Fun House趣味屋Music House音乐屋Sound House语音屋Surprising House惊喜屋 Fun House趣味屋 If you see the If you see the numbersnumbers or the or the sentencessentences, , readread it it loudlyloudly, please., please.(如果你看到数字或英文句子时,请大声读出来。)If you see If you see the animalsthe animals, please , please clap your clap your hands twice hands twice and and say “ How lovely!”say “ How lovely!”(如果你看到小动物,请拍两下手并说“How lovely!”。)Play a game fivetwosevenfournineHow old are you?sixoneeightten加油!努力得到更多的金币!Here you are.Play a game Mary Count the numbers 数数 Look and say out (出局)ttTThree.Eight.Mary, youre out. 仔细观察图片,说说游戏规则! 第二步:发令员说出一个数字。 第一步:十人一组,各持一个号码。 第三步:手持该数字前后号码的同学站起并大声地说出自己的数字。 第四步:说错的同学出局。 Play and say游戏规则 Fun House趣味屋Thanks for your helping.谢谢你们的帮助。 Music House音乐屋 Enjoy a rhyme 欣赏小诗认真看动画,要记得同学们对他说了什么哦! Enjoy a rhyme 欣赏小诗 ( ) A. Come in , please.( ) B. Open the window.( ) C. Close the door.( ) D. Time for class, but youre late.( ) E. Dont talk.( ) F. Dont be late for class again.Time for class该上课了be late for class 上课迟到 同学们对他说了什么?Watch and choose late迟到 again 又,再 but但是Dont be late for school!上学不要迟到! Read after the teacher. Read after the teacher. 跟老师读。One, two, three, four,Five, six, seven, eight,Nine, ten Dont be late againCome in, please, and close the door.Time for class, bu(t) youre la(t)e. , nine, ten,Don(t) be late for class again.(迟到)(该上课了)(上课不要再迟到了。) 表示连读 ( ) 表示爆破 Read with the tape. Read with the tape. 和录音一起读。 Music House音乐屋Lets go to the next house! Sound House语音屋 转圈 Look and choose ( ) A. Stand up. ( ) B. Sit down. ( ) C. Turn round and round.Turn round and round. Six, sevenSix, seven, six, seven,Turn round and round.Six, seven, six, seven,Dont fall to the ground.Six, seven , sister, sorry, this Listen and read. 表示重读摔倒. sixsevensorrysisterthis你体会出字母 s 的发音了吗? glass (玻璃杯) see (看见) s 你还能找到其他含有s发/s/的单词吗? 你会读下列单词吗?试一试吧!sit stand sleep sweet schoolbag yes desk skirt case listen Sam Miss guess class Sound time Sound House语音屋 We can go to the Surprising House! 捣蛋鬼狐狸偷走了我们的金币,怎样才能找回金币呢? 找出与钱袋上划线字母发音相同的单词,你们就能取回钱袋啦,哈哈bird的朋友是:pencilbook desk的朋友是:dog找出与钱袋上划线字母发音相同的单词。ball pen的朋友是:updoor找出与钱袋上划线字母发音相同的单词。 this的朋友是:standshe找出与钱袋上划线字母发音相同的单词。 class的朋友是:sixclose找出与钱袋上划线字母发音相同的单词。 Surprising House惊喜屋 Lets share the surprise.让我们来分享这些惊喜吧!来自宝箱精灵的信 祝贺你们成功进入了惊喜屋!现在你们可以和Dora、Boots分享宝箱里所有的东西!亲爱的小朋友们:亲爱的小朋友们: 祝贺你们成功进入了惊喜屋!现在你们可以和Dora、Boots分享宝箱里所有的东西! Lets share the surprise.让我们来分享这些惊喜吧!A: Hi, !B: Hi, !A: Im nine/ten/. How old are you?B: Im A: Would you like ?B: Yes,please./ No, thanks.A: Here you are.B: How lovely/nice! Thank you.A: Not at all. 你们帮助了他们进入了惊喜屋,并和他们一起分享了惊喜。The more we share, the more we have! 我们分享的越多,我们拥有的也越多! Learning objectives: 同学们,通过一节课的学习,来看看你收获了几颗星吧!1.I can count from one to ten. 我会从一数到十。2.I can ask and answer questions about age. 我能问问、答关于年龄龄的问题问题 。3.I know the sound of the letter “s”. 我知道字母S的发发音。4.I can say the rhyme fluently. 我能流利地说说歌谣谣。 1. 听录音复习Sound time和rhyme time。2. 和小伙伴玩一些有趣的数字游戏。3. 听录音预习Cartoon time。Homework:三下三下 Unit5 How old are you? (Period 2)一、教学内容:一、教学内容:译林版英语三年级下册 Unit 5 How old are you? 第二课时 (Fun time, Sound time&Rhyme time)二、教学目标:二、教学目标:1 1、知识目标:、知识目标:(1)能正确地听、说、读、写数字 1 到 10 的英文表达。(2)能熟练地在情景中运用日常交际用语:How old are you? 及其回答 Im How old is heshe? HesShes How lovely! Here you are.(3)能听懂、会说:Youre outright. (4)能感悟、体验字母 S 在单词中的发音/ s/。 (5)会诵读歌谣 Dont be late again.2 2、能力目标:、能力目标:(1)培养学生用英语思维的能力以及口头表达能力。(2)通过游戏,让学生更熟练的掌握数字 1-10 的英文表达。(3)在情景中熟练运用日常交际用语:How old are youis heshe?来询问年龄。3 3、情感目标:、情感目标:(1)本堂课的教学内容与学生的生活紧密相联,这能激发学生的学习兴趣,培养他们的英语思维能力和良好的学习习惯。同时,培养学生的口头表达能力和综合运用英语的能力。(2)学生喜欢儿歌,喜欢英语,喜欢分享。 (3)学生能做到上课不迟到。三、教学重难点三、教学重难点:1、能正确地听、说、读、写数字 1 到 10 的英文表达。2、能熟练地在情景中运用日常交际用语:How old are you? 及其回答 Im How old is heshe? HesShes How lovely! Here you are.3、能听懂、会说:Youre outright. 4、能感悟、体验字母 S 在单词中的发音/ s/。 5、会诵读歌谣 Dont be late again.四、教学准备:四、教学准备: PPT 课件、板书、数字卡片 1-10(6 组)等。五、五、教学过程教学过程Step1Step1 Warm-upWarm-up1. Enjoy a song: Ten little Indians2. Show the learning objectives.(1)I can count from one to ten.(2)I can ask and answer questions about age.(3)I know the sound of the letter “s”.(4)I can say the rhyme fluently.T: Come on!3. Review story time.T: OK. Lets review story time first. The children are in the toy museum. What are they talking? Lets say it one by one!4. (1) T: Good! Look at the picture. Guess: Who is he? S: He is Mike.T: How old is he?S: Hes nine.Read: How old is he? Hes nine.(2) Guess: Who is she? S: She is Helen.T: How old is she?S: Shes eight.Read: How old is she? Shes eight.(3) The same method to talk about: Dora is seven. Boots is six.Step2Step2 PresentationPresentation andand practicepractice(一)Show Dora,Boots and Surprising House.T: Today, Dora and Boots are coming. Look! Lets say “Hello!” to them.Ss: Hello, Dora! Hello, Boots! T &Ss: Welcome to our class.T: Dora and Boots will have a new trip, they will go to the Surprising House.T: Look at the Surprising House! What do you think of it?(Is it beautiful?)Ss: (Yes!) How beautiful!T: Its so nice. Whats in the Surprising House? Lets have a look!T: Oh! We should collect 500 gold coins!Dora:I need your help!T: Would you like to help them?Ss:Yes!T: But do you know the way?Ss: No!(录音:Dora:当我们不知道路时该怎么办呢? Boots:地图。动画:Map)T: Map shows us the way. If we want to go to the Surprising House, first,we should go to the Fun House. Then, Music House. After that, Sound House! At last, we will arrive at Surprising House.(二)Travel with Dora and Boots, try to get coins.1.Fun House.(1)T:First, lets go to the Fun House with them. Whats in it? Oh, theres a game. Do you like playing games?Ss: Yes.Game rules: If you see the numbers or the sentences, read it loudly, please. If you see the animals, please clap your hands twice and say “ How lovely!”Ss: Six,two, seven, How lovely! Four,How old are you? Five, seven, six, three, How lovely! Here you are. One, eight,ten, How lovely!(机):100 coins!T: Oh, well done, youve got 100 coins for Dora.(2)Teach: Youre rightout.T: You like playing games and Mary likes games, too. Look! Shes Mary. She is playing a number game. Can you count the numbers from 1 to 10?Ss:One, two, threeten.T: Do you want to join her?Ss:Yes.T: Lets go.First, look at the pictures carefully and try to say the game rules.Teach: Youre rightout.Ss: Read the game rules together. Lets play!T&Ss:2,5,8,9.Youre rightout.T:Wa, good job! This house,youve got 200 gold coins.T: Yeah! Lets go to the next house. Ready, go!2. Music House.(1)Enjoy the rhyme.T: Whats in the Music House?Some music? Do you like music? Theres a rhyme. Lets enjoy, OK? But you should remember: What do the children say?Understand?Ss: Watch the cartoon.(2)Look and choose.Teach: Time for class, but youre late. Dont be late for class again.T: Everybody! Please dont be late for school.OK?Ss: OK.(3)Read after the teacher.(4)Follow the tape!T: Congratulations! Youve got 350 gold coins! Yeah!T: Lets go to the next house! (机): All right! Thank you!T: Now, we arrive at the Sound House.3. Sound House(1)Teach: Turn round and round.T: Whats in the Sound House? Look! Number 6 and number 7. Theyre in it. What do they do? Look and choose!Read: Turn round and round.(2)Listen and read: fall to the ground.(3)Learn the sound of letter “s”.ARead the words.B. Learn the sound of letter “s”s.C. Find some words include “s”and pronounceds.(板书,区分s和z)D.Try to read the new words: glass, see.T: Wow! So many coins! Now we can go to the Surprising House.T: Oh, what happened? Listen!T: Bad luck!The fox stoles our coins.How get it back?(4)Find the letters friends.T: The naughty fox gives us a big trouble. We should find the friends of the letters. Can you try?Ss:Do some exercise.(找出与所给例词划线部分相同发音的词) T: Great! We get our coins back. Now, lets get in the Surprising House.Step3Step3 ConsolidationConsolidation1. T: Wow! Theres a treasure box. Whats in it? Lets say “one, two, three, open the box!”T: What a big surprise! So many nice things!T: What else there? Oh, theres a letter by the treasure box. Lets read it!T: Congratulations! You did a good job! Now you can share the all things with Dora and Boots.A: Hi, !B: Hi, !A: Im nine/ten/. How old are you?B: Im A: Would you like ?B: Yes, please. / No, thanks.A: Here you are.B: How lovely/nice! Thank you.A: Not at all.2. T: You help Dora and Boots and share the surprise.I think “The more we share, the more we have ” .3. T: Look at the learning objectives. How many stars can you get?Step4Step4 HomeworkHomework 1.1.听录音复习听录音复习 SoundSound timetime 和和 rhymerhyme timetime。2.2. 和小伙伴玩一些有趣的数字游戏。和小伙伴玩一些有趣的数字游戏。 3.3. 听录音预习听录音预习 CartoonCartoon timetime。Step5Step5 BlackboardBlackboard designdesign Unit5 How old are you? s zsix pleaseseven closesister
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