Unit 2 In the library-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:50004).zip

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Miss Sun If you see a picture, please read it loudly.看到图,大声读出来。 If you see Liu Tao, say:Hello, Liu Tao!.看到刘涛,说:Hello, Liu Tao!。 Lets playRules (规则)Lets playWhere is LiuTao?He is in the library.Lets look and rememberWhat does Liu Tao do in the library? 刘涛在图书馆做了什么?用英文表述,也可以用中文哦!Lets talk shout. Lets talkrunLets talkeathere里(表示不能在图书馆吃东西。)Lets talksleeptalkLets learnrunshouttalksleepeatLets watch?Look at the cartoons and listen to what YangLing said to LiuTao?Lets watchLets readHello, Yang Ling.Shh! Dont shout, Liu Tao.Dont run, Liu Tao.No, thank you. Dont eat here.Would you like a sweet,Yang Ling?Shh! Dont talk.Dont sleep, Liu Tao.Dont shout.Dont run.Dont eat.Im sorry.Lets actHello, Yang Ling.Shh! Dont shout, Liu Tao.Dont run, Liu Tao.No, thank you. Dont eat here.Would you like a sweet,Yang Ling?Shh! Dont talk.Dont sleep, Liu Tao.Dont shout.Dont run.Dont eat.Im sorry.两人一组,选择你喜欢的一两幅图进行表演。(选择越难的图表演加分越多哦!)Lets playFollow me. 跟我学 Do it! 做动作! Guess!猜猜我在干什么?Lets talkIs Liu Tao a good boy? 刘涛是个好男孩吗?A. No. He is a impolite boy. (不。他是个不礼貌、不文明的男孩)B. Yes. He owns up to his mistake. (是的。他知错能改。)Lets discuss.ZZZWhat do you want to say to them?你想对他们说什么?(注意你的语气哦!)Lets makeClass Rules 班级公约In class, please dont shout.Dont _.Dont _._.eatsleepDont .Lets writecinema (电影院)libraryclasspark (公园)Can you make rules for them?你能为这些公共场所制定公约吗?XXX Rules XXX 公约1.六人一组,2.按照卡片上的要求,小组讨论后,填空,完成卡片。3.完成后举手进行反馈。Homework: 1. 制定本班公约,张贴优秀作品进行展示,要求:合理、全面。2. 读熟课文。Homework: 1. 将公约制定完成后张贴出来进行展示。2. 读熟课文。Story TimeStory TimeTheThe EndEndTheThe EndEndStory TimeStory TimeLets talkShh!Dont shout, Liu Tao.Unit 2 in the library第一课时教学目标1.能初步会听、说、读并拼写单词:shout eat run talk sleep drink library 2.结合动词,听懂、会读、会运用祈使句的否定句: “Dont ”,并会用“Im sorry.”来回答。3. 能初步听懂,会说,会拼读词组 in the library4. 使学生树立公共场合基本文明礼仪观念,懂得遵守公共秩序,培养学生正确的人生观和价值观。教学重点能听懂、会读、会运用单词 shout eat run talk sleep drink library, 并在适合的场合正确运用祈使句。教学难点能听懂、会读、会运用单词 shout eat run talk sleep drink library, 并在适合的场合正确运用祈使句。教具准备投影,黑板,挂图,卡片,PPT教学过程教学过程个性化修改Lead inPresentation and practice1.GreetingT:Class begins!Ss:Stand up! 新课 标 第 一 网T: Good morning, class.Ss: Good morning, Miss Li.T: Sit down, please.2. Free talk1.wordsT:Shh! Dont talk. Guess! What am I saying?S:不要说话出示 talk talk about:谈论关于Lets talk about books. Talk bout coloursT:When you are happy or angry, how can you say?S: .T: Look! Liu Tao is very happy, and he says hello to his friend. Is he talking?S: No出示 shout /au/ blouse mouseT:Whats this? Ss: Its a pig. T: Yes, he likes eating. Do you like eating and drinking? 出示eat, drinkeat /i:/ teacher drink /dr/ dress出示谚语Eat an apple a day ,can keep the doctor away.每天吃一个苹果,可以保持身体健康。T:Pig is lazy. So he would like to sleep after eating. 出示sleep ee/i:/ sweet T:Look! Who is this?Ss: Liu Xiang. ConsolidationT: What is he doing?Ss: 出示 run u / bus puppet2. Practicea.Read after teacher. (加动作练习)b.Read after the tape.1.导题 Unit 2 In the libraryT: Look! Are they in class?S: No. 图书馆T: They are in the library(出示 in the library)like li bananalibrary- in the libraryT:Today, lets learn Unit 2 In the library. Look! 2.教授 story timea.Watch and answer the questions.-Who are in the library?Yang Ling and Liu Tao- Would Yang Ling like the sweet?No.b.Watch the cartoon and read after it.c. Read in a group。d. Act1. Fun time-make and sayT: Lets draw some pictures. 呈现标志,让学生猜是什么意思,发挥想象力在 P14 页画上标志,让同桌猜。加第一单元图片做禁止标志, 让学生练习“Dont ”祈使句和否定句的含义板书设计Unit 2 In the librarytalk shoutDont eat drink Im sorry.sleep run作业设计教学后记第二课时教学目标1. 能根据标志完成句子。2. 会唱歌曲 Dont talk, Tom! 新 课 标 第 一 网3. 能阅读理解 Cartoon time 部分内容,感知其中的趣味性。教学重点1. 能根据标志完成句子。2. 会唱歌曲 Dont talk, Tom!3. 能阅读理解 Cartoon time 部分内容,感知其中的趣味性。教学难点1. 在唱歌时注意唱好 Dont talk. want to sleep, want to talk.2. 能模仿 Cartoon time 的情景,进行生动地表演。教具准备投影,黑板,挂图,卡片,PPT教学过程教学过程个性化修改revisionImitation show timeCheck out time Song time1. 比一比,谁说得多T: (出示)Dont. Who can read? S: Dont. T: Dont equals to. (Don t 等于什么?) S: Do not.T: I can say “Dont run.”. What can you say学生说:Dont eat. Dont shout. Dont sleep. Dont sing. Dont drink. Dont draw. Dont talk. Dont jump.2. 拼一拼T: (出示图片) Look at the picture, can you say the word.和同学复习本课的单词 shout, eat, talk, sleep, drinkT: (出示单词) Look at the word card, can you read the word?和同学复习 in the library, here, shh, Im sorry, eat my cake, drink my milk, 1. 请同学集体或个别模仿,好的地方加以肯定,不足的地方再加以指导。2. 模仿表演。3. T: So dont _ in the library. 出示句子,请同学填完Shout, run, eat, sleep, talk, 也可以填书上没提到的 drink1. Read and writeT: Turn to page 17, look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.Dont talk/eat/run/shout/sleep.2. Check the answer and read.1. 读好 want to sleepT: Shh, pleast dont talk, Tim wants to sleep. (出示蒂姆睡觉Cartoon time的图片)出示词组 want to sleep 读好该词组,和同学明确意思说一说:想要唱歌,想要画画,想要吃汉堡,想要喝牛奶2. Listen to the song.提醒注意 Dont talk. Want to sleep. 中失去爆破,老师示范,学生读好。3. Try to sing.4. Group competition.1. Now,boys and girls, lets enjoy the story of Bobby.生观看动画片。2. 请同学说一说他们对故事的理解。3. 模仿朗读并演一演。板书设计Unit 2 in the libraryDont eat my cake.Dont drink my milk.Is this your book?作业设计1. 模仿朗读 Cartoon time 部分内容。2. 唱一唱歌曲。3. 自己找一找,学一学其他公共场所会有哪些标志,Dont.自己制作一下标志画一画,下堂课来交流。教学后记第三课时教学目标1. 综合复习运用本单元内容。X|k | B| 1 . c|O |m2. 知道字母 P 在单词中的发音,读好相应的单词和句子。3. 对本课学习内容进行自我评价。4. 能完成补充习题。教学重点1. 综合复习运用本单元内容。2. 知道字母 P 在单词中的发音,读好相应的单词和句子。3.能完成补充习题。教学难点初步感知了解清辅音与浊辅音。教具准备投影,黑板,挂图,卡片,PPT教学过程教学过程个性化修改Warm up Sound time1. Look and say老师出示各种标志图片,请同学说一说Dont run. Dont sing. Dont jump. Dont shout. Dont talk. Dont sleep. Dont pick flowers. Dont climb trees. Dont swim.2. Review the songa. 听录音,集体唱。b. 请个别同学唱一唱。1. Say a rhymeT: Do you remember the rhyme “Follow me”?T: Hands up/ Hands down/ Follow me/ And turn around.老师和同学一起边做动作,边说这首小诗歌。出示单词读好 up 向上, down 向下 Stand up 起立 sit down 坐下读好词组 up and down 上下 读好词组 walk up and down 上下走2. 说说含有字母 p 的单词T: Who can spell the word “up”? S: U-PT: Can you say some words with the letter “P”?S: cap, pie, sleep, pig, pear, jeep, jump.T: Follow me and read the words please.(老师带同学朗读单词,感知字母 p 的发音)T: (出示音标卡片/p/) Look at the card, follow me. /p/ Ss: (生读好该音标)T: 字母 p 发音. Ss: /p/读好该音标,请同学写在书上。3. 读好课本上的单词和句子a. 请同学试读。 b. 观看光盘。 Ticking timeexercisec. 再读句子。 d. 请同学个别读,老师和同学明确句子意思。读好名字 Paul 保罗4. 区别音标/b/和/p/1. 和学生明确部分中的内容。I can say “Dont.” 我会说“不要”I can understand the signs in my school. 我懂我们学校的一些标志。I know the sound of the letter “p”. 我知道字母 p 的发音。2 请同学根据自己实际掌握情况进行在相应的星下打勾评价。完成补充习题在做练习时,老师要做到先要求学生明确题意,然后再做。对于有图片的题目,要让学生在充分理解每幅图的基础上,进入活动程序。板书设计Unit 2 In the library/p/ up please pen pencil open作业设计1.读好音标/b/和/p/, 读好相应的单词和句。2.预习下一课 Story time 部分内容及单词。教学后记新 课 标 第 一 网Unit 2 in the library第一课时教学目标1.能初步会听、说、读并拼写单词:shout eat run talk sleep drink library 2.结合动词,听懂、会读、会运用祈使句的否定句: “Dont ”,并会用“Im sorry.”来回答。3. 能初步听懂,会说,会拼读词组 in the library4. 使学生树立公共场合基本文明礼仪观念,懂得遵守公共秩序,培养学生正确的人生观和价值观。教学重点能听懂、会读、会运用单词 shout eat run talk sleep drink library, 并在适合的场合正确运用祈使句。教学难点能听懂、会读、会运用单词 shout eat run talk sleep drink library, 并在适合的场合正确运用祈使句。教具准备投影,黑板,挂图,卡片,PPT教学过程教学过程个性化修改Lead inPresentation and practice1.GreetingT:Class begins!Ss:Stand up! 新课 标 第 一 网T: Good morning, class.Ss: Good morning, Miss Li.T: Sit down, please.2. Free talk1.wordsT:Shh! Dont talk. Guess! What am I saying?S:不要说话出示 talk talk about:谈论关于Lets talk about books. Talk bout coloursT:When you are happy or angry, how can you say?S: .T: Look! Liu Tao is very happy, and he says hello to his friend. Is he talking?S: No出示 shout /au/ blouse mouseT:Whats this? Ss: Its a pig. T: Yes, he likes eating. Do you like eating and drinking? 出示eat, drinkeat /i:/ teacher drink /dr/ dress出示谚语Eat an apple a day ,can keep the doctor away.每天吃一个苹果,可以保持身体健康。T:Pig is lazy. So he would like to sleep after eating. 出示sleep ee/i:/ sweet T:Look! Who is this?Ss: Liu Xiang. ConsolidationT: What is he doing?Ss: 出示 run u / bus puppet2. Practicea.Read after teacher. (加动作练习)b.Read after the tape.1.导题 Unit 2 In the libraryT: Look! Are they in class?S: No. 图书馆T: They are in the library(出示 in the library)like li bananalibrary- in the libraryT:Today, lets learn Unit 2 In the library. Look! 2.教授 story timea.Watch and answer the questions.-Who are in the library?Yang Ling and Liu Tao- Would Yang Ling like the sweet?No.b.Watch the cartoon and read after it.c. Read in a group。d. Act1. Fun time-make and sayT: Lets draw some pictures. 呈现标志,让学生猜是什么意思,发挥想象力在 P14 页画上标志,让同桌猜。加第一单元图片做禁止标志, 让学生练习“Dont ”祈使句和否定句的含义板书设计Unit 2 In the librarytalk shoutDont eat drink Im sorry.sleep run作业设计教学后记第二课时教学目标1. 能根据标志完成句子。2. 会唱歌曲 Dont talk, Tom! 新 课 标 第 一 网3. 能阅读理解 Cartoon time 部分内容,感知其中的趣味性。教学重点1. 能根据标志完成句子。2. 会唱歌曲 Dont talk, Tom!3. 能阅读理解 Cartoon time 部分内容,感知其中的趣味性。教学难点1. 在唱歌时注意唱好 Dont talk. want to sleep, want to talk.2. 能模仿 Cartoon time 的情景,进行生动地表演。教具准备投影,黑板,挂图,卡片,PPT教学过程教学过程个性化修改revisionImitation show timeCheck out time Song time1. 比一比,谁说得多T: (出示)Dont. Who can read? S: Dont. T: Dont equals to. (Don t 等于什么?) S: Do not.T: I can say “Dont run.”. What can you say学生说:Dont eat. Dont shout. Dont sleep. Dont sing. Dont drink. Dont draw. Dont talk. Dont jump.2. 拼一拼T: (出示图片) Look at the picture, can you say the word.和同学复习本课的单词 shout, eat, talk, sleep, drinkT: (出示单词) Look at the word card, can you read the word?和同学复习 in the library, here, shh, Im sorry, eat my cake, drink my milk, 1. 请同学集体或个别模仿,好的地方加以肯定,不足的地方再加以指导。2. 模仿表演。3. T: So dont _ in the library. 出示句子,请同学填完Shout, run, eat, sleep, talk, 也可以填书上没提到的 drink1. Read and writeT: Turn to page 17, look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.Dont talk/eat/run/shout/sleep.2. Check the answer and read.1. 读好 want to sleepT: Shh, pleast dont talk, Tim wants to sleep. (出示蒂姆睡觉Cartoon time的图片)出示词组 want to sleep 读好该词组,和同学明确意思说一说:想要唱歌,想要画画,想要吃汉堡,想要喝牛奶2. Listen to the song.提醒注意 Dont talk. Want to sleep. 中失去爆破,老师示范,学生读好。3. Try to sing.4. Group competition.1. Now,boys and girls, lets enjoy the story of Bobby.生观看动画片。2. 请同学说一说他们对故事的理解。3. 模仿朗读并演一演。板书设计Unit 2 in the libraryDont eat my cake.Dont drink my milk.Is this your book?作业设计1. 模仿朗读 Cartoon time 部分内容。2. 唱一唱歌曲。3. 自己找一找,学一学其他公共场所会有哪些标志,Dont.自己制作一下标志画一画,下堂课来交流。教学后记第三课时教学目标1. 综合复习运用本单元内容。X|k | B| 1 . c|O |m2. 知道字母 P 在单词中的发音,读好相应的单词和句子。3. 对本课学习内容进行自我评价。4. 能完成补充习题。教学重点1. 综合复习运用本单元内容。2. 知道字母 P 在单词中的发音,读好相应的单词和句子。3.能完成补充习题。教学难点初步感知了解清辅音与浊辅音。教具准备投影,黑板,挂图,卡片,PPT教学过程教学过程个性化修改Warm up Sound time1. Look and say老师出示各种标志图片,请同学说一说Dont run. Dont sing. Dont jump. Dont shout. Dont talk. Dont sleep. Dont pick flowers. Dont climb trees. Dont swim.2. Review the songa. 听录音,集体唱。b. 请个别同学唱一唱。1. Say a rhymeT: Do you remember the rhyme “Follow me”?T: Hands up/ Hands down/ Follow me/ And turn around.老师和同学一起边做动作,边说这首小诗歌。出示单词读好 up 向上, down 向下 Stand up 起立 sit down 坐下读好词组 up and down 上下 读好词组 walk up and down 上下走2. 说说含有字母 p 的单词T: Who can spell the word “up”? S: U-PT: Can you say some words with the letter “P”?S: cap, pie, sleep, pig, pear, jeep, jump.T: Follow me and read the words please.(老师带同学朗读单词,感知字母 p 的发音)T: (出示音标卡片/p/) Look at the card, follow me. /p/ Ss: (生读好该音标)T: 字母 p 发音. Ss: /p/读好该音标,请同学写在书上。3. 读好课本上的单词和句子a. 请同学试读。 b. 观看光盘。 Ticking timeexercisec. 再读句子。 d. 请同学个别读,老师和同学明确句子意思。读好名字 Paul 保罗4. 区别音标/b/和/p/1. 和学生明确部分中的内容。I can say “Dont.” 我会说“不要”I can understand the signs in my school. 我懂我们学校的一些标志。I know the sound of the letter “p”. 我知道字母 p 的发音。2 请同学根据自己实际掌握情况进行在相应的星下打勾评价。完成补充习题在做练习时,老师要做到先要求学生明确题意,然后再做。对于有图片的题目,要让学生在充分理解每幅图的基础上,进入活动程序。板书设计Unit 2 In the library/p/ up please pen pencil open作业设计1.读好音标/b/和/p/, 读好相应的单词和句。2.预习下一课 Story time 部分内容及单词。教学后记新 课 标 第 一 网 If you see a picture, please read it loudly.看到图,大声读出来。 If you see Liu Tao, say:Hello, Liu Tao!.看到刘涛,说:Hello, Liu Tao!。 Lets playRules (规则)Lets playWhere is LiuTao?He is in the library.Lets look and rememberWhat does Liu Tao do in the library? 刘涛在图书馆做了什么?刘涛在图书馆做了什么?用英文表述,也可以用中文哦!用英文表述,也可以用中文哦!Lets talk shout. Lets talkrunLets talkeathere里(表示不能在图书馆吃东西。)Lets talksleeptalkLets learnrunshouttalksleepeatLets watch?Look at the cartoons and listen to what YangLing said to LiuTao?Lets watchLets readHello, Yang Ling.Shh! Dont shout, Liu Tao.Dont run, Liu Tao.No, thank you. Dont eat here.Would you like a sweet,Yang Ling?Shh! Dont talk.Dont sleep, Liu Tao.Dont shout.Dont run.Dont eat.Im sorry.Lets actHello, Yang Ling.Shh! Dont shout, Liu Tao.Dont run, Liu Tao.No, thank you. Dont eat here.Would you like a sweet,Yang Ling?Shh! Dont talk.Dont sleep, Liu Tao.Dont shout.Dont run.Dont eat.Im sorry.两人一组,选择你喜欢的一两幅图进行表演。(选择越难的图表演加分越多哦!)Lets playFollow me. 跟我学 Do it! 做动作! Guess!猜猜我在干什么?Lets talkIs Liu Tao a good boy? 刘涛是个好男孩吗?刘涛是个好男孩吗?A. No. He is a impolite boy. (不。他是个不礼貌、不文明的男孩)B. Yes. He owns up to his mistake. (是的。他知错能改。)Lets discuss.ZZZWhat do you want to say to them?你想对他们说什么?(注意你的语气哦!)Lets makeClass Rules 班级公约In class, please dont shout.Dont _.Dont _._.eatsleepDont .Lets writecinema (电影院电影院)libraryclasspark (公园公园)Can you make rules for them?你能为这些公共场所制定公约吗?你能为这些公共场所制定公约吗?XXX Rules XXX 公约1.六人一组,2.按照卡片上的要求,小组讨论后,填空,完成卡片。3.完成后举手进行反馈。Homework: 1. 制定本班公约,张贴优秀作品进行展示,要求:合理、全面。2. 读熟课文。Homework: 1. 将公约制定完成后张贴出来进行展示。2. 读熟课文。Story TimeThe EndThe EndStory TimeLets talkShh!Dont shout, Liu Tao.
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